Respect Essays (Examples)

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espect for Authority
Linguistically, the English word "authority" is derived from the Latin auctoritas, which means advice, opinion, influence, or command. The word has a number of contextual meanings -- in politics and government it usually means power "the ability to influence," and somewhat of a claim to legitimacy; in psychology it means power over the individual; in political philosophy it means balancing freedom of action with the greater good; and in the social sciences it can be seen in a larger set of individual and cultural structures, all which allow someone or a group of individuals to make decisions based on some semblance of obligation and ceded individual power ( az, ed., 1990).

Max Weber, considered the founder of sociology, is most famous for his works surrounding the sociology of religion and government, and how those two institutions shaped, controlled, and contributed to humankind. Whereas Marx (a strong influence on most….

The new definition, critics contend, is nonsensical as "it would be highly unusual for any employee, even a Vice President of Human esources, to spend more than 50% of his or her weekly time doing hiring, firing and disciplining employees" and direction forms the bulk of most supervisor's job responsibilities (ESPECT, 2009, Foster Swift). Approximately 8 million current workers would be declassified from their current supervisory status (ESPECT, 2009, Foster Swift).
In other words, a very large proportion of what would once be considered white collar 'management-level' persons would now be eligible for unionization. "Under current law, a supervisor is considered an agent of management and owes a duty of undivided loyalty to the employer in labor-management relations, such as during union organizing campaigns, grievances, picketing and strikes. That duty would be compromised by the ESPECT Act" (ESPECT, 2009, Foster Swift). The supervisors would have dual loyalty, between labor and….

While it does not in any way excuse illegal hostile actions against non-combatants, it does illustrate that one of the purposes of having rules for war is, precisely, to avoid some of the consequences that are readily foreseeable when either side violates them.
In many cases, North Vietnamese civilians were directly involved in supporting the war effort. Frequently, combatants disguised themselves by day as civilians and then attacked U.. forces at night. In other cases, civilians helped lure U.. soldiers into ambushes and booby traps. While even that does not excuse retaliating against (other) civilians or attacking the entire village in retaliation, it does illustrate that violating the rules of war by one side is likely to provoke hostile responses in kind. That is simply human nature and it is one of the many reasons that both sides in any conflict should always respect the rules of warfare.

Historical Examples of….

Respect for Te Dead

respect for the dead. There are four references used for this paper.
Today there are many ethical issues being discussed in terms of respect for the dead. It is important to examine some of these issues and the facts concerned with this subject.


The burial sites of mummies are constantly being disturbed under the guise of studying the past. In 2003, German researchers disturbed a crypt of a 2,500-year-old mummy in Egypt, to obtain and analyze embalming material found at the site (

Egyptologists have been searching for years for the tomb of Queen Nefertiti, King Tutankhamun's step-mother and mother-in-law. These researchers believe they have found her mummy in the Valley of the Kings, and have disturbed the tomb in order to learn more about her life. According to records "little is known about the 'Great Royal ife' of the renegade pharaoh Akhenaton, who ruled from 1353-1336 B.C. In the Amarna period.….

espect on the Lifespan of People of All Ages
espect in relation to lifespan

Historically, the life span or longevity of the human being has been the focus of the studies of anthropologists. However, in more contemporary times the field of psychology has realized the inherent impact that psychological factors have upon the lifespan of the individual. Furthermore it has been realized that various factors impact the human lifespan. Those factors are stated to be psychological, physical, mental and emotional in nature.

The objective of this work in writing is to research and relate findings in relation to precisely what determinants exist in deciding the human lifespan and most specifically relating to the element of "respect" and the resulting affect of the presence or of the lack of the presence of respect in the life of the individual. Furthermore the full range of the individual age possibility from young to old will….

Respect and the Thought Police'": Illustrating Socrates' "Gadfly Analogy" from Plato's Apology
ebster's New American Dictionary defines "gadfly" as "a person who annoys, esp. By persistent criticism" (p. 213). By that definition, Socrates' critics certainly would have considered him one. (It is easier to decide someone is a mere "gadfly," rather than an astute social critic, or a rare perceiver of truth should one feel offended by the "gadfly." ) For example, individuals or groups who feel their own interests, power, authority, etc., may be threatened by what someone like Socrates (or in today's world, journalist Edward Fiske or novelist Salman Rushdie) says are often eager to apply the label "gadfly" (or worse) in order to trivialize the person's words, and encouraging others to do likewise. In that respect, journalist Fiske, of Paul Fussell's Class, and novelist Salman Rushdie (who consistently reminds others that his seemingly esoteric and freakish problem….

S. In connection with financial fraud and corporate misconduct, not to mention political positions expressed by members of the U.S. Congress.
Almost without exceptions, the largest and most destructive examples of contemporary financial fraud and corporate malfeasance have been perpetrated by individuals with high levels of education, professional expertise, and previous (legitimate) accomplishments. Similarly, some of the most important political disputes ongoing in connection with major governmental policy disputes go a long way toward undermine any suggestion that certain members of the U.S. House of epresentatives and the U.S. Senate deserve respect. Collectively, all of those examples illustrate that advanced education, professional expertise, and past achievements are insufficient to justify respect without another crucial component: integrity (Liker, 2003; Maxwell, 2007).

The Essential ole of Integrity in elation to espect

In principle, integrity is a prerequisite to the entitlement to the respect of others. Integrity refers to the commitment of an individual to do….

The company also purchases sugar cane from Central America. The same high-quality sugar that Coca-Cola procures at low cost to give its products their characteristic sweetness is known to be the product of child labour in El Salvador
. Other examples of ethical violations include incidents in connection with the efforts of union leaders in Colombia fighting for the rights of labourers at Coca-Cola's main Latin American bottler. Reportedly, Coca-Cola hired mercenaries who actually murdered those union leaders. Likewise, other union activists were fired for attending union meetings and some of their family members were kidnapped and tortured in 2005. In Turkey, fourteen Coca-Cola truck drivers and their families were tortured and beaten while protesting the layoff of 1,000 workers from a local Coca-Cola bottling plant. In Mexico in 2000, a senior bottling manager was sacked and sued for being gay.

Unfortunately, the record establishes that Coca-Cola is directly responsible for….

While feminists often militate for environmental conservation, one particular stance they take in this direction is that of addressing the issue of gender differences in environmental issues. The feminist approach to environmentalism promotes a superior role of women in the protection of the environment by presenting both females and the environment as reproductive forces of nature. Additionally, they argue that women are nurturers by nature and they are as such better skilled to protect the environment (ocheleau, 1996).

Feminist environmentalism assesses the differences not only between natural stances of genders, but also between the access to resources, the control over the resources, the knowledge possessed and available, as well as the relationships developed at the level of national and local governments, as well as within the international community (Cornwall, Harrison and Whitehead, 2008).

The feminist environmental movement is as such based on the following interests:

"How gender, class and race mediate people's experience….

Respect to the State of

This is the view that gives basis to the Routine Activity Theory, in which the rational choice theory gives young criminal actors a way of justifying criminal behaviors. The rational choice theory works from the idea that for many juvenile offenders, illegal behaviors are not undertaken in idle but instead are the result of a carefully constructed weighing of the possible gains and consequences. The model in question "is based on the idea that offenders do indeed think and make choices. From this perspective, property offences are the result of rational decision-making reached by men and women who confront a problem faced by many others -- a need or a desire for money." (Desroches, 1)
In many cases, rational choice theory is a great window into the broad sociological conditions and the individual motivations that cause people not just to engage in criminal behavior but to feel that this is….

espect and Dignity Linked to Self-espect
espect for others is not based on any sense of inferiority in one's self, instead it is based on something entirely opposite i.e. An ability to respect one's self and to see ourselves just as worthy of love and respect as anyone else. When a person extends respect to another human being, he demonstrates humility, acceptance and also proves that respect for others is a reflection of the kind of respect a person has in himself. This is not just hogwash but is a documented truth that has been reiterated by thinkers often. For example Powers and Faden (2008) write, "espect for others is closely linked to self-respect. A capacity for self-respect involves an individual's capacity to see oneself as the moral equal of others and as an independent source of moral claims based on one's own dignity and worth. "(p. 22)

It is believed that….

Respect to the Report on

The other is that the author is using the same references as before, shoehorning them into the paper without regard for appropriateness. Utilizing more sources would be preferred. Also, there are times when old sources are used for information about online marketing. A paper from 2000 is of questionable relevance given the phenomenal technological advancements in the e-Business sphere over the past nine years.
Overall, the paper lacks cohesion. Sources and concepts have been plucked at random and pasted together. Yet, the facts presented do not support each other. There is no central thesis towards which these random tidbits work. 3M is a huge company - the paper may have been improved by focusing on just one of 3M's businesses. As it is, the reader is left with little sense of what 3M's e-Business strategy is, how it works, or whether it has been successful..

The Tampa Bay Times recently reported on the standoff between school administrators, who claim the offending passages have been taken out of context, and protestors who have cried foul over what they perceive to be ideological indoctrination, stating that "the concerns raise the specter of textbook wars in other states, especially Texas, where ideological camps have long locked horns over everything from the validity of evolution to how much the Founding Fathers were guided by Christianity" (Matus & Solochek, 2011).
The inclusion of biased statements within textbooks which are widely regarded by students as unimpeachable records of factual statement is startling to say the least. There are several serious ramifications that this disturbing trend may have on the nation's educational efficacy, with entire generations of students learning from wildly disparate perspectives depending on the vagaries of publishing arrangements, administrative agendas, and other corruptive forces. esearch on the construction of textbook….

Staffing Levels/espect
espect/Staffing Levels

espect in Personal and Professional Consideration

espect is defined by one author as "a concept used to connote dignity, reverence, and regard" (Milton, 2005). This concept is not confined by what an individual does toward others, but also how they treat themselves and other treat them (Nursing World, 2010). The ethics involved speak mainly to the first part, how nurses treat patients, but there is also much ethics literature that suggests that people will give respect if they receive it and feel it for themselves. This short paper discusses how nurses view respect in its different forms and how these different forms compare and contrast.

The fact that respect for other stems from respect for self is not just a platitude that is thrown around to ensure that nurses remain mentally healthy; it is a statement with regard to proper ethics within the nursing community. It is understood that how….

Therefore, total emissions are reduced over time, which is seen in the EU. A period of emissions was to be reduced by 5% with 199- levels while the next set of years were to reduce emissions by 20%. As a result, the cap-and-trade system offers the policymakers and those concerned with the environment a definite emissions target.
A cap-and-trade strategy makes sure that the short-run resources of abatement are assumed first since firms have the incentive and motivation to reduce their emissions levels when they can accomplish this at a price lower than the market. The market price rewards firms should they make the reductions but are punished if they don't. The cap is to ensure environmental sanctity and the trade advocates minimum cost. Therefore, this method minimizes waste, and it is individual firms that offer a cheap source of abatement to reduce gas emissions. Cap-and-trade method also maintains liberty….

One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.  Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II. 

Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities.  They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....

My honest answer to this question is that, as a medical assistant, it is highly unlikely that I would be establishing the practice’s policy in terms of cancellations and patients who show up without appointments.  Generally, the doctor(s) and the office manager establish those policies and the appropriate policies may vary tremendously depending on the type of practice, the demands of the practice, patient utilization, current prevailing conditions (for example, the COVID-19 pandemic could change how a practice approaches drop-in patients), and the patient’s own medical history.  As a medical assistant, I would follow the policies and....

This is a difficult question to answer.  In the era of COVID-19, when personal interactions with people are limited, especially with people outside of your immediate social group, being an agent of social change is more difficult than it is in other times.  That is because social change agents have to be able to influence people.  While some of that can be accomplished in a virtual environment, hence the popularity of internet “influencers,” that type of influence is simply not going to be enough to reach some people.  People tend to go to places on the internet....

Management accounting combines traditional accounting responsibilities with management responsibilities, which allows a company to align budgetary considerations with the people handling the money.  There are a variety of different topics in management accounting that could serve as a good springboard for research, because how it is applied can vary tremendously depending on the size, purpose, and structure of an organization.  Regardless of the approach, it is clear that management accounting has become an important component of the decision-making process in business of all sizes and that the continued evolution of this practice should results in....

2 Pages


Respect for Authority Linguistically the English Word

Words: 609
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

espect for Authority Linguistically, the English word "authority" is derived from the Latin auctoritas, which means advice, opinion, influence, or command. The word has a number of contextual meanings --…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Respect Act An Overview of

Words: 885
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The new definition, critics contend, is nonsensical as "it would be highly unusual for any employee, even a Vice President of Human esources, to spend more than 50%…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Respecting the Rules of War

Words: 1017
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While it does not in any way excuse illegal hostile actions against non-combatants, it does illustrate that one of the purposes of having rules for war is, precisely,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Respect for Te Dead

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

respect for the dead. There are four references used for this paper. Today there are many ethical issues being discussed in terms of respect for the dead. It is…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Respect and Its Impact on the Lifespan of People of All Ages

Words: 1839
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

espect on the Lifespan of People of All Ages espect in relation to lifespan Historically, the life span or longevity of the human being has been the focus of the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Respect and the Thought Police' Illustrating Socrates'

Words: 776
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Respect and the Thought Police'": Illustrating Socrates' "Gadfly Analogy" from Plato's Apology ebster's New American Dictionary defines "gadfly" as "a person who annoys, esp. By persistent criticism" (p. 213).…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Respect Colloquial Concepts of Respect

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

S. In connection with financial fraud and corporate misconduct, not to mention political positions expressed by members of the U.S. Congress. Almost without exceptions, the largest and most destructive examples…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Respect for Human Rights and

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The company also purchases sugar cane from Central America. The same high-quality sugar that Coca-Cola procures at low cost to give its products their characteristic sweetness is known…

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8 Pages

Sports - Women

Respect to Any One Approach

Words: 2418
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

While feminists often militate for environmental conservation, one particular stance they take in this direction is that of addressing the issue of gender differences in environmental issues. The feminist…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice

Respect to the State of

Words: 1346
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This is the view that gives basis to the Routine Activity Theory, in which the rational choice theory gives young criminal actors a way of justifying criminal behaviors.…

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4 Pages


Dignity and Self-Respect and Its Impact on Others

Words: 1266
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

espect and Dignity Linked to Self-espect espect for others is not based on any sense of inferiority in one's self, instead it is based on something entirely opposite i.e. An…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Respect to the Report on

Words: 310
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The other is that the author is using the same references as before, shoehorning them into the paper without regard for appropriateness. Utilizing more sources would be preferred.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Bias With Respect to Social

Words: 936
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The Tampa Bay Times recently reported on the standoff between school administrators, who claim the offending passages have been taken out of context, and protestors who have cried…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Staffing Levels Respect Respect Staffing Levels Respect in Personal

Words: 827
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Staffing Levels/espect espect/Staffing Levels espect in Personal and Professional Consideration espect is defined by one author as "a concept used to connote dignity, reverence, and regard" (Milton, 2005). This concept is not…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Ethical Issue With Respect to

Words: 2022
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Therefore, total emissions are reduced over time, which is seen in the EU. A period of emissions was to be reduced by 5% with 199- levels while the…

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