School Nurse Essays (Examples)

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IFSP/IEP Process
The school nurse checks the hearing and vision of all the children in a Head Start classroom.

- The teacher uses a checklist to observe a child's play skills.

Based on family concerns, a kindergarten student is tested by the speech language pathologist and school psychologist.

The scenarios described in the preceding statements represent the diverse array of assessment methodologies used to measure, record, and interpret vital information about children within the school environment. The systemized administration of standardized tests, annual physical examinations, and teacher-guided assessment of individual students and their abilities is used to refine the educational process and ensure the efficient and effective delivery of instructional goals. The characteristics of particular learners should dictate the direction of instruction design. Knowing how to create immersive, integrated lesson plans is of no use to instructors who are not capable of recognizing their learner's individual abilities and applying lessons accordingly. When an….

School Nurses
Jonathan Zaun

For most students who grew up during more prosperous economic times, the school nurse held a position of almost mythical stature, dispensing colorful cough drops and bandaging scraped knees. This matronly figure was a gatekeeper of sorts, holding in her hands the ability to send a child home sick for the afternoon, and in the process fulfilling every little boy or girl's secret wish of a personal day off. Of course, school nurses were also responsible for far more serious duties during the school day, such as monitoring the health plans of at-risk students and administering annual hearing and eyesight exams. Today's generation of elementary and high school students, however, are increasingly faced with the worrisome task of attending a full day of schooling without the safety net provided by a trained school nurse. Due to a confluence of factors, the most devastating of which is the shrinking….

School Nursing

Attn: Senator

e: Bill 672, Public and Nonpublic schools -- Student Diabetes Management Program


My name is ____ ____ and I am writing to ask that you vote in support of Bill 672, which would authorize the Student Diabetes Management Program in Maryland public and nonpublic schools. As a nurse, I have a lot of experience with diabetes patients, and pediatric patients. I have seen in my career a dramatic increase in recent years of pediatric diabetes patients, and this trend has reached alarming levels.

As you may be aware, childhood diabetes comes with a whole host of negative health outcomes. Type 1 diabetes, or juvenile insulin-dependent diabetes, in a genetic condition requiring constant care, which poses significant challenges to our educational system. Our educators are trained to educate, but must also play the role of safeguarding the health of our children, a role that is challenged by illnesses that demand constant attention.….

A nurse must weigh these variables, physical, mental, and spiritual, when advising a course of treatment and deciding how to approach a patient or patient's family. An adolescent who is an injured athlete envisioning a lucrative college scholarship might demand and be able to physically and mentally withstand a more aggressive form of treatment, due to psychological and developmental and goal-related visions (spiritual) factors than might a less motivated elderly patient.

A nurse who is training other nurses can instill consideration for all such variables in her various trainees -- and encourage nurses to engage in self-care as well as patient care on spiritual, preventative physical health care, and mental levels. Additionally, in a work environment with many diverse cultures, remind other nurses that Neuman's model has also been modified slightly to take into consideration culture as well as mind, body, and spirit -- although culture and spiritual values are difficult….

Utilization of the data and collection of the data should be one of the main aims of the policy makers. The data can be used by the policymakers in order to develop the policies and implement these in order to make sure that improvement can be ensured (Basch, 2011, p. 9).
3. One of the main roles that can be played by the policy makers includes reviewing the policies that have already been designed for the schools. How these previous policies have played roles in an improvement of academics of the children, their environments and their health are important parts of the review by the policymakers. It is important that funding is collected for the issues that affect health and academics of children.

4. The policymakers should make sure that the importance of school-based health clinics that can play roles in looking after the needs of the students.

Great levels of differences….

Developmental perspective was the concept that the nursing students participating in this study were typically younger than they patients they were caring for. This made it difficult for them to ask the "older" patient questions about a lifestyle they had been practicing for many years.

Environmental constraints were noted that prevented the participants in the study from fully implementing best practice guidelines. The primary of which was time. They noted that because of other duties and paper keeping requirements, they had little time to properly present the best practice guidelines. Some noted that they had little time to do expected things such as breathing, much less introduce the patient properly to best practice guidelines.

During their third year of training the nurses were introduced to a comprehensive program concerning cigarettes and cessation programs. In addition they had already been taught more efficient time management training. With these new tools they felt more….

Nursing Shortage Essay

Abstract Globally, a nursing shortage is impeding the advancement of healthcare systems around the world. The nursing shortage refers to any situation in which the labor market cannot keep up with patient demands. Causes of the nursing shortage include poor working conditions leading to high turnover rates, insufficient nursing education programs, and lack of incentives for nurses to work in areas of critical concern. Effects of the nursing shortage include further staff shortages due to high stress environments and poor patient care—including higher rates of mortality and morbidity. Nursing shortages have affected almost every region of the world, and may become worse unless concerted efforts are made to remedy the problem. 
Even the most advanced healthcare systems in the world are short on nursing staff. As a result, existing nurses are working longer hours under high duress, and are more prone to making errors or experiencing workplace violence and abuse. Patients are….

Personal Statement

Choosing Nursing

My life has centered upon answering a central question. This question has been a in my mind since I was 10 years old. At that age, my first image of medicine was largely influenced by the doctors and nurses who were always helping my grandfather battle a rare form of brain cancer. His illness was a life changing experience for me, as, at that age, I watched his condition gradually deteriorate over a period of three months, and I detested I could do nothing to help. This thought, however painful then, has motivated my entire life, and has led to my choosing of nursing as a profession,

Though some did not approve of this particular career path, I never gave up my dreams. For this reason, I began studying and volunteering so as to combine education in theory with education in practice. Giving back to my community has always….

Nursing Phil
Throughout my life, I have exemplified core Christian values like faith and temperance. Christian role models have helped me to shape a character and identity that is conducive to a life of selfless service, which I view the nursing profession to be. I want nothing more than to participate in a Christian nursing community, with the goals of making the world a better place one patient, and one community, at a time. Effective nurse education will allow me to develop my skills in all areas of nursing: from leadership to bedside practice. The Mark and Huldah Buntain School of Nursing is unique in that it offers a perfect fusion of Christian values with cross-cultural awareness, and correspondingly, cultural sensitivity.

I have always valued my spiritual health every bit as much as my physical and psychological health. This is why I gravitated towards the Mark and Huldah Buntain School of Nursing….

Nurse-Patient Relations
The main focus of this essay is going to concern the nurse-patient relationship idea, and why it is important. This was chosen because the researcher desired to achieve a better accepting of how a helpful nurse-patient relationship can be advanced and even from different theorists who have discovered this idea. In this essay, the researcher sets out to demonstrate what they have learnt regarding the nurse-patient relation concept and how this connection can utilized in the clinical practice setting. T The nurse patient connection, according to a study done by Press Gamey Associates Inc., creates the quality of the care experience and generates an influential influence on patient gratification. Nurses will a lot of their time with patients. Patients see nurses' relations with people among the care team and make their own conclusions about the hospital founded on what they are observing. Furthermore, nurses' approaches toward their vocation, those….

Nursing Shortage
eview On Nurses Shortage

The supply of professional nurses relative to the increase in demand for their services has been on a general decline over the years. As a career choice, nursing has been facing perennial shortage of professionals. Most healthcare organizations will affirm that their daunting tasks were recruiting fresh nurses and retaining the ones already in practice. The 2008 projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the demand for professional nurses would increase from the then two million to three million, which represents sixty percent increment. In ideal situations, the number of those who have enrolled in nursing will be sufficient to supply the rise in their number. Nevertheless, this would not be the case if nothing were done to salvage the worrying trend of most students not graduating or resorting to other careers. According to Benjamin Isgur of PWHC Health and esearch Institute, of the….

Nursing in the Rural Area

Rural nurses are particularly endangered by the current and worsening shortage in nurses. As it is, rural nursing is already beset with issues that range from a lack of professional practice system, the need for larger incentives for nurses to work in the rural areas, a general unwillingness to live in these areas among the nurses and the foreseen depletion of the supply of rural nurses. Possible solutions and approaches have been proposed.

Approximately 20% or 54 million U.S. residents live in locations categorized as rural (ushy, 2006). These residents are distributed across 80% of the nation's total land area. About 99 or fewer residents occupy every square mile in these areas and experience the shortage of nurses more acutely than in urban areas. Moreover, they have generally lower annual income, less education and poorer health status than urban residents. Local health care providers….

Nursing means working one on one with individuals who may be bogged down will all manner of physical or mental pain and suffering or who may even be on the brink of death. Because nurses work so closely with the most delicate matters of human existence: pain, suffering, and death, ours is a difficult job.
Nursing is but one of many healthcare professions and involves unique and specific work. For instance, nurses work directly with the patient by touch and voice. Nurses listen to people's complaints and address them immediately; we massage, we empty bed pans, we bandage bruises and poke people with needles and stick tubes down their throats. Not everyone wants to deal so intimately with patients but would rather remain in the lab. Nurses usually have more direct contact with patients than doctors do, for instance. Nurses must possess a full understanding of the profession and what….

One need only read the newspaper "Classified" ads to realize that employers are trying many clever marketing tactics to attract prospective nurses into their organizations. Many are offering sign-on bonuses, extra benefits and other amenities to attract a limited supply of nurses. As both the general population and the elderly population grow, the number of nurses needed to care for them increases proportionally as well. The number of people choosing to pursue nursing as a career has been on the decline, mainly due to long working hours, low pay, high job stress and other factors. These factors will not resolve themselves if the nursing deficit continues to increase. In addition, graduate nurses find it difficult to enter the workforce due to their lack of experience and a shortage of mentors to teach them. The solution is simple, more nurses are needed, and soon. Novice nurses are fresh graduates who usually….

The Nurse as Learner and Teacher

Nursing is truly a lifelong study. While in school, a future nurse learns the tactics and the theory of the profession, and while in practice, he or she learns the social part of the profession, including interaction with patients, and difficulties relating to the workplace, and how to solve the latter. Due to these reasons, nursing is not a "one track" career, and involves constant adaptation and learning. Yet nurses are also teachers, and they fulfill that role every day, from the very first time that they step into the workplace. This paper will aim to present the nurse as both a learner and a teacher, and relate this to personal learning abilities.

From a new graduate to chief nurse, an individual embarking upon this career may very well see it in stages, but what is certain is that a nurse is often found both in….

The role of the teacher when working with children with physical disabilities and health problems is to provide a supportive and inclusive environment that meets the individual needs of each student. Some program implications for working with these students may include:

1. Individualized Education Plan (IEP): Teachers should work closely with the student, their parents, and healthcare providers to create a personalized plan that outlines specific goals, accommodations, and supports to help them succeed academically.

2. Accessibility: Teachers should ensure that the classroom environment is accessible to students with physical disabilities, such as by providing ramps, adaptive equipment, and assistive technology.

3. Health....

2 Pages


Ifsp Iep Process the School Nurse Checks the

Words: 550
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

IFSP/IEP Process The school nurse checks the hearing and vision of all the children in a Head Start classroom. - The teacher uses a checklist to observe a child's play…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Are School Nurses Disappearing

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article

School Nurses Jonathan Zaun For most students who grew up during more prosperous economic times, the school nurse held a position of almost mythical stature, dispensing colorful cough drops and bandaging…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

School Nursing

Words: 762
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Politics/Healthcare Attn: Senator e: Bill 672, Public and Nonpublic schools -- Student Diabetes Management Program Dear, My name is ____ ____ and I am writing to ask that you vote in support of…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nursing Theory in Nursing Decision-Making

Words: 826
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A nurse must weigh these variables, physical, mental, and spiritual, when advising a course of treatment and deciding how to approach a patient or patient's family. An adolescent who…

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8 Pages
Literature Review


School Clinics Affects on Students

Words: 3382
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Utilization of the data and collection of the data should be one of the main aims of the policy makers. The data can be used by the policymakers…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Nursing Supervised Smoking Cessation Plan

Words: 2766
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Developmental perspective was the concept that the nursing students participating in this study were typically younger than they patients they were caring for. This made it difficult for them…

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8 Pages

Nursing Shortage Essay

Words: 2582
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Abstract Globally, a nursing shortage is impeding the advancement of healthcare systems around the world. The nursing shortage refers to any situation in which the labor market cannot keep up…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay

Health - Nursing

Reason for Choosing Nursing as a Career

Words: 838
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Nursing Personal Statement Choosing Nursing My life has centered upon answering a central question. This question has been a in my mind since I was 10 years old. At that age, my…

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4 Pages
Admission Essay

Health - Nursing

Nursing Phil Throughout My Life I Have

Words: 1349
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Nursing Phil Throughout my life, I have exemplified core Christian values like faith and temperance. Christian role models have helped me to shape a character and identity that is conducive…

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7 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nurse-Patient Relations the Main Focus of This

Words: 2161
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Nurse-Patient Relations The main focus of this essay is going to concern the nurse-patient relationship idea, and why it is important. This was chosen because the researcher desired to achieve…

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6 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Shortage Review on Nurses Shortage the

Words: 2703
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Shortage eview On Nurses Shortage The supply of professional nurses relative to the increase in demand for their services has been on a general decline over the years. As a…

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9 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing in the Rural Area a Well-Deserved

Words: 2307
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing in the Rural Area A WELL-DESERVED SECOND LOOK Rural nurses are particularly endangered by the current and worsening shortage in nurses. As it is, rural nursing is already beset with…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nursing Pus Bodily Fluids and

Words: 993
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nursing means working one on one with individuals who may be bogged down will all manner of physical or mental pain and suffering or who may even be…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nursing One Need Only Read the Newspaper

Words: 1837
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nursing One need only read the newspaper "Classified" ads to realize that employers are trying many clever marketing tactics to attract prospective nurses into their organizations. Many are offering sign-on…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing the Nurse as Learner and Teacher

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing The Nurse as Learner and Teacher Nursing is truly a lifelong study. While in school, a future nurse learns the tactics and the theory of the profession, and while in…

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