Shane Essays (Examples)

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Shane 1953 by George Stevens Is a
Pages: 3 Words: 1048

Shane (1953) by George Stevens is a film about a gun-toting man -- neither a man of the law nor a lawless man nor a cowboy for that matter -- who comes across a frontier that is burdened with conflict and oppression largely due to the violent reign of a cattle baron named Rufus Ryker and his henchmen. In true hero form, Shane sides with the oppressed -- particularly the Starrett family but representing the homesteaders overall -- living on the frontier and becomes for the audience a sort of representative or archetypal figure of the American West. He is a good man who comes in to help those that can't help themselves. He helps them fight for the land that they call home and, in the process, helps them fight for their dreams of living a peaceful life on the frontier.
The plot centers on three people: Shane, Rufus Ryker…...

Shane Sits on His Sofa for Hours
Pages: 2 Words: 661

Shane sits on his sofa for hours on end, the remote control in hand, surfing through dozens of stations looking for something worthwhile to watch. Being a couch potato makes him sorely out of shape, but watching television also has a detrimental effect on his mind. I blame his attitude on the news: hours of sensational and bloody business. As a result of watching so many hours of the news, Shane has a rather bleak view of the world and he largely lives in fear. Afraid to travel, he has become a slave to what the mainstream media has to tell him. I try to remind Shane that he hears only one version of the truth and only one, often narrow perspective on politics, but he can't ignore the flashy journalism that characterizes television. Whether network or cable, news stations generally report limited stories and limited perspectives, in spite their…...

Frame Story Zarina Philips Shane
Pages: 2 Words: 628

The guard and he both look over at the brunette leaning against the tiles. Left to himself, Shane hums a tune. This is one he's been working all afternoon. He can hone it while he plays on the street. At the club with his band, he'll have to stick to the set and be more discreet.
Like most men at the station, Shane eyes Katerina, a 21-year-old brunette bombshell. Though he's well-practiced at flirting, Katerina can easily tell. Well used to the attention, she briefly makes eye contact with Shane and coquettishly looks down at her leather boots. She'd never let on that thinks Shane is cute. On her way to a job interview in a tweed miniskirt, Katerina contemplates what she might say. Job interviews make her nervous and she inwardly prays. A devout Catholic, Katerina wants to work with kids. The preschool she is heading toward is, in…...

Western Movies
Pages: 3 Words: 1164

estern films, "Shane," made in 1953 and directed by George Stevens, and "Unforgiven," made in 1992 and directed by Clint Eastwood. Specifically, it will analyze the two films, and discuss their importance in the genre of estern films. Today, the classic estern is a film gone out of style, but these two films live on as classics, generally because they deviate from the classic estern model, by showing the characters three dimensionally, and the violence as real and devastating.

"Shane" does not rely on elaborate sets and costuming to get its message across to viewers. One reviewer called the sets "spartan" and the language of the film "laconic." The characters of this estern make the film the classic that it has become. Shane is a man of few words, but much action, and he firmly stands behind his beliefs. From the opening scene, when he rides down into…...


Works Cited

Dirks, Tim. "Unforgiven." 2002. 27 July 2002.


Shane. Dir. George Stevens. Perf. Alan Ladd, Van Heflin, Jean Arthur, and Brandon de Wilde. Paramount, 1953.

Sitton, Bob. "Refocusing the Western." Film-Philosophy. Vol. 4 no. 24. October 2000. 27 July 2002.

Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures
Pages: 3 Words: 969

FEED esource ecovery
FEEDs source of competition in the short- and long-term

The major source of competition for FEED is their introduction of a decentralized program, as most of the huge manufacturers of waste management have ignored the small market segment including grocery markets. Therefore, this targeted strategy in focusing only on the small segment of the industry and starting the decentralized anaerobic program. In addition, Europe also has targeted on the extensive food waste anaerobic program. Therefore, on-site design incorporation will extremely be appreciated because of the improving green technological innovation and fuel costs. FEED has rightly targeted to build in the on-site decentralized design, which in the long-term can be applied in any organization or business sector. Since, the current natural technologies are becoming extremely expensive for the small-scale entrepreneurs to adopt certain technological innovation. Moreover, the other technological innovation has used the transportation add-on to transport waste from and…...



Allen, K.R. (2012). Launching new ventures: An entrepreneurial approach. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Etukuru, R.R. (2011). Alternative investment strategies and risk management: Improve your investment portfolio's risk-reward ratio.

Kurtz, D.L., & Boone, L.E. (2011). Contemporary business. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Longenecker, J.G. (2012). Small business management: Launching and growing entrepreneurial ventures. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Technology and Innovation -- Market
Pages: 6 Words: 1707

It takes insightful analysis of the key success factors from the customers' perspective while a strong commitment to re-orient internal, back-office systems to support customer-driven criterion. The examples of the e-commerce industry, which is known for increasing returns and being highly differentiated on knowledge, show how quickly the network effect can serve as an accelerator for second movers to gain customer base in a relatively short period of time.

Jeffrey H. Dyer, & Kentaro Nobeoka. (2000). Creating and managing a high-performance knowledge-sharing network: The Toyota case. Strategic Management Journal: Special Issue: Strategic Networks, 21(3), 345-367.

Hsieh, T.. (2010, June). Why I Sold Zappos. Inc., 32(5), 100-104.

Isckia, T.. (2009). Amazon's Evolving Ecosystem: A Cyber-bookstore and Application Service Provider. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 26(4), 332-343.

Lieberman, M.B. & Montgomery D.B. 1998, 'First-Mover (Dis)Advantages: etrospective and Link with the esource-Based View, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 19, pp. 1111-1125.

Maida Napolitano. (2009, February). goes Space…...



Jeffrey H. Dyer, & Kentaro Nobeoka. (2000). Creating and managing a high-performance knowledge-sharing network: The Toyota case. Strategic Management Journal: Special Issue: Strategic Networks, 21(3), 345-367.

Hsieh, T.. (2010, June). Why I Sold Zappos. Inc., 32(5), 100-104.

Isckia, T.. (2009). Amazon's Evolving Ecosystem: A Cyber-bookstore and Application Service Provider. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 26(4), 332-343.

Lieberman, M.B. & Montgomery D.B. 1998, 'First-Mover (Dis)Advantages: Retrospective and Link with the Resource-Based View, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 19, pp. 1111-1125.

Accurately Plotting the S-Curve
Pages: 5 Words: 1435

Hybrid Consumer Vehicles: Where on the S-Curve?
For this case study, I have selected the hybrid car as the technology of interest. Hybrid cars have been a steady presence in the consumer auto market since the early 2000s. Toyota's Prius is the best-known example and has the largest market share, which is set to expand into other market niches with the development of subcompact and hatch/crossover versions of the Prius. Although Toyota has made sweeping claims about the amount of research money they spend (specifically, safety research) they do not report specifically how much of their &D budget is devoted to innovation and how much to safety and design refinements. A thorough analysis by Booz Allen & Hamilton on the relationship between &D spending and market performance shows that gross measures of research spending have no predictive power over market share or sales (Jaruzelski, Dehoff, & Bordia, 2004). Especially in the…...



Elfalan, J. (2008). 2008 Tesla Roadster - First Drive. Road and Track, online January 24, 2008, retrieved March 10, 2011. 

Kanazawa, S. (2010). Why liberals and atheists are more intelligent. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73 (1): 33-57.

Jaruzelski, B., Dehoff, M., & Bordia, R. (2004) The Booz Allen Hamilton Innovation 1000. New York: Booz Allen Hamilton.

Shane, S. (2009). Technology strategy for managers and entrepreneurs (1 st ed.).

Activity-Based Budgeting Creating a Nexus
Pages: 6 Words: 1993

In Thompson's version of a bureaupathology, the actions of individuals do not advance society or themselves, but rather the goals and objectives of the bureaucracy itself, which may not even benefit society as a whole. Individual members become subordinates to authority positions that often find themselves overly arrogant, and potentially even corrupt because of the lack of accountability other members of the bureaucracy hold them to.
There are a number of examples which O'Hara gives of failed strategies that clearly resemble Thompson's idea of a bureaupathology. First, in the prologue, O'Hara discusses Hoover's FBI and how it failed to adhere to the very laws it was supposed to protect with arrogance and exaggerated sense of power leading Hoover to take on personal vendettas, secretly spy on American citizens, and negatively influence the process of American politics. Moreover, O'Hara provides another example of the Philadelphia Police Department and its correlation to…...

Movie Mandy Moore Plays a Fairly Straight
Pages: 4 Words: 1534

Mandy Moore plays a fairly straight laced daughter of a minister in A Walk to Remember who finds out that being involved in relationships with others is more than following a list of to do's and to don'ts. When she is placed in the path of Shane West's character, a 'bad boy' who also needs to learn the value of looking beyond the a person's surface characteristics, the two find that understanding others, and understanding themselves, is a matter of getting past the surface habits, into the 'real' person that often hides, afraid of contact and rejection.

Early in the movie, the two are riding on the bus to school together, and the issues of personal knowledge and personal acceptance are brought to the surface via a typically teen conversation. Mandy attempts to engage Shane in a conversation, and is abruptly shut down. He doesn't appreciate her attempts to be…...

Ethnic Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Studies
Pages: 35 Words: 9953

Timmons (1994) in his study presents a three-dimensional model of practical application of a good idea:
Comprehensive evaluation of the opportunity;

Comprehensive evaluation of one's own expertise and inclination; and Comprehensive evaluation of the resources gathering process to maintain the launch of business venture.

Long and McMullan (1984) propose that application of a good idea depends on two processes; namely, elaboration and evaluation. Singh (1998) found that those entrepreneurs who spend more time studying the pros and cons of an idea before embarking on its application tend to set up fewer businesses than those who spend less time in the elaboration and evaluation phase. However, Singh (1998) points out that higher majority of successful entrepreneurs are those who spend more time in elaboration and evaluation.

1.4 Traits of entrepreneurs

Wright et al. (1997a) studied motivational drivers of entrepreneurs and found that entrepreneurs are primarily driven by either one or both factors. They divided entrepreneurs…...



Adler, P. & Kwon, S. (2000). Social capital: The good, the bad and the ugly. In E. Lesser (Ed.), Knowledge and social capital: Foundations and applications (pp. 80-115). Boston: Butterworth-Heineman.

Aldrich, H. & Zimmer, C. (1986). Entrepreneurship through social networks. In D. Sexton and R. Smilor (Eds), the art and science of entrepreneurship (pp. 3-23). Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.

Aldrich, H., Rosen, B., and Woodward, W. (1987) "The impact of social networks on business foundings and profit: a longitudinal study," in Churchill, N.C., Hornaday, J.A., Kirchoff, B.A. et al. (eds) Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Welles-ley, MA: Babson College.

Amabile, T.M. (1988) "A model of creativity and innovation in organizations," in Staw, B. And Cummings, L.L. (eds) Research in Organizational Behavior, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Analysis of Six Themes in Entrepreneurship
Pages: 17 Words: 5055

Entrepreneurship Introduction
The company selected is Dar Almanthour for Fragrance. The company was established in the year 2000 by the owner, Mr. Therar AlTararwa. The key products retailed by the company comprise of Bakhour, perfumes, scents, perfume oil and designed boxes for formal events. It started off with his friend at work wanting to sell his own made up fragrance and offered Mr. Therar AlTararwa to sell these fragrances to his family and when he did Mr. Al Tararwa saw an opportunity that selling these fragrances made money and so he wanted to get in the game he bought dozens of fragrances from his friend and made a guy sell them and he had his percentage of the sales. So then and there, Mr. Al Tararwa saw an opportunity and offered his friend money to sell him the mixture ingredients of the fragrance so he can open up a fragrance shop his…...

Ask Don't Tell Policy of
Pages: 5 Words: 1668

The viewpoints offered, the statistics presented, and the arguments suggested cover the full spectrum of possible approaches on this issue and, not unexpectedly, some of the articles do a better job of not only presenting the issues but also in remaining even handed in presenting their information. The articles that were cited herein, except for the New York Times' article, were chosen for a limited purpose and not for the overall perspective that they offered. Nevertheless, all the articles did a remarkable job of attempting to present both sides of not only the overall issue but also the limited issue that the article addressed. In light of the emotional nature of the subject, writing an article in such a detached, professional manner is not always easy.
The DADT policy is some sense a microcosm of the change that is undergoing in our society relative to alternative life styles and how…...


Works Cited Bill Clinton: I Regret DADT. 22 September 2010. 7 April 2011 .

Leo Shane, III. "GAO: Gay ban cost military $53,000 per dismissal." Stars and Stripes 20 January 2011.

Mulrine, Anna. "Marine chief: 'don't ask, don't tell repeal could be deadly 'distraction.." Christian Science Monitor 14 December 2010.

New York Times. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." New York Times 22 December 2010.

Fine Line Walked by Interrogators
Pages: 2 Words: 674

This last category includes the infamous waterboarding technique, which has -- in subsequent evaluations -- been labeled illegal torture. An important consideration in the evaluation of these techniques has been the additive impact of combining techniques to achieve an enabling condition or objective. In other words, in its 2002 memo to John izzo, the Acting General Counsel of the C.I.A., the U.S. Justice Department specifically prohibited some combinations of techniques and specifically permitted other combinations. In the period following 9/11 through 2005, revolving officials in the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Justice Department issued radical memos supporting or opposing the standard imposed by Congress for identifying torture. The harsh interpretation in 2005 asserted that the techniques used by the C.I.A. were not "cruel, inhuman or degrading," and so could not be considered to be torture.
How would you validate the information received from a suspect that was deprived…...



Greene, C.H. And Banks, L.M. (2009). Ethical guideline evolution in psychological support to interrogations operations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 61(1), 25-32.

Mazzetti, M. And Shane, S. (2009, April 17). Interrogation memos detail harsh tactics by the C.I.A. The New York Times. Retrieved   [Type text] 

Canadian Supreme Court 1990 Decision
Pages: 6 Words: 2010

Let such programs fund themselves through private charitable contributions. If they're justified they'll survive.
Laws and policies should be reformed so they protect all the rights and due process for both men and women equally.

In concluding, justice and fairness can only be attained and preserved where we rely on the judgment of people as jurors. hen we subtly suggest that they defer to expertise in human behavior for a judgment we're in for trouble.

A great deal of propaganda can be created these days to force people to think in a way they normally - and healthfully -- wouldn't. The abuse syndrome defense has gone beyond fairness. It's acceptance has triggered an enormous amount of unfairness in society -- aside from what the propanganda would have you know.

orks Cited

Bartholomew, K., Regan, K.V., Oram, D., & hite, M.A. (2008). Correlates of Partner Abuse in Male Same-sex Relationships. Violence and Victims, 23(3), 344+.…...


Works Cited

Bartholomew, K., Regan, K.V., Oram, D., & White, M.A. (2008). Correlates of Partner Abuse in Male Same-sex Relationships. Violence and Victims, 23(3), 344+. Retrieved April 3, 2010, from Questia database: 

Brady, B.M. (2000). America in Crisis: Mind Control/ritual Trauma/battered Woman Syndrome and Family Violence. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 92(5), 17+. Retrieved March 30, 2010, from Questia database: 

Goldberg, K. (1993, Winter). Battered Women Syndrome: the Imperfect Defense. Herizons, 6, 7+. Retrieved March 30, 2010, from Questia database: 

Schuller, R.A., Wells, E., Rzepa, S., & Klippenstine, M.A. (2004). Rethinking Battered Woman Syndrome Evidence: the Impact of Alternative Forms of Expert Testimony on Mock Jurors' Decisions. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 36(2), 127+. Retrieved March 30, 2010, from Questia database:

Dually Diagnosed African-American and Latino
Pages: 50 Words: 13893

(1999) which are:
1) Those with serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder with major depression and who use alcohol and drugs to self-mediate to cope with the symptoms; and 2) Those with borderline personality and anti-social personality disorders including anxiety disorder that is complicated by use of alcohol and illicit drugs. (Mather et al. 1999)

Presenting further difficulty is the establishment of problems with alcohol and illicit drug use for adolescents entering service programs outside of the AOD system. (National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2005) In an analysis of data taken form a sample group of youth in five San Diego county sectors of AOD treatment, mental health, juvenile justice, child welfare and public school-based services for severely emotionally disturbed [SED] youth gives indication that "there are relatively high rates of substance use disorders among adolescents in these systems, as determined in diagnostic interview with DSM-IV criteria."…...



Amaro, Hortensia, et al. (2005) Racial/Ethnic Differences in Social Vulnerability Among Women with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Disorders: Implications for Treatment Services - Journal of Community Psychology. Vol. 33 Issue 4.

An Overview of the Effectiveness of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Models (2001) Thousand Oaks, December 2001. Online available at

Blane, H.T. (1993) Recent Development in Alcoholism: Ethnicity: Recent Development in Alcoholism, 11, 109-122.

Bridging the Gap: What We Know and Don't Know About Dual Diagnosis (1998) Healing Hands Journal. Vol.2, No.4 July 1998.

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