Southeast Asia Essays (Examples)

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Southeast Asia
There seems to be several situations in Southeast Asia that have the potential of greatly influencing other parts of the world.

One disturbing element in Southeast Asia is the growth of al Qaeda there during the past decade and its link with local radical Islamists (Palmer Pp).

The organization has developed strong roots in Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia with Indonesian agents working in close partnership with al Qaeda in promoting terrorism in the region (Palmer Pp). According to Ronald Palmer the "Jemaah Islamiya goal of establishing an Islamic state encompassing Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Southern Philippines is only in its early stages and has been stymied for the time being," however, it appears that the al Qaeda cells which have thus far been discovered may only be the "tip of a terrorist iceberg of unknown dimensions" (Palmer Pp). Local governments face severe challenges to maintain security, requiring a "policy….

Several international conferences planned for China were postponed or changed venues
Yu p. 91)

SARS also had some positive effects in terms of media coverage. Studies claim that the outbreak in 2003 not only emphasized the importance of good media coverage in alerting the international community to epidemics but also "... raised standards of government preparedness and border control." (ibid) The importance of rapid communication and the role of the media became evident during the epidemic. This was also to show up the lack of media awareness in China. In this regard the epidemic highlighted the importance and value of the independent media in China, which was able to act in a way that alerted the international community to the epidemic.

In recent years, so-called "fringe media" publications have emerged in China. These fringe media are less controlled by government; these independent publications enjoy more autonomy than mainstream media and rely on….

Vietnam and Indonesia, for example were governed by democratic powers, nowadays leaning more and more towards liberalization. These countries did not enclose themselves within the geographical boundaries of the territory, but initiated business relationships and partnerships with neighbor countries or across the globe countries. These countries understood the concept of compared advantages and applied them in practice.
One of the most relevant examples of economic success due to international trade based on imports and exports is Indonesia, which has been able to increase its inhabitants living standards throughout trade activities.

5. Conclusions

The economic status of the southeastern Asian countries was highly disputed along the years. "Analyzes of economic growth have drawn on the experiences of the East Asian newly industrializing countries to highlight the contribution of cohesive and autonomous states in the resolution of market failures."

Whichever the current situation of the countries in southeastern Asia, fact remains that their development is….

ritish Westernize Southeast Asia
Introduction- What is 'westernization'

Westernization is when the European countries would impose their way of life on the colonies they rule to include: the economic system, values, religion and beliefs. The idea was that European views were more progressive and superior to those of the indigenous population. As result, the ultimate objective was to have everyone in the various colonies to accept these different principals in one form or another. The East India Company was an extension of the ritish government's attempts to impose Westernization on Southeast Asia. (Phillips, 2008)

Initial Government in engal - 'dual government'

There were two forms of government that were mainly utilized under this system to include: regions that company would exercise direct control and those that they controlled through treaties. The regions that were controlled by the company would have increased amounts of jurisdiction, in all areas of government and daily life. The….

The population in Indonesia is 202,110,000, with people speaking the Javenese language. The religion of Indonesia is unni Muslim, and the majority of people there live to be 63 years old, with 1 out of 100 people owning cars. Indonesia is a mixed economy with many socialist institutions and central planning but with a recent emphasis on deregulation and private enterprise. Indonesia has extensive natural wealth, yet, with a large and rapidly increasing population, it remains a poor country. In Indonesia, underemployment is widespread, a result of about 2.3 million workers annually entering the labor force. Once the world's largest rice importer, Indonesia is now nearly self-sufficient.

The oil sector dominates the external economy, generating more than 20% of the government's revenues and 40% of export earnings, however, the economy's growth is highly dependent on the continuing expansion of non-oil exports. The Indonesian form of currency is called the rupiah, and….

The year 2003 was marked by a number of natural disasters throughout the world, but none more devastating and threatening than the outbreak of a new virus now known as SARS. In this paper, I will focus primarily on the economic affect of the disease to the tourism industry in Southeast Asia. I argue that the magnitude of the affect SARS had on the tourism industry is attributable to three factors: the nature of the virus, the reaction by World Health rganization officials, and finally, the inadequacy in which local governments (specifically the Chinese) handled the epidemic. Finally, I will touch on the affects SARS has had on the tourism industry thus far, and its future implications.
In order to understand the effects of SARS in the world economic climate, specifically that of tourism, it is important to explore the disease itself. SARS (Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is a form of….

The goal was to eliminate the communist threat and stop "the domino effect" of South East Asian countries falling to the threat of communism. However, after over a decade of fighting and thousands of American deaths, the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam and the central city of Saigon fell into the communist Vietcong hands.
mpact on the Political Climate of the American 1950's

Red Scare -- the increasing involvement in South East Asia provided an element of fear and further control in American politics. The dealings with South East Asia only heightened the nation's fear of communists which had been most solidified with the U.S.S.R. The communist scare sent shivers down the American public, and the political atmosphere became more and more conservative in response. This was the era of Senator McCarthy, who meticulously hunted down and exposed reported communists. Government entities began meddling into normal American life. Entire Senate hearings….

229). The John Howard government cemented the lesson as a "significant shift in our dealings with the South Pacific," (quoted in McDougall and Sherman, p. 178) and as a result Australia now effectively reserves the right to step in to maintain (or restore) the rule of law throughout the region.
If anything, Australia's relationship to Papua New Guinea is stronger than its interest in the Solomon Islands (Wainwright 2003, p. 26), given its colonial history there. Somewhat more recently, Australia provided tacit material support for Papua's invasion of the breakaway Bougainville faction (McMillan 1997, p. 8) before the Sandline mercenary scandal and ensuing general strike made policy makers rethink their role in the affair and, by extension, the nightmare prospect of a true state failure in the region:

In today's globalized world, the failure of [a] modern nation state would not simply mean that its people would revert to the Pacific….

Human Security in Asia

Threats to security are seen to come not only from external military aggression but also from a myriad of internal challenges -- separatist movements, social unrest, or the collapse of the political system." -- Anwar 2003,
With the international attention given to "military aggression," especially external military aggression, in recent years, it is easy to allow one's idea of was security means to become clouded with Hobbesian and Machiavellian notions of armed conflict, with "war on terror" images of military and intelligence operations hunting down terrorists, and with the debate on nuclear proliferation in developing (or underdeveloped) nations like Iran and North Korea. What these definitions of security lack, however, is a full understanding of the term; military operations and protection from terrorist attacks are most certainly important factors in a nation's security, however, they are far from being the total measure of peace and stability in a society.

Anwar's definition….

Confucianism is one of the major factors that influenced gender views and perception in traditional East Asia, particularly in relation to the treatment of women in these societies. Confucianism is primarily a teaching that was brought by Confucius, a philosopher, political figure, and educator. The teachings of Confucius formed the foundation of education in the traditional societies in East Asia, especially in China, Korea, and Japan. Confucius teachings affected many things in these societies including fixing gender roles between women and men. Based on these teachings, which influenced nearly every facet of life in the conventional Korean, Japanese and Chinese societies, placed women at a disadvantaged position. The teachings contributed to the development of a patriarchal environment in these societies, which worked to the disadvantaged of women. This paper examines how women exerted power and influence in a patriarchal environment in these three societies and what it teaches us about….

Spread of Islam in Africa and Asia Along Trade Routes
The Islam religion spread in Asia and Africa mainly due to trade of such goods as spices, gold, as also due to slaves. The advantages of proximity with the greatly profitable and powerful traders of the Islam religion triggered the conversions of merchants and rulers' into Muslims. Islam spread slowly; it took centuries, but in most places where the conversion took place, people still hold on to the religion (Debrouse). This paper explores the reasons of spread of Islam religion along Asian and African trade routes, particularly centering on the success of Islam in Middle Asia.
Early Trade Connections

Since the era of Muhammad, it has been believed that trade is closely related to the religion as well as its development. Inmecca, the people of the Qurayshtribe were leaders in business. They extended their connections and influence to Syria and Abyssania (Cook 271-273).….

opportunities in Asia (South East and South Asia) are huge and so are the challenges
For the last decade the countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong and South Korea that collectively forms the part of South East Asia have registered consistent growth year after year making an impressive position in the economic development on the international level (Pempel, 1999). These countries have shown the growth in terms of Gross Domestic Product at an average rate of 6% to 9% annually. The dawn of 1997 has darkened the glory of these courtiers with a major slump in the economic conditions and financial development. Asian financial crisis that erupted in 1997 has miserably affected the local stock market and currency market of the Asian countries. The Stock market of these countries had declined by 70% and with the same figure the currency of has also depreciated against dollar, forcing them to….

Such loans have been immersed by the government or sold to private investors. The lenders and borrowers were also stimulated by Governments with entering into negotiations to reformulate the existing debts or to implement necessary measures for foreclosure. The private investors also were seen to have obtained or infused their funds in banks or low potential borrowers. However, the strategy of adjustment is not finished. The shortage of capital is still being felt by some of the banks in the region that reduces their lending capacity. The poor performance and liquidity crisis confronted by heavily indebted borrowers also adversely affected the financial strategies. (Moreno, 5)
It has been observed that the financial strategies of East Asia in the past have resulted in fast growth rates and also safeguarded the interests of lenders and borrowers that discouraged the efforts for taking precautions against potential risks involved. The continuing measures for developing….

China in the South China Sea
The geopolitical and economic consequences of China's occupation of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea can perhaps best be measured the est's (or simply ashington's) response to China's move. As Durden notes, the South China Sea is not just important to China; it is important to ashington, too, which is accused of "militarizing the region" by the Chinese. But this is essentially what the U.S. is accusing China of, while Japan meanwhile claims that China is siphoning natural gas from its side of the "economic zone" (Durden). Thus, by building islands and runways in the Spratlys and expanding itself in the South China Sea, China is provoking a host of reactions from other nations (estern or estern-supported), indicating that there is a serious economic and geopolitical clash at hand over this issue. The main economic consequence coming from the U.S. will be the….

Rise of East Asia Was

The British Empire gained significant land share within North America through its conquests and emigration. From the founding of Jamestown to the growth of the greater New England region, the North American territories represented a significant portion of the British Empire. Following the Seven Years War, England won the entire territory of New France and doubled the territory possession within North America. Although from a trade perspective North America was not the furtive economic zone that Britain originally envisioned, it did become a several exporter of tobacco, cotton and rice to the British Empire, as well as naval material and furs from the northern region. The American Revolution affected the British Empire in several different ways, it proved to be a symbolic blow the largest empire of the European Continent, and it provided a model for liberation and freedom throughout the rest of the colonial territories. The American Revolution….

The Wirecard Scandal: A Case Study in Corporate Fraud

In June 2020, the German fintech company Wirecard filed for insolvency, revealing a massive accounting fraud scandal that shook the global financial community. As the dust settled, it became clear that the company's financial statements had been grossly inflated, and that executives had engaged in a sophisticated scheme to deceive investors and regulators.

The Scheme

Wirecard's fraudulent scheme involved several interconnected elements. Firstly, the company created fake subsidiaries in Southeast Asia to inflate its revenue and profits. These subsidiaries had no real operations but were used to process fictitious transactions. Secondly, Wirecard used third-party....

Essay Topics on Octomeles sumatrana


Octomeles sumatrana, commonly known as the Terap tree or Elephant Ear Tree, is a remarkable species native to Southeast Asia. Its distinctive characteristics, traditional uses, and environmental significance make it a fascinating subject for academic exploration. Here is a comprehensive list of essay topics that highlight the various aspects of this versatile tree:

Botanical Characteristics

The morphological and anatomical features of Octomeles sumatrana: A detailed examination of its unique leaf shape, fruit structure, and wood anatomy.
Comparative analysis of Octomeles sumatrana with other species in the family Tetramelaceae: Exploring similarities and differences in terms of morphological traits,....

Codiaeum variegatum: An Exploration of its Horticultural, Cultural, and Artistic Significance

Codiaeum variegatum, commonly known as the croton plant, is a captivating ornamental foliage plant renowned for its striking leaf patterns and vibrant hues. Its rich history, horticultural value, and artistic appeal make it a fascinating subject for in-depth examination.

Horticultural Significance
Codiaeum variegatum is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family and originates from tropical regions of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. It is a highly adaptable plant, thriving in a wide range of environments, including both indoor and outdoor settings. Its hardiness and ease of care make it a popular choice....

Codiaeum variegatum: A Vivid Tapestry of Horticultural Wonder

Codiaeum variegatum, commonly known as the croton, is a tropical evergreen shrub renowned for its breathtakingly variegated foliage. Its kaleidoscopic leaves, adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant hues, have captivated gardeners and plant enthusiasts alike for centuries. This essay delves into a captivating array of topics related to this horticultural marvel, exploring its botanical intricacies, cultural significance, and artistic allure.

Evolutionary Adaptations and Leaf Variation

Codiaeum variegatum belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Its remarkable leaf variation is a testament to its evolutionary adaptations. The....

3 Pages
Term Paper


Southeast Asia There Seems to Be Several

Words: 803
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Southeast Asia There seems to be several situations in Southeast Asia that have the potential of greatly influencing other parts of the world. One disturbing element in Southeast Asia is the…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Southeast Asia SARS Outbreak of

Words: 3971
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Several international conferences planned for China were postponed or changed venues Yu p. 91) SARS also had some positive effects in terms of media coverage. Studies claim that the outbreak…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Development in Southeast Asia

Words: 1763
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Vietnam and Indonesia, for example were governed by democratic powers, nowadays leaning more and more towards liberalization. These countries did not enclose themselves within the geographical boundaries of…

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3 Pages

History - Asian

British Westernize Southeast Asia Introduction- What Is

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

ritish Westernize Southeast Asia Introduction- What is 'westernization' Westernization is when the European countries would impose their way of life on the colonies they rule to include: the economic system,…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Culture Realms of Southeast Asia

Words: 3053
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The population in Indonesia is 202,110,000, with people speaking the Javenese language. The religion of Indonesia is unni Muslim, and the majority of people there live to be 63…

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8 Pages


Tourism in Southeast Asia Since SARS Outbreak

Words: 2262
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

The year 2003 was marked by a number of natural disasters throughout the world, but none more devastating and threatening than the outbreak of a new virus now known…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

South East Asia Early American

Words: 473
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The goal was to eliminate the communist threat and stop "the domino effect" of South East Asian countries falling to the threat of communism. However, after over a…

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7 Pages

History - Asian

Se Asia Conflict Triggers Local

Words: 2740
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

229). The John Howard government cemented the lesson as a "significant shift in our dealings with the South Pacific," (quoted in McDougall and Sherman, p. 178) and as…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Human Security in Asia

Words: 3327
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Threats to security are seen to come not only from external military aggression but also from a myriad of internal challenges -- separatist movements, social unrest, or the…

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7 Pages

History - Asian

Gender Roles in Traditional East Asia

Words: 2267
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Confucianism is one of the major factors that influenced gender views and perception in traditional East Asia, particularly in relation to the treatment of women in these societies. Confucianism…

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5 Pages


Islam developing trade routes in Africa and Asia

Words: 1736
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Spread of Islam in Africa and Asia Along Trade Routes The Islam religion spread in Asia and Africa mainly due to trade of such goods as spices, gold, as also…

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8 Pages


Opportunities in Asia South East and South

Words: 2833
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

opportunities in Asia (South East and South Asia) are huge and so are the challenges For the last decade the countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong and South…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


East Asia Presently About 2

Words: 2145
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Such loans have been immersed by the government or sold to private investors. The lenders and borrowers were also stimulated by Governments with entering into negotiations to reformulate…

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5 Pages

Political Science

Why the U S Wants to Pivot to Asia

Words: 1398
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

China in the South China Sea The geopolitical and economic consequences of China's occupation of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea can perhaps best be measured the est's…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Rise of East Asia Was

Words: 2594
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The British Empire gained significant land share within North America through its conquests and emigration. From the founding of Jamestown to the growth of the greater New England…

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