Station Club Fire Essays (Examples)

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Station club fire that occurred in hode Island in February 2003 stands through today as the fourth-deadliest nightclub fire in the history of the United States. In total, a hundred people were killed, roughly 230 were injured and another 132 people were able to escape unharmed. The fire and its aftermath was the result of a perfect storm of the irresponsible use of pyrotechnics, very flammable acoustic foam and the layout/exit structure of the club as compared to where people ran when it was clear that something was very wrong. The cause of the fire, the safety issues at hand and how the situation could or should have been corrected will all be explained. In addition, the procedures, policies and procedures to lower the possibility of a similar event happening in the future will also be gone through.
Summary & Analysis

The fire occurred at approximately 11:07 PM EST on February 20th,….

Rodgers, Jr. (Rodgers, 2006). The "no contest" plea, said Rodgers, will "…alleviate the victims' families and broader community from being subjected to an emotional reliving of the tragedy at trial."
Moreover, the judge said the "no contest" plea actually means that the defendants (Jeffrey Derderian and Michael Derderian) accept responsibility for installing foam in the club that was not fireproof. The Rhode Island Fire Code requires fireproof insulation and foam for buildings like the club in question.

orks Cited

Duval, Robert F. (2006). NFPA Case Study: Nightclub Fires. National Fire Prevention

Association. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from

Madrzykowski, Daniel, Bryner, Nelson, and Kerber, Stephen I. (2008). The NIST Station Night

Club Fire Investigation: Physical Simulation of the Fire. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from

Parker, Paul Edward. (2007). Tally of a tragedy: 462 were in The Station on night of fire.

The Providence Journal, Retrieved July 20, 2010, from


Fire Disaster
One of the worst nightclub fires in recent U.S. history killed one hundred people and injured 230 people in est arwick, Rhode Island on February 20, 2003. It was the fourth deadliest nightclub fire disaster in American history. This paper reviews the reason for the fire, what the injuries were for the concert-goers, and adds what could have been done to prevent the fire.

The Tragic Station Fire

The rock concert featured a group called the Great hite, and when they opened up their show that night, they had planned a big spectacular pyrotechnic exhibition. As the band began to play, on-stage fireworks went off. "As the crowd cheered, fire engulfed the soundproofing foam behind the state and quickly spread," according to CNN (2003). Video shot by a CNN affiliate shows people at first watching the fire "…or casually" making their way toward the exits. Then panic broke out and….

hether involvement is through full time employment or volunteer service, the challenges of today's fire service demand commitment to training, education, experience and self-development. One's professional development is a journey, not a destination. Remember Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
Napoleon Hill

You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play.

James Beatty

orks Cited

First In, Last Out Review in Publishers eekly, Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. (2004)

International Association of Fire Chiefs Officer Development Handbook First Edition, November 2003, Published in partnership with the IAFC Foundation, (2003), New York: International Association of Fire Chiefs, (Retrieved August 20, 2006).

Salka, John, and Neville, Barret. First In, Last Out: Leadership Lessons from the New York Fire Department (New York, Penguin Group, USA, Inc. 2004).

Thomas M. Cunningham, Emergency Services Information Site: Leadership 101: Integrity, (Retrieved August 20, 2006)


Lessons Learned for Nightclub Fires
In some ways the historical events that accompanied "The Station" fire were precedent setting. In other ways, however, these historical events were sadly a little too familiar. A perfect example of this sort of dichotomy is found in the trigger to this fire. According to a report compiled by obert Duvall (2006) regarding this particular fire and nightclub fires in general, the conflagration at The Station "resulted from a form of ignition not often seen when comparing other fires in assembly occupancies: pyrotechnics" (p. 22). In this regard, the fire at The Station was unique when compared to the other fires detailed for their historical events in Duvall's document. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has very specific standards and requirements for the utilization of pyrotechnics in "Existing Assembly Occupancies" (Duval, 2006, p. 22). Interestingly enough, even a cursory examination of those standards introduces the aspect….

History Of Softball
Softball has its origins in the game of baseball, the bat-and-ball sport which was first played in America with a codified set of rules in Hoboken, New Jersey on 19 June 1846. The game of softball appeared in the U.S. just over thirty years later in 1887. While the two sports are similar in many ways, they also contrast in a number of ways -- as does their history. This paper will examine the history of softball and show how and why it developed out of the game of baseball.

With the first known game of softball being played on Thanksgiving Day in Chicago between Yale and Harvard football fans. The game began quite by accident and quite spontaneously when, after the results of the football game between the two rivals were announced and winning parties were awarded their money, a graduate from Yale hurled a boxing mitt at….

Reagan & the 80s Movies

Many young people voted for Reagan as he represented rebellion against the authority figures in society but was a rebellion characterized by valiance and effectuated through skillful communication. The approval rating of Reagan was approximately 42% when 1982 began but dropped to the record low 35% later that same year. The U.S. entered a recession. If one is to set their focus upon obtaining a chance at being the President of the United States, then that individual must take a political stance and hold a view that is somewhat differential from the opposing party. In the case of Ronald Reagan, who had been a democrat for most of his life, it was the democratic party that he must debate against in the attempt to establish a better public platform that the opposing candidate. Ronald Reagan may be viewed as a 'come-lately' at the time he entered the political scene….

They also focus more on institutional support, like the need for appropriate funding for such educational programs, rather than psychological issues attacked to assimilation. Changing demographics in recent years in Canada have forced adult education programs to meet the challenge of doing more with fewer resources, as they fight, for more funding for programs designed to orient immigrants in the language and culture of the area. "As new citizens to Canada, they need educational programs to help them navigate the complex paths that citizenship entails and to upgrade their language, knowledge and skills to fully participate in Canadian society."
Unlike Ferrigno's article on education that accepts community criticism and a critique of society as a whole, Guo and Sork's see "adult education as an agency of social progress" in moving students forward into better economic opportunities. Adult education is "an important forum for building inclusive citizenship" more so than changing….

2.3: Theme I: This study's first theme defines hedge funds and presents a synopsis of their history.

2.: Theme 2: Ways hedge funds compare to mutual funds are noted in this section, this study's second theme.

2.5: Theme 3: segment denotes techniques hedge funds utilise in investing.

2.6: Theme : A number of ways rising and falling markets impact hedge funds, this section's theme links to the thesis statement for this thesis/Capstone.

2.7: Analysis: The analysis section presents a number of pertinent points retrieved from the reviewed literature.


3.1: Introduction: This final chapter's introduction reviews the original study aim and objectives presented at the start of this thesis/Capstone, relating to hedge funds techniques. This section also recounts this study's thesis statement.

3.2: Discussion: During this segment, this researcher relates final considerations regarding hedge funds techniques, cross-referencing several points the reviewed literature noted. This researcher also reiterates the validity of this study's thesis….

Marine Insurance
PAGES 35 WORDS 14313

Marine Insurance
The concept of Marine insurance is something that has been developing at a fast rate of late. (Marine Insurance: Barlow, Lyde and Gilbert) What exactly is insurance and how long has the concept been recognized? Insurance can be defined as a form of provision of a safety net for the distribution of risks. This is generally made in the form of a financial provision that is meant to protect against losses that may occur due to certain unavoidable reasons. Insurance works like this: a person who wishes to insure an object or possession or belonging of his will pay a certain amount of money that has already been fixed by the insurance agent in order to offer the security of the money to distribute the risks when the insurer happens, by misfortune, to lose his possession or damage it because of an unavoidable reason. The insurer, by the very….

For example, the police response to Occupy movement was widely viewed as disproportional and unnecessarily violent, and it is precisely leftist movements like Occupy that the police would need in order for a strike to be successful.
However, even if a contemporary strike were not successful, it seems likely that it would not end with the police being fired, but rather with nominal concessions on the part of the city or state. Police officers have secured a place of respect in American society not granted to other professions, and thus it seems difficult to imagine a governor, commissioner, or mayor being able to find much public support for firing an entire department a la the Boston police strike or eagan's firing of air traffic controllers. Instead, it seems likely that cities and states would call on the National Guard or private security contractors to make up for striking police, and….

Pedagogic Model for Teaching of Technology to Special Education Students
Almost thirty years ago, the American federal government passed an act mandating the availability of a free and appropriate public education for all handicapped children. In 1990, this act was updated and reformed as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which itself was reformed in 1997. At each step, the goal was to make education more equitable and more accessible to those with special educational needs. During the last presidential term, the "No Child Left Behind" Act attempted to assure that individuals with disabilities were increasingly mainstreamed and assured of high educational results. All of these legislative mandates were aimed at insuring that children with disabilities were not defrauded of the public education which has become the birthright of all American children. The latest reforms to IDEA, for example, provided sweeping reforms which not only expanded the classification of special needs….

Mass Murder: Omar MateenThe Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen committed mass murder in 2016 when he attacked a gay nightclub in the state of Florida. Although the club was known as a gay club, the attack was motivated not out of hatred for homosexuals but rather in protest of the death of Abu Waheeb, an Islamic militant. Mateen had become a radicalized Muslim and viewed his attack on the club as a righteous act of killingan act of vengeance against an unjust nation that he believed was persecuting the people of Islam in the Middle East (Doornbos, 2016). Up to that point, Mateen had no criminal background, although he did have behavioral issues in school and a history of engaging in physical altercations (Jacobo, 2016). He had become radicalized to embrace militant Islam over the Internet and he viewed the War on Terror as a war on innocent Muslims in….

Screenplay Ideas a Walk in

The result is a story of wry humor that tells the story of how one family teaches and entire town to learn tolerance, love, understanding, and acceptance. Through these trials, the Jackson family also learns their own brand of tolerance and acceptance, and how to be proud of their own heritage while embracing new ideas.
Part 3 -- the year is 1946, the place is Seattle, Washington. The setting is a High School locker room in which several boys are changing into baseball uniforms in preparation for a game. The room is filled with banter and joking. The camera focuses briefly on different groups, chatting, making comments about the game, and the group of all-White boys talking about their sports prowess. The door opens, and the coach walks in, followed by a young man with dark hair. The coach calls out, "Boys, I want you to meet your new teammate,….

Com industry crash after the boom
This is a paper examining some of the factors that caused the dot-com crash

Many believe the root cause of the dot-com crash was over valuation of stock prices relative to the actual underlying value of the companies themselves. Stocks of Internet companies traded at Price-Earning ratios of higher then 30, buoyed by a speculative bubble. When reality set in for investors many realized that the companies that they were so heavily invested in were little more then money sucking black holes with no upside potential in the near or long-term future. This triggered mass self-offs of not only Internet related stocks but soon impacted the market value of many companies associated with computer, network or telecommunications industries.

This paper will show in fact that over valuation was more a symptom of the speculative boom and was only one of the multifaceted factors that contributed to….

5 Pages


Station Club Fire That Occurred in Rhode

Words: 1810
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Station club fire that occurred in hode Island in February 2003 stands through today as the fourth-deadliest nightclub fire in the history of the United States. In total, a…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Station Night Club Fire What

Words: 1748
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Rodgers, Jr. (Rodgers, 2006). The "no contest" plea, said Rodgers, will "…alleviate the victims' families and broader community from being subjected to an emotional reliving of the tragedy…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Communication - Journalism

Fire Disaster One of the Worst Nightclub

Words: 697
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Fire Disaster One of the worst nightclub fires in recent U.S. history killed one hundred people and injured 230 people in est arwick, Rhode Island on February 20, 2003.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Leadership Within a Fire Department

Words: 1648
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hether involvement is through full time employment or volunteer service, the challenges of today's fire service demand commitment to training, education, experience and self-development. One's professional development is…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


National Fire Protection Agency Codes

Words: 1528
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lessons Learned for Nightclub Fires In some ways the historical events that accompanied "The Station" fire were precedent setting. In other ways, however, these historical events were sadly a little…

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5 Pages


History of Softball Has Its Origins in

Words: 1533
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

History Of Softball Softball has its origins in the game of baseball, the bat-and-ball sport which was first played in America with a codified set of rules in Hoboken, New…

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17 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Reagan & the 80s Movies

Words: 4752
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Many young people voted for Reagan as he represented rebellion against the authority figures in society but was a rebellion characterized by valiance and effectuated through skillful communication.…

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4 Pages


Transformative Adult Education Did You

Words: 1350
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

They also focus more on institutional support, like the need for appropriate funding for such educational programs, rather than psychological issues attacked to assimilation. Changing demographics in recent…

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35 Pages
Research Proposal


Hedge Fund Management Technique the

Words: 9602
Length: 35 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

2.3: Theme I: This study's first theme defines hedge funds and presents a synopsis of their history. 2.: Theme 2: Ways hedge funds compare to mutual funds are noted in…

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35 Pages
Term Paper


Marine Insurance

Words: 14313
Length: 35 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marine Insurance The concept of Marine insurance is something that has been developing at a fast rate of late. (Marine Insurance: Barlow, Lyde and Gilbert) What exactly is insurance and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Boston Police Strike Was One

Words: 1783
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, the police response to Occupy movement was widely viewed as disproportional and unnecessarily violent, and it is precisely leftist movements like Occupy that the police would…

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230 Pages

Teaching - Technology

Application of a Pedagogic Model to the Teaching of Technology to Special Education Students

Words: 60754
Length: 230 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Pedagogic Model for Teaching of Technology to Special Education Students Almost thirty years ago, the American federal government passed an act mandating the availability of a free and appropriate public…

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5 Pages


Radical Islam and Terror Attacks in America

Words: 1373
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Mass Murder: Omar MateenThe Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen committed mass murder in 2016 when he attacked a gay nightclub in the state of Florida. Although the club was…

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3 Pages
Creative Writing

Family and Marriage

Screenplay Ideas a Walk in

Words: 1214
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

The result is a story of wry humor that tells the story of how one family teaches and entire town to learn tolerance, love, understanding, and acceptance. Through…

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40 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Why Did the Dot Com Industry Crashed After the Boom

Words: 11033
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Com industry crash after the boom This is a paper examining some of the factors that caused the dot-com crash Many believe the root cause of the dot-com crash was…

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