Sappho Essays (Examples)

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Thus, some may argue that the Sappho's implication for modern gender roles is stunning, suggesting that feminism is not a modern movement, but had its roots as far back as Sappho's time.

In addition to its implications for gender and all humanity, Sappho's poetry is of special significance regarding the topic of homosexuality. North writes that two important terms used by homosexual women today come from Sappho and her surroundings -- lesbian and Sapphic.

Probably the most important implication of Sappho's poetry regarding this issue, however, is that it not only occurred but seems to have been accepted and commonplace. This suggests that homosexuality, like poetry, drama, and government, which have roots in the ancient Greek social system, has a long and varied history. Advocates of homosexual relationships and their normalcy in modern society may argue that Sappho's poetry emphasizes the fact that these types of feelings and activities are natural, while….

Bowman, L. (2004). The "women's tradition" in Greek poetry. Phoenix 58 (1), 1-27.

Bowman -- a Greek scholar at the University of Victoria in Canada, who has published on issues of women in antiquity -- addresses the question of Sappho as a specifically female poet, and how gender affects her place in the "tradition" of Greek poetry. Bowman approaches the issue from two angles. She asks first whether there was a specific female oral tradition of Greek poetry (in terms of songs sung by women and transmitted from generation to generation), and secondly in terms of a written literary tradition (including not just Sappho but those other female poets whose work survives from ancient Greece in fragmentary form, such as Corinna, Praxilla, and Nossis). Bowman notes that a female oral tradition is historically likely, based on comparable societies, but that no actual evidence exists to attest to it. As for a….

Among the famous love poets known today, few of them are women, even though women are generally considered to be the more romantic and sentimental gender. However, one of the most influential of the ancient Greek poets was in fact a woman. Sappho is still known today for her incredible influence on the direction of poetry and the passion involved in her work. Also, Sappho is famous for her unconventional lifestyle which influenced her poetry, and also for the controversy surrounding the Christian condemnation of her work. Sappho is an outstanding poet because of her interesting lifestyle, creation of a unique poetic style, and the passion of her work which continues to influence poets and artists today.

Sappho was born between 630 and 612 C, and lived in Mytilene, a city on the island of Lesbos. At the time, Lesbos was a cultural center of the ancient Greek world. She was….

He cannot imagine killing his family and friends. Disloyalty haunts him from both directions. He would deceive his family and friends by fighting against them, but he would also deceive the Kurus by refusing to fight for their cause. He is wracked with grief over the fact that the Kuru army would even think of engaging in a war with their kinsmen.
2. What is the "embodied self"?

The "embodied self" is the self which has transcended the three characteristics of flawed mortal man. This person has risen above the flawed nature of the average person and has found balance within themselves and the universe. They practice self-discipline and humility. They have found the true self, the "embodied self," which is connected t the entire universe. These souls therefore achieve the prime goal of existence, finding the true nature of the self.

3. What might it mean to focus on the action….

In "That fellow strikes me as god's double," the speaker experiences unrequited love. The narrator feels an overwhelming sexual desire for a man or woman on the couch, who is coupling with a "fellow." Overwhelmed with jealousy, the speaker claims that the fellow "strikes me as god's double." The phrase "strikes me" can be taken two ways: as a figure of speech but also as a literal reference to being hit. Seeing the couple on the couch together is like a stake through the speaker's heart.

Rather than turn her jealousy outward by expressing anger towards her rival, though, the speaker instead turns her pain inward and onto herself. The fellow strikes her; she does not strike him. Unlike the follow who is "god's double," the narrator has a sense of self that is "worthless." She admits that she "must suffer further" and admits temporary defeat. The fellow, on the other….

From this prohibition, women like Murasaki Shikibu helped develop what would become known as classical Japanese prose. But because Murasaki wrote in a style of Japanese that was still developing from the spoken language, many of the physical gestures often associated with the spoken word make the prose seem "flowery," and overly descriptive. Women had a secondary role in society, and this was reflected in the writings of Murasaki as women seem to define themselves in relations to the men in their lives. And because 11th century Japan was not a monogamous society, containing both wives and concubines, the imagery used to describe women and their relationship to men is commonly filled with jealousy and rivalry. Women themselves are often portrayed from the point-of-view of longing for their man, waiting patiently for him to visit, and always willing to please him. They are also seen as vindictive and hateful….

I think, in the hypothetical situation described, it is morally permissible for Wendy to obtain a Caesarian section by choice. The chief difficulty is that Wendy herself seems like a shallow and frivolous person, and the majority of the reasons that she offers for wanting a CSBC seem rather shallow and frivolous. Wendy's reasoning is that, as a personal trainer for other women, her body is a form of business advertising and that -- based on the fact that a celebrity like Britney Spears has a CSBC -- the operation will leave her body more aesthetically attractive. She also prefers the convenience of being able to schedule a surgical appointment in advance, rather than having to wait around for her cervix to dilate. And finally she notes that the father of her child, Harry, believes that her vagina will be tighter if she has a CSBC rather than undergoes the….

Role of Deities

role of deities in "The Iliad," by Homer, the poetry of Sappho, and "Pericles Funeral Oration," by Thucydides. Specifically it will discuss how significant the deities are in the three pieces, and why deities played such an important part in ancient literature.

The Gods (deities) play an extremely important part throughout these three pieces, and through much of ancient literature. The gods were extremely important to the Greeks, who believed they lived atop Mount Olympus, ruled by Zeus, the father and leader of the Gods. In "The Iliad," Achilles often turns to the Gods to aid him in battle and in his personal life. People believed the Gods could influence everything in their lives, and so often asked them for help and advice, as Achilles does. "I came to see if I could check this temper of yours, / Sent from heaven by the white-armed goddess /….

The poems Catullus wrote to the woman Lesbia are among his best known. How would you characterize their affair?

Catallus describes a conflicted and stormy affair with the women of Lesbia. Sexual tension is evident in his poems, which have a strong erotic content. Therefore, his affairs were passionate and physical.

If the gender roles were reversed and the woman were the narrator, do you think this series of poems would read differently? Explain.

The poems would read differently not because their content would have changed but because they would subvert social norms. As a male, Catallus is allowed, almost expected to write such explicit details about his physical affairs including references to love and hatred. Females would have been more subtle because of the widespread social persecution they might suffer if they admitted to promiscuity or tumultuous romantic interludes especially with married people.

Catullus ends up calling his lady a whore. Would you….

Feminists, like Christine Pizan, who stressed the importance of female education and some of her male feminist contemporaries would mainly remain on the fringes as the classical form of education was reaffirmed as the standard.
In the 1970s, much of the challenge to female education was answered as the tradition of educating all people was accepted early in the development of the U.S. educations system, though it was not an easy transition and according to most inequalities still existed even in the late modern era. In fact there was no official federal department of education until 1979, yet this did not stop the progress of education.

Stallings 677) the marked entrance of women into higher education is thought by most people to be the beginning of the end for male exclusive education but pre-secondary education was available for women from the early part of the foundation of education as a community….

In both ancient Greece and ancient Rome, women were idealized or demonized in storytelling. Tales of "glamorous mistresses" and "adultresses" characterize some of the ancient Roman literature (Dixon). Like ancient Greek literature, ancient Roman literature also portrayed domesticated women as being highly virtuous to convey social norms and ideals for female behavior.
omen's work was defined and restricted by their gender. omen in both ancient Greece and ancient Rome did household work. In both societies but especially ancient Rome, "women were expected to be involved in cloth production: spinning, weaving and sewing," (Dixon). In ancient Greece, the only public role for women was reserved for a select few: the priestess (Rymer). Only one "authentic voice" of a female poet has survived: that of Sappho (Blundell 66). In ancient Rome, "a few examples of women in higher-status positions such as that of a doctor, and one woman painter is known," (Dixon).….

However, she is no bloodless female, absent of sexuality, despite her resistance of Apollo. In this respect, Wolf does update her story -- rather than a virgin or a sexless prophetess, Cassandra does have a relationship with Aeneas. She loves this hero with the ardor of a young woman, calling him the soul of Troy. But because he is a man, unlike Cassandra, Aeneas can master history and triumph. The admiration of Aeneas indicates the verisimilitude Wolf brings to her tale -- Cassandra has emotions and feelings, rather than simply spouts words, as in Agamemnon.
Wolf also interjects anecdotes into the story to make it more clearly told with Trojan eyes such as the Trojan's allegation that Helen was abducted because Priam's sister Hesione's eloped with a Spartan. Again, this underlines Wolf's theme of women as pawns and spoils of war -- it does not matter what Helen or Hesione….

Anne Sexton's literary success did not provide her with inner peace, and like Plath as well she committed suicide by inhaling poisonous gas ("Biography of Anne Sexton," Poem Hunter, 2008). Prophetically, in Sexton's poem entitled simply "anting to Die," she wrote of suicides: "Still-born, they don't always die, / but dazzled, they can't forget a drug so sweet/that even children would look on and smile." However, although most of her poems can be characterized as confessional and psychologically oriented in their subject and tone, not all of them are simply anecdotes from the poet's tormented life. Sexton's willingness to talk about the complicated feelings of mothers, specifically mothers and daughters, was revolutionary for its time, and she also addressed her own issues in light of a long cultural tradition of silencing female voices, as reflected in her poems on fairy tale heroines like Briar Rose and Snow hite. "Beauty is….

E-Business Entry
E-business may have been the most innovative idea to emerge from the birth of World Wide Web, but it was also the most misunderstood technology. Most firms believed that e-business would be easy. All you had to do was to offer your products or services online and then let customers visit you and make their purchases. But as it turned out, e-business turned out to be more complicated than that, resulting in massive shakeout in e-commerce sector during early 2000s. The bubble, as it was commonly known as, was one of the worst possible scenarios in the growth of e-business and it was believed that firms might never be able to harness the power of the Internet successfully. Brick and mortar option was considered safer and the sudden failure of most e-business was attributed to many things including poorly conceived business structures and models. During their study….

Erotic Love Poems

Greek & Roman
The mainstream lifestyle of the Ancient Greeks accepted that sexuality existed on a spectrum, and that sexuality was something that was fluid and not rigid or fixed. Therefore, the presence of heteroerotic and homoerotic in their poetry is no surprise. The Ancient Greeks accepted that sex with the opposite gender, the same gender, or with groups of people was normal, accepted, and at least, moderately expected. The paper will attempt to briefly note some, if any, differences among the Greek love poetry provided, specifically as those differences directly relate as to whether the poem is homoerotic or heteroerotic.

The homoerotic poetry is distinctive to this reader from the heteroerotic poetry. The homoerotic poetry repeatedly has imagery of horses. The poetry is typically written from the perspective of the older male in the affair. There are only a few homoerotic poems from the selection, yet they all include imagery of….

The term "gay" in its modern usage to refer to people who are homosexual has its linguistic origins in the 12th century. Originally, "gay" meant joyful, lively, or carefree. Over time, it was also used to describe someone who was promiscuous or sexually immoral. By the late 19th century, "gay" was being used in underground gay subcultures to refer to homosexuality. It became more widely known and accepted in the mid-20th century, eventually becoming the predominant term to refer to people who are homosexual.
In contrast, the term "lesbian" has a more complicated linguistic origin. It is derived from the name....

I. Women in Greek Mythology

       A. Goddesses - portrayed as powerful beings

       B. Mortal women - often depicted as virtuous or tragic figures
II. Women in Ancient Greek Literature

       A. Female protagonists - rare but notable examples like Antigone

       B. Female characters as foils - providing contrast to male characters
III. Women in Roman Literature

       A. Female poets - such as Sappho and Ovid's heroines

       B. Female characters in Roman plays - often portrayed as cunning or manipulative

IV. Women in Ancient Egyptian Literature

A. Roles in religious texts - often depicted as....

6 Pages
Research Proposal


Sappho's Poetry Implications for Classical

Words: 2025
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

" Thus, some may argue that the Sappho's implication for modern gender roles is stunning, suggesting that feminism is not a modern movement, but had its roots as far back…

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2 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Sappho Bowman L 2004 The Women's Tradition

Words: 933
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Sappho Bowman, L. (2004). The "women's tradition" in Greek poetry. Phoenix 58 (1), 1-27. Bowman -- a Greek scholar at the University of Victoria in Canada, who has published on issues…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Sappho Among the Famous Love Poets Known

Words: 717
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sappho Among the famous love poets known today, few of them are women, even though women are generally considered to be the more romantic and sentimental gender. However, one of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Sappho's Poetry in Throned in

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He cannot imagine killing his family and friends. Disloyalty haunts him from both directions. He would deceive his family and friends by fighting against them, but he would…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Sappho in That Fellow Strikes Me as

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Sappho In "That fellow strikes me as god's double," the speaker experiences unrequited love. The narrator feels an overwhelming sexual desire for a man or woman on the couch, who…

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3 Pages
Literature Review


Sappho and Genji Sappho and

Words: 896
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Literature Review

From this prohibition, women like Murasaki Shikibu helped develop what would become known as classical Japanese prose. But because Murasaki wrote in a style of Japanese that was…

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3 Pages


Sappho I Think in the Hypothetical Situation

Words: 1156
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Sappho I think, in the hypothetical situation described, it is morally permissible for Wendy to obtain a Caesarian section by choice. The chief difficulty is that Wendy herself seems like…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Role of Deities

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

role of deities in "The Iliad," by Homer, the poetry of Sappho, and "Pericles Funeral Oration," by Thucydides. Specifically it will discuss how significant the deities are in…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Throned in Splendor Deathless O

Words: 1437
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

The poems Catullus wrote to the woman Lesbia are among his best known. How would you characterize their affair? Catallus describes a conflicted and stormy affair with the women of…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Education Has Evolved Substantially Over

Words: 2345
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Feminists, like Christine Pizan, who stressed the importance of female education and some of her male feminist contemporaries would mainly remain on the fringes as the classical form…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Women in Greece Rome Although

Words: 962
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In both ancient Greece and ancient Rome, women were idealized or demonized in storytelling. Tales of "glamorous mistresses" and "adultresses" characterize some of the ancient Roman literature (Dixon).…

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4 Pages


Cassandra Written by Christa Wolf

Words: 1455
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

However, she is no bloodless female, absent of sexuality, despite her resistance of Apollo. In this respect, Wolf does update her story -- rather than a virgin or…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Anne Sexton No Mercy Street

Words: 804
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Anne Sexton's literary success did not provide her with inner peace, and like Plath as well she committed suicide by inhaling poisonous gas ("Biography of Anne Sexton," Poem Hunter,…

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11 Pages


E-Business Entry E-Business May Have Been the

Words: 3376
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Business Entry E-business may have been the most innovative idea to emerge from the birth of World Wide Web, but it was also the most misunderstood technology. Most firms…

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2 Pages


Erotic Love Poems

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Greek & Roman The mainstream lifestyle of the Ancient Greeks accepted that sexuality existed on a spectrum, and that sexuality was something that was fluid and not rigid or fixed.…

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