Smog Essays (Examples)

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Production of Smog in California
Pages: 7 Words: 2538

Certainly, there are not enough people interested in doing that to allow real change in a community where smog levels are concerned (Carle, 2006). Since smog is mostly made by cars and trucks, a much-reduced number of these vehicles would be required - and asking a commuter to give up his or her car is asking a lot. Still, there are options. Hardin (1968) talked of the need for a wide-scale adjustment to morality. This would be the easiest and best solution: everyone just wakes up one day in a collective mood to "do the right thing," and then they actually do it from that day forward, happily and without any wavering.
That might sound like utopia, but it is also completely unrealistic. The people in California and in Central Valley have absolutely no interest as a collective group in doing things this way. Their group morality is mostly set…...



Bell, Michelle L. & Davis, D.L. (2004). A retrospective assessment of mortality from the London smog episode of 1959: The role of influenza and pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(1): 6 -- 8.

Carle, D. (2006). Introduction to the air in California. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Hardin, G. (1968). The tragedy of the commons. Science, 162: 143-148.

Jacobs, C. & Kelly, W.J. (2008). Smogtown, the lung-burning history of pollution in Los Angeles. NY: Overlook Press.

Globalization Brings Smog to China S Big Cities
Pages: 2 Words: 666

China -- Globalization and Air Pollution
Because China has essentially become, as The New York Times explains, " ... the world's factory floor" by producing electronics, clothes and many other goods for America and other nations (as part of its globalization strategy), it has generated "huge emissions of pollutants" in the process. Those pollutants include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides; and certainly the burning of fossil fuels in Beijing and other major Chinese cities contributes carbon dioxide to the problem of global climate change. This paper looks at the problems facing China when it comes to air pollution -- which results from its huge manufacturing and electrical generating plants.

Air Pollution in China

An article in The Guardian claims that air pollution in China's cities is "so bad" it actually resembles a "nuclear winter" (Kaiman, 2014). A nuclear winter (after an atomic bomb has been dropped) is an atmospheric condition that seriously slows photosynthesis…...


Works Cited

Kaiman, Jonathan. "China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists."

The Guardian. Retrieved October 27, 2015, from   2014. .

Liu, Coco. "China's War on Air Pollution May Cause More Global Warming." Scientific

American. Retrieved October 27, 2015, from   2015. .

Low-Intensity Crises the World in
Pages: 10 Words: 3269

Efforts are made to make healthier choices in terms of energy and transport in both developed and developing countries. All legislators now acknowledge the need for alternative energy and transport choices to promote the health and well-being not only of current generations, but also those of the future. Indeed, on a wider scale, healthier choices can eventually mean the difference between the longevity of the human race or its ultimate destruction. It can therefore be said with certainty that the impact of the 1952 event can still be felt today. It forms the basis of the fundamental realization that air pollution is very detrimental to human health, and that alternative fuel sources are essential if the situation is to improve.
II the Fire at andoz Ltd.

II.1 the Crisis

The 1986 fire at andoz Ltd. occurred near Basel, witzerland on 1 November. Like the London smog, was more or less a disaster…...



BBC News. 1986: Chemical spill turns Rhine red. On this day: 1 November. 

BBC News UK. (2002, Dec. 5). The Great Smog of London. 

Bitzer, Dirk. 1986 Environment: So many dead fish! Geschichte

Water Legislation Origins of Environmental
Pages: 37 Words: 11427

The Leblanc alkali production processes were especially pernicious, but they followed along the lines of previous industrial processes. In other words, the first British environmental legislation was a response not so much to a qualitative change in industrial processes and their environmental impact but more to a quantitative increase in sources of pollution that had up to that point been (if only barely) tolerable.
Legislation Arising From Public Anger

At the center of the first British environmental legislation was the Leblanc process, an industrial process that produced of soda ash (which is chemically sodium carbonate) that came into use in the first decades of the 19th century. Named after its inventor, Nicolas Leblanc, it replaced an older process in which soda ash had been produced from wood ash. However, as the availability of wood ash declined (because of deforestation, a process that was occuring both in Great Britain and across Europe…...


Resources Act (WRA) of 1991. This act "establishes the duties of the Environment Agency (EA) on flood defence and other areas relating to water management and quality."

"The EA has discretionary powers to improve and maintain river conditions. This means that the EA is not obliged to construct or maintain such works. In practice, the EA will only proceed with schemes that are not only beneficial but cost-effective.

"The Act also grants the EA powers to issue flood warnings and regulate what can be discharged into rivers, estuaries, coastal waters, lakes and groundwaters."

Canadian law on flooding is similarly divided between common law and statutory law.

First Nations

Economics Development to Environment in
Pages: 10 Words: 3246

(Ward; Mohapatra; Mitchell, 2008)
The Great Lakes also contain large amounts of 'polychlorinated dibenzo-furans - PCDFs' and 'polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins -PCDDs' which are a result of the chlorine bleaching process of paper and pulp mills. In a nation wide study conducted for a period of 4 years on samples of fish and shellfish from various freshwater and marine water bodies in Canada, it was found that the fish from the Great Lakes were among the most contaminated samples. (Steinhart; Doyle; Food esearch Institute, Cochrane, 1995) the paper and pulp industry has also grown with the growth of the economy. However, contaminant discharge from this industry still continues despite the various environmental measures taken by the paper and pulp industry of Canada. This industry has also caused disturbance to the huge boreal landscape of Canada. Approximately 50% of Canada's fresh water is located in these boreal forests. Developmental activities have affected these…...



Agioutantis, Zacharias. (2007) "Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Development..." SDIMI.

Burton, Philip Joseph; National Research Council Canada; Adamowicz, WL. (2005)

Towards sustainable management of the boreal forest" NRC Research Press.

Carter-Whitney, Maureen; Duncan, Justin. et. al. (2008) "Balancing

Global Warming the Chief Motive
Pages: 5 Words: 1568

A direct effect of the endeavor performed by environmental agencies and programs like the 1970 Clean Air Act is the fact that the level of certain pollutants slowly decreased ever since the 80s. Even with that, such successes are rare and a great deal of the progress experienced in the time period lasting from the 70s and until the end of the twentieth century have been forgotten as pollution once again became a serious issue in Houston. During the recent decade emission levels have steadily increased as people failed to realize that they first have to discover which pollutants harm them the most and to act in accordance with this discovery (Sexton et. al.).

What most cannot understand is that air pollution is a direct effect of their living style and in order to decrease emission levels and to eventually stop pollution they have to change much about the way…...



1. McNulty, Sheila. Air pollution: Houston's other environmental disaster." Financial Times. September 12, 2010.

2. Sexton, Ken; Linder, Stephen H.; Marko, Dritana; Bethel, Heidi; & Lupo, Philip J. "Comparative Assessment of Air Pollution-Related Health Risks in Houston," Environmental Health Perspectives 115.10 (2007)

3. "Getting the Big Picture on Houston's Air Pollution." Retrieved September 22, 2010, from the NASA Website:

Law Help Protect the Environment and What
Pages: 10 Words: 2725

law help protect the environment and what steps can citizens take to ensure that the law accomplishes this goal?
Protection of the environment is important for our health, but humans affect the system through various means such as through polluting water and atmosphere with toxic gasses, with oil, with car fuels, and with debris that is plunked into the waters as well as depleting the fisheries and filling the air with smog and the earth with pollution.

It is for this reason that legislation is put into effect to curb our destruction and to teach us how to look after the environment in better ways. The state employs its own regulations, but it needs a synthesis of both state, business and citizen involvement to safeguard the environment, and motivation from both business and citizen is not always forthcoming. The following essay discusses policies that have been implemented to help protect the…...



Amos, W. (2011) Development of Canadian Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling: Lessons from the Gulf of Mexico RECIEL 20 (1)

British Columbia v. Canadian Forest Products Ltd., [2004] 2 S.C.R. 74, 2004 SCC 38

Bruce, JP (2011) Protecting Groundwater: The Invisible but Vital Resource C.D. Howe Institute

DeMarco, Jerry V;Valiante, Marcia;Bowden, Marie-Ann (2005) Opening the Door for Common Law Environmental Protection in Canada Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 15, 2

Aldo Leopold and Environmental History in Answering
Pages: 6 Words: 2037

Aldo Leopold and Environmental History
In answering the question of whether the United States has improved on environmental policy since the 1930s, the cyclical nature of the political system must be considered. A generational reform cycle occurs every 30-40 years, such as the Progressive Era of 1900-20, the New Deal of the 1930s and the New Frontier and Great Society of the 1960s and early-1970s. All of the progress that the United States has made in conservation, wilderness preservation and other environmental issues has happened in these reform eras. Barack Obama represents yet another reform cycle and his environmental record is better by far than any other president over the last forty years, although much of what he attempted to accomplish has been blocked by the Republicans and the corporate interests that fund them. In conservative eras like the 1920s, 1950s and 1980s and 1990s, almost nothing worthwhile happens with environmental…...

Coal Fired Electicity Producing Plants in China Are Dangerous
Pages: 2 Words: 720

poor air quality in major cities in China has increasingly been viewed as a serious health threat -- and an economic problem as well -- over the past few years. The major culprit for this persistent pollution has been identified as coal-fired power plants, but auto emissions and factories are also contributors to this environmental problem. It has gotten so bad in Beijing, China, that on Tuesday December 8, Chinese leaders triggered a "red alert" closing schools, suspending factories, and keeping one-half of the vehicles off the streets (Mader, 2015). hat are the health-related issues brought on by this hazardous smog in China? This question will be addressed in this paper.
China's Air Pollution Kills up to 500,000 People Each Year

According to Chen Zhu, the former Chinese Health Minister -- who is a professor of medicine and a leading molecular biologist in China -- the terrible smog that envelops Chinese…...


Works Cited

Kaiman, J. (2014). China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists.

The Guardian. Retrieved December 11, 2015, from .

Mader, I. (2015). China smog triggers closure. Associated Press. Retrieved December 11, 2015, from .

Moore, M. (2014). China's 'airpocalypse' kills 350,000 to 500,000 each year. The Telegraph. Retrieved December 11, 2015, from .

Public Transportation and Promotion
Pages: 5 Words: 1388

Promoting the Use of Public Transportation Introduction
Public transportation serves numerous purposes: first, it helps to ease congestion in urban areas by decreasing the number of cars on the road at any given time but especially during busy traffic hours; second, it helps people who may not otherwise have means of getting to work obtain these means; third, it can reduce pollution and fuel emissions that can harm the environment. All of these are good reasons for using and promoting public transportation. The problem of how to promote public transportation, however, is one that needs to be solved. In order to solve it, a variety of factors have to be considered: a) who is most likely to use public transportation—i.e., who is the audience to whom the message needs to be communicated; b) where are these individuals most likely to need to go; c) how can the benefits of public transportation best…...

Threat China Poses to the
Pages: 7 Words: 2362

Of course, the 2007 pet food scandal is also a result of this same lack of regulation and inspection in China. Pet food manufactured here in the United States and in Canada contained melamine, an ingredient used in the manufacture of plastic dinnerware, but also a key ingredient in many fertilizers. It sickened thousands of dogs and cats, and hundreds died as a result of eating the tainted pet food. This incident helped bring the dangers of Chinese imported food and other products into focus, and made it much more real for many Americans. As a result, many people are becoming more vigilant about Chinese products, and some Congressmen have called for bans on all Chinese foods that are not inspected, but that has not occurred.
Clearly, this poses a danger to American consumers, and it is one reason that Chinese imports are the biggest threat to America.

However, Chinese foods…...



Comerford, Michael Sean. "Red Scare Fear Grows over the Quality, Inspection and Sheer Volume of Imports from China." Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), 15 July 2007, 1.

Elwell, Craig K., Marc Labonte and Wayne M. Morrison. Is China a Threat to the U.S. Economy? Federation of American Scientists. [online]. 2007. .

Hirsch, Steve. "Safety Warning Issued on Chinese ATV; Government Cites Lack of Front, Parking Brakes." The Washington Times, 6 June 2007, C08.

Murray, Geoffrey, and Ian G. Cook. Green China: Seeking Ecological Alternatives/. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Jones North Carolina Top Political
Pages: 5 Words: 1637

In the end, North Carolina seems to suffer from many of the ills experienced by the country at large. Although it is, without doubt, a state blessed with a high level of natural beauty as well as economic prosperity, it is also seriously affected by political and environmental issues that impact the lives of its citizens in very negative ways. hether the state will become increasingly mired in dollar-driven industrial and budgetary problems, or whether the state will eventually pull ahead of its neighbors in dealing with those issues will remain to be seen. One can only hope that a state with as rich a history, and blessed with such potential, will eventually triumph over the problems it currently faces, and arise clean and efficient in the years ahead.

orks Cited

Citizen Times. Staff. "Budget foot-dragging costly and inexcusable." Citizen Times Online Edition. 31 July, 2005. Retrieved on August 1, 2005



Works Cited

Citizen Times. Staff. "Budget foot-dragging costly and inexcusable." Citizen Times Online Edition. 31 July, 2005. Retrieved on August 1, 2005 

Citizen Times. Staff. "TVA should clean up its act, clear up our skies." Citizen Times Online Edition. 01 August, 2005. Retrieved on August 1, 2005 

Hamed, Mubarak, Thomas Johnson and Kathleen Miller, The Impacts of Animal Feeding Operations on Rural land Values, Community Policy Analysis Center, University of Missouri - Columbia. May, 1999.

Hartsoe, Steve. "States fighting shortages of state police and highway troopers." 30 July, 2005. Retrieved on August 1, 2005   -- troopershortage0730jul30,0,702689.story?coll=ny-region-apconnecticut 

Canada Environmental Policies & Politics
Pages: 13 Words: 3601

4-billion expansion after it was shut down in May by the province's environment ministry due to urine-like smells wafting in to neighbouring communities from the company's new technology." (Stephenson, 2006)

In the work of Ross McKitrick entitled: "Towards the Use of Emission Taxes in Canada" a paper presented to the Finance Committee Round Table on Green Taxes in Ottawa, Canada on May 31, 2001, it is stated that in the presentation of the paper covered are:."..three topics: the context (international and domestic) for environmental policy in Canada, the basic principles of pollution tax design, and the priority I would suggest for proceeding with this policy instrument." (McKitrick, 2001)

McKitrick states that "the theory of optimal environmental taxation was worked out by Agnar Sandmo in an article in the Swedish Journal of Economics in 1975. Some points that have emerged from Sandmo's work are the following:

There is an "optimal" level…...



Macdonald, Doug (1995) Green Taxation and Environmental Policies - Presented to the annual meeting of the Environmental Studies Association of Canada, June 4, 1995. Online available at .

Planning for Sustainability (2000) Global Problems: Local Solutions - Transport Canada; Sustainable Transportation: The Canadian Context. Online available at .

Paehlke, Robert (2000) Environmentalism in One Country: Canadian Environmental Policy in an Era of Globalization. Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 29, 2000.

CCME Task Force on Cleaner Vehicles, Engines and Fuels (2005) 1.2 Motor Vehicle Emissions and Air Quality. 21 Apr 2005. Online available at .

Global Warming Has Become an Issue of
Pages: 15 Words: 4496

Global warming has become an issue of major global concern. This research explores the complexities of the issues surrounding global warming and the development of models to help curb the human contributions to its continuation. This research focuses on the UAE and its initiatives to develop sustainable cities in the future.
Evolution of Cities

environmental change and Global warming

Field Work and Case Studies

Back Ground

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) covers an area of approximately 777 sq. km and has a population of over 5 1/2 million residents according to 2009 statistics (Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division. 2009). The country has the six largest oil reserves in the world and is one of the most developed economies in the Middle East. It has one of the most developed infrastructures in the Middle East as well. Global warming has become a key issue in developed nations that rely heavily on industry such…...



Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division (2009) (PDF). Expat numbers rise rapidly as UAE population touches 6m. 2009 revision. [Accessed October 5, 2011] Available from World Wide Web:

Ellis, C. History of Cities and City Planning. [Accessed October 5, 2011] Available from World Wide Web: 

Environment and Ecology. 2011. UNESCO World Heritage. XIth World Congress of the OWHC -- Sintra 2011 Climate Change. [Accessed October 5, 2011] Available from World Wide Web: 

Ewing, R., Bartholomew, K., & WInkel, S. et al. "Growing Coooler: evidence of urban development and climate change. Urban Land Insititute. [Accessed October 5, 2011] Available from World Wide Web:

Effectiveness of ASEAN
Pages: 37 Words: 14078

The study will be delving into: What ASEAN constitutes and what remains beyond its scope? The aim of this study will be handing out a wide-ranging presentation of the present stance of ASEAN and its accomplishments till date, along with its challenges. The paper is intended as a suggestion for a master-plan that can be employed as a future pathway where ASEAN political-security support must be going towards in the forthcoming years.

To start with let us have a brief introduction of the organization. The creators of the Association of South East Asian Nations - ASEAN, visualized it as ultimately assembling all the nations of the region and managing them to lend a hand in assuring the peace, permanence and growth of the area. While the area was in a state of turmoil, a lot of nations were under pressure for the existence of the nation or autonomy. First of…...



ADBI (2002) "Did East Asian Developing Countries lose Export Competitiveness in the pre- Crisis 1990's?" ADBI Research Paper 34; Tokyo.

Altbach, Eric. (1999) "Growing Pains: ASEAN at 30" Japan Economic Institute Report. No. 23; June 19

Author Unkown. (1999) "Weathering the Storm: Hong Kong and the Asian Financial Crisis" Conference sponsored by the Far Eastern Economic Review. Hong Kong. 11 June.

Baietti Aldo. (2001) "Private Infrastructure in East Asia: Lessons Learned in the Aftermath of the Crisis." Washington, D.C. World Bank.

What should we name the looming haze of pollution known as smog?
Words: 678

The Enigmatic Smog: Unveiling an Apt Nomenclature

The omnipresent shroud of pollutants that obscures our skies has long defied a name that truly encapsulates its insidious nature. The term "smog," a portmanteau of "smoke" and "fog," has become a ubiquitous descriptor, yet it falls short of conveying the multifaceted complexities of this atmospheric menace. To address this linguistic lacuna, let us embark on a lexical odyssey to uncover a nomenclature that aptly captures the essence of this environmental scourge.

A Pollution Tapestry

Smog is a tapestry of suspended particles and gases woven together by the intricate interplay of human activities and atmospheric conditions.....

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