Registered Nurse Essays (Examples)

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Registered Nurse as the Child of a
Pages: 2 Words: 519

Registered Nurse
As the child of a registered nurse (RN), I grew up watching my mom working in an environment that was inspirational, rewarding, challenging, and never dull. I watched her best qualities, which include a great sense of humor, sincere interest in the lives of others, and extraordinary compassion, being brought to life by her job.

It was during these days of waving her off to work, hearing her stories at the dinner table, and frequently visiting her at the hospitals and clinics, that I decided that I, too, would pursue a career as an registered nurse.

Many times I asked my mother, "What does an RN do?" She would laugh and say, "What doesn't an RN do!" On any given day, an RN deals with emotional, social and physical care of a variety of patients. An RN may deal with tedious tasks, such as administering medicine and changing bedpans, to providing…...

Registered Nurse Does Your Work Setting Foster
Pages: 2 Words: 578

egistered Nurse
Does your work setting foster inter-disciplinary teamwork? Explain.

The environment that I work in is encouraging teamwork. This is because the registered nurse serves a vital role in increasing the quality of care for everyone. In our setting, all staff members are encouraged to speak up and share their ideas with others. This helps us to reduce critical errors and enhance treatment options. (Gerardi, 2004)

One of the tools that have been utilized in achieving these objectives is new technology. What has been happening is the facility is introducing various solutions in order to enhance collaboration (such as: electronic medical records). When this is used in conjunction with conflict resolution strategies, interdisciplinary team work improves. This is occurring by having procedures, polices and an environment that is pushing everyone to cooperate. (Gerardi, 2004)

The effects are that everybody on the health care team is working with each other to improve quality. This…...



Fox, M. (2008). A Multi-Disciplinary Teamwork. Journal of Internal Medicine, 23 (12), 2053 -- 2057.

Gerardi, D. (2004). CE Using Mediation Techniques. AACN, 15 (2), 182 -- 195.

Puntillo, K. (2006). Communication between Physicians and Nurses. Critical Care Medicine, 34 (11), 332 -- 339.

Registered Nursing Registered Nurses Are
Pages: 2 Words: 550

The huge numbers of these practitioners is attributed to their ability to work in diverse settings that are well-lit and comfortable. Furthermore, their huge numbers are attributed to their work schedules i.e. rotating shifts that cover the entire 24 hours due to the need for round-the-clock care in hospitals and nursing care centers. As a result, registered nurses may work on weekends, during holidays, and at night. Therefore, registered nurses are important practitioners in the healthcare system to an extent that only 20% work part time.
One of the dangers of being a registered nurse is that an individual is vulnerable to back injuries. This is primarily because their work involves a lot of standing, walking, stretching, and bending as well as lifting and moving patients. Secondly, the probability of contacting infectious diseases is high because they work with such patients and come into contact with potentially hazardous and harmful…...



"Registered Nurses." (2012, March 29). Occupational Outlook Handbook 2012-13

Edition. Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics -- U.S. Department of Labor website:

Registered Nurses and Mandatory Overtime
Pages: 5 Words: 1346

In all, a total of 5317 shifts were studied of which 2,057 shifts were for more than 12.5 hours. Within the 28-day period of the study two thirds of the nurses reported to have worked overtime 10 times or even more. There were a total of 199 reported errors and 213 'near errors' during the study period and the majority of the errors (58%) involved wrongful administration of medications. It was shown that overtime working increased the probability of committing at least a single error (or = 2.06, p =.0005) while the risk of making errors were even greater for shifts that extended for 12 hours and above (p =.005). It was found that there were not considerable differences in the error rate in terms of the age of the nurse or the hospital size. Thus commission of errors increases proportionately with the increase of the work time. [Rogers…...



Linda H. Aiken, "Hospital Nurse Staffing and Patient Mortality, Nurse Burnout, and Job Dissatisfaction," JAMA OCT 23/30 2002 VOL 288 no 16 

Rogers, Ann E. Rogers, "The Working Hours of Hospital Staff Nurses and Patient Safety," Health Affairs, Vol 23, Issue 4, 202-212

Registered Nurses Be BSN Should
Pages: 8 Words: 2466

Moreover, other key benefits of a baccalaureate education include increased self-direction, improved ethical conduct, enhanced performance, increased responsibility, and professional enhancement. (Leonard, 2003) This situation is what they call the RN to BSN program that encourages registered nurses with ADN or diploma course as entry-levels for nursing licensure, to go back to school and get a bachelor's degree., para 11)
In 2004, there were 600 RN-to-BSN programs in the United States. Accelerated master's degree programs in nursing also are available. These programs combine 1 year of an accelerated BSN program with 2 years of graduate study. In 2004, there were 137 RN-to-MSN programs. ", para 13,, para 14 &,para3)

Because a bachelor's degree in nursing offers great opportunities for registered nurse, the number of RNs availing such privileges is increasing. At the same time, hospitals are also considering BSN as the minimum requirement for employment. The U.S.…...


Works Cited

Education, Training & Qualifications. sciences/registered-nurse.htm sciences/registered-nurse.htm. January 21, 2007.

Entry Level BSN Program.   January 21, 2007. .

Leonard, T. 2003. RN to BSN -- advice on returning to school.(registered nurses pursing baccalaureate degree). AORN Journal.

Nursing - General Registered Nurse.   January 21, .

Satisfaction of Registered Nurses Kovner
Pages: 6 Words: 1646

The researchers believe that future research should include studies with large enough sample sizes to assess whether factors associated with satisfaction vary by subgroup such as new graduates in the first year of practice. For instance, the study included mostly white females, leaving the reader to wonder if males or people from different ethnicities or from different age groups have their own unique criteria for work satisfaction. Supporting this is the fact that the study found that lacks were less satisfied than Whites. The researchers also suggest the inclusion of additional factors that may affect attitudes and satisfaction such as communication with physicians. In particular, as Advanced Practice Nurses subsume some of the roles traditionally allocated to the physician, it will be interesting to see if interactions with physicians becomes are greater issue for satisfaction for all nurses.
Generalization of Findings

The authors generalize their findings to all MSAs based on…...



Kovner, C., Brewer, C., Wu, Y., Cheng, Y., & Suzuki, M. (2006). Factors associated with work satisfaction of registered nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(1), 71-79.

Becoming a Registered Nurses
Pages: 4 Words: 1137

Careers in Registered Nursing Today and in the Future
The need for registered nurses has never been greater. In today's healthcare environment, cost and quality, as well as an organization's ability to delivery positive outcomes, will largely determine its success. Further, rapid developments in science and new community responsibilities require new approaches to nursing today. In addition, and perhaps even more importantly, Americans are getting older faster, and the demands on the healthcare system to provide for timely and appropriate levels of care for this growing segment of the population will require innovative approaches to healthcare delivery, including expanded roles for registered nurses. This paper examines the current status of registered nursing in the United States including typical wages and benefits, followed by a description of the types of duties and responsibilities generally encountered in healthcare settings. An analysis of current and future trends for registered nurses is followed by a…...


Works Cited

Nursing: A Career with Unlimited Potential. (2004). Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc. Available: .

Robinson, Zane Wolf. Nurses' Work: The Sacred and the Profane. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988.

Roemer, Milton I. National Health Systems of the World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Scarborough, Harold. (2004). Nursing, hospital. In Encyclopedia [premium service].

RN's and Lpn's Similarities and Differences
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

RN vs. LPN

Differences in Scope of Practice for RN and LPN

The Nurse Practice Act

Definitions and Practice Differences

Statute 65-1113 of this document defines a registered or professional nurse or RN as one possessing a license to practice professional nursing for free or for pay (KSN, 2014). She has acquired substantial specialized knowledge in the biological, physical and behavioral sciences for the care, diagnosis, treatment, counsel and education of those in their care. Care covers treatment or prevention of disordered conditions or the administration of a medical plan by a licensed health professional (KSN). Her duties are often expansive, including the ability to perform critical thinking at work, often in hospitals (Nursing Licensure, 2014).

The statute also defines a licensed practical nurse or LPN as one who is licensed to practice practical nursing. Her assigned tasks and responsibilities are determined by acceptable or established educational preparation for supportive and restorative care.…...



Greenwood, B. (2014). RN duties vs. LPN duties. Chron: Hearts Newspapers. Retrieved on October 21, 2014 from

KSBN (2014). Nurse practice act -- statutes and administrative regulations. Kansas Board of Nursing: Retrieved on October 21, 2014 from

NCBon (2014). Delegation and assignment of nursing activities. NC Nursing Board.

Retrieved on October 21, 2014 from

Nurse Australia Registered Nursing in
Pages: 2 Words: 559

The legal and professional authority to delegate certain medical responsibilities and to supervise the administering of care by other healthcare workers is conferred to registered nurses upon their licensing and registering with the appropriate government and professional entities, which is itself dependent upon the completion of an accredited academic and professional training program in nursing (Meadley 2009; GDU 2011). Enrolled nurses, on the other hand, retain responsibility for their own actions but are only authorized to perform those tasks that are delegated to them by registered nurses, and enrolled nurses due not serve in any supervisory capacity themselves (CN 2004; Meadley 2009).
The strategies for maintaining appropriate delegation methods and practices are relatively simple and straightforward. All healthcare workers should be entirely aware of their position and the level of their authority in regards to deciding care practices and simply by holding themselves to these standards and limitation these healthcare…...



GDU. (2011). Enrolled v Register Nurses. Accessed 31 January 2011. 

Meadley, L. (2009). Definitions and qualifications for registration as a nurse. Nursing in general practice. Accessed 31 January 2011.

RNC. (2004). The Enrolled or Division 2 Nurse. Royal College of Nursing.

RN Work Roles
Pages: 2 Words: 531

N Work oles
egistered Nurse

The role of the registered nurse (N) within society is very important as the healthcare of our communities allows us to enjoy our lives without pain and suffering. The N plays a pivotal role within the healing process and is a very popular career in today's environment. The explosion of health care needs for the baby boomer generation has created a demand for nurses like never before.

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, " egistered nurses (Ns) provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients and their family members. egistered nurses work in hospitals, physicians' offices, home healthcare services, and nursing care facilities. Others work in correctional facilities, schools, or serve in the military." Nursing has a variety of applications and can be specifically applied to all branches of medicine. Nurses require…...



American Nurses Association (nd). What Nurses Do. Viewed 13 Dec 2014. Retrieved from   Need/RNsAPNs.html -

US Department of Labor. Occupational Handbook. "Registered Nurses." Viewed 13 Dec 2014 Retrieved from

Nursing Salary Inequity for Florida RN Other States and Gender
Pages: 3 Words: 1067

Salary Inequities for Nurses in Florida
Inequities in Nurses' Salary Schedules

In the decade between 2004 and 2014, the estimated number of open positions for registered nurses was anticipated to be 2.1 million. This number reflects both attrition and the growth of the healthcare and medical fields that are responding to an aging national population. Best practices in staff recruiting in the medical arena call for an "adequate supply of nurse and high-quality patient care through competitive, transparent wage-setting, collective bargaining, and nurse/patient ratio standards" (Lovell, 2006).

An interesting phenomenon has occurred in research on the state of nursing in the U.S.: just over 20% of the nearly 50 studies conducted to analyze the nursing workforce recommended wage increases in order to attract more nurses into professional preparation programs and into the workforce. The U.S. Government Accountability Office conducted a study to look critically at the key factors that influence the emerging nurse…...



____. (2012). Florida Registered Nurse Salaries. Retrieved .

____. (2002, July). Projected supply, demand, and shortages of registered nurses: 2000-2020. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, National Center For Health Workforce Analysis. Retrieved 


____. (2012). Registered Nurse (RN) Hourly Rate. PayScale. Retrieved .

RN MD Collaboration
Pages: 8 Words: 2059

physicians and egistered nurses is an important one, which shapes the healthcare environment. Patients rely on physicians and nurses to provide their healthcare needs. The purpose of this discussion is to provide a description of current research, synthesis, demonstrations and other projects that have resulted in positive nurse physician relationships. More specifically the discussion will focus on the relationship between the two as it relates to increases in nurse satisfaction, decreases in nurse turnover, better working environment, and better patient outcomes with an emphasis on patient safety.

The shortage of registered nurses that has occurred in recent years, has place special attention on the need for nurses and the relationship between physicians and registered nurses. According to the journal International Labour eview, "Many health care systems are experiencing shortages of trained medical personnel. Both developed and developing countries appear to be facing a serious shortage of nurses (and physicians). Developed…...



The working relationship between physicians and registered nurses (extended class): OMA discussion paper. OMA Task Force on the Working Relationship between Physicians and Registered Nurses (Extended Class). 2002. Ontario Medical Association. Retreived February 27, 2005 from 

Al-Almaei, S,.Mangoud, A., Albar, A.A., & Hanif, M. (2000). In Comparison: A Study of the Competence of Nurses and Physicians in Primary Care Practice. International Journal of Public Administration, 23(4), 461.

Clark, D.A., Clark P.F., (2003) Challenges Facing Nurses' Associations and Unions: A Global Perspective. International Labour Review. Volume: 142 (1). pg 29+.

Registered Nurse and Character
Pages: 3 Words: 1032

Adoption Letters
Mention Date Here

To whom it may concern,

I have known Ronald and Rosalie Spencer for 10 years. We met them for the first time when we were in their shelter home and we have enjoyed a great relationship with them since. Ronald is a lawyer while Rosie is a registered nurse. We reside in the same neighborhood. We have interacted lots of times and spent a great deal of time together doing various activities.

Ronald is kind and lovable and has always been there to help whenever I needed assistance. He is a man you can trust and is also very loyal to his friends. He is a man you can bank on to be available for you when you most need his help.

Rosalie is also a lovable person who has a heart of gold. She has volunteered and continues to volunteer at a local kid's center. She has a way…...

Planning Canadian RN Shortage Applied
Pages: 3 Words: 932

The comparatively simplistic provider to patient ratios and demand-based estimates cannot accurately predict need; therefore, inefficiencies in the health care system will remain. By comparison, the needs-based model provides at least the possibility of addressing most inefficiencies. This model stands out because it is essentially an iterative model that incorporates 'need' and supply data as it becomes available. Although not perfect, the model is flexible enough that it can be adjusted to include additional parameters and data to minimize the impact of unexpected developments, such as a major weather event or a severe economic downturn. Increasing the predictive accuracy of the model is also straightforward and would depend on investing into data collection efforts. As the authors discuss, the main limitation is the quality of data available; however, patient to provider ratios or demand-based models are still inferior by comparison.
A common approach used for validating predictive models such as…...



Murphy, Gail Tomblin, Birch, Stephen, MacKenzie, Adrian, Alder, Rob, Lethbridge, Lynn, and Little, Lisa. Eliminating the shortage of registered nurses in Canada: An exercise in applied needs-based planning. Health Policy, 105, 192-202.

Nursing the Differences Between a
Pages: 3 Words: 973

("Summary of the LPN Declaratory Ruling, 2003)
The selected tasks and shared responsibilities of the licensed practical nurse define such nurses as responsible for being adequately prepared for the nursing responsibilities they assume because they have obtained the validation of completion of an approved preparatory program and have evidence of the successful completion of a nursing licensing examination. A registered nurse, however, as the title conveys, must be registered as a specific health care professional, within a professional organization, rather than merely possess evidence of having a license, and has passed the necessary coursework to obtain his or her master's in the nursing profession. The LPN's validation documents state that he or she has reached the achievement of mastering all theoretical and nursing skill competencies required of an entry level practical nurse in caring for individuals in any age group. It states that the licensed practical nurse has the sufficient…...


Works Cited

Carter, Melodie R. (Jun 2004) "ABCs of Staffing Decisions." Journal of Nursing Management. Retrived 2 Sept 2005 at 

Nurse Practice Act. (2004) Retrived 2 Sept 2005 at 

Summary of the LPN Declaratory Ruling." (Feb 2003) Connecticut Nursing Journal. Retrived 2 Sept 2005 at

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining Drawn to the Path of a Nurse Practitioner?
Words: 283

1. The Journey of a Nurse Practitioner: Following the Path to Empowerment and Healing

2. Rising Above Challenges: Becoming a Nurse Practitioner in Today's Healthcare System

3. Bridging the Gap: The Essential Role of Nurse Practitioners in Access to Quality Healthcare

4. The Power of Compassion: How a Nurse Practitioner Can Make a Difference in Patients' Lives

5. The Evolving Role of a Nurse Practitioner: Adapting to the Changing Healthcare Landscape

6. Empowering Nurses: Unveiling the Path to Becoming a Nurse Practitioner

7. Nurse Practitioners: Advancing Patient Care Through Advanced Practice

8. The Integral Role of Nurse Practitioners in Improving Healthcare Outcomes

9. A Holistic Approach to Healing:....

What are some advantages of pursuing a career as a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist)?
Words: 302

1. High salary potential: CRNAs are among the highest paid nursing professionals, with the potential to earn six-figure salaries.

2. Job demand: There is a high demand for CRNAs, especially in rural areas and underserved communities, leading to job security and opportunities for advancement.

3. Autonomy: CRNAs have a high level of autonomy in their practice, often working independently and making critical decisions regarding patient care.

4. Varied work environments: CRNAs can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, surgical centers, and outpatient clinics, allowing for diverse career opportunities.

5. Fulfilling work: CRNAs play a crucial role in ensuring....

What are some advantages of pursuing a career as a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist)?
Words: 499

Lucrative Earning Potential

CRNAs are among the highest-paid healthcare professionals. According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), the median salary for CRNAs in 2022 was $191,330, with the top 10% earning over $230,000. This earning potential is attributed to the critical role CRNAs play in the healthcare system, providing anesthesia services to patients undergoing various medical procedures.

Job Stability and Security

The demand for CRNAs is expected to remain strong in the coming years, driven by an aging population and the increasing number of surgical procedures being performed. Hospitals and healthcare facilities rely heavily on CRNAs to manage anesthesia, ensuring the....

How do advanced practice nurses contribute to improving patient outcomes in healthcare settings?
Words: 522

Advanced Practice Nurses: Catalysts for Enhanced Patient Outcomes in Healthcare Settings

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are highly educated and specialized nurses who play a pivotal role in improving patient outcomes within healthcare settings. Their advanced clinical knowledge, diagnostic capabilities, and prescriptive authority empower them to provide a comprehensive range of services, enhancing the efficiency, accessibility, and quality of healthcare delivery.

1. Expanded Scope of Practice and Independent Care:

APNs possess a broader scope of practice compared to traditional registered nurses, enabling them to independently assess, diagnose, and manage patient conditions. This expanded role allows APNs to:

Order and interpret diagnostic tests
Prescribe medications....

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