Rolling Stones Essays (Examples)

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Rolling Stones Bio
The Rolling Stones Gather No Moss

The Rolling Stones are considered to be one of the greatest rock bands of all time. ith a music career that spans 50 years, the Rolling Stones continue to tour and expose millions of fans to their timeless music. In addition to being actively involved in music and touring as a band for the past 50 years, several members of the band have also made individual forays into solo music performances and film. ith their blues driven rock, The Rolling Stones have had a great impact on music and culture.

Brian Jones, a blues enthusiast and an avid harp player, brought the Rolling Stones together in London, England in 1962. hile Jones initially set out to create an R&B band, the band soon transformed into the blues-driven rock band that continues to create hits to this day. Given the fact that the British Musicians….

Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones
Although both were seminal musical bands during the 1960's, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones formed, and continue to mark distinct cultural styles and trends in the history of 1960's and 1970's music. The Beatles have the advantage over the Rolling Stones, in some sense, in securing their place in musical history because they no longer are a band and had a far briefer history. Two of the Beatles founding fathers are dead, one by assassination, the other because of cancer. Thus, the Beatles status and place in musical history remains enshrined, unlike that of the Rolling Stones, which is still, to some extent, evolving in its image, yet remaining musically static all at once.

The Beatles are still largely viewed as the 'nicer' or the more cerebral of the two bands. Even though the Beatles like the Rolling Stones, came from a grungy, pseudo-American style….

Rolling Stone is looking for a slightly older, more affluent readership and ironically picks up more male readers than SPIN. As a DJ, this information is invaluable in seeing how the music reviews and editorial coverage impacts what people at concerns and events I work. Rolling Stone covers the more mainstream hip hop, house music, soul and on occasion, indie bands. SPIN is much bolder in their content and is more effective in attracting younger readers who want to be on the cutting edge of the music scene. Figure q: SPIN Network Demographic Analysis shows the results of analyzing the SPIN website using Quantcast.
Figure 1: SPIN Network Demographic Analysis (Quantcast)

Figure 2 shows the demographic analysis of the Rolling Stone, using their website as the basis of the analysis using Quantcast. As can be seen from the Analysis, Rolling Stone has a significantly larger audience and has a larger percentage….

British Invasion on the United States: 1964 -- 1967
The arrival of the Beatles in New York City in 1964 for an appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show marked the beginning of what has become commonly known as the "British Invasion." This period, lasting roughly from 1964 to 1967, was a time when British bands invaded and topped the charts of the American music industry influencing the culture and social behavior of a generation of baby boomers.

In the decade prior to the 1960s fashion designs were intended to encourage housewives and discourage feminism. Teenagers relied upon their peers and the media to determine their style and the practice of conforming to their elder's tastes was beginning to evaporate. For instance, hair styles were greatly influenced by the Rockabilly icon Elvis Presley, sleek and gelled back. Nearly half of America's population was under the age of 18 at the dawn of….

Pop is tomorrow's Classical"- Paul McCartney. Discuss this contention within the context of rock/classical music collaborations since the early 1950s.
Classical Rock and Popular Prophecy

To the average music-listener, musical genres are easily divided into homogenous groupings without any danger of overlapping one another. Certainly, there are rare occurrences of "cross-over" hits on the radio that find airplay on both Adult Contemporary and Country stations, or those releases which find an audience among both Easy Listening and Rock fans. Another seemingly strange occurrence that may be observed by the slightly more alert music consumer is that time shifts musical pieces from one genre to another, and yesterday's Alternative Rock is today's Easy Listening, yet even this phenomenon is considered an anomaly of the music industry. A simplicity is desired among musical elitists that preserves some musical forms as valid, labeling others as mere fads. However, the deep impact of musical styles….

David Bowie

olling Stone describes David Bowie as the "consummate musical chameleon" because the superstar musician continually reinvents himself and appeals to a fan base wider than most artists ("David Bowie: Biography," n.d.). Bowie was born David obert Jones in Brixton, South London, in January 1947. He started playing the saxophone at age 13, and played in several different bands during his teenage years, including the Konrads, the King Bees, David Jones and the Buzz, the King Bees, the Manish Boys (featuring Jimmy Page as a session guitarist), and Davey Jones and the Lower Third ("David Bowie: Biography," n.d.). As Crocker (2011) points out, Bowie slipped easily into London "mod" scenes as a teenager, and quickly developed his artsy chameleon style that characterized the meat of Bowie's career. Gender-bending, avant-garde performances, and avant-garde music were the cornerstones of Bowie's identity and image throughout the late 1960s and 1970s. David Bowie came out….

As a result, consumers again have choices. y limiting media exposure, and being aware of media techniques used to brand and market pop stars, we can make educated choices. Rather than choosing what to listen to by turning on the radio and television, we now have the choice to investigate on our own, on the Internet. It will be interesting to see how pop music responds.

Daly, Steve. "ritney Spears inside the heart and mind (and bedroom) of America's new teen queen." Rolling Stone, 15 April 1999, 60-70.

Fox, Mark A., and Paul Kochanowski. "Models of Superstardom: An Application of the Lotka and Yule Distributions." Popular Music & Society 27, no. 4 (2004): 507-522.

Larson, Charles U. Persuasion: Perception and Responsibility, 9th ed. elmont, CA: Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2001.

Lelanc, Larry. "A Revival At Top 40 Radio rings Wave Of New Teen Acts In Canada." illboard, 17 June 2000, 75.

Rogers, Danny. "The….

The problem facing General McChrystal is that he forgot (or never knew) the rule regarding the making of remarks or comments that denigrate a superior officer. Such a mistake is not only an ethical misstep, it is also expressly prohibited in Article 88, which states that commissioned officers are prohibited from verbal or written language denigrating military officers, or political legislatures, governors or other officials including the Chief Executive of the United States (in this case Barak Hussein Obama). If McChrystal had concentrated on what he knows best (being a leader of men) he most likely would have never found himself in a situation that called for his resignation. From all reports, it seems as if McChrystal was a very hands-on leader who cared for his troops.

One report found that "the instincts that he (McChrystal) developed during five years in the cloistered, secret world of Joint Special Operations Command simply….

He had been most inspired by the songs of Woody Guthrie. "Woody had a sound and said something with his music." He wanted to meet Woody and thank him for such inspiring songs. Woody had not been well and was being treated in a local hospital. Bob went and saw him and then wrote a "ong to Woody."
uddenly, following that visit, as if overnight, Bob Dylan became a household name. He was selling out theatres across America and England. He was referred to as a genius. It has been said that Bob went down to the crossroads and struck a deal with the devil, in order to arrive at such a place. He continued to evolve from the old acoustic folk singer that everyone loved, to a somewhat loud electric rock star. Columbia Records and many of his fans were not happy about this change. Fans were booing and….

Race and Music: Richie Valens
In the past, an individual's culture would dominate whether or not he or she could have any kind of financial success outside of fans of that particular culture. However, there have been a few musical artists who have been able to transcend the limitations of their culture and become what would be considered mainstream performers. These people are extraordinary in that not only were they able to achieve great success, but were able to do so without sacrificing the integrity of their heritages. One of the first successful Latin or Chicano artists to achieve mainstream success in the United States was Richie Valens, born Ricardo Esteban Valenzuela Reyes. This man introduced 1950s America to the sounds of Latin and Hispanic culture and incorporated Spanish language into popular songs which became big hits in America among Hispanic and white audiences as well. hat is particularly remarkable is….

The ritish Invasion: The eatles v the Rolling Stones

Two of the most influential rock bands of all time emerged from England in the 1960s during the ritish invasion. Although they came to prominence around the same time, The eatles and The Rolling Stones each developed a style that was unique to their bands. Though the two bands were opposites in many ways, they helped to establish a new sound, both in England and the United States, which would revolutionize rock and roll.

The eatles were made up of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. There were many early versions of the band including the Quarreymen, which was formed in 1959, then Johnny and the Moondogs, and then the Silver eatles, the name that the band adopted before formalizing their line-up and becoming known as The eatles.[footnoteRef:1] One of the first things that the band's managers targeted was….

Elvis Presley's Impact On Popular Music Culture
From the time Elvis recorded "That's All Right Mamma" for Sun Records in 1953, to his subsequent and astonishing rise to fame, he reinvented the concept of rock star and has made a bigger impact on popular music culture than any other act. That is saying a lot considering that the Beatles and Rolling Stones and others like Elton John have been huge superstars. But looking at Elvis's impact, as this paper does, one can clearly see that he influenced all of those acts. John Lennon said that "Before Elvis there was nothing…" and the Rolling Stones have indicated that they were hugely influenced by Elvis.

hen Elvis Started Out -- Launching his Career as a Musical Rebel and Icon

An article in the Public Broadcasting Service (KCET) website ("Culture Shock / Music and Dance) traces Elvis's early beginnings in terms of how he became so….

Music in the 21st century was accused of being increasingly derivative and irrelevant. Interest in individual performers, in the era of iTunes, was being relegated to the sidelines as teens assembled their own 'mixes' rather than sought to embrace the output of an individual artist. It was said that the era of the great soloist and the great musical concept album was dead. ith her first album The Fame in 2008, Lady Gaga changed all of that and silenced the industry's critics. Yes, she is frequently outrageous and provokes controversy for her attire as well as her voice. But underneath all of the glam and glitter, Lady Gaga has proved that she a unique mix of vocal talent, showmanship, and social activism. She has also generated a huge following on Facebook and Twitter. Lady Gaga's fans do not simply download "Poker Face," "Telephone" and "Born this ay" online. They love….

camera was climb Mt. Fuji. Climbing Mt. Fuji is a lesson in determination and moderation. It would be fair to ask if I took the moderation part to heart." (Leibovitz and DeLano 1) -- Annie Leibovitz
Annie Leibovitz, born on October 2, 1949 in aterbury, Connecticut, is an American portrait photographer whose career has lasted over the decades beginning with Rolling Stone magazine in 1970. In just three short years, her stint in Rolling Stone magazine led her to her first position as chief photographer of Rolling Stone that she kept for a decade. She was the working force behind the Rolling Stone look and the rise of the magazine in the late seventies and early eighties.

How was she able to accomplish such a feat? It is in the way she connects with her subjects. She desires to open their souls, hearts, and lives to the camera. This intimate look….

The outcome of all of this was a rock concert which -- aside from the actual happenstance of performances -- was heavily controlled by the interest of the filmmaker. Though various aspects of the concert-attendance experience indicate that great care was paid to the appeal of the event itself, there is an explicit self-consciousness on the part of the subject as to the grander intention of the captured film to eulogize the touring band.
And with that purposeful modus operandi in mind, we may take note that the apparent distance between Direct Cinema and Cinema Verite really only serves academic purposes. From the perspective of the filmmaker or the documentarian, there is room both for a realistic portrayal of its subject and for the selection of an angle or impression. Given that the subject is a single concert event, wherein which the musical performances are the purpose of the document,….

Mississippi Blues: An Iconic Sound of the Deep South

The Mississippi Gulf Coast, a vibrant tapestry of rich history, cultural heritage, and musical traditions, serves as the birthplace of an iconic genre that has captivated audiences worldwide: Mississippi Blues. This distinctive sound, deeply rooted in the African American experience, has become synonymous with the region, and has left an enduring legacy that continues to resonate through contemporary music.

The origins of Mississippi Blues can be traced back to the late 19th century, when freed slaves and sharecroppers in the Mississippi Delta began blending elements of African folk music, field hollers, and spirituals....

5 Pages


Rolling Stones Bio the Rolling Stones Gather

Words: 1584
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Rolling Stones Bio The Rolling Stones Gather No Moss The Rolling Stones are considered to be one of the greatest rock bands of all time. ith a music career that spans…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Beatles vs The Rolling Stones Although Both

Words: 710
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones Although both were seminal musical bands during the 1960's, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones formed, and continue to mark distinct cultural styles and…

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2 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Spin and Rolling Stone What

Words: 883
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Rolling Stone is looking for a slightly older, more affluent readership and ironically picks up more male readers than SPIN. As a DJ, this information is invaluable in…

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4 Pages


British Invasion on the United States 1964

Words: 1239
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

British Invasion on the United States: 1964 -- 1967 The arrival of the Beatles in New York City in 1964 for an appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show marked…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Pop Is Tomorrow's Classical- Paul Mccartney Discuss

Words: 3141
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pop is tomorrow's Classical"- Paul McCartney. Discuss this contention within the context of rock/classical music collaborations since the early 1950s. Classical Rock and Popular Prophecy To the average music-listener, musical…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


David Bowie

Words: 679
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Bowie olling Stone describes David Bowie as the "consummate musical chameleon" because the superstar musician continually reinvents himself and appeals to a fan base wider than most artists ("David Bowie:…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Communications - Pop Music Propaganda

Words: 1867
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As a result, consumers again have choices. y limiting media exposure, and being aware of media techniques used to brand and market pop stars, we can make educated…

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4 Pages


Mcchrystal the Problem Facing General Mcchrystal Is

Words: 1197
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

McChrystal The problem facing General McChrystal is that he forgot (or never knew) the rule regarding the making of remarks or comments that denigrate a superior officer. Such a mistake…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Home a Martin Scorsese Picture

Words: 600
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He had been most inspired by the songs of Woody Guthrie. "Woody had a sound and said something with his music." He wanted to meet Woody and thank…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Race and Music Richie Valens in the

Words: 537
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Race and Music: Richie Valens In the past, an individual's culture would dominate whether or not he or she could have any kind of financial success outside of fans of…

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2 Pages


Two Musical Groups or Music Styles

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ands The ritish Invasion: The eatles v the Rolling Stones Two of the most influential rock bands of all time emerged from England in the 1960s during the ritish invasion.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Elvis' Impact on Popular Music Culture

Words: 1327
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Elvis Presley's Impact On Popular Music Culture From the time Elvis recorded "That's All Right Mamma" for Sun Records in 1953, to his subsequent and astonishing rise to fame, he…

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4 Pages


Music in the 21st Century Was Accused

Words: 1408
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Music in the 21st century was accused of being increasingly derivative and irrelevant. Interest in individual performers, in the era of iTunes, was being relegated to the sidelines as…

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2 Pages


Annie Leibovitz a Brief Look

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

camera was climb Mt. Fuji. Climbing Mt. Fuji is a lesson in determination and moderation. It would be fair to ask if I took the moderation part to…

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10 Pages


Cinema Verite and Direct Cinema

Words: 3267
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

The outcome of all of this was a rock concert which -- aside from the actual happenstance of performances -- was heavily controlled by the interest of the…

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