Sperm Essays (Examples)

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Sperm Egg Describe life a sperm life egg start finish. Cover points story: - Trace movements sperm
here It All Started

In order to properly chronicle the journey of a sperm and egg to fertilization, one must begin with the factors responsible for their creation. It all starts with a thought -- or, from a release from the brain. For sperms to be created, the pituitary gland (which is inside the brain) receives a hormone known as GnRH that causes it to produce the two key chemicals responsible for sperm production (Rosick 2003). The first is called follicle stimulating hormone and the second is known as lutenizing hormone.

Once these hormones are created, sperm development can actually begin in the lower portions of seminiferous tubules, which are located inside of the testicles. The lower part of these tubules are known contain sertoli cells, in which sperm creation begins. Gradually, sperms mature and move….

This is true of the study on the intelligence of what Kalat identifies as 'intersexed' individuals. To determine why it would appear that intersex children possess higher than average IQ scores, it is appropriate to first court a sample of participants. The population should be a substantial enough size to promote statistically meaningful findings. Once this experimental population is defined, two separate control populations should be established of male and female participants. Based on the premise that intersex children are likely to be brought to the attention of investigators through the reconnaissance of 'intelligent families,' qualifying conditions for an intelligent family must be designed. These qualifications should then be used to identify potential experimental and control group participants. Finally, testing-validated measures of intelligence should be used to determine whether differences in IQ scores do exist between intesex, male and female participants from a common familial-intellectual background.

In reality, the conclusions….

The majority of women can return to their normal routine the next day ("In Vitro Fertilization"). In most cases total bed rest is not required unless there is some risk associated with the development of OHSS ("In Vitro Fertilization").
The NIH further explains that women who utilize IVF must take the hormone progesterone for at least two months following the embryo transfer ("In Vitro Fertilization"). The hormone is taken through daily shots or pills. Progesterone is a naturaly produced hormone produced that assists in thickenign the lining of the uterus ("In Vitro Fertilization"). This thickening makes it easier for the embryo to implant to the wall of the uterus. If there is ot enough progesterone the woman will miscarry ("In Vitro Fertilization").

In additon to the risks associated with this type of reproductive technology, IVF is very expensive ("In Vitro Fertilization"). The NIH explains that many states require that insurance companies….

Parents be Allowed to Choose their aby's Gender?

Should Parents be Allowed to Choose their aby's Gender?

A revolutionary lab technique, called sperm sorting, can now establish the gender of an offspring (Mail Online, 2013). The sperm carries the sex chromosome of a future child and sorting involves choosing the desired sex chromosome and then inseminating a woman with it. Gender can also be selected by abortion and before the embryonic stage through IVF or in vitro fertilization. Gender selection has been the subject of much debate because of its many consequences (Mail Online).

Artificial insemination consists of inserting concentrated sperm into the uterus to achieve a greater chance of fertilization (Stephens, 2011). Other methods are used to choose the gender of the baby. One is by using a dye on the desired gender from the sperm and then returning the dyed cell into womb. The Ericsson method identifies the….

Men vs Women

Men vs. omen' -- Nonverbal communication and the egg meeting the sperm
One need look no father than the bookshelves that proclaim men are from Mars, omen are from Venus to see the point-of-view of Emily Martin advocated in her essay "The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles." Although readers may like to think of science as objective in its categories, in fact, beginning a study by looking at men and women as the absolute categories of human sexual nature is itself biased, Martin suggests. The language of biological texts is equally as coded between activity and passivity, sperm vs. egg, just as subjective as the language that 'sees' certain planets as male or female.

Scientific language is human created, and it both affects and reflects the way we think about gender. Even in a female-created and directed study such as Monica….

Reproductive Counseling

eproductive Counseling
Studies have shown that the mean maternal age of motherhood has been increasing since 1980, which although may suit many modern careers and life styles, it puts women at a greater risk of declining fertility. The fundamental manifestation of ovarian aging is not just because of a decrease in the number of oocytes, but also because of a decline in its quality. Moreover, women of advanced maternal age are at a greater risk of developing aneuploidy in embryos. This contributes to their inability to bear a child by increasing both implantation loss and pregnancy failure. (Judy et al., 2012)

In Vitro Fertilization, IVF is one of the forms of assisted reproductive technology that enhances the chances of conception. In IVF, ovaries are stimulated to produce mature oocytes which are retrieved transvaginally under sonographic guidance. Oocyte retrieval is normally an outpatient procedure, performed with adequate analgesia. The sperm and ova are….

Gender and Science

gender have influenced the historic development of science in the west, as reason and science have long been seen as male traits. Similarly, gender ideals such as the characterization of females as maternal, associated with nature, irrational, and week have been reflected in scientific literature. Today, science continues to be influenced by ideas of gender, as literature reflects gender biases, and female scientists routinely must challenge gender biases.
Many of the ideals the influence the historic development science come from the Enlightenment, a time during the 17th and 18th centuries where reason was seen to be a driving force for progress. Enlightened men were rational, and sought happiness, knowledge, and freedom. Given this emphasis on rationality, and the association of women with the home and emotion, women were largely excluded from the ideals of the Enlightenment. The rational affairs of humankind were thought to be left to men, who acted….

A also consider that a proper legislation should protect the surrogate mother, in order to avoid situations in which her rights would not be respected. Therefore, she should be paid her medical expenses and, as a sort of benefit for her act, she should be granted a free medical insurance and the right to free medical analyses. Moreover, the legislation should stipulate that the surrogate mother should be of the same nationality - American in this case - as the future parents, in order to avoid situations as those which occurred in the Indian women case, who have thought to have been abused, a thing they have accepted because of their poor material status.

All in all, it seems that gestational surrogacy is not among the best surrogacy practice, and this is because of the ethnic, legal and cultural misunderstandings it might generate. In addition, I consider it should be replaced….

ethical dilemmas surround surrogacy and the donation of egg and/or sperm? Because surrogates are paid, is this a practice that exploits the poor, such as surrogate mothers in ndia? Why or Why not?
Egg donation and surrogacy raises ethical dilemmas on all four basic principles of medical ethics: autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence.

Autonomy -- .

Consent has to be given freely and with full volition of the surrogate mother. Yet, most times, intense pressure is involved aside from the fact that poor women in ndia may capitulate to the need for money and be taken in by the huge sums offered. The emotional and medical pressures are immense, but these women are often grossly misinformed about the situation that they are bound to undergo. Their poverty hampers them from making the clear, informed decisions that they would otherwise need to in order to undergo the procedure. Whilst most egg donors in….

Health Care and Ethics

oman Clings to Hope of Having Dead Fiancee's Baby
Today medical science is capable of things only imagined in the past. One of these possibilities stems from the technique of Invitro fertilization and cryobiology. It is now possible to freeze a man's sperm and impregnate a woman with it at some future time. This practice raises many ethical issues as far as the legal professions are concerned, primarily informed consent, ownership of the sperm and many other issues. However, it also raises issues for the medical profession as well. Now it is possible, but the primary question remains, should we? This research will examine the role of the nurse in relation to her ethical obligations and the moral issues imposed upon her concerning this tricky moral issue.

Recently a court case surface where a woman wants to have he fiancee's sperm inseminated into her in order to get pregnant with his child.….

rapid movement of the modern age and the vast usage of technological equipment, it has become a constant question on whether radio frequencies are damaging to human health. Cell phones are known to emit relatively high doses of electromagnetic waves, which in some research, has been pinpointed to the adverse effect that it has on males, namely the issue on fertility. eports have been made indicating that cell phones might be another risk factor regarding the rise of male infertility due to its frequency emissions. While previous research has found no conclusive tie-ins to the phenomena, the latest technology and data have shown the contrary, though even this research is still subject to much scrutiny. Overall, there are too many variables to indicate that cell phones would be a main cause for male fertility, not without discussing the various other factors that help infertility along.
Male Infertility

Infertility as defined in….

Chromosomal Abnormality: Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality which is accompanied by both serious physical and mental developmental problems, and it is one of the most common genetic syndromes. According to Rebecca Saenz (1999), Down Syndrome occurs in one out of every 800 to 1,000 live births, which is an extremely high rate of incidence. This disorder occurs equally among both boys and girls. There are several genetic occurrences that can cause Down Syndrome to appear in a child, but all of them lead to the same chromosomal abnormality. An extra chromosome, which is the unit of genetic information that exists within each cell, appears in the genetic code of the affected person. When a baby is normally conceived, the egg cell of the mother and the sperm cell of the father each contribute 23 chromosomes to the genetic makeup of the child. In some cases, there may be….

Particularly, the risks of diverse neoplasms have been seen to be raised in Turner Syndrome is quite low quantum, however, except for gut cancer and gonaboblastoma in patients having occult Y chromosome sequences. (Cabanas; Garcia-Caballero; Barreiro; Castro-Feijoo; Gallego; Arevalo; Canete; Pombo, 2005)
Additionally, there appear to have no prior indication of the relationship between the Turner Syndrome and papillary thyroid carcinoma, irrespective of the fact that there has been one report of an anaplastic thyroid carcinoma in a TS patient in association with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Several epidemiological studies and studies relating to exhaustive long-term monitoring of GH-associated patients have been seen to have benefited therapeutically from GH treatment and found to be safe having no detectable effect on risk of cancer. But the current studies have shown a probable relationship between GH-IGF axis and the pathogenesis of neoplasms. The study on papillary thyroid carcinoma after GH therapy for Turner Syndrome….

Vitro' fertilization is one of the applications of advanced technology that provides a solution to infertility among couples. The practice has long been in existence, and many referred to offspring of couples who have undergone this process, 'test tube babies.' In vitro ('in glass') fertilization is only one of the many treatments for infertility. The general term by which in vitro can be identified is through artificial insemination, wherein semen taken from the woman's partner or male donor is "injected" into a woman's uterus. In the technique of in vitro fertilization, however, "eggs are removed from a woman's ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory dish with her partner's sperm" (Dmowski 1991 265).
There are several reasons why infertility happens, and indications that show that a couple needs to undergo an in vitro treatment. Infertility may be due to either the man or the woman's infertility. A man becomes infertile when laboratory….


Scrimshaw: As History and Currency of a Bygone Era
The art of Scrimshaw is an art of idle hands. Scrimshaw, as we know it today dates back to the early part of the nineteenth century. Sailors on long idle whaling expeditions would use the leavings of the hunt to create art. haling required many more crew than was actually needed to man the ship, as the animal required many men to finish the kill once it was injured and also many to ground it, bring it on board or on shore and hundreds sometimes to quickly finish the butchering and harvest. (Paszkiewicz 1)

haling was even seen as a punishment for young evil doers and in that way

Scrimshaw could be compared at least somewhat to prison art, probably its closest folk art neighbor. "haling, after all, was better than most systems of peonage that flourish to-day, for it released its victims after….

The Study of Human Pregnancy: Advancing Our Understanding of Heredity and Genetics

The study of human pregnancy offers a unique window into the fundamental principles of genetics and heredity. By examining the patterns of inheritance and variation in traits exhibited by parents and their offspring, scientists have gained invaluable insights into the mechanisms that govern human reproduction.

1. Role of Genes and Chromosomes

Pregnancy involves the fusion of a sperm cell and an egg cell, each carrying half of the genetic material necessary to create a new individual. These genetic instructions are encoded within chromosomes, structures found in the nucleus of every cell.


Yes, lifestyle changes and proper nutrition can have a significant impact on managing infertility. In fact, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following a balanced diet can improve overall fertility health and increase the chances of conceiving.

Some lifestyle and nutrition changes that can positively impact infertility management include:

1. Maintaining a healthy weight: Being either underweight or overweight can affect fertility. Maintaining a healthy weight through proper diet and regular exercise can improve hormone balance and increase the chances of conceiving.

2. Eating a balanced diet: Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats can provide essential....

Lifestyle Changes and Nutrition in Infertility Management

Infertility, defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse, affects approximately 10-15% of couples worldwide. While medical interventions like assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) often take center stage in infertility treatment, lifestyle modifications and proper nutrition play a crucial role in improving fertility outcomes.

### Lifestyle Changes

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight:
Obesity and underweight can impair hormonal balance and ovulation. Maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) can improve fertility in both men and women.

2. Regular Exercise:
Moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or swimming, for 30 minutes most days of the week, can....

1. In vitro maturation (IVM): This technique involves collecting immature eggs from a woman's ovaries, maturing them in a lab, and then fertilizing them with sperm before transferring the embryos to the woman's uterus. IVM can be a less invasive and more cost-effective option for women with certain types of infertility.

2. Ovarian rejuvenation therapy: This experimental procedure involves using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections or growth factors to stimulate the ovaries and potentially improve egg quality and ovarian function in women with diminished ovarian reserve.

3. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation: This technique involves removing and freezing a piece of a woman's....

3 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sperm Egg Describe Life a Sperm Life

Words: 1097
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Sperm Egg Describe life a sperm life egg start finish. Cover points story: - Trace movements sperm here It All Started In order to properly chronicle the journey of a sperm…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Fertilization Requires a Male Sperm

Words: 496
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This is true of the study on the intelligence of what Kalat identifies as 'intersexed' individuals. To determine why it would appear that intersex children possess higher than…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

A R T Assisted Reproductive Technology Has

Words: 2838
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The majority of women can return to their normal routine the next day ("In Vitro Fertilization"). In most cases total bed rest is not required unless there is…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Should Parents Be Allowed to Select the Sex of Their Baby

Words: 1674
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Parents be Allowed to Choose their aby's Gender? THE TWO SIDES Should Parents be Allowed to Choose their aby's Gender? A revolutionary lab technique, called sperm sorting, can now establish the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Men vs Women

Words: 393
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Men vs. omen' -- Nonverbal communication and the egg meeting the sperm One need look no father than the bookshelves that proclaim men are from Mars, omen are from…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Reproductive Counseling

Words: 1280
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

eproductive Counseling Studies have shown that the mean maternal age of motherhood has been increasing since 1980, which although may suit many modern careers and life styles, it puts women…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender and Science

Words: 840
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

gender have influenced the historic development of science in the west, as reason and science have long been seen as male traits. Similarly, gender ideals such as the…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Gestational Surrogacy Even Though it

Words: 2181
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A also consider that a proper legislation should protect the surrogate mother, in order to avoid situations in which her rights would not be respected. Therefore, she should be…

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5 Pages


Ethical Dilemmas Surround Surrogacy and the Donation

Words: 1670
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

ethical dilemmas surround surrogacy and the donation of egg and/or sperm? Because surrogates are paid, is this a practice that exploits the poor, such as surrogate mothers in…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care and Ethics

Words: 2238
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

oman Clings to Hope of Having Dead Fiancee's Baby Today medical science is capable of things only imagined in the past. One of these possibilities stems from the technique of…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Rapid Movement of the Modern Age and

Words: 1803
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

rapid movement of the modern age and the vast usage of technological equipment, it has become a constant question on whether radio frequencies are damaging to human health.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Prequel to the Movie 28 Days Later by Danny Boyle

Words: 1984
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chromosomal Abnormality: Down Syndrome Down Syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality which is accompanied by both serious physical and mental developmental problems, and it is one of the most common genetic…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Turner Syndrome Date Month and

Words: 2711
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Particularly, the risks of diverse neoplasms have been seen to be raised in Turner Syndrome is quite low quantum, however, except for gut cancer and gonaboblastoma in patients…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Vitro' Fertilization Is One of the Applications

Words: 1218
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Vitro' fertilization is one of the applications of advanced technology that provides a solution to infertility among couples. The practice has long been in existence, and many referred to…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)


Words: 2856
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Scrimshaw: As History and Currency of a Bygone Era The art of Scrimshaw is an art of idle hands. Scrimshaw, as we know it today dates back to the early…

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