Sports Marketing Essays (Examples)

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Sports Marketing

Sports Marketing
NFL or the 'National Football league' as it is referred to, is America's pride and cause for the inculcation of the inherent patriotic spirit in the heart of the American. The NFL conducts football games as a part of the tradition every year, and every year Americans gather at the stadium where patriotism is at its height and nationalistic fervor is at its peak. In the game that was conducted on September 24, 2001, soon after the attack on the World Towers by an Islamic militant group that left more than thousands dead and severely injured, the national spirit was at its ultimate peak, and the Americans gathered there underwent heightened emotions and feelings, and this was the time when pamphlets were distributed among the audience with the words of the 'Star Spangled Banner', and the 'God Bless America', and 'America the Beautiful'. Small American flags, almost a million….

The authors question if a sports celebrity endorsing multiple products actually is strengthening their own brand at the expense of the products endorsement from outside their field of sport.
The authors conclude from their first tests of the hypotheses in this area that when a celebrity sports endorser is paired with a product from their sport, likability and trust of the endorser increase more significantly than top-of-mind awareness of the brand itself (Koernig, Boyd, 34). Second, no differences existed between athletes and on-athletes when endorsing a non-sport brand. The anonymous endorser portrayed as an athlete is in fact more effective promoting a sports brand and aiding its top-of-mind and unaided awareness according to the results of the two studies (Koernig, Boyd, 35). Moat significant from this study is the finding that it is the achievements athletically, not the fame, that are the most effective catalyst of brand promotion for sports….

The Canadian dollar currently trades around $0.95 U.S. dollars, but this has fluctuated significantly in recent years. Should the Canadian dollar drop to the $0.80 or $0.85, the team still needs revenues sufficient to cover players' salaries and other U.S.-denominated expenses. The price point is lower than that of the BC Lions, which reflects that the club wishes to have strong attendance and be competitively priced against their main market rivals in order to capture a significant share of the local sports market.
Merchandise pricing should be in line with league averages. Competitors in the Vancouver market do not discount merchandise, so there is no need to dramatically undercut those clubs. Moreover, merchandise sales are typically to the most enthusiastic fans, so demand is relatively price inelastic, much more so than ticket prices which must attract casual fans in addition to the hardcore fans.


There are two critical aspects to place….

Sports marketing is a relatively new field, although sports and marketing have been around for quite some time. Sports marketing is the specific kind of marketing for products and apparel for sports exclusively. Any kind of marketing toward youth is apt to draw attention, and sports marketing proves to follow this pattern. The paper will consider the criticism of sports marketing aimed toward youth that contends that this kind of marketing for this demographic focuses too heavily upon image and is lacking in substance. The focus is too much on the image or brand identity, as well as the products being marketed and that there is little focus, attention, or support for youth to actively participate in sports. The paper will consider this criticism and respond to it.
Youth, the group that includes children and adolescents, are a powerful and influential demographic with respect to consumer taste/trends and economic leverage. In….

Sports Marketing Ambush

Sports Marketing Ambush
hat then, is ambush marketing and how does it work? There are at least 7 kinds of ambush marketing, but basically it involves a non-sponsor for an event taking advantage of the media coverage -- and making the fans aware of its presence -- to market products in competition with authorized companies.

Discussion Question #1: Do you consider ambush marketing to be ethical? hy or why not? Ambush marketing can be both ethical and unethical. The issue of whether or not a company is being unethical in its ambush marketing depends on the definition used for "ambush marketing." In Holger Preuss's book, Economics of Staging the Olympics: A Comparison of the Games 1972-2008, Preuss explains that ambush marketing seeks to "…benefit from the image of being a sponsor without paying for it" and in fact those marketers damage the Olympics "and themselves" by increasing the "apparent number of sponsors"….

Second, Mr. Hof sees the role of the Athletic Director and Athletics as being equitable across all 36 varsity sports, ensuring that student-athletes in each of these sports have the opportunity to accomplish their academic and athletic goals. Third, Mr. Hof explains that there is less pressure to win a continual series of national championships to gain financial support; it is more critical to focus on building and sustaining trust and collaboration with donors. He implies that once trust and collaboration has been achieved that donors see the value in attaining student-athlete balance in the athletic programs at Ohio State. Fourth, Mr. Hof makes an excellent point about how Ohio State is using technology to ensure greater collaboration with the community of supporters.
My Critique

This interview is outstanding because it shows what can be accomplished when a services-based mindset pervades an athletic directors approach to managing financial planning and programs.….

There was an obvious thirst for sports, and the television was the piece of technology best equipped to quench that thirst -- and to provide advertising space along with it (MBC 2010). It has even been suggested that without the decision to broadcast sports on television, the medium would have had a much slower and uncertain beginning, and radio would have remained more popular (MBC 2010).
From the trajectory of the events listed here, it might seem as though the invention of the Internet would have to come next. This was not really a major step in the development of sports marketing, however; it altered the method of delivery but provides largely the same content as television. Instead, the general trend in the 1980s and 1990s that made athletes not only well-known figures in their fields, but celebrities and product endorsers, was a hugely important moment in the world of….

Sports Marketing Agencies

Client Management and Representation

This is the crux of sports management and marketing. Clients form the backbone of the business. Client management refers to the acquisition of a viable client base, and the retention of that client base via value-added services. Management includes consultation services and the provision of counsel when needed. Client representation entails the contractual obligation to the client to serve as his or her spokesperson or representative. For example, the sports manager acts as a liaison between the client and the sponsors, team owners/managers, and the media.

Client Marketing and Product Endorsement

The client often requires marketing and product endorsement services to maximize his or her value and potential. Marketing services include helping the client improve his or her "packaging," in terms of image management. Promotion, pricing, and other aspects of the traditional marketing mix also come into play when managing a client. Product endorsement may be one of the….

Technology and Sports Marketing
Sports' marketing is a comparatively new field and dimension within the broad concept of marketing. It is continuously evolving and changing today as society combats the free market to decide the legal and ethical limitations of business today. It is significant to note that this discipline within marketing is not clearly defined. Sports today use corporate sponsorships and television money in order to contend and pay for top quality athletes. Those companies use teams, leagues, colleges, and individuals to make a distinction between their products in a very aggressive business environment. What makes up sports marketing to one person could be considered selling out to another. The business world keeps pushing to find a competitive advantage and the sports world has in general welcomed the money offered (Weikel, n.d.).

Every area of marketing communication is being greatly affected by advances in interactive communication (Sport Marketing on the Internet,….

Cornell Sports Marketing

Cornell Sports Marketing
The business situation: problems and solutions

The problem Cornell Sports Marketing is currently facing is that of low attendance at sporting events, even popular money drawing sporting events such as basketball and football, the former of which Cornell traditionally excels at. This is causing a correspondingly low level of revenue for the organization of Cornell Sports Marketing. The organization must create a greater revenue base by increasing attendance, creating a greater social perceptiveness of the attractiveness of the sporting events, and expanding the populations of the organization's target audience.

Objective of the plan

The objective of the plan is to increase attendance and revenue at popular spectator events specifically by targeting a new and potentially lucrative and interested population, that of incoming Cornell freshman. This population is ideal because it is young, fresh to the organization and full of potential school spirit and offers four potential years of attendance at the….

Cornell Sports Marketing

Cornell Sports Marketing
Strengths of Company and Most Important Competitor

Internal Analysis-- Factors: Strengths

Sales & Marketing: Homogeneity in market of market, in the sense that all competitors and fan base are Cornell associates, makes marketing easier as well as segmentation within this market.

Quality: Draws upon a strong school spirit. Also, Cornell is more accomplished at many sports than other members of the Ivy League.

Customer Service: Draws upon school pride and is staffed by loyal Cornell alumni and students, making for superior customer service in terms of knowledge and eagerness.

Productivity: Draws upon a constant market, year round athletic events and sales of paraphernalia associated with Cornell University.

Human Resources: Consistent Cornell customer alumni and student base to draw from as employees, more loyal employees can be drawn from alumni and student community than strangers.

Facilities: Cornell has excellent sports facilities, well staffed and constructed.

Location: Company is located near athletic facilities, thus knowledge is consistently updated….

High School Marketing
Marketing in American business is essential to the ultimate success of any product or service (Archambeau, 2007). The field of marketing is relatively new having emerged in the aftermath of the Second World War and the rapid economic growth that occurred at that time. Sports' marketing as a separate discipline has emerged in the last few decades but it is expanding rapidly (Fox, 1997).

There are no clearly defined parameters as to what constitutes sports' marketing due to the relative newness of the field and the fact that marketers are continuously pushing the envelope as to new ways to market their product. Marketers utilize corporate sponsorships, television and radio exposure, participation by local businesses, and a variety of other methods to promote and there appears to be no limit as to what sports' marketers are willing to do to establish a competitive edge.

The use of athletes to promote products….

Sports Marketing Plan

Traditional Media Strategies
The use of traditional media in sports marketing remains popular. Indeed, sports marketers spend a great deal of resources on television, print, and radio advertising, with sports comprising a substantial portion of ad spending for television and radio channels. A significant percentage of sports fans actually watch sports events for the commercials. They tend to enjoy the commercials more than the game itself. Traditional media enables sports marketers to reach geographically dispersed consumers at a fairly low cost per exposure (Swayne, 2011). Take an event like the FIFA World Cup, for instance. The event has following from virtually every corner of the world. Without television, radio, and the print media, it may be quite difficult to communicate with such a geographically dispersed fan base. For this plan, it would be important to incorporate traditional media. In fact, traditional media should be allocated a significant fraction of the marketing….

The concept of dividing a mass market into homogeneous segments and targeting one or more with a distinct product offering and unique marketing communication is a fundamental precept of marketing theory. Market segmentation recognizes that different customer groups have different wants and needs that justify the development and offering of different products and services. The process of segmentation theoretically results in a much better understanding of users' needs, their decision criteria, and their approaches. Although much of the theory of market segmentation is appreciated and understood by sport marketers, it remains one of the more difficult marketing concepts to turn into profitable reality.
Consumer segmentation can help the sport marketer in the following areas. First, it allows an analysis of the marketplace, including a knowledge of competitors as well as how and why customers buy. Second, it can contribute to the strategic management of an organization in that it allows….

In approaching sports marketing, many advocate what is called the 'JOBS' approach: hat 'job' is the product doing -- what fundamental problem is your customer trying to solve? hat objectives do your customers use to evaluate solutions? hat barriers limit your customers' ability to use your solution? hat solutions do your customers consider? The problem might be a perceived lack of purpose in life or 'respect' -- which may cause many fans to identify heavily with local sports teams, for example. Objectives might be entertainment, a feeling of fan identification with a player or a team, or enjoying a rivalry between two teams. Barriers might be cost, a feeling that the players are overly market-driven and don't care about the fans, and solutions might include increased interactivity between fans and players, ideally through an online format (Poe 2009).

Online interaction and connectivity will be vital to sports marketing of the NBA….

Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing

Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.

2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment

Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....

How a Strong Conclusion Elevates an Essay Analyzing a Running Company's Success
A robust conclusion plays a pivotal role in elevating an essay analyzing a running company's success by providing a concise and impactful summary, reinforcing key points, and leaving a lasting impression on the reader.
1. Summarizing Key Findings:
A strong conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and findings of the essay. It succinctly restates the thesis statement, highlighting the key insights and supporting evidence presented throughout the analysis. This serves as a reminder of the key arguments and ensures that the reader has a clear understanding of the company's success factors.

10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Sports Marketing

Words: 4268
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sports Marketing NFL or the 'National Football league' as it is referred to, is America's pride and cause for the inculcation of the inherent patriotic spirit in the heart of…

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2 Pages
Peer-Reviewed Journal


Sports Marketing Evaluating the Match-Up

Words: 543
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Peer-Reviewed Journal

The authors question if a sports celebrity endorsing multiple products actually is strengthening their own brand at the expense of the products endorsement from outside their field of…

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15 Pages
Research Proposal


Sports Marketing on November 24

Words: 4451
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The Canadian dollar currently trades around $0.95 U.S. dollars, but this has fluctuated significantly in recent years. Should the Canadian dollar drop to the $0.80 or $0.85, the…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Sports Marketing Is a Relatively New Field

Words: 787
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Sports marketing is a relatively new field, although sports and marketing have been around for quite some time. Sports marketing is the specific kind of marketing for products and…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Business - Advertising

Sports Marketing Ambush

Words: 771
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Sports Marketing Ambush hat then, is ambush marketing and how does it work? There are at least 7 kinds of ambush marketing, but basically it involves a non-sponsor for an…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Sports Marketing an Interview With

Words: 510
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Second, Mr. Hof sees the role of the Athletic Director and Athletics as being equitable across all 36 varsity sports, ensuring that student-athletes in each of these sports…

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3 Pages


Sports Marketing History There Have

Words: 925
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

There was an obvious thirst for sports, and the television was the piece of technology best equipped to quench that thirst -- and to provide advertising space along…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Sports Marketing Agencies

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sports Client Management and Representation This is the crux of sports management and marketing. Clients form the backbone of the business. Client management refers to the acquisition of a viable client…

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3 Pages

Business - Advertising

Technology and Sports Marketing Sports' Marketing Is

Words: 1007
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Technology and Sports Marketing Sports' marketing is a comparatively new field and dimension within the broad concept of marketing. It is continuously evolving and changing today as society combats the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Cornell Sports Marketing

Words: 388
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cornell Sports Marketing The business situation: problems and solutions The problem Cornell Sports Marketing is currently facing is that of low attendance at sporting events, even popular money drawing sporting events…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Cornell Sports Marketing

Words: 569
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cornell Sports Marketing Strengths of Company and Most Important Competitor Internal Analysis-- Factors: Strengths Sales & Marketing: Homogeneity in market of market, in the sense that all competitors and fan base are…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Growing Need for a High Schools Sports Marketing Representative

Words: 2465
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

High School Marketing Marketing in American business is essential to the ultimate success of any product or service (Archambeau, 2007). The field of marketing is relatively new having emerged in…

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3 Pages


Sports Marketing Plan

Words: 1014
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Traditional Media Strategies The use of traditional media in sports marketing remains popular. Indeed, sports marketers spend a great deal of resources on television, print, and radio advertising, with sports…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Components of Sport Marketing and

Words: 2675
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The concept of dividing a mass market into homogeneous segments and targeting one or more with a distinct product offering and unique marketing communication is a fundamental precept…

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6 Pages


Marketing Financial What Is the

Words: 2021
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

In approaching sports marketing, many advocate what is called the 'JOBS' approach: hat 'job' is the product doing -- what fundamental problem is your customer trying to solve? hat…

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