Real Estate Essays (Examples)

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eal Estate
The importance of underwriting standards to a healthy real estate finance market

Underwriting standards will have an impact on the real estate market by controlling speculation and risk taking. This took place when interest rates were low and the economy was strong. When this occurs, lenders increased the total amount of loans available. In most cases, the desire to add to their profit margins will result in practices that will ignore critical factors (such as: employment history, income and credit rating). Once this happens, is when financial institutions will make loans that are considered to be irresponsible. (Wickell, 2012) (Kolb, 2010)

After the economy begins to slow and interest rates are rising, is the point that these practices will hurt the lender. This is because the borrower more than likely could not afford the mortgage payment. This will result in the firm facing a wave of defaults. In the future, this….

Real Estate in Greece the

(Economou and Trichias, 2009)
Remuneration is stated to be as follows for each of these actors:

(1) real estate brokers -- Commission based on percentage of the transaction value;

(2) lawyers -- Commission based on percentage of the transaction value;

(3) Notaries -- Commission base don percentage of the transaction value;

(4) Civil Engineers -- According to specific regulations, taking into account elements of the property in question; and (5) Constructors -- percentage of the land. (Economou and Trichias, 2009)

Minimum required formalities for real estate sale and purchase are stated to be those as follows:

(1) payment of taxes related to the transfer in the Tax Office of the District where the real estate is situated;

(2) obtaining a Good Standing Tax Certificate and declarations of the Seller regarding the real estate's income and its inclusion in the previous two years tax returns to be attached in the notarial deed (Article 81 of Law 2238/94 as….

Real Estate Industry Analysis
The residential real estate industry has been surprisingly resilient in light of the current economic situation. Over the previous two years residential real estate purchases registered into the double digits, while these numbers are down, the market for real estate is anything but out. At a glance, it would appear that realtors do not even know that a recession exists as new properties are springing up from Northern Virginia to California, even Hong Kong is getting in on the action. So what does the future hold for the residential real estate market in the United States and across the globe? This paper will present an in depth analysis of the real estate industry by discussing current trends of the real estate industry while analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Additionally, this paper will also discuss the national and global outlook of the real estate industry as….

S. prior to the collapse of prices. As real estate accounted for 6.1% of all of China's GDP growth last year. This is the same level as the U.S. during 2005 and Japan during the 1980's. Commenting about what was taking place Citigroup analysts observed, "It's evident that property prices are no longer sustainable once the residential investments achieve above 8% of nominal GDP, and China may not be an exception." ("China Housing Market Nears U.S. And Japan") This is significant, because this information supports the hypothesis that a real estate bubble is developing in China. As prices could be in the process of rolling over, this will have an adverse effect on the economy.
The article that was written by Silverstein (2011), talks about the possible negative impact of the real estate bubble bursting. As he believes, that this could plunge the world into another deep recession. Once this occurs,….

This can help encourage developers to engage in various activities. The reason why is because, they are receiving a number of different advantages to include: tax breaks and grants. At the same time, the more restrictive regulations will have an impact upon development, as they will make it more difficult to work on various projects. The way that this would impact politicians is through: the increased tax revenues (from a higher mill levy rate), it improves the standard of living in the community and it can help to stimulate economic growth (for those regions that are encouraging development). At the same time, those policies that are very restrictive towards developers will result in: the loss of jobs to the community, a decline in the standard of living and a rise in the number of unsold / abandoned properties.
Outline the major steps involved in a real estate development project. Then….

Moreover, to make certain that occupants on one of the level are being conscious of a fire on the other side the smoke alarms shall be linked so as to make the activation of one smoke alarm to echo a similar signal in the other smoke alarm; perceptible through the entire level they are situated on; and enlisted for application in an interlinked institution. Moreover, emergency lighting which have an average illumination of at the minimum 10m 1x at floor level or 1 watt/m2 of floor space shall be entailed in corridors, in situations sanctioned by the fire department and could be chalked out to offer illumination for a time period of 30 minutes; supplied by an element of energy isolated from the elementary electrical supply for the condominium; and planned to be automatically activated when the power to the condominium is cut-off. (Fire Safety Commission Decision Summary: Decision….

eal Estate esearch
The purpose of the research is to investigate whether the trend is growing for moneyed indivdauls to invest in fewer square feet thatn has, a decage ago, been the case.

Describe the research problem

It has been popularly thoguth that the larger the tract of gferound that the house occupies, the more expensive and desribael it will be. In fact, the luxury market consideres a 8,000 square feet house the average size. Lone innovative voices in the architectural field however maintain otherwise saying that moneyed people are becomgin more eager to invest in compact, but quality houseing thatn to continue investing in space. According to e-max realty agent, Greg Close, for instance:

These days.. even investor-buyers are finding that the offshore crowd is becoming more accepting of the idea that bigger doesn't always mean better. Despite working in the epicentre of high-end, high-square-footage real estate, Mr. Close concludes: "People just basically….

In addition to its report-writing software, it says it had the first case management, automated mapping systems and digital image management software. It is the first appraisal software company to be certified as AI-Ready by the Appraisal Institute Residential Database (AIRD).
That does not necessarily mean the software is easy to use and cost-effective, but a look at the integrated components of its software suite and relatively reasonable prices give some indication that Day One is a good buy.

Day One's AI Ready Module is $150; its Sketch for Windows is $199. The sketching software is attractive for those who want to enhance their reports with accurate graphics.

The report writing software itself ranges from the entry-level version of Day One Nova, which includes more than 300 useful forms, at $395.00. They claim the professional appraiser's choice is the NOVA Pro, however, at $695.00, a package that includes the WinSketch software. In….

Real Estate as a Solid

Based on past cycles of real estate market fluctuations, many analysts expect the real estate market to decline further before it rebounds again. In all likelihood, the misfortune of some will provide investment opportunities for others within the next year.
The buyer's market that is expected to follow will inevitably result in property sales at far below their prior value. Qualified investors who can wait for the eventual market to rebound will realize significant profits if they sell, or will have secured premium equitable value for rock bottom costs if they purchased the property in a down market for their own use. This too is another similarity between the real estate market and the stock market, except that corresponding stock market fluctuations ordinarily cycles through in much shorter time periods.


eal estate ownership is a solid investment that provides multiple opportunities to generate positive cash flow. For investors who enter the….

A secondary mortgage market permits mortgage originators to be more responsive to dynamic mortgage demand and to lower mortgage rates for some homeowners when mortgage demand is higher. According to Koppell (2001):
Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) are hybrids -- part public, part private -- that affect the lives of most Americans. Anyone who has borrowed money to purchase a home, farm, or pay for college, or invested in a mutual fund has likely been touched by government-sponsored enterprises. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are public in several respects. Created by Congress to serve public purposes, they are exempt from state and local taxes, exempt from registration requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and have a $2.25 billion line of credit with the United States Treasury. They are not, however, subject to regulations that govern the activities of federal agencies. Their staffs are not considered government employees. (p. 468)

When Congress created….

Furthermore, in this instance, not even the Hoffman Group alleges that any of the tenants caused damage to the clubhouse, as the structure was never useable in the first place, despite the expectation of it being so, given the fees that the residents were charged.
In this instance, the warrantee of habitability should be affirmed. The Hoffman Group, by charging residents a fee for the maintenance of the structure, created an expectation that the clubhouse would be maintained in a manner so that the residents could enjoy its amenities. The expectation was just as high as would be the case of a renter renting an apartment who expected to have the use of his or her living room or fire escape porch in functional conditioning. Instead, the clubhouse was allowed to remain a health hazard to residents and members of the community alike. The fact that a pool was part….

Comparing Features of ClickFORMs and WinTOTAL

Both applications are organized into broad feature sets including integrated data gathering features, support for report writing and analysis, compliance and auditability, data management, marketing and customer loyalty options, and continual online training options. Across these six key areas, each of the applications has what appraisers would require for completing a basic residential appraisal. Included are both basic and advanced search tools and applications, mapping applications and integration to Microsoft MapPoint, support for file templates and forms generation for developing customized appraisals, support for scanning and imaging, extensive XML code and PDF file generation capability, and support for integration to small business accounting packages including QuickBooks.

Where the two applications vary is at the programming standards level, with ClickFORMs being certified on the Microsoft Windows XP operating system, and WinTOTAL not. Ample evidence exists of the certification leading to greater product differentiation in the ClickFORMs suite,….

Real Estate Management

Practices Associated With eal Estate Management
In this paper, we will answer many questions regarding the practice of real estate management. We will also address the main question to the topic which is related to the underpinning or improving the value of assets and assess how this can be done alongside its extents. Additional information regarding the investor's point-of-view would also be included, here much of the emphasis would be pointed towards the real estate firms of U.K but the answers provided would be based on a general sense of the business.

Introduction to real estate management

It is relatively common for property owners to hire managers who specialize in the handling of real estate properties on a daily basis. This manager might work as an independent person or in any property management firm which provides its services to many different types of clients. There are many different services that are performed by….

1998). In 1999, Shenzhen was only one of six cities in the whole of China that saw a profit within the real estate sector (Zhang 2001).
2.2 Knowledge Gap

Yet, even with so much information, there are gaps within the research. There a very few studies conducted within the past few years. Most around the beginning of the new millennium; "However, the literature on contemporary Chinese housing focuses on the process of housing reform, while little attention has been paid to the distorted behavior and uncertainty in the Chinese housing market," (Zhang 2001:162). Additionally, the issue of foreign investment has been explored, but not as a driving factor and in comparison to other cities where less foreign investment is present.

2.3 Objectives

Thus, it is the objective of this research to fill in those research gaps. The main objectives include an overview of the recent development in real estate markets in Shenzhen and….

Real Estate
According to New York Times reporter Leslie Eaton, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks "inflicted deep and lasting wounds on New York City's already-teetering economy; devastated both big companies and small businesses in and around twin towers; brought business across city to halt for days, weeks and in some cases months, slashing workers' earnings and tax revenues alike; made many employers determined to spread their workers over wider swath of geography, which has ominous implications for Manhattan."

As a result of Sept. 11, an enormous amount of space was added to the market and there was a short-term damaging effect on the U.S. economy. U.S. businesses suddenly became resistant to change or expansion and surviving orld Trade Center businesses had no place to go.

The terrorist attacks took 13.5 million square feet of office space from the market indefinitely and temporarily removed an additional 12.1 million square feet. New York City's….

Zoning change

Leasing to someone can be risky. Make sure you charge enough rent, and that you get a good security deposit. Check local laws in your area to find out how much of a deposit you can collect. In some places it's no more than 1.5 times the rent. Other places allow for a larger amount. Check the person's credit, background, and references. Look for problems paying bills, broken lease agreements, and any past criminal history. Also talk to your insurance company. If you're renting/leasing your home, you can't just keep your standard homeowner's policy. You won't be covered if you have....

The five distributive bargaining methods (recognize the situation, set a reservation price, use bracketing, use common social norms, and learn the role of framing) can be found here: To buy a house, you would use these to first realize that a house purchase is something that is generally open to negotiation. Very few people who sell their homes aren't willing to negotiate the price or other terms. Before you make an offer, determine a price you're willing to pay - and one you will not go above, even by a penny. Then, start with a price (offer) below that amount.....

## Crypto Market Dynamics and Emerging Trends

### 1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

- Growth and Innovation: DeFi protocols offer a range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for intermediaries.
- New Tokenomics: DeFi introduces innovative token designs that reward liquidity providers and community members.
- Interoperability: Cross-chain bridges allow users to transfer assets across different blockchains, facilitating DeFi activities.

### 2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

- Digital Collectibles and Art: NFTs represent unique and verifiable digital assets, enabling the ownership and trading of digital art, collectibles, and other items.
- New Markets: NFTs create new markets for digital creators, artists, and collectors.

Original Thesis Statement:

Investing in diversified asset classes with a long-term horizon will provide superior returns while mitigating risk.

Revised Thesis Argument:


In today's increasingly complex and volatile financial markets, investors face a daunting task when it comes to making informed investment decisions. The traditional approach of investing solely in stocks and bonds has become less effective due to low interest rates and market fluctuations. This has led to the growing popularity of alternative asset classes, such as real estate, commodities, and private equity.


I argue that a diversified portfolio that includes both traditional and alternative asset classes, and is held over a long-term....

3 Pages


Real Estate the Importance of Underwriting Standards

Words: 817
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

eal Estate The importance of underwriting standards to a healthy real estate finance market Underwriting standards will have an impact on the real estate market by controlling speculation and risk taking.…

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20 Pages
Research Proposal

Urban Studies

Real Estate in Greece the

Words: 6076
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(Economou and Trichias, 2009) Remuneration is stated to be as follows for each of these actors: (1) real estate brokers -- Commission based on percentage of the transaction value; (2) lawyers…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Real Estate Industry Analysis the Residential Real

Words: 1758
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Real Estate Industry Analysis The residential real estate industry has been surprisingly resilient in light of the current economic situation. Over the previous two years residential real estate purchases registered…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Urban Studies

Real Estate Bubble in China

Words: 1438
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

S. prior to the collapse of prices. As real estate accounted for 6.1% of all of China's GDP growth last year. This is the same level as the U.S.…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Urban Studies

Real Estate Development in Every

Words: 751
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

This can help encourage developers to engage in various activities. The reason why is because, they are receiving a number of different advantages to include: tax breaks and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Real Estate Condominium Exhibits the

Words: 2337
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moreover, to make certain that occupants on one of the level are being conscious of a fire on the other side the smoke alarms shall be linked so…

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2 Pages

Urban Studies

Real Estate Research the Purpose of the

Words: 594
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

eal Estate esearch The purpose of the research is to investigate whether the trend is growing for moneyed indivdauls to invest in fewer square feet thatn has, a decage ago,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Real Estate Appraisal Software the

Words: 596
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition to its report-writing software, it says it had the first case management, automated mapping systems and digital image management software. It is the first appraisal software…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Real Estate as a Solid

Words: 2020
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Based on past cycles of real estate market fluctuations, many analysts expect the real estate market to decline further before it rebounds again. In all likelihood, the misfortune…

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40 Pages
Term Paper


Real Estate Funding Chapter How

Words: 11371
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A secondary mortgage market permits mortgage originators to be more responsive to dynamic mortgage demand and to lower mortgage rates for some homeowners when mortgage demand is higher.…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Urban Studies

Real Estate Law Expanding the

Words: 1676
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Furthermore, in this instance, not even the Hoffman Group alleges that any of the tenants caused damage to the clubhouse, as the structure was never useable in the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Real Estate Software Comparison the

Words: 537
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Comparing Features of ClickFORMs and WinTOTAL Both applications are organized into broad feature sets including integrated data gathering features, support for report writing and analysis, compliance and auditability, data management,…

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7 Pages

Urban Studies

Real Estate Management

Words: 2466
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Practices Associated With eal Estate Management In this paper, we will answer many questions regarding the practice of real estate management. We will also address the main question to the…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal

Urban Studies

Real Estate Markets on Shenzhen

Words: 2169
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

1998). In 1999, Shenzhen was only one of six cities in the whole of China that saw a profit within the real estate sector (Zhang 2001). 2.2 Knowledge Gap Yet,…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Real Estate According to New York Times

Words: 1281
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Real Estate According to New York Times reporter Leslie Eaton, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks "inflicted deep and lasting wounds on New York City's already-teetering economy; devastated both big…

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