Sound Effects Essays (Examples)

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Sound Effects in American Horror Story and the Tell-Tale Heart
Sound has been an important aspect of the performing arts even when films were still silent. Often the music played during a screening of these works formed an important component of how audiences experienced the film. Indeed, this is still so today. Music and sound effects in film and television today contribute far more to what an audience gains from the art form than we may realize. While sound effects are less immediate in books, it is nevertheless also important. To consider these ideas, sound in the television series "American Horror Story: Asylum" is discussed, followed by a brief overview of "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe.

American Horror Story: Asylum

American Horror Story: Asylum has madness as its theme. This is set against a religious dropback of a church-owned asylum for the mentally disturbed. Music plays a significant role in the….

Sound Effects in Amadeus

Amadeus is the fictional story about the supposed relationship between Mozart and another composer, Antonio Salieri. In the story. Salieri, is insanely jealous that God has given such extraordinary talent to a person as crude as Mozart, and he is gradually driven mad by his jealousy. He commissions Mozart to write a Requiem, which Salieri then plans to steal. He plans to then murder Mozart, and posing as Mozart's loyal friend, perform the Requiem, with Salieri's name on it as the composer, to play in honor of his dead companion.
Sound editing plays an important role in this movie, and not just because the movie tells the story of two composers. Sound editors used background sounds as well as music to great effect in this movie, in particular to signal shifts in time or location, or to help guide the viewer's attention to the most important feature in an ongoing scene.


Sound in Cinema
The end of the era of silent film and the movement to sound effects was an inevitable occurrence in cinema. As the viewers clamored to identify a more realistic portrayal of subjects in the film, the worldwide industry of cinema transitioned quickly from rudimentary sound effects to the prospect of "talkies" by the 1930s. However, even with the vanguard and innovation of synchronized sounds at the peak of Golden Age cinema, many critics and directors alike were uneasy with this rapid movement from silence to sound.

The beginnings of silent film era produced motion animation based on black and white still photography. The idea of montage became a further artistic expression in the industry, popular amongst experimental photographers and directors of the early 1890s to 1920s (Alexandrov). Once life and movement became achievable in films, however, viewers and filmmakers saw the opportunity to include sound within the work. Many….

Effecting Change the Use of

According to a 2002 survey conducted under the auspices of NIH, ecstasy abuse among college and university students in general is a widespread trend that impedes academic performance (Bar-on, 2002). The NIH survey targeted 66 4-year American universities and colleges alike. The projected findings indicated a diminishing trend in undergraduate academic performance amongst students who indulge in binge drinking and abuse ecstasy in the process. Elsewhere, a Harvard College drug study indicated persistent drug users were more likely to miss lectures and delay in their coursework than the average student (Montgomery & Fisk, 2008).
A parallel IP esearch dubbed "Predictors of academic achievement and retention among college freshmen" projected that while certain students manage to cope with the new life role upon entering college, a good number of students flunk out of college before completing their freshman year. According to this research, 75% of the freshman drop out is related….

sound technologies and sound design in Film
Sound in films

Experiments in Early Age


Crucial innovations

Commercialization of sound cinema: U.S., Europe, and Japan

Sound Design

Unified sound in film production

Sound designers in Cinematography

Sound Recording Technologies

History of Sound Recording Technology

Film sound technology

Modern Digital Technology

History of sound in films


Sound Design

Sound Recording Technologies

The film industry is a significant beneficiary of performing arts. The liberal arts combined with latest techniques and advancements experienced a number of stages. The introduction of films and sound in films was a significant development of its times. The introduction of first film along with sound was a unique event and it revolutionized the industry in such a way that it influenced every individual related to the industry to start thinking on creative and innovative grounds for improvements. The stages of films can be identified as silent films shown in theaters and they were narrated live. However the introduction of sound in films was….

Computer Games esearch
When considering the short history of computers, video and PC gaming are very recent on the timeline of technology. This is one of the reasons why there have not been many conclusive studies on the negative and/or positive effects of electronic games on children and young adults -- the most formative years. With the ever-increasing interest and involvement of children in this activity, much concern has been expressed about the impact of these games, especially ones of a more violent nature, on physical and psychological development. At the crux of the debate is the question of whether they are detrimental to a young person's health. There are specific concerns about such factors as aggression, addiction, criminal activity, obesity and reduced academic achievement.

Studies thus far show both positive and negative results from playing video and PC games. Some research finds that the playing or observing of violent games does….

Outsourcing Its Impact
The effects of outsourcing in today's economy

Effects on People

Being an expatriate

Breaking the language barrier

Culture Shock

Outsourcing and people dynamics: Impact on company

Effects on Economy

Capital flows

Impact on technology

Global management and outsourcing

The effects of outsourcing in today's economy

Outsourcing has become an increasingly popular business strategy for transnational organizations. Many of the U.S. corporations started outsourcing their manufacturing operations since late 1980s. This was due to the potential advantages, both from an economic as well as regulatory perspective that business operations in foreign lands provided to these businesses. Initially, the U.S. firms running in financial troubles chose to set their cost intensive operations abroad such as manufacturing and call centers in low cost countries. Gradually, when the cost benefits were realized, other companies from various industrial sectors also strengthened this trend of outsourcing. Pharmaceutical industry was the first to witness firms from this industry shifting their operations abroad, specifically in developing countries….

Sound or Unsound One May

Controversy occurs when an advertisement presents various elements that can be considered delicate or going beyond the limits of common sense or ethics through themselves or through the manner in which they are presented (contextualized). Who decides upon the controversial dimension of an advertisement shown on TV? On the one side there are the authorities which have the job to monitor the TV advertisements and decide whether they obey or not the legislation in the filed. On the other hand, there is the public opinion which reacts when the situation demands it. Sometimes, depending on the intensity of the reaction of the public opinion, the authorities intervene as well.

It can be stated that usually the people creating the advertisements that are to be shown on TV know what they are doing. In this case one can do nothing but wonder if controversy is good for businesses on a long-term basis.….

Gender on Leadership Style and Employee Job Satisfaction
"The glass ceiling" emerged as a widely employed metaphor in the nineties to account for inaccessibility of organizational leadership posts for females. Even today, females continue to encounter a number of challenges when aiming for leadership positions (Ayman & Korabik, 2010). Research scholars recognize the broad significance of culture and situational contingencies as contextual factors governing leadership, whilst also presenting leadership or governance as a largely gender-neutral phenomenon. As of 2010, the labor force of the U.S. comprised of approximately 72 million women (aged 16+); i.e., 58.6% of American females above 16 years were employed, with 40% of the working female population either in professional or managerial roles (Jackson, Alberti & Snipes, 2014). In this paper, gender's impact on personnel job satisfaction and leadership approach will be studied, by reviewing scholarly literature on the subject.

Gender Impacts on Leadership Approach and Job Satisfaction

A majority….

Listening to Music on orker Productivity:
Music can basically serve various purposes with some of these purposes being fulfilled at the individual level while others at the level of the society. For an individual, music can be a platform for expressing emotions, promoting relaxation, offering stimulation, facilitating mood change, and being a source of comfort. In some case, music can be used to entertain, in therapy, improve the effect of the other arts, and offer aesthetic enjoyment. In the past few years, there have been increased concerns and analyses regarding the impact of music on work quality and worker productivity. This is primarily because workers tend to listen to music to accomplish certain purposes while doing their work. hile some workers like to listen to music when they are seemingly losing focus, others listen to music when involved in increasingly repetitive job or when working in a noisy or too….

The Effect of the Eurozone Today on Global Financial Markets

Global markets are so intertwined today that what affects one is definitely going to have an impact on another. Case in point, the recent issues in Greece and other European Union (EU) countries have had a global effect and have wrought havoc on the Eurozone. Because if this global connectedness, large banks and organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are even more important today than they were in the past.

The EU's finances are powered by the countries that have become member nations, but those finances are guarded by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF. The ECB is the institution that is responsible for the Euro, the currency of the EU, and it is also the organization responsible for negotiations regarding the economic difficulties of EU member nations. Since Greece, Spain, Italy and others have had financial problems, the….

Sound usiness ased on Sound Finances
Podosave Ltd. is a food retail organization for which I will present a financial analysis based on the information I gained and the knowledge I acquired as a result of my role within the business.

My Role

My role was to work within the business, recruiting for vacant positions and training existing employees in order that they were able to attain relevant skills for their roles. Reporting to Head Office, I would relay information that was relevant to the HR department and act on the department's behalf.

The role of financial management in business

Financial management is fundamental to the success of a business and the strength of its financial 'health'. Those who work in managing a firm's finances should be able to identify its strengths and weaknesses whilst locating opportunities for growth. A key component of this is to compare financial statements against one another to look….

sound rationale(s) for each component of the primary survey that the egistered Nurse will undertake.
The geriatric male patient was admitted to the Emergency Department under triage supervision. Primary survey assessment (Considine, 2011) determines the patient's immediate physical condition pertinent to life or death. These include the patient's Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Discomfort. The patient scores a 14/15, which indicates his eyes are open, appears oriented with succinct and clear verbal responses, and displays exacting and swift motor response and coordination.

Patient respiration is accelerated with shallow yet painful breathes. Lung capacity appears to be compromised, unsure of whether the left or the right is specifically effected but perhaps the onset of pneumonia is the thought. Blood pressure is low, rapid and painful breathing coupled with low blood pressure are symptomatic and are important to monitor for further changes.

Pulse of 90 bpm is somewhat rapid and irregular with 90% oxygen received….

Harmonic Accompaniment on the Development of Music Aptitude and Singing Achievement
The rationale of the scrutinize was to investigate the effect of xylophones harmonic accompaniment on the tone realization and tone improvisation of young children[aged eight].It provide the children cognitive development, multiple intelligence emphasis on music and bodily kinesthetic intelligence which will involve auditory, visual and kinesthetic stimuli.

It entails rhythmic development, music amptitude which test the effect of harmonic accompaniment on music development and music amptitude children vocal development and finally the effect of harmonic accompaniment on singing achievement.Even though result based on research on singing achievement between the children which had song instruction with a root melody accompaniment had no significant on tone attainment according to Gordon's (1982)IMMA, there was significance effect on singing achievement between children who received song instruction with root melody accompaniment.Xylophones which comes from a Greek word 'xylon'meaning wooden sound.It is from percussion family of….

Birds and Migration

Music has been utilized in various mediums throughout history. In church, for example, music is meant to elevate one's emotions and bring him or her "closer to God." In film, more recently, music has been utilized to evoke certain emotions as well, and to keep the audience interested in the subject at hand. In horror movies, for example, when there is a crescendo, it is relatively certain that something bad may happen. Music, thus, can be happy or sad, and evoke a multitude of other emotions if utilized properly. his paper will thus examine the effect of music in a Youube video on winged migration.

In this particular video, the audience is shown, in documentary format, the migration of birds from various points-of-view. he video starts with very classical, pleasing music, and shows birds in the water, flying, bathing, seen by people, etc. For each of these scenes,….

I. Introduction
A. Briefly introduce "The Truman Show" as a 1998 satirical film directed by Peter Weir.
B. Provide context about the film's themes and its protagonist, Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey.
C. Present the aim of the essay – to analyze the film's key elements and messages.

II. Plot Summary
A. Describe the setup: Truman lives in a fabricated reality that is broadcasted 24/7 as a TV show.
B. Outline Truman's journey, starting from his suspicions about his surroundings.
C. Highlight key plot points, such as Truman's determination to break free from the false reality.


1. Game concept: A clear and well-defined idea of what the game is about, including the setting, characters, storyline, and gameplay mechanics.

2. Target audience: Understanding the demographic of the players who will be interested in the game, and tailoring the game design, features, and marketing strategies accordingly.

3. Core gameplay mechanics: Identifying the key features and mechanics that will make the game enjoyable and engaging for players, such as combat, puzzles, exploration, or resource management.

4. Progression and difficulty curve: Planning how the game will ramp up in challenge and complexity as players progress, and ensuring that there are opportunities for players....

Key Components of a Successful Video Game Outline

A meticulously crafted outline is the foundation upon which successful video games are built. It serves as a roadmap, guiding the development team throughout the intricate journey of creating a compelling and engaging experience. By establishing a clear vision and outlining the essential elements, a comprehensive game outline ensures that all aspects of the game are seamlessly integrated and contribute to the overall narrative and gameplay. Here are the key components that constitute a successful video game outline:

1. Concept and Setting:

The outline begins with defining the core concept and setting of the game.....

Horror films have long been a popular genre in the world of cinema, captivating audiences with their ability to elicit fear, suspense, and unease. These films have a unique power to delve deep into the human psyche and provoke a range of intense emotions. From heart-pounding jump scares to chilling psychological horror, the genre has a way of getting under our skin and messing with our minds. In this essay, we will explore how horror films manipulate our psychological emotions and delve into the reasons behind their enduring popularity.
One way horror films manipulate human emotions at a psychological level is....

2 Pages


Sound Effects in American Horror Story and

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Sound Effects in American Horror Story and the Tell-Tale Heart Sound has been an important aspect of the performing arts even when films were still silent. Often the music played…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Sound Effects in Amadeus

Words: 880
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Amadeus is the fictional story about the supposed relationship between Mozart and another composer, Antonio Salieri. In the story. Salieri, is insanely jealous that God has given such extraordinary…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Sound in Cinema the End of the

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sound in Cinema The end of the era of silent film and the movement to sound effects was an inevitable occurrence in cinema. As the viewers clamored to identify a…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Effecting Change the Use of

Words: 4091
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

According to a 2002 survey conducted under the auspices of NIH, ecstasy abuse among college and university students in general is a widespread trend that impedes academic performance…

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40 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


History and Development of Sound Technologies and Sound Design in Film

Words: 11249
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

sound technologies and sound design in Film Sound in films Experiments in Early Age Developments Crucial innovations Commercialization of sound cinema: U.S., Europe, and Japan Sound Design Unified sound in film production Sound designers in Cinematography Sound…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Positive and Negative Effects Video Games Have in Relation to Addiction Human Interaction and Violence

Words: 5997
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Computer Games esearch When considering the short history of computers, video and PC gaming are very recent on the timeline of technology. This is one of the reasons why there…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Effects of Outsourcing in Today's Economy

Words: 3115
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Outsourcing Its Impact The effects of outsourcing in today's economy Effects on People Being an expatriate Breaking the language barrier Culture Shock Outsourcing and people dynamics: Impact on company Effects on Economy Capital flows Impact on technology Global management…

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10 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Sound or Unsound One May

Words: 3274
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Controversy occurs when an advertisement presents various elements that can be considered delicate or going beyond the limits of common sense or ethics through themselves or through the manner…

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2 Pages


Effect of Gender On Leadership Style and Employee Job Satisfaction

Words: 769
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender on Leadership Style and Employee Job Satisfaction "The glass ceiling" emerged as a widely employed metaphor in the nineties to account for inaccessibility of organizational leadership posts for females.…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Effects of Listening to Music on Worker Productivity

Words: 1311
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Listening to Music on orker Productivity: Music can basically serve various purposes with some of these purposes being fulfilled at the individual level while others at the level of…

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13 Pages
Term Paper


Effect of the Eurozone Today on the Global Financial Markets

Words: 4067
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Finance The Effect of the Eurozone Today on Global Financial Markets Global markets are so intertwined today that what affects one is definitely going to have an impact on another. Case…

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15 Pages

Business - Management

Sound Business Based on Sound Finances Podosave

Words: 4819
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Sound usiness ased on Sound Finances Podosave Ltd. is a food retail organization for which I will present a financial analysis based on the information I gained and the…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Sound Rationale's for Each Component of the

Words: 1435
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

sound rationale(s) for each component of the primary survey that the egistered Nurse will undertake. The geriatric male patient was admitted to the Emergency Department under triage supervision. Primary…

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12 Pages
Literature Review


Effect of Harmonic Accompaniment on the Development of Music Aptitude and Singing Achievement

Words: 3111
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Harmonic Accompaniment on the Development of Music Aptitude and Singing Achievement The rationale of the scrutinize was to investigate the effect of xylophones harmonic accompaniment on the tone realization…

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2 Pages


Effect of Music on Bird Migration

Words: 594
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Music Birds and Migration Music has been utilized in various mediums throughout history. In church, for example, music is meant to elevate one's emotions and bring him or her "closer…

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