Relational Database Essays (Examples)

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elational Databases
For each table, identify the primary key and the foreign key(s). If a table does not have a foreign key, write None in the space provided.









Do the tables exhibit entity integrity? Answer yes or no, and then explain your answer.




All rows under the primary key TUCK_NUM are uniquely identified and there are no null entries


All rows under the primary key BASE_CODE are uniquely identified and there are no null entries

All rows under the primary key TYPE_CODE are uniquely identified and there are no null entries

19. Do the tables exhibit referential integrity? Answer yes or no, and then explain your answer. Write NA (Not Applicable) if the table does not have a foreign key.






All values under the foreign keys BASE_CODE and TYPE_CODE refer to a valid tuple in the BASE and TYPE tables, respectively. Null values are allowed





elational Databases in e-Commerce
Of the many uses of relational databases throughout enterprise software their use for supporting e-commerce initiatives and programs provides a foundation for assessing their performance at diverse data and taxonomy management, and scalability of transactions as well. The scalability, security and speed of relational databases when used for e-commerce tasks push them to the limits of performance and customization as well. An example of this is the widespread use of relational databases in creating and sustaining distributed order management systems (Connolly, Begg, 2006).

As e-commerce sites including, Apple, Dell, Expedia and others all rely on a series of catalogs that are unified through a common series of taxonomies. These catalogs and their taxonomies they are part of define how the logic and workflows of the distributed order management system operates over time. elational databases, many of them integrated to at the logical records level, are used for….

They in short link and map ideas that already exist, creating real time answers to questions as they are applied to new and archived knowledge or action plans.
According to IDC reports, most data warehouses will be stored in a columnar fashion and not in rows, reporting and data collection problems will be solved with databases that have no formal schema at all, horizontal scalability through clustering will be achieved by large-scale database servers; and most OLTP databases will either reside entirely in memory or be augmented by an in-memory database. These new systems will encourage companies to forget disk-based partitioning schemes, buffer management, indexing strategies and embrace a world of large-memory models, many processors with many cores, clustered servers and highly compressed column wise storage. (Prakash, 2010)

The formats mentioned her by Prakash (2010) are fundamentally responsive to a new form of data storage and formatting, where objects are saved….

Standard-elational and Object-elational Databases
Software development has experienced evolution over the past few decades given the increasing demands for better information systems in today's society, especially in the modern business environment. The evolution of software development during this period has also been influenced by the tremendous changes in the ways with which computers are used and programmed. The changes in software development have contributed to the emergence of different categories of databases, which are basically defined as repositories for assorted but interrelated pieces of data or information. Through the evolution of software development, database management systems have been transformed. The most common classifications of databases emerging from the transformation of database management systems include standard-relational and object-relational databases.

Standard-relational databases are those that support interactive data structures and utilize data manipulation language that is akin to relational algebra with regards to its power. Since they utilize powerful data manipulation language, standard-relational databases….

Database Concepts

Database Concepts
Compare and contrast Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, and Oracle database programs

Providers: Microsoft Corporation provides Microsoft Access and SQL Server, Oracle by Oracle Corporation and DB2 is a product of IBM.

Brief about each:

MS Access: Microsoft Access is a database, which comes bundled in Microsoft Office Products. Access is fully compatible with Active Server Pages (ASP) scripting. Database programs such as Access (sometimes called Relational Database Management systems or RDBMS) are used to store information, often large amounts of information. It can be used as a flat-file database (using a single table) or a relational database (using more than one table linked together). Access database applications can be produced for a large number of database situations including financial and scientific data - with excellent results. Access comes equipped with Wizards, which help the novice to create tables, forms, queries and reports. A complicated relational database design and implementation may….

Databases Some of the Many

Microsoft supports distributed component objects via distributed COM (DCOM). DCOM use remote procedure calls to organize data between processes and computers so that components appear to have the same word size, bit orientation, and address space. DCOM is a direct competitor to CORA, discussed next.

V. Common Object Request roker Architecture (CORA)

CORA is OMG's open, vendor-independent architecture and infrastructure that computer applications use to work together over networks (CORA asics). Using a standard protocol, a CORA-based program from any vendor, on almost any computer, operating system, programming language, and network, can interoperate with a CORA-based program from the same or another vendor, on almost any other computer, operating system, programming language, and network.

The core foundation of CORA is the Object Request roker (OR) that provides an interface between requesting objects and receiving objects (CORA, TechTarget). OR support in a network of clients and servers on different computers means that a client….

Databases and their relational file structures have also progressed to the point of being open in architectural structure enough to allow for real-time updates via XML calls and integration points throughout individual and shared files (oth, Hernandez, Coulthard, Yan, et al., 2006). This open architecture-based approach to XML integration is also making databases ideally suited for transaction-intensive environments throughout e-commerce websites and throughout complex transactions involving multiple selling partners through a supply chain as well (Smyrlis, 2005). As a result, databases are the foundation of distributed order management, enterprise content management, enterprise resource planning (EP) and Customer elationship Management (CM) systems.

Databases and Security

Databases in organizations and governments often hold the most confidential data that exists and therefore need to be protected extremely well. The dominant standard for database security is ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) compliance (Dolgicer, 1993). When an ACID test of compliance is completed on a database these….

Design citeia exist at the levels of the technical, system integation aspects of the database to othe systems though XML. This integation is citically impotant to ensue that the applications ceated can be effectively used ove time and not have any scalability issues. Thee is also the need fo designing the databases at the pesentation laye to povide fo scalability and flexibility of being able to ceate applications elatively quickly at the potal level. This is especially impotant fom a Business Pocess Management (BPM) standpoint as databases must be able to suppot the vaious pocess wokflows as defined as pat of business pocess e-engineeing effots ove time. Thee is also the need fom a design standpoint to have a continued development initiative going to captue use needs ove time and include them into the next geneation of database updates. The use of councils to ceate update plans and define the….

Oracle supports stored programs such as stored procedures and packages. This enables the developers to centralize application logic in the database. Oracle provides powerful functions and sub-queries in its SQL statements. Developers can distribute systems by database links, materialized views and distributed queries. This feature saves much cost for developing distributed systems and applications. And there's a lot of features integrated with Oracle, compare to other database it is very expensive but it is extremely powerful and fast.
D2 is a relational database system developed by IM Corporation. It has been designed for use on large mainframe computer systems running on a variety of platforms including SunOS, Solaris, Linux, Windows 95/98/NT/2000 and HP-UX. D2 supports many variety of platforms, standards and packaging options to deliver the needs of every business D2 database delivers a flexible and cost-effective database platforms achieving demand on business applications. It further leverages the resources with….

Database Data Warehouse Design
Our company, Data Analytic Limited, specializes in collecting and analyzing data for various organizations. Over the years, we have assisted various companies to turn raw data into valuable information that assists the companies in making effective decision profitable in the short and long run. Our research and data analytics are geared towards giving extra edge to various companies. Our services include processing and analyzing terabytes of data to provide customer meaningful information for business decision and enhance competitive market advantages. ecent growth of our company necessitates the needs to design and develop data warehouse that will accommodate large volume of customer data.

Objective of this project is to design and develop the data warehouse for our company.

Importance of Data Warehousing for our Organization

Comprehensive portfolios of our business include Business, Market, and Financial research, Data processing services and Domain based analytics. While the relational database that our company is….

This would also mean that the shadowing process goes on behind the scenes, and one need not even be aware that the process is in fact going on at any point of time; it can go on without creating any sort of disturbance to the user of the application, at any point of time. (Shadow Files)
Another important advantage of using the shadowing of a database is that data would be immediately available, even when the primary database has failed due to some reason or another. Non-exclusive usage of the primary database is also permitted, and this means that the database will not be locked, and this in turn means that it can be updated and changed during the process of its creation. Computer resource can be conserved, and this is because of the fact that shadowing does not use any separate process; the database process gives the shadow database….

Databases in the Work Place
We are in the information age and the effective management of data is paramount in almost all aspects of our life. All businesses today thrive on the availability of vast pool of data pertaining to their domain and thus databases constitute an indispensable aspect of all businesses. Having access to a huge database and the intelligent interpretation of the data therein holds the key to business success. I am working as a database engineer for "Intelligent Email Solutions," a company which specializes in offering email based intelligent customer relationship management solutions. Let us have a brief overview of the use and the importance of databases in our company.


Our clientele are big corporations like Nike, Citibank, ANZ Grindlays, Jc penny etc. We provide automated email-based customer relationship management using our novel 'semantic engine' which scans through thousands of customer emails and categorizes them and routes them back….

Analysis and Overview of Database ystems in the Enterprise

The pervasive adoption of databases for aggregating, analyzing, parsing, reporting and storing data continues to exponentially increase over time, as the information needs of companies continued to increase. The foundation fo nearly every enterprise-wide system and computing platform includes integration to databases of many types, from object-oriented to relational (Lungu, Velicanu, Botha, 2009). Every Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system today relies on databases for product, pricing, costing, production scheduling, service coordination and manufacturing execution task coordination as well (Bremer, Carey, 1987). Databases have become an essential component of every enterprise system in use today, from coordinating supply chains, sourcing, production and tracking customer activity and sales through Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Madduri, hi, Baker, Ayachitula, 2007). Object-oriented databases are pervasively used in Computer-Aided Drawing (CAD) applications as well, given their speed and accuracy in managing geographic and graphic primitives (Chu,….

To implement this algorithm, it is essential to simulate locking of what the books mentions as an item X that has been transcribed by transaction T
until T

is either committed or aborted. This algorithm is not what would turn into deadlock, for the reason that T. waits for T

only if TS (T) > TS (T

) (Elmasri, 2011).

According to the book, strict timestamp ordering differs from basic timestamp ordering because basic timestamp ordering is utilized whenever some transaction T. attempts to subject a read item (X) or a write item (X) operation, the basic to algorithm is the one that compares the timestamp of T. with read_TS (X) and write_TS (X) to ensure that the timestamp where as the strict timestamp does not. Another difference is the fact that the basic lets us know that if the proper order is violated, then transaction T. is the one that is always aborted….

Database Software
Comparing Microsoft Access, SQL, IBM DB2 and Oracle databases is presented in this analysis, taking into account the key features of ACID Compliance, Data partitioning, interface options, referential integrity, operating systems supported, and support for transactions and Unicode. Each of these factors is initially defined followed by a table comparing them across the database types.

Definition of Comparison Factors

At their most fundamental level, all databases have support for relational data models and the ability to index data through the use of a wide variety of taxonomies or organizational structures (Basumallick, Wong, 1996). elational Database Management Systems (DBMS) however all have the ability to manage transactions with the greatest efficiency given the design of these systems to support multiple transactions at once, running concurrently from each other. The characteristic of an operating system being able to manage thousands of concurrent transactions at the same time is often referred to as….

1 Pages


Relational Databases for Each Table Identify the

Words: 362
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

elational Databases For each table, identify the primary key and the foreign key(s). If a table does not have a foreign key, write None in the space provided. PIMAY KEY FOEIGN KEY Truck TUCK_NUM BASE_CODE,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Relational Databases in E-Commerce of the Many

Words: 526
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

elational Databases in e-Commerce Of the many uses of relational databases throughout enterprise software their use for supporting e-commerce initiatives and programs provides a foundation for assessing their performance at…

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26 Pages
Capstone Project

Education - Computers

Transition of Traditional Relational Database

Words: 7211
Length: 26 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

They in short link and map ideas that already exist, creating real time answers to questions as they are applied to new and archived knowledge or action plans. According…

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2 Pages

Information Technology

Software Development and Databases

Words: 576
Length: 2 Pages

Standard-elational and Object-elational Databases Software development has experienced evolution over the past few decades given the increasing demands for better information systems in today's society, especially in the modern business…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Database Concepts

Words: 1357
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Database Concepts Compare and contrast Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, and Oracle database programs Providers: Microsoft Corporation provides Microsoft Access and SQL Server, Oracle by Oracle Corporation and DB2 is…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Databases Some of the Many

Words: 1158
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Microsoft supports distributed component objects via distributed COM (DCOM). DCOM use remote procedure calls to organize data between processes and computers so that components appear to have the same…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Databases Fundamentals of Databases Database

Words: 807
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Databases and their relational file structures have also progressed to the point of being open in architectural structure enough to allow for real-time updates via XML calls and integration…

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11 Pages

Education - Computers

Database Administration Today in Evaluating

Words: 3489
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Thesis

Design citeia exist at the levels of the technical, system integation aspects of the database to othe systems though XML. This integation is citically impotant to ensue that the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Databases Access SQL MS SQL

Words: 1213
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Oracle supports stored programs such as stored procedures and packages. This enables the developers to centralize application logic in the database. Oracle provides powerful functions and sub-queries in…

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5 Pages


Database Data Warehouse Design Our Company Data

Words: 1488
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Database Data Warehouse Design Our company, Data Analytic Limited, specializes in collecting and analyzing data for various organizations. Over the years, we have assisted various companies to turn raw data…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Database Shadowing or Mirroring What

Words: 2137
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This would also mean that the shadowing process goes on behind the scenes, and one need not even be aware that the process is in fact going on…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Databases in the Workplace

Words: 799
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Databases in the Work Place We are in the information age and the effective management of data is paramount in almost all aspects of our life. All businesses today thrive…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Databases Analysis and Overview of Database Systems

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Databases Analysis and Overview of Database ystems in the Enterprise The pervasive adoption of databases for aggregating, analyzing, parsing, reporting and storing data continues to exponentially increase over time, as…

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8 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Education - Computers

Database Systems in Describe Theoretically

Words: 2113
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

To implement this algorithm, it is essential to simulate locking of what the books mentions as an item X that has been transcribed by transaction T until T is either…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Database Software Comparing Microsoft Access SQL IBM

Words: 794
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Database Software Comparing Microsoft Access, SQL, IBM DB2 and Oracle databases is presented in this analysis, taking into account the key features of ACID Compliance, Data partitioning, interface options,…

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