Sexual Act Essays (Examples)

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Fisting is a sexual act that involves inserting the whole hand into the vagina (vaginal fisting) or anus (hardballing). In a way, the name fisting is an inaccurate description for what happens during the act. The whole fist is not rammed in all at once like a punch. It is a gradual process, usually inserting and adding one finger at a time. And once the whole hand is inside, it does not ball up into the shape of a fist, although it may curl. But because the whole hand is inside (sometimes up to the wrist), perhaps this justifies the use of the term fisting (Women, Culture and Society FAQ). According to Answers. com, the medical terms for fisting are brachiovaginal eroticism (vaginal) and brachioproctic eroticism (anal). Fisting became popular during the sexual revolution of the 1960s and '70s when private fisting clubs for gay men sprang up in urban….

The culminating act of the novel also clearly illustrates this principle. During the second time Tita and Pedro make love -- and the only time they do so with complete abandonment, without fear of getting caught, the world reacts in a manner typical of magical realism, with the massive fluttering sound of a thousand doves wings: "Tita was aware of none of this, she was experiencing a climax so intense that her closed eyes glowed, and a brilliant tunnel appeared before her" (Esquivel, 220). This tunnel leads to the afterlife, and means death. Tita is able to keep herself back from this light, resisting the temptation in order to enjoy her newfound world of pleasure with Pedro. Pedro, however, crosses over into the light; the act of uninhibited sexual intercourse is too powerful for him, and he is consumed by it. Though the book's central conflict is the denial….

Sexual Predators Prosecution

Sexual Predators' Prosecution

Sexual predators are persons who sexually victimize other persons (ILGA, 2009). They may be rapists, molesters, peeping toms or sexual deviants. A sexual deviant is convicted for rape, attempted rape, child molestation or abuse, incest, sodomy or indecent sexual assault or exposure. A judge may, however, convict a sexual predator for a crime unrelated to the sexual act. If the offender takes a child from home without parental consent, he may be convicted for kidnapping. As of 2009, 17 States have laws that penalize sexual predators, specifically a sub-class of sexually violent predators or SVP. Of these 17, Illinois adopted and enforces the broadest definition of SVP as sex offenders who victimize persons below 18 years old, regardless of past convictions. The other 16 define SVPs as those who victimize others below 12 years old and who have prior sex convictions and/or whose….

Sexual Harassment
The term sexual harassment refers to unreasonable intrusion into a person's personal space in relation to comments or actions of a sexual nature. There are laws dating back to the 1960s under the Civil ights Act that target this issue in the workplace. This law was enacted to prohibit this type of behavior at work in addition to providing a framework or guidelines for employers to resolve the issue. There are several types of harassment considered unlawful and the focus here is to understand and determine how employees can respond to sexual actions in the workplace that create a hostile work environment (Employment Law 2011).

There are several circumstances in the workplace where sexual advances or comments are considered inappropriate, unreasonable, even hostile according to Employment and the Law (2011). Comments that repeat innuendo of a sexual nature such as dirty jokes, lewdness or slurs against the opposite or same….

As I grew older and my friends began experimenting with and discussing sexual behavior, my attitudes began to shift. While I still highly value monogamy and a sense of faithfulness as well as the "purity" that comes with having only one loving partner -- while I still see sex and sexual acts as something more than merely physical, that is -- I also no longer believe that sex is sinful or as degrading as it is made to seem in certain Christian contexts. It was the influence of my social group that led me to believe this, as I believe my friends are good, kind, and decent human beings regardless of what their attitude towards sex is or what their sexual practices are, and I also found that an acceptance of human nature was more in keeping with my religious views than the condemnation of certain ultimately harmless behaviors if….

Sexual Rights This Is a

It is apparent that the queer identified in Zimbabwe has not yet been socially accepted enough to even begin to look at the ways marriage laws discriminate against them. The most basic rights that are assumed when looking at the discrimination of LGB community and what are thought of as given human rights seen through a North American lense do not exist. The most basic laws of protection from active discrimination in public do not exist. Thus, to try and apply our notion of equal marriage rights within this society would be like trying to run before learning to walk. There are more pressing rights that need to be addressed, such as changing the laws that make ____ punishable by death for the LGB people who live within Zimbabwe before marital status and how the laws surrounding marriage are oppressive can begin to be examined.
From the previous three examples,….

Diversity Policy
GE commits itself to active achievement of diversity for enhancing the firm's performance through recognition and utilization of the diverse talents and skills of its directors, managers, and staff members. Diversity encompasses recognizing and appreciating the unique inputs of different members of an organization, owing to their different backgrounds, skill sets, viewpoints, and experiences, including individuals with concomitant domestic responsibilities. GE cherishes the differences among its workforce, as well as their contribution to the organization. GE further commits itself to abolition of discrimination and supporting diversity among its staff members. The company's aim is making its workforce a true representative of every societal group, and making every employee feel valued and capable of contributing their best.

Thus, the goal of this diversity policy is providing fairness and equality to all employees of the company, and not discriminating against anyone on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, marital status, nationality,….

Prostitution: Causes and Consequences
Prostitution has been termed as one of the oldest professions, with its history going back to as early the ancient period. Indeed, records of most ancient societies -- from Greeks and omans to Jews, Hebrews, Asians, and Muslims -- point to the existence of prostitution several thousand years ago (Sanders, O'Neill & Pitcher, 2009). Today, though illegal in some jurisdictions, prostitution is a widespread practice, with virtually every major urban area across the globe having numerous brothels, escort services, and joints disguised as massage parlors. Prostitution is also practiced at the sex worker's or client's residence as well as in adult entertainment locations such as strip clubs. Emanating mainly from individual and socioeconomic factors, prostitution is associated with a number of dangers on the individuals involved, and may expose one to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This paper describes the causes and consequences of prostitution, clearly demonstrating how….

Sexual Child Abuse
Child sexual abuse involves a broad range of sexual behaviors that take place between a child and an older person. These sexual behaviors are planned to erotically stir the older person, commonly without concern for the consequences, choices, or outcome of the behavior upon the child. efinite conducts that are sexually offensive frequently involve bodily contact, such as in the state of sexual kissing, touching, fondling of genitals, and oral, anal, or vaginal contact. Nevertheless, behaviors might be sexually abusive even if they do not entail contact, such as in the case of genital exposure, verbal force for sex, and sexual abuse for purposes of prostitution or pornography.

For efinitions propose four main types of child abuse (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and child neglect), but seldom if ever does one form of abuse happen alone. The suggestion in itself is illogical. Physical abuse and sexual exploitation never….

Sexual Assault Treatment Center
Describe the social problem for the community

Sexual assault is a criminal sexual act, either physical or otherwise, committed by a perpetrator against a victim (usually a child) using physical, intimidation/force, or emotional manipulation. Sexual assault subjects the victim to the perpetrator's demands through use of coercion, force, manipulation or explicit/implicit threats. Sexual assault is considered criminal because the act is committed against a victim without seeking his or her consent. Sexual assaults are also considered wrong and criminal regardless of the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim or the religion, culture, sex, sexual orientation or age of the victim. In case the victim is a child, sexual assault is termed as sexual abuse. In sexual abuse an adult uses his or her position of power to satisfy their desires. As mentioned earlier, sexual assault can be with or without physical contact and it may involve anything….

This links the two just as the more terse speaking style of Deborah and Dan link them. In the end, though, the characters in the play are linked largely on the basis of gender, with the two men seen more and more alike and the two women turning to one another in a world where men cannot relate to them. In spite of the way Joan talks about men, the play cannot help but depict the man as more at fault than women for the failure to connect, and the women see this as the case, while the men seem oblivious to the whole idea of their being at fault. That lack of awareness may indeed be the primary reason why the men are at fault. The women want to make a connection with the men, even if they find it difficult to do, while the men tend more….

For instance, according to Begley, "Men who were promiscuous back then were more evolutionarily fit since men who spread their seed widely left more descendants. By similar logic, evolutionary psychologists argued, women who were monogamous were fitter; by being choosy about their mates and picking only those with good genes, they could have healthier children" (2009, p. 52). Although modern men and women may not look like Cro-Magnums, they all want to act like them deep down inside because of these primordial drives. In sum, Begley concludes that, "We all carry genes that led to reproductive success in the Stone Age, and that as a result men are genetically driven to be promiscuous and women to be coy, that men have a biological disposition to rape and to kill mates who cheat on them, and that every human behavior is 'adaptive' -- that is, helpful to reproduction" (emphasis added)….

Erotic passion is not considered a prerequisite for moral sexuality for the traditionalist. After all, erotic disconnect would naturally be a component of many traditional marriages. A traditional marriage is not necessarily one that was entered into out of mutual sexual interest or passion. Even when the relationship does begin with sexual passion, that passion can fade as the couple grows emotionally distant. If sex can only take place within the institution of marriage, erotic disconnect is possible but not morally reprehensible by any means. For the traditionalist, the institution of marriage trumps sexual pleasure. Moreover, if sex can involve no toys, no sex play, and no use of "organs for purposes not intended by God/Nature" then many individuals would experience erotic disconnect in their marriages. Because the traditionalist also mandates heterosexuality, any homoerotic fantasizing within a loveless marriage would be considered more moral than a homosexual marriage.
Aristotle would….

Sexual harassment is a dangerous weed which needs to be rooted out from our society. This malady threatens our fundamental constitutional basis of freedom and equality for all. Implementing a good sexual harassment policy at the organizational level and strict enforcement of punishments for offenders is the rightful solution to the problem.
Sexual harassment has assumed huge proportions and is an omnipresent problem raising its hood in all social and professional domains. Women, being the weaker sex are the most affected by this social evil and all the positive achievements of the women's liberation movement have been spoilt by this malady. Gender discrimination continues to haunt us and at every level and it has cast a doubt on the general notion of America as a nation of liberty and gender equality. The corporate sector is no more a secure place for women, with sexual harassment cases getting revealed one by one….

The Age Group for Which Curriculum is Being Developed

Other parents' organizations and experts urge parents and schools to talk to children at least by the age of 10 about sex, even though they squirm. Young children today have a great need for sex education. The influence of the internet and television creates false rumors and sex gossip among children this age. Sexual predators look for ignorance when they are looking for a child to abuse, so knowledge and a vocabulary to match are important. Experts claim "this is the most crucial time to talk" (Hickley, p. 34).

It is important for children to learn about sex from teachers at school, as most parents are not well educated in this area and are usually hesitant to discuss such things with their children. Courses for preadolescents should be taught by teachers familiar with the subject who are able to couch the discussion….

There are a few different ways that you could approach a speech about birth control.  You could focus on contraceptive and reproductive rights as basic human rights and look at the legal controversies surrounding access to birth control.  You could discuss types of birth control.  You could discuss how birth control policies impact things like teen pregnancy and teen sexual activity.  You could even discuss birth control and the religious implications of its use or widespread availability.  In other words, there are many ways that you could go.   We are providing three....

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the topic you are considering.  That is because you are asked to take a position in an argumentative essay and support that position, while also being ready to meet challenges that would come from people taking a different position.  Sex education is a surprisingly divisive topic given the evidence that supports sex education as being a positive for students.  Much of this division is based in religious and moral objections to sex education, and, while it....

Three iconic high school dance movies helped shape popular culture from the late 1970s to the late 1980s: Dirty Dancing, Grease, and Footloose.  While the movies all focused on high school aged teens, they also had other similarities that are worth exploring.  They all feature relationships with a boy from the “wrong side of the tracks” in some way.  This is reminiscent of West Side Story, the original teen dance epic.  Of course, West Side Story derives its story from Romeo and Juliet.  Your thesis could focus on those similarities or you could....

Comprehensive sex education programs typically include the following key components:

1. Comprehensive information on human sexuality: This includes information on anatomy, puberty, sexual development, reproduction, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

2. Healthy relationships: Education on consent, communication, boundaries, and respect in relationships.

3. Decision-making skills: Teaching students how to make informed and responsible choices about their sexual health and relationships.

4. Safer sex practices: Information on contraception methods, including condoms, and how to prevent the spread of STIs.

5. LGBTQ+ inclusive: Recognizing and acknowledging different sexual orientations and gender identities, and addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

6. Cultural competence: Consideration....

2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Fisting Is a Sexual Act That Involves

Words: 722
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fisting is a sexual act that involves inserting the whole hand into the vagina (vaginal fisting) or anus (hardballing). In a way, the name fisting is an inaccurate description…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Female Perspective on Sexual Acts

Words: 1600
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The culminating act of the novel also clearly illustrates this principle. During the second time Tita and Pedro make love -- and the only time they do so…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Sexual Predators Prosecution Too Harsh and Disadvantageous

Words: 957
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Sexual Predators Prosecution TOO HARSH AND DISADVANTAGEOUS Sexual Predators' Prosecution Sexual predators are persons who sexually victimize other persons (ILGA, 2009). They may be rapists, molesters, peeping toms or sexual deviants. A…

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4 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Harassment the Term Sexual Harassment Refers

Words: 1386
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Sexual Harassment The term sexual harassment refers to unreasonable intrusion into a person's personal space in relation to comments or actions of a sexual nature. There are laws dating back…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Attitude Shaping My Sexual

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

As I grew older and my friends began experimenting with and discussing sexual behavior, my attitudes began to shift. While I still highly value monogamy and a sense of…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Rights This Is a

Words: 2283
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is apparent that the queer identified in Zimbabwe has not yet been socially accepted enough to even begin to look at the ways marriage laws discriminate against…

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6 Pages


Sexual Harassment Policy Analysis

Words: 2034
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Diversity Policy GE commits itself to active achievement of diversity for enhancing the firm's performance through recognition and utilization of the diverse talents and skills of its directors, managers, and…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Art - Social Aspects

Sexual Activity and Prostitution

Words: 1615
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prostitution: Causes and Consequences Prostitution has been termed as one of the oldest professions, with its history going back to as early the ancient period. Indeed, records of most ancient…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


How Sexual Child Abuse Can Effect the Child's Psychological Development

Words: 2187
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sexual Child Abuse Child sexual abuse involves a broad range of sexual behaviors that take place between a child and an older person. These sexual behaviors are planned to erotically…

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14 Pages
Capstone Project


Analyzing Sexual Assualt Treatment Center

Words: 5492
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Sexual Assault Treatment Center Describe the social problem for the community Sexual assault is a criminal sexual act, either physical or otherwise, committed by a perpetrator against a victim (usually a…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Sports - Women

Sexual Perversity in Chicago the

Words: 1815
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This links the two just as the more terse speaking style of Deborah and Dan link them. In the end, though, the characters in the play are linked…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Factors That May Affect

Words: 3469
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

For instance, according to Begley, "Men who were promiscuous back then were more evolutionarily fit since men who spread their seed widely left more descendants. By similar logic,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Friends With Benefits Would

Words: 541
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Erotic passion is not considered a prerequisite for moral sexuality for the traditionalist. After all, erotic disconnect would naturally be a component of many traditional marriages. A traditional…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Sexual Harassment Is a Dangerous Weed Which

Words: 1357
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sexual harassment is a dangerous weed which needs to be rooted out from our society. This malady threatens our fundamental constitutional basis of freedom and equality for all. Implementing…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Sexual Education the Age Group

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

470). The Age Group for Which Curriculum is Being Developed Other parents' organizations and experts urge parents and schools to talk to children at least by the age of 10…

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