Social Science Research Essays (Examples)

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Inductive reasoning occurs when one makes inferences from particular situations or scenarios to predict future situations. In this study, the authors seek to use information from particular youth's experiences of the transition to adulthood and apply it to the development of a general understanding of whether or not youth can overcome existing social class, gender and ethnic divisions (MacDonald et al., 2005).
5. Identify at least 4 major findings from this study.

MacDonald et al. (2005) found that with few exceptions youth stayed within the community in which they were raised. The authors attributed this finding to the housing market but a more influential factor appears to be the preference of these youth to remain in their neighborhoods despite the presence of social exclusion. A key factor in this preference was the comfort that is provided through familiarity with the neighborhood (MacDonald et al., 2005). Within these neighborhoods, MacDonald et al.….

For this kind of research to be effective, researchers must gain the trust and confidence of these individuals. Careful planning, focus group research, and investigation may help to build this kind of trust, but all of those steps add time (and expenses) to the research process.
c) Use of untested assumptions. Researchers may have their own assumptions about how people react to trauma, and these assumptions may negatively affect their own neutrality. Those assumptions may also impact the design of the study, through the types of questions being asked in the research to the way the researcher interacts with the subjects. Misconceptions about trauma are rampant, and in fact people react very differently to stresses in their lives.


Major Findings: Researchers discovered a great deal of variability in post-traumatic response among individuals in the immediate community where the trauma took place. Many of those closest to the trauma had the most….

video games in the life of the student. The problem with the Likert Scale is that
Thurstone Scale


I like video games.




I play video games everyday.




I play video games online




I play video games with friends online.




I play video games after school.




I play video games before doing homework.




I play video games while doing homework.



Guttman Scale

(Based on 7 Criteria Above)


Item 1

Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6

Item 7





The key to the Gutman scaling is the analysis. The table shows the respondents who Agree or Disagree, and we then use those percentages to make points about the criteria, and age vs. responsibility.

Essay Three

When conducting research with humans there are a number of ethical considerations that must be adhered to in order to protect the rights and safety of human participants. Institutional Review Boards and Research Ethics Boards review all proposed research at academic institutions to ensure that participants will be treated….

Social Science esearch
Evans, A. And S. Frank. (2004). Adolescent Depression and Externalizing Problems: Testing Two Models of Comorbidity in an Inpatient Sample. Adolescence. 39 (153) [HIDDEN] etrieved from:

The Scientific Method, though requires data and data analysis to be effective. In its most basic outline, quantitative data is information that can be measured by numbers or numerical values. Quantitative inquiry is a method that is used in scientific methodology to gather a logical and provable manner of collecting and analyzing data. Qualitative research uses a less numerical and more open ended approach to data -- it investigates the why and how of decision making; whereas quantitative focuses more on the what, where, and when -- which are all numerically measurable. One method is not necessarily better than the other; it is entirely dependent upon the hypothesis that is being tested. Indeed, qualitative research is often used to form the hypothesis….

In addition, please find a ballot, which you may complete and mail back separately which will allow you to be entered into a prize draw for $50.00.
You were selected to participate in this study by a random selection of University Community members. Your participation is entirely voluntary and you may choose to withdraw at any time. There are no harms or risks involved in participating in the study, and there are no direct benefits. All of the information collected through this survey is entirely confidential and the survey collects absolutely no identifying information. The final report will be presented to University Administrators with data analyzed as a whole, and no individual case will be identified.

This study has received approval from the Institutional Review Board at the University of X. If you have any questions or concerns you may contact the IRB chair at ____ or you may contact the….

Table of contents undergoes modification to accommodate the changes in the modern world. New volumes also elaborate on the changes or transformation within the sector of law enforcement agencies.
Discussion Question 2 -- Errors in Human Inquiry

Babbie Earl illustrates on numerous fallacies or errors that undermine the effectiveness and efficiency of human inquiry. These errors include assumed or made up information, overgeneralization, inaccurate observation, selective observation, premature closure, ego involvement, and mystification (Babbie, 2010). In order to avoid these errors, the author suggests accurate measures for each. In one occasion, a friend of mine came to me holding a piece of paper. Instead of checking out what the paper was about, I assumed that he was shedding the tear of joy having passed his test or something. Later it turned out that he was be evacuated from his apartment for failure to pay rent. During this judgment, error or fallacy….

Social Science Research
Conceptualize and operationalize the variables in that sentence

What is the relationship between age and responsibility?

Age refers to the numbers of years a person has live right form birth till date. Age may indicate the level of maturity of an individual depending on the circumstance a person has been brought up. The age of a person can only be categorized and measured according to figurative values. For instance age can be categorized as follows

a) 0-10years (children)

b) 11-20 years (adolescents)

c) 20-30 years (adults)

d) 30-40 years (old people)

e) 40-50 and above (elderly people)

Responsibility refers to the capability of an individual to handle certain situations the immediately surround him or her. Responsibility reveals the capacity of a person to take care of a given assignment to excellence and perfection. Responsibility can be categorized as follows

a) Very responsible

b) Responsible

c) irresponsible

d) Very irresponsible

Age and responsibly are closely related. It is important to realize that….

Social Science esearch
Module 3 Discussion 1- Operationalizing Constructs

What does "safe" mean to you?

Safe means that the airplane travels without any problems and with comfort.

What types of variables could you construct to capture your concept of "safe?"

Using Ordinal Level measures (Babbie, 2010)

- Very Safe

- Safe

- Unsafe

Very Unsafe

How will your conceptualization of "safe" compare to others?

This concept is based n comfort ability of the airplane.

Have you ever participated in a survey?

I participated in a social research activity that was done in our community. It was an educational research on the effect of drug abuse on education and learning.

How were you selected to participate? Was it a random selection?

I was chosen as one of the people who have never used drugs to improve classroom performance. It was not a random selection.

What bias may have come into play in your selection?

The subjects in this research were selected according to their academic performance in one….

social science research are qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research is believed to operate from a subjective, constructionist view of reality, whereas quantitative research operates from an objective, positivist viewpoint of the world. There has been quite a bit of debate over the merits of each of these approaches, often with one paradigm belittling the assumptions of the other. The current literature review explores the philosophical foundations of each paradigm, compares their practical differences, and discusses the strengths and weakness of both approaches as they relate to research in the social sciences and to human resources research. The rationale for mixed-methods research, where the two paradigms are combined, is also discussed.
In recent years there has been substantial interest concerning the role of specific paradigms and philosophical assumptions with regards to doing research. There has been a growing concern regarding the adequacy of research methods in social sciences and….

Social Science esearch
Lab 4: Quantitative Data Analysis

Univariate Analysis

Examine your data and complete the following:



% Yes















The sample in this study is __50____ % male and ____50__ % female.

Write a brief sentence describing the pattern of drug use by those surveyed in this study. Hint: Which drugs are more frequently used than others? Try using the data (%) in your description.

According to the results given above, many people are currently using illicit drugs of varying kinds. The statistics show that alcohol is the substance, which is most abused by a percentage of 81.6 out of 100 often in form of beverages. 36.9% of people used marijuana while cocaine, crack, and heroin are used at 12.3, 22.4, and 1.4% respectively (National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 2001, 2012).

Bivariate Analysis

Hypothesis: Men are more….

Social Science and Why Is it Important?
The definition of social science has been narrowed down to those sciences that deal with human activities and human behavior as opposed to science that studies natural phenomenon. However this division may be superfluous now because modern science has its origin from the old social sciences. Science evolved from the society which also contained many thoughts that may be out of the realm of modern science like "religion, philosophy, ideology and politics." (Williams, 2000)

Thus the scientific theories are based on a philosophical thinking that is often shaped by politics or religion. The relationship between science and other streams of human thought and science changed with the changes in scientific method which again form within the disciplines of each branch of science is different and often contradictory. (Williams, 2000)

The argument at this stage is if the social world is amenable to experiments of the….

Social Sciences in Education
The development and specialization of the various fields in the social sciences started with the establishment of sociology as an academic discipline in the 19th century. The architects of this early discipline include Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx. Over time, the social sciences have broadened to include other disciplines looking at human life through in a variety of contexts, including anthropology, economics, political science, history, psychology, communication and linguistics.

There are two broadly-defined schools of thought in the contemporary understanding of social sciences. A positivist interpretation of the social sciences utilizes the scientific method in the study of human society. An interpretivist social scientist tends to utilize analysis, written deconstruction, and contextualization to examine theoretical linkages. One of the more notable tendencies of contemporary social science practice have been researchers who use hybrid styles, techniques, and methodologies in their work to look at their topics….

social sciences: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. However, there is another classification of research -- evaluation research -- frequently deployed in organizations. Evaluation research may make use of all of these different methodologies, even though it has a different goal than academic research. "The generic goal of most evaluations is to provide 'useful feedback' to a variety of audiences including sponsors, donors, client-groups, administrators, staff, and other relevant constituencies" (Trochim 2006).
In contrast to the use of the scientific method as in quantitative research, evaluation research is more intent upon offering practical data that can be used to maximize organizational resources and is specifically devoted to program evaluation. Some evaluation research does use standard qualitative methods in the tradition of the scientific method. However, an equally common approach is that of "management-oriented systems models. Two of the most common of these are PET, the Program Evaluation and eview Technique, and….

Social Science esearch
Within any healthcare paradigm, clinical outcomes are the desired effect of medical treatment. In many cases, assessment is too often placed into a template that is completely synonymous with testing, and diagnosis with testing scores. This may be a misguided paradigm for the modern medical paradigm since there are so many proven links between assessment and intervention planning. In fact, employing an evidence-based and best practices approach in assessment becomes important to glean the desired results in studying the efficacy of outcome assessment. Clinical assessment, of course, is used in all medical fields -- from general practice to psychology. In fact, it is the core basis of the modern medical model (Vlaovich-McLeod,, 2008). However, in far too many cases, there is a complete overreliance on scores and not enough on the clinician and clinical judgment modeling. In a perfect world, all subtests would be identical and correlated….

How can I expand or advance the conversation by new insight or perspective?I agree with the idea that the ability to replicate a study is critical in being able to trust its conclusions. This is much more difficult in qualitative research, given that such a small, highly specific population is being observed by the researcher. But even quantitative studies face a so-called replication crisis. When research papers are published, they describe their methodologyWhen another research team tries to conduct a study based on the original to see if they find the same result, thats an attempted replication (Piper, 2014, par.4). But one attempt to replicate studies from the popular scientific journals Nature and Science led to the conclusion that only 13 of the 21 results looked at could actually be replicated by outsiders, casting the findings in doubt as generalizable to outside of the specific study population (Piper, 2014). For….

Without knowing what two scenarios you selected, we cannot help you specifically evaluate the sample size, evaluate the statements for meaningfulness, critically evaluate the statements for statistical significance, or provide an explanation of the implications for social change.  We can, however, provide information to you about how you can make those evaluations.

Understanding how statistics work, especially in the context of science and social science research, is very important.  That is because you can have studies that seemingly show the same results, but actually contain very different information.  One important component of any type of statistic presented is....

2 Pages
Article Review


Social Science Research What Is

Words: 612
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Inductive reasoning occurs when one makes inferences from particular situations or scenarios to predict future situations. In this study, the authors seek to use information from particular youth's…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Social Science Research Silver Roxane

Words: 429
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

For this kind of research to be effective, researchers must gain the trust and confidence of these individuals. Careful planning, focus group research, and investigation may help to…

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2 Pages


Social Science Research if Building

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

video games in the life of the student. The problem with the Likert Scale is that Thurstone Scale 1) I like video games. Agree Disagree 2) I play video games everyday. Agree Disagree 3) I play video games online Agree Disagree 4) I…

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2 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Social Science Research Evans A And S

Words: 798
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Social Science esearch Evans, A. And S. Frank. (2004). Adolescent Depression and Externalizing Problems: Testing Two Models of Comorbidity in an Inpatient Sample. Adolescence. 39 (153) [HIDDEN] etrieved from: The…

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2 Pages
Lab Report


Social Science Research Satisfaction With

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Lab Report

In addition, please find a ballot, which you may complete and mail back separately which will allow you to be entered into a prize draw for $50.00. You were…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Criminal Justice

Social Science Research Discussion Question

Words: 714
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Table of contents undergoes modification to accommodate the changes in the modern world. New volumes also elaborate on the changes or transformation within the sector of law enforcement…

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5 Pages


Social Science Research Conceptualize and Operationalize the

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Science Research Conceptualize and operationalize the variables in that sentence What is the relationship between age and responsibility? Age refers to the numbers of years a person has live right form…

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1 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Social Science Research Module 3 Discussion 1-

Words: 404
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Social Science esearch Module 3 Discussion 1- Operationalizing Constructs What does "safe" mean to you? Safe means that the airplane travels without any problems and with comfort. What types of variables could you…

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16 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Social Science Research Are Qualitative and Quantitative

Words: 4883
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Essay

social science research are qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research is believed to operate from a subjective, constructionist view of reality, whereas quantitative research operates from an…

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2 Pages
Lab Report

Sports - Drugs

Social Science Research Lab 4 Quantitative Data

Words: 428
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Lab Report

Social Science esearch Lab 4: Quantitative Data Analysis Univariate Analysis Examine your data and complete the following: SHOT NAME LONG NAME % Yes CIGEVE EVE SMOKED A CIGAETTE ALCEVE EVE HAD DINK OF ALCOHOLIC BEVEAGE MJEVE EVE USED MAIJUANA/HASHISH COCEVE EVE USED…

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4 Pages


Social Science and Why Is it Important

Words: 1276
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Science and Why Is it Important? The definition of social science has been narrowed down to those sciences that deal with human activities and human behavior as opposed…

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3 Pages


Social Sciences in Education the Development and

Words: 893
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Sciences in Education The development and specialization of the various fields in the social sciences started with the establishment of sociology as an academic discipline in the 19th…

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2 Pages


Social Sciences Quantitative Qualitative and Mixed Methods

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

social sciences: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. However, there is another classification of research -- evaluation research -- frequently deployed in organizations. Evaluation research may make use of…

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2 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Fundamentals of Social Sciences

Words: 829
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Social Science esearch Within any healthcare paradigm, clinical outcomes are the desired effect of medical treatment. In many cases, assessment is too often placed into a template that is completely…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing

Sociology - Research

Positivism in Social Science Research

Words: 736
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

How can I expand or advance the conversation by new insight or perspective?I agree with the idea that the ability to replicate a study is critical in being able…

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