Solar Energy Essays (Examples)

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Around 21 billion of co2 is launched into the environment annually which is too much for the environment of Earth to neutralise or utilise normally. The manufacturing of co2 from burning non-renewable fuel sources is among the most considerably important contributing greenhouse gases. The boost of greenhouse gases in the environment is developing a substantial increase in worldwide temperature level which is a direct link in between non-renewable fuel sources and superior Global Warming. Global Warming has a considerable effect on biodiversity. As the environment warms due to superior Global Warming, the place of the weather envelopes will move substantially which could potentially lead to termination of types. Types should relocate with the altering environment by migrating to cooler environments. An instance of this is a type of Alpacas located on a lesser component of mountain and migrates further up the mountain due to increasing temperature levels. The environment….

At the present energy set-up nuclear energy provides around 20% of world's electricity. This energy is produced naturally -- by the sun and other stars making heat and light- and artificially-electricity from nuclear power plants. The nuclear power plants produce more energy using less fuel compared to the fossil fuels and hence it is seen as an environmentally friendly energy source (Ansolabehere, et al., 2003). However, the true scope of the consequences of developing nuclear energy has been realized through rather very unfortunate lessons. When names like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Hiroshima and Fukushima are mentioned the only thought that runs the minds of many must be disaster. Nuclear plants pose a great danger to the surrounding community in case of any accident. Although, the chances of an accident ever happening are very minimal this has not counteracted the fear people have towards nuclear energy producing plants.
The Fukushima explosion….

Solar Energy With Respect to

The primary benefit of the implementation of solar power remains the lowering of our carbon footprint in our pursuit for a pleasurable and feasible life within the modern world. According to research, "solar power panels generate zero CO2 emissions," (Simple Earth Media 2009). Thus, more focus on the implementation of solar power would drastically reduce the harmful gases being emitted into the atmosphere by traditional power sources. With no carbon dioxide or other harmful greenhouse gases, the application of solar power has great potential to help curb the environmental damage that has already wreaked havoc on the natural ecology of the globe. Thus, research is correct to assert that "A major benefit of substituting biomass for fossil fuels is that, if done in a sustainable fashion it would greatly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases," (Union of Concerned Scientists 2010). This would also help extend the benefits of using power into….

solar energy is interesting in that it makes some environmental claims that seem to be rather tilted in favor of the "save the environment" standpoint. he presentation attempts to make a strong case for converting from the world's current use of oil and gas to a world that primarily uses only solar energy. However, the overall case is not strong enough that it would move an outsider to be impressed. However, it does present some interesting possibilities on a more individual basis throughout Australia.
he presentation starts with an introduction to Solar Shop, an Australian company that produces solar energy panels. It continues from there by presenting facts and figures showing the growth in Australia, as well as around the world, in the use of solar panels to generate not only electricity for individual homes but excess energy as well. According to the presentation that growth has been strong especially….

Literature Review Solar energy is still a relatively new phenomenon in terms of serving as a new energy supply to rival the use of fossil fuels. However, as Fares and Webber (2017), Lewis (2016) and other researchers show, solar energy has its uses—but also its limitations. Understanding where solar energy is capable of being advanced and where it has run into walls in terms of utilization are key to developing pathways to greater research and development opportunities (Lewis, 2016). Simply storing solar energy in an effective way has proved problematic (Sinsermsuksakul, Sun, Lee et al., 2014)—but even here, advancements are being made to help show how creative solutions are being proposed to harness solar energy efficiently (Assuncao, Moura & Almeida, 2016). Still, as Luthra, Kumar, Garg and Haleem (2015) point out, not all of the limitations of solar energy are technology-related: some of these limitations are social, political, economical and infrastructural….

She writes, "Utility companies are offering 'buy-down programs,' which grant rebates to customers who purchase solar equipment in order to help them bear the initial costs of the system" (Woloski). If more utility companies and governments would offer these programs, more people could afford solar energy and that would help break our dependence on fossil fuels by reducing the need for coal-fired electrical plants that pollute and depend on non-renewable energy.
There is another major problem with the development of large solar developments capable of producing electricity for thousands of homes. Currently, they take up a massive amount of space. Another writer notes, "But the biggest objection -- the massive quantities of land needed for large-scale solar development -- remains. Solar energy output large enough to displace our current consumption of fossil fuel might easily require 53,000 square miles of land in the desert Southwest" (Stein). There are large-scale developments….

Lyndon ive,
Thank you for the opportunity to present to you and Solar City our proposal for bringing solar power to the government buildings of Trenton, New Jersey. In order to best appreciate the situation in which we find ourselves, we must undertake an explanation of why bringing solar power to the city is in everyone's best interest. This proposal, therefore, includes the reasons why solar panels are beneficial, how they help to reduce the carbon footprint, save on energy costs, and allow the city to demonstrate effective corporate social responsibility (CS) by going green and helping the environment. You will, no doubt, find this proposal to be exactly the type of activity to which you are drawn, given your background as CEO of Solar City and extensive work in the energy sector.

My purpose in writing to you of our proposal is to identify a problem related to Trenton's government buildings….

Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination
Desalination of seawater is a process that is becoming increasingly important due to the falling water tables worldwide in addition to the projections of water shortage that is likely to occur in the near future. Various processes exist that can be utilized in desalination of seawater however; the Multi-Effect Desalination process is touted to be one that is more effective and economical than the others.

The question that the research proposed in this study addresses is why it is that multi-effect is becoming the most efficient and economic desalination process?

The study has as its purpose the examination of desalination processes and the determination of why the multi-effect is the desalination process that is most efficient and economic.


The methodology chosen for the proposed research study is one of a qualitative nature and one that will involve an extensive review of literature in this area of study.

Literature eview


Harness of Solar Energy
Harnessing of Solar Energy

elation of photosynthesis and the semi-conductor-based solar cell

Harnessing of Solar Energy

Both photosynthesis and the semi-conductor solar cells are important in regards to the human lifestyle. Photosynthesis helps in the manufacture of carbohydrates that are used for food by humans. Semi-conductor-based solar cells provide energy in the form of electricity that is also consumed by humans.


Photosynthesis in its broader definition is a process that entails the change of light into cellular energy of any kind. The photosynthetic process involves different stages, among them; energy is absorbed using antenna complexes, undergoing of photochemical reactions and conversions into chemical energy. Not only green plants involve photosynthesis for the energy to grow (trees, scrubs, water lilies among others) but also some algae and bacteria (Burghardt, May & Micha, 2009, pg 4).

Semi-conductor-based solar cell

A solar cell, which can also be referred to as a photovoltaic (PV), is any device,….

Speech for How Solar Energy Works
Specific purpose: To inform listeners how solar energy offers a beneficial source of renewable clean energy

Central idea: Using solar energy offers a realistic source of clean energy, but governments and people must be willing to make the necessary changes to use it.

Informative speech: How solar energy works

Solar energy is perhaps the oldest form of power ever used by human beings. People have used the energy derived from the sun to light their homes; grow crops; tell time; and guide their lives since human civilization began. However, solar energy has only recently become regarded as a potentially feasible way of dealing with the nation's energy crisis. This paper will describe how solar energy works, why it is so potentially beneficial for humankind, and some cultural obstacles to using solar energy.

On a very basic level, houses can be redesigned to better use solar heat. "Simple design….

Use these Tax Credits to create standard to addresses universal requirements for interconnection of elements and their impact on network distribution systems. Abnormal conditions, power quality, islanding, and test specifications and requirements for design, production and lastly standards for disposing panels to keep environment clean.

Pros: Using Tax Credits to maintain standards will bring uniformity among various firms who are producing equipments for renewable energy

Cons: Following the standards and proper disposal will increase cost but it would save the environment

Work with foreign counterparts and the WTO to develop a strong, effective and enforceable rules-based international trading system that promotes free and open trade.

Pros: No tariff and duty would be imposed on exporting and importing respectively which will result in lower prices.

Cons: With free trade system, it becomes hard to impose anti-dumping strategies.

Get intellectual property and grand equity and take that to WTO

WTO acts a platform where all member companies can go….

Solar is the Solution, author Steve Heckeroth argues that solar energy is the key to alleviating climate change. Heckeroth builds his argument on the statement that "Solar is a promising source of future energy supplies because not only is it clean, it's remarkably abundant." Another one of Heckeroth's claims is that "relying on coal, oil and natural gas threatens our future with toxic pollution, global climate change and social unrest caused by diminishing fuel supplies." These statements are internally valid; although Heckeroth does not provide quantitative data to back up these statements, they are easy to reference. Moreover, Heckeroth establishes his own credibility as an author qualified to write about environmental science by stating "I have been studying our energy options for more than 30 years." Of course, "studying" something for thirty years does not automatically make a person an expert. Heckeroth is admitting that he is a layperson who….

In this regard, some exceptions have been given to the insurance companies while the other companies should follow these principles.
In the year 2005, the commercial sector of the United Kingdom spent $16,500 million for fossil fuels of 350,000 GWh. On the other hand, researchers have reported that a decline of energy consumption has been observed in the tertiary sector of the United Kingdom (Probst & oecker, 2011, pg 109-124).

Hot water consumption

Probst (2011) stated that hot water is consumed around three percent in industries and fifteen percent I the fossil energy. This shows that a total of 22,000GWh of hot water is consumed each year.

The high and low temperature hot water from the hot water boilers is used in a number of things such as apace heating, washing and in some industrial processes. The direct and straight use of hot water is in washing. Modern hot water boilers are coming….

A light insulation causes a reduction of 14.5% in the efficiency obtained with full insulation. The wind effect is much more limited. The increase of wind velocity from zero to 3.6 mph yielded a slight reduction (2%) in the still performance.
Repeated tests have shown that the higher the operating temperature of the still, assuming insulation is equal, correlates with higher efficiency. For example, with each 6 degrees Celsius increase in ambient temperature, a still's output increases 7-8%. The application of this finding means that a still operating in a hot desert climate will produce typically as much as one-third more water than the same unit would produce in a cooler climate.

Production of distilled water is also associated with the thermal efficiency of the still itself. Efficiency may range from 30 to 60%, depending on the construction of the still, the amount and type of insulation used, ambient temperatures, wind….

Solar and Wind Power

Energy use is expanding and includes several different ways to harness power. From hydropower, to solar energy, to wind energy, the world is using the elements to create electricity for homes and businesses. While some favor solar power for use as the new kind of energy; businesses and those aiming to power many homes, opt for wind energy. Regardless of what is used, there is still a long way to go before people move away from traditional forms of energy like hydropower to more cost-effective ways like solar. I myself use hydropower or batteries to get through my days and understand the need to save energy and increase my power source options.
Most of the sources of energy I use are non-renewable except my re-chargeable solar batteries. These can be charged with sunlight and thus recharged from a renewable source. A second way I use energy each day is cooking. I….

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Essay title generators serve as invaluable sources of inspiration, especially when grappling with the initial challenges of conceiving a compelling title. By presenting a wide array of options, they stimulate your brain, triggering....

10 Pages


Solar Energy as Typical Hydrocarbon

Words: 3689
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Around 21 billion of co2 is launched into the environment annually which is too much for the environment of Earth to neutralise or utilise normally. The manufacturing of…

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10 Pages


Solar Energy the Threats Posed

Words: 2976
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

At the present energy set-up nuclear energy provides around 20% of world's electricity. This energy is produced naturally -- by the sun and other stars making heat and…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Solar Energy With Respect to

Words: 2991
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The primary benefit of the implementation of solar power remains the lowering of our carbon footprint in our pursuit for a pleasurable and feasible life within the modern world.…

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2 Pages


Solar Energy Is Interesting in That it

Words: 605
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

solar energy is interesting in that it makes some environmental claims that seem to be rather tilted in favor of the "save the environment" standpoint. he presentation attempts…

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6 Pages


Solar Energy Usage and Limitation

Words: 1655
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Literature Review Solar energy is still a relatively new phenomenon in terms of serving as a new energy supply to rival the use of fossil fuels. However, as Fares and…

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3 Pages


Solar Energy in This Country

Words: 1012
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

She writes, "Utility companies are offering 'buy-down programs,' which grant rebates to customers who purchase solar equipment in order to help them bear the initial costs of the…

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15 Pages
Research Proposal


Solar Energy as a Way to Save the Environment

Words: 6458
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Lyndon ive, Thank you for the opportunity to present to you and Solar City our proposal for bringing solar power to the government buildings of Trenton, New Jersey. In order…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination

Words: 1088
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination Desalination of seawater is a process that is becoming increasingly important due to the falling water tables worldwide in addition to the projections of…

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2 Pages


Harness of Solar Energy Harnessing of Solar

Words: 825
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Harness of Solar Energy Harnessing of Solar Energy elation of photosynthesis and the semi-conductor-based solar cell Harnessing of Solar Energy Both photosynthesis and the semi-conductor solar cells are important in regards to the…

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2 Pages


Informative Speech for How Solar Energy Works

Words: 815
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Speech for How Solar Energy Works Specific purpose: To inform listeners how solar energy offers a beneficial source of renewable clean energy Central idea: Using solar energy offers a realistic…

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5 Pages
Business Proposal


Anti Dumping Solar Energy Solar

Words: 1524
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

Use these Tax Credits to create standard to addresses universal requirements for interconnection of elements and their impact on network distribution systems. Abnormal conditions, power quality, islanding, and test…

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3 Pages


Solar Is the Solution Author Steve Heckeroth

Words: 922
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Solar is the Solution, author Steve Heckeroth argues that solar energy is the key to alleviating climate change. Heckeroth builds his argument on the statement that "Solar is a…

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15 Pages
Literature Review


Solar Thermal Systems According to

Words: 4790
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Literature Review

In this regard, some exceptions have been given to the insurance companies while the other companies should follow these principles. In the year 2005, the commercial sector of the…

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1 Pages


Solar Stills Limitations of Solar

Words: 371
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

A light insulation causes a reduction of 14.5% in the efficiency obtained with full insulation. The wind effect is much more limited. The increase of wind velocity from…

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2 Pages


Solar and Wind Power

Words: 708
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Energy use is expanding and includes several different ways to harness power. From hydropower, to solar energy, to wind energy, the world is using the elements to create electricity…

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