Reliability Essays (Examples)

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Reliability & Validity for the Lay Person
Pages: 6 Words: 1720

eliability & Validity
For the lay person, the notion of personality is often derived from components of an individual's character or make up that has the ability to elicit positive or negative reactions from other individuals. The person who has a propensity for positive reactions from others is often thought to have a 'good' personality. Conversely, the person who tends to elicit not so favorable reactions from others may be thought to have a 'bad' personality. However, when behavioral and social scientists seek to describe and define personality, the terminology used is far more rigorous that describing simple social skills (Cohen, Montague, Nathanson & Swerdlik, 1988). As such, constructs such as personality traits, personality states and personality types have been studied as a means of provided clinically accurate ways in which to define personality.

Nevertheless, there is no one globally accepted definition of personality within the scholarly literature. McClelland (1951, p. 69)…...



Cohen, R., Montague, P., Nathanson, L., & Swerdlik, M. (1988). Psychological testing:

An introduction to tests and measurements. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield

Publishing Co.

Gorusch, R. (1983). Factor analysis (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Reliability and Validity Measurements
Pages: 7 Words: 1970

eliability of Test
eliability is defined by Joppe (2002,p.1) as the level of consistency of the obtained results over a period of time as well as an accurate representation of the population under study. If the outcome of the study can be reproduced using a similar methodology then the instrument used in the research are said to be reliable.

It is worth noticing that there is an element of replicability as well as repeatability ff the observations or results. The work of Kirk and Miller (1986,41-42) indicated that there exists three different types of validity in any given quantitative research. These however, all relate to; the extent to which the give measure if repeated, remains constant, the stability of the given measure over a period of time as well as the similarity of the given measurements in a given time period. The work of Charles (1995) focuses on the idea of consistency…...



American Psychological Association (2003). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Washington, DC: Author.

Charles, C.M. (1995). Introduction to educational research (2nd ed.). San Diego, Longman

Cherry, K (n.d) What is reliability?

Reliability and Validity Trochim 2007 Examines Validity
Pages: 3 Words: 1219

eliability and Validity
Trochim (2007) examines validity and reliability in the context of arriving at measures for constructs that firstly measure what they purport to measure. Secondly, the measures do what they purport to do in a consistent manner so that the researcher can have confidence in the measurement and hence the research project is not compromised. The elements of validity and reliability are pivotal concerns to research. esearch thrives in a climate where these are dominant and progressive. Without effective mechanisms to achieve these objectives, the entire research process and the products of research become suspect.

The six types of validity examined by the author are separated into two different components of construct validity. Construct validity is a measure of the success of process of turning constructs into measures. This process identified by the author as operationalization requires that the measures and their underlying construct have a close affinity. The closer…...



Creswell J.W. (1994).Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative approaches. London: Sage


Kennedy, M.M. (1984). Assessing the Validity of Qualitative Data. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 6(4): 367-377.

Reliability and Validity Baum Et
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

moderate impairment), while dependent variables included the levels of measured performance on the test. Operationalization involved demonstrating the ability to perform the tasks of daily life. Simple cooking was tested by asking the test subject to cook oatmeal; using a telephone was tested by requiring the subject to inquire about grocery delivery on the phone; and the test subject was required to select and administer medications correctly and select and pay bills from a pile of mail.
Q5. Define reliability. Discuss the means by which the reliability of the instrument/measure was assessed in this study.

eliability is defined as reproducibility, or the ability of a test to yield reliable or similar results with similar target population groups and under the same circumstances. "We determined interrater reliability with three trained raters who simultaneously rated 10 participants, 5 with mild stroke and 5 healthy controls. The total score and each of four subtest…...



Baum et al. (2008). Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the Executive Function

Performance Test: A measure of executive function in a sample of people with stroke

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62 (4): 446.

Reliability and Validity a Test
Pages: 1 Words: 318

Having evidence demonstrated over a number of different trials at different schools, each with similar results contributes to external validity. Thus, the trials must all be for universities, as opposed to careers for example, so that the results of those trials are transferable to our university's admissions process.

To ensure internal validity, the admissions test must include a sufficient number of questions (data points) to establish a clear trend. The questions and answers themselves must be free of ambiguity, which could distort the results. Further, the questions and answers must relate directly to the personality attributes that we are attempting to measure, if the results are to be valid.

orks Cited:

Colorado State University. (2009). Reliability and Validity. Colorado State University. Retrieved September 29, 2009 from

Tomsho, R. (2009). Adding Personality Tests to the College Admissions Mix. all Street Journal. Retrieved September 29, 2009 from


Works Cited:

Colorado State University. (2009). Reliability and Validity. Colorado State University. Retrieved September 29, 2009 from 

Tomsho, R. (2009). Adding Personality Tests to the College Admissions Mix. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved September 29, 2009 from

Reliability Validity and Norming Sample Populations Play
Pages: 2 Words: 670

eliability, validity and norming sample populations play critical roles in the usefulness of assessment instruments used in forensics assessments. These three facets of assessment help to determine whether or not the results the assessment yield is credible. Additionally, they each help to evaluate a particular aspect of an instrument, although there is generally a degree of correlation between these factors.
Validity is simply the accuracy of a test to effectively measure the particular phenomenon that a researcher is attempting to measure. There are different types of validity including construct validity, content validity, and criterion-related validity (ichmond, 2013). These different facets of validity determine the accuracy of an assessment in terms of its construct, its usefulness is appropriately sampling the different components of the construct, and its accuracy in foretelling performance. eliability is the facet of an assessment to provide consistency in its results over time. eliable tests can generally yield the…...



Richmond, R.L. (2013). Psychological testing. Retrieved from 

Webster, C.D., Douglas, K.S., Eaves, D., Hart, S.D. (1997). HCR-20: assessing risk for violence. Mental Measurements Yearbook. Retrieved from

Reliability Data Collection and Testing
Pages: 5 Words: 1617

Reliability Data Collection and Testing
Importance, Reliability, Collection, and Testing

It is tough to define data. Think of it more like the raw information that when processed and analyzed can give you an understanding of a situation, process or fact. Clearly if data is the first step to information, we must do out best to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data. Let us take a look at what data is used for:

Data can be used to Stimulate new organizational ideas

Improve quality of emergency care and procedures

Draw attention to an issue

Influence legislative and regulations

Provide justification for an existing program

Illustrate a need for a new initiative

Help provide funding

Communicate the importance of data collection

Provide education" list slightly altered to from original source, to make it general purpose)

As you can tell by the above list, data can be used to initiate, validate, invalidate, modify, improve, or streamline processes. Hence, effective data management is one of…...


Ontario Wage Survey - Interpreting Data Reliability."

Methodology and Data Reliability" .

Assessing The Reliability Of Computer-Processed Data." 1991. .

Reliability and Validity Type of
Pages: 2 Words: 618

Another disadvantage regarding the validity of the analysis regarding gender was that the results between the two gendered groups were calculated based upon a mean, which meant that one or two respondents with scores could have a considerable effect, skewing the results in one direction or another.
The two sample groups of 59 psychology students and 100 MBA students were relatively small and select as well. Using these populations is also of concern given the degree to which they are relatively homogeneous in terms of the test-taker's backgrounds, ages, and education.

Q4. Form an opinion of the test using the information you provide in your report

Overall, the value of this test is not clear, in terms of how it might be used in the future. It is uncertain whether it would be useful as a broad assessment of the suitability of different candidates for likely careers, given the extent to which…...

Reliability and Validity in Psychological
Pages: 2 Words: 594

Millon himself stated the test is "not a general personality instrument to be used for 'normal' populations or for purposes other than diagnostic screening or clinical assessments" (Psychological testing, 2009, IPT). The test is only for use with subjects who are already known to exhibit psychopathology and personality disorders. It is best to use to refine a diagnosis that is already supported by other evidence and is not suitable as an initial assessment instrument.
On the orschach, what is the Lambda? What does a Lambda of .80 indicate?

The Lambda is a measure of the subject's openness. Subjects with high measures of Lambda (>1) tend to be resistant to revealing a great deal about themselves. Or, they may try to simplify their psychological issues by ignoring the complexities of life. Subjects with low Lambda ratings tend to have few form-driven responses and show higher tolerance of ambiguity (Ganellen, 1996, p.31). The…...



Colosi, Laura. (1997). Reliability and validity. The Layman's Guide to Social Research.

Retrieved December 19, 2009 at 

Ganellen, Ronald J. (1996). Integrating the Rorschach and the MMPI-2 in personality assessment. Routledge.

Psychological testing. (2009). Institute for Psychological Therapies. Website last revised on July

Reliability Refers to the Consistency
Pages: 2 Words: 834

(ii) the Alternative Forms Procedure: This involves two tests given two or more times. The advantages include less cueing because the tests differ. Disadvantages include history and maturation factors.
6. Positive approach is empirically based and insists that measures must proceed according to strict evidence and their validity must be generated from experimental (or quantitative) research. The advantages are that this accords greater validity and reliability. The disadvantages are that the complexity of human factors is inadequately addressed by the rigidity and inflexibility of the experimental method. The qualitative (or non-positivistic) on the other hand, insists that humans cannot be measured or tested in a laboratory environment. The results are, however, less reliable, and oftentimes more subjective.

7. Cross sectional research is research that is conducted over different population groups at a single space in time. For instance, assessing whether people of different cultures vary in the way that they walk.…...

Reliability and Value Engineering Good for Ever
Pages: 6 Words: 1542

Value Engineering and Reliability
Value engineering is viewed in many industries as an excellent strategy for reducing costs, increasing reliability, and improving quality (OM, 1993). It can be implemented in hardware and software; development, production, and manufacturing; specifications, standards, contract requirements, and other acquisition program documentation; facilities design and construction.

Value engineering is a technique directed toward analyzing the functions of a project or product to determine "best value," or the best relationship between reliability and cost. In other words, "best value" is represented by a project or process that consistently performs its required basic function and has the lowest cost.

In this context, the application of value engineering in a construction project can yield a better value when construction is approached in a manner that incorporates environmentally sound and energy-efficient practices and materials.

This paper discusses the important relationship between reliability and value engineering, in an effort to explain how the two work…...



Brown, J. (1992). Value Engineering: A Blueprint, Industrial Press Inc.

Heller, E.D. (1971). Value Management: Value Engineering and Cost Reduction, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Johnson, Kelly. (September 28, 2000). Does Value Engineering Live Up to Its Name? PM Engineer.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB). (May 21, 1993). Value Engineering. Circular No. A-131.

Reliability and Validity in Social
Pages: 3 Words: 849

8. Number of individuals in substance abuse clinics and/or treatment reporting income below the poverty line (nominal): This could show a direct correlation between poverty and substance abuse

9. Number of individuals in substance abuse clinics and/or treatment reporting they are homeless and/or have resulted to panhandling (nominal): This could show a direct correlation between homelessness, panhandling and substance abuse.

10. Number of individuals stopped for panhandling by the police: While the police usually do not arrest individuals for panhandling, police logs of individuals who are reprimanded for doing so, and under what circumstances (if the individual's circumstances indicated homelessness or substance abuse) could relevant if a pervasive pattern could be shown of the practice on a large scale.

11. Average of individuals at private substance abuse clinics vs. publically-supported treatment (ordinal): This would paint a portrait of how income can generate a different standard of care for the wealthy.

12. Number of individuals…...



Nationwide trends. (2010). National Institute of Drug Abuse. Retrieved June 19, 2010 at 

Morales, I. Number of homeless down, but homeless families up. (2010, June 16). AP News.

Retrieved June 19, 2010 at 

What is the difference between categorical, ordinal, and interval variables? (2010). UCLA.

Explaining Instances of Reliability and Validity
Pages: 4 Words: 1171

Part 1 Inter-rater reliability
Inter-rater reliability is considered the degree to which two or more evaluators of a study agree on its results and outcomes for reliability (Lange, 2011). When a rating system is implemented in a study, its consistency is addressed by this parameter.
It was tested for the reliability of a new clinical examination method called Cognitive Assessment and Reference Diagnosis System (CARDS) for early detection and management of dementia (Suh & Lee, 2003). The method was applied to 70 dementia patients and 34 healthy and control individuals. 22 of the 104 subjects were interviewed separately for checking the inter-rater reliability based on the fact that their responses were blind to each other and were not shared between them. The results showed that CARDS was a reliable instrument for detecting early dementia and its management in patients.
Test-retest reliability/ repeated measures reliability
Test-retest reliability is used for testing the extent to which test…...



Criteria. (n.a.). Definition of predictive validity. Retrieved from  

Godwin, M., Pike, A., Bethune, C., Kirby, A. & Pike, A. (2013). Concurrent and convergent validity of the simple lifestyle indicator questionnaire. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013. 

Johnson, E. (2013). Face validity. In Volkmar, F.R. (Ed) Encyclopedia of autism spectrum disorders. Springer, New York. 

Kemperman, A., Berg, P., Weijs-Perree, M., & Uijtdewillegen, K. (2019). Loneliness of older adults: Social network and the living environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(3), 406. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16030406

Kennet-Cohen, T., Turvall, E., Saar, Y. & Oren, C. (2016). The predictive validity of a two-step process to medical schools. Journal of Biomedical Education, 2016. 

Lange, R.T. (2011). Inter-rater reliability. In Kreutzer, J.S., DeLuca, J. & Caplan, B. (Eds) Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology. Springer, New York. 

Lin, W.L. & Yao, G. (2014). Concurrent validity. In Michalos A.C. (Ed) Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research. Springer, Dordrecht. 

Mousazadeh, S., Rakhshan, M. & Mohammadi, F. (2017). Investigation of content and face validity and reliability of sociocultural attitude towards appearance questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3) among female adolescents. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 12(1), 15-20. 

Reliability Credibility and Validity
Pages: 5 Words: 1570

Reliability a. Dependability means emphasis on the need for researchers to take into consideration, the ever-evolving context within research as it happens (Creswell & Miller, 2000). The responsibility of qualitative research is to describe the changes naturally occurring in the setting as well as how such changes researchers approach the study. To address dependability within a qualitative research study, a person can perform member checking of data interpretation, a pilot test, and a peer review. These techniques allow for accurate assessment of dependability regarding the information collected for the study.
When a person begins qualitative research, to determine reliability and dependability of the information collected, they may perform member checks. “Member checking, also known as participant or respondent validation, is a technique for exploring the credibility of results. Data or results are returned to participants to check for accuracy and resonance with their experiences” (Birt, Scott, Cavers, Campbell, & Walter, 2016, p.…...

Reliability and Validity of Standardized Assessments in Adult Education
Pages: 2 Words: 606

Adult Learning Assessment
Adult learners comprise one of the fastest-growing segments of students today, and adult learners typically have needs that differentiate them from the younger learner. There is already much scholarship devoted to how the adult student learns new information. This understanding of the different learning styles has been taken into consideration in the design of courses and curricula for adult learners.

However, teaching tools are only part of the equation. Educators must also be able to assess if the adult learner is indeed retaining the information at both a critical and analytical level. Thus, in addition to the development of curricula, Cooledge et al. (2000) discussed the need to develop proper assessment tools for adult learners. In particular, Cooledge et al. (2000) focuses on the validity and reliability of portfolio assessment, one of the most popular tools in adult education.

The first part of this article is a review of the…...


Works Cited

Coolege, N.., Coolege J., Weihe K.. (2000). Thorny issues of reliability, validity and fairness when evaluating portfolio assessment. Retrieved Oct 30, 2004, at .

Need help with essay prompt: Can we apply total quality management in hospitals?
Words: 366

For the last decade, total quality management has been considered the gold standard in quality management in the healthcare setting.  Therefore, the question is not really whether we can apply total quality management in hospitals, but what steps hospitals need to take to implement this type of management within their organizations.

The first thing to keep in mind is that modern hospitals are not simply hospitals; they are almost all part of larger healthcare networks.  This has the potential of dramatically improving patient care, as the range of care that a patient can access through a....

are we too quick to assume that the most recent evidence is inevitable the strongest?
Words: 287

Yes, we are often too quick to assume that the most recent evidence is inevitably the strongest. Our tendency to prioritize recent evidence is influenced by the availability bias, which is a cognitive bias that gives greater weight to information that is readily available in our memory or immediate surroundings. As a result, we often assume that recent evidence is more reliable and accurate.

However, the strength of evidence should not solely depend on its recency. It is crucial to consider various factors in evaluating the strength of evidence, such as:

1. Research design: The rigor and methodology of the study should....

can you suggest me a topic for ibdp extended essay in physics?
Words: 766

Sure! Here is a suggested topic for an IBDP Extended Essay in Physics:

Title: Investigating the Efficiency of Renewable Energy Sources: Comparing Solar Panels and Wind Turbines

Abstract: This extended essay aims to investigate the efficiency of two prominent renewable energy sources, namely solar panels and wind turbines. The project will involve a comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing the efficiency of each energy source, including geographical location, weather conditions, and technological advancements. Data will be collected through simulations, experiments, and case studies of existing installations. The findings will contribute to understanding the potential of solar panels and wind turbines as reliable....

Need guidance for a thesis statement on the demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation topic?
Words: 528

## Thesis Statement:

Professional communication, encompassing both content and presentation, plays a pivotal role in effective knowledge dissemination, fostering meaningful interactions, and establishing credibility and trust among diverse audiences.

## Elaborated Thesis Statement:

1. Content:

- Thoughtful Construction: Professional communication demands the crafting of well-structured, coherent, and informative content.
- Accuracy and Credibility: Ensuring accuracy, currency, and reliability of information enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of the communicator.
- Audience-Centric Approach: Tailoring content to the specific interests, knowledge level, and needs of the target audience maximizes engagement and comprehension.
- Clarity and Conciseness: Utilizing clear, concise, and jargon-free language ensures that the intended....

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