Status Quo Essays (Examples)

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War in Defense of the Status Quo
The ironic thing about the Korean War is that it was begun (by North Korea) in an attempt to change a status quo that no party involved was particularly satisfied with, in search of an end result that all parties agreed would be ideal (the unification of Korea), and millions of deaths later ended by reestablishing the same static situation it had originate to eliminate. The war was begun, modern perspective tells the historian, because North Korea desperately wanted to reunite the nation under a single "people's government." The irony of the situation is that South Korea also wanted to unite the nation under a single "government of the people" -- the only difference was the question of which regime supported by which superpower should rule the people. North Korea very nearly managed to unite the nation under communist rule within a matter of….

No doubt, when Columbus first set foot on the shores of the West Indies, he felt foreign. No matter how courageous he was, Columbus was only human and therefore had to have been afraid. Likewise, I questioned myself when I first made the decision to transfer.
Like Columbus, I thrive on healthy risk-taking and the excitement of new situations and surroundings. I enjoyed moving, in spite of my fear of new circumstances. There are several reasons why I enjoy the high level of stimulation of change. First, I have learned how adaptable I am, how welcoming I am to the changes that inevitably follow human beings around. The people who cling to stability are more likely to be shaken up by radical changes than those who have weathered a few twists and turns on their own. Second, I have learned that I am an independent and forward thinker. While not….

Mass Shootings Acceptable?My opinion on this issue is that mass shootings are not something we have to accept. This opinion is rooted in data, as recent surveys have shown that the majority of Americans oppose mass shootings and believe that more should be done to prevent them. My opinion is also stable and unwavering, as I firmly believe that mass shootings cannot and should not be accepted under any circumstances: after all, why should we as a civilized society accept such a brutal pre-conditioning? We should be able to do something to prevent mass shootingslike address the underlying factors that cause them.In fact, I believe that it is our responsibility to do everything we can to prevent mass shootings from occurring and to ensure that the victims of these tragedies receive justice. T90 shrug them off as inevitable is to show the kind of calloused thinking that leads to the….

Civic EngagementThe right to vote is a constitutional one in the US and it was passed by Congress in 1869: it ensured that everyone had the right, regardless of race, creed or color. Yet nearly a century later in the US, people were still being segregated and discriminated against because of race, creed and color. Why? The reason is that the power structure in the US did not want certain types of people voting or having influence or power of their own. It is why many immigrant communities were broken up by federal plans to create new interstate roads. It is why there have only been two Catholic presidents and one black one in the nations more than 200-year history. The US has always been a fundamentally WASP-driven affair, with help from elite (often Jewish) families that dominate banking, finance, and media. There is no room in that paradigm for….

Political Status of PR

Puerto ico became a possession of the United States after the Spanish-American War in 1898, but has never been fully incorporated into the Union (Pantojas-Garcia, 2013). It later became a Commonwealth in 1952, a status it maintains to this day. The subject of the status of Puerto ico has, since that time, been controversial. There have been multiple referendums on the subject, the latest in 2012, but as yet there has not been a change in the status of Puerto ico. The 2012 referendum indicated a majority of Puerto icans want the status of their territory changed, with most preferring full statehood. Yet this number is not sufficient to break what is essentially a stalemate, and there are other options as yet on the table. This paper will look at the issue of the stalemate, its causes, and will explore the ideas of solutions.
Analysis of History

Puerto icans are essentially faced….

Smart Goals: Leadership and Magnet Status
This a paper Collaborative Healthcare. I chosen 1.LEADESHIP 2. MAGNET STATUS 2 SMAT goals. Evidence: Peer-eviewed Articles: Search articles peer-reviewed journals support SMAT goals plan. You expected find ONE article EACH SMAT goal.

Leadership development is one of the most fundamental concepts in nursing practice. Nursing management should be more than issuing orders and ensuring that things are done in the right way. Leadership development in nursing ensures that nurses develop leadership qualities, which include innovativeness, flexibility, dynamism, the ability to inspire others and challenge them to think beyond the norms, and the ability to challenge the status quo and dare to be different (Kerridge, 2012).

Equally important is Magnet Hospital ecognition Program. According to the American Nurses Credential Center (ANCC), Magnet is, intended to promote quality in a milieu that supports professional practice, identify excellence in the delivery of nursing services to patients/residents. Magnet is also….

.....status quo of business has been expressed as "an interconnected global village" having innumerable opportunities for everybody. But, as it happens, everybody doesn't enjoy equal opportunities and only those aware of how and where to look enjoy an advantage over others.
Hello and Good afternoon. I am Alice and I am delighted to join you today for this Annual Luncheon of American CEOs sponsored by the Wall Street Journal. I am in the twilight of a rewarding and influential career as the Pres. and CEO of, SeeItAll, a domestic airline.

SeeItAll, has a formal sponsorship program for women, and it is very successful, and the Airline business portfolio is reaping big dividends. In fact, I too have reaped benefits from this program as have other hard-working women in my firm. My career began as a flight attendant, and through hard-work, dedication, commitment and support from my top management and sponsors I have….

The presentation of propaganda is one of the ways political agendas are advanced using the educational system. Historically, educational systems are used to teach ideas that are often scientifically false. An example of this would be the teaching of the inferiority of blacks as a way to shape the argument on race relations during the slavery period. A more recent example of that practice would be the attempt to change the content of text books to shape the concerns relating to the evolution and creation debate. The pro-creation side of the debate would like text books to not contain statements that support evolution. The debate for civil rights and in particular gay rights required educational changes to advance the movement. The gay rights movement while political is supported by having an educational system that suggests gays should have rights. This approach uses education to shape the ideas of future generations….

The greater product focus will eliminate a key weakness of not being strong at any one market. Professionals and consumers have distinctly different needs, and Palm needs to figure out which of these it is more likely to meet and then pursue that to the detriment of the other. Pursuing both has left it vulnerable. The only real opportunity in smartphones is with innovation, as the market has tended to always reward the most technologically innovative firms. Thus, HP needs to focus on building the innovation level at Palm. This still subjects it to threat, especially in the direct competition with three very powerful entities. However, HP is accustomed to competing vigorously against firms the size of Microsoft, Google and Apple and succeeding, so Palm provides the company with just another opportunity to do this, and to do it with the benefits of the HP warchest and customer base.

Gender, Sexuality, and Identity -- Question 2 "So, is the category bisexuality less or more threatening to the status quo than is homosexuality?"
The passage suggests that in fact, rather than presenting patriarchic constructs of identity with less threatening formulation of human sexual identity, bisexuality does the exact opposite -- it presents common social norms with the more threatening notion that human sexuality is not an either/or 'Chinese menu' option of stable choices. The practice of homosexuality, even when it is deemed taboo and beyond the pale of the human sexual order is still a 'comfort' to the heterosexual norm. The construct of homosexuality suggests that human sexuality exists in an either/or dichotomy. So long as one is attracted to the opposite gender one is, in essence, safe from the presumably aberrant, even pathological orientation of homosexuality.

However, bisexuality presents a potentially fluid rendering of human sexual desire, whereby even the presence….

Lastly, the sixth issue is that the hospital has no relationship with an HMO. They have not been able to come to an agreement with Kaiser Permanente. This reduces revenues, reduces traffic flow and creates a problem where Kaiser is building a new hospital in the area that will directly compete with EMC.
3. Perform a financial analysis of EMC. Based on the analysis, where is the company strong and where is it weak?

EMC's financial position is weak. The company is faced with a steep decline in its cash position, which makes it difficult to invest in the future. The company is also relying on its investments for cash flow, and the current investment climate makes this a challenge. EMC has seen a strong increase in net patient revenue in 2002, reversing a flatlining trend. However, operating expenses have been a long-term increasing trend, and ballooned in 2002. Salaries and….

Civic Values in the U.S.
estoring democracy and civic virtue in the United States will require major reforms that reduce the power of corporations, elites and special interests in the whole political process. ight now, there is a radical disconnect between the political and economic elites and the needs and interests of the ordinary voters. Most people today realize that the country is in its worse crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, but government and the political system seem dysfunctional and incapable of dealing with it. emoving the power and control of big money from the political process forever would be the most important step in revitalizing American democracy and making the system more representative and accountable. So would eliminating the Electoral College and electing the president and vice president by a majority of the popular vote. Despite the protests of small states, only this type of reform might….

employer, Acme Inc., a medium sized industrial company, has conducted a trengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (WOT) Analysis and has determined the strategic goals and objectives for the organization. One of the opportunities identified from the WOT was the current economy and the high unemployment rate. In addition, a strategic goal was established as a result of the WOT for Acme Inc. To maintain status quo on recruiting and focus specifically on retention (keeping Acme's best employees).
imulation: As the HRM for Acme Inc. And based upon the situation, describe how you would develop a "Compensation Plan" for this organization. Discuss how your plan would align and be effective with the above mentioned strategic goal. In addition, discuss how you would control the costs associated with your compensation and benefits plan.

In the form of an abstract, clearly state the issue or problem.

a. Express the problem in multiple ways to clarify….

Leaders Can Effectively Manage Change in an Organization
It has often been said that a manager is what one does and a leader is who one is. The differences between management and leadership transcend difference sin perception of how an organization and emanate from how a management professional chooses to gain support and cooperation in the attainment of objectives. Managers often are given the task of maintaining the status quo and minimizing variation in performance over time. Leaders are by definition the visionaries of an organization that set a compelling long-term goal or objective and then orchestrate an enterprise to their achievement. Implicit in this definition of a leader is also the ability to discern strategies issues, opportunities and risks, and also clearly communicate an organizations' strategy to the departmental or work unit level. Most of all, a leader can infuse any organization with a strong sense of purpose, energy….

As the company's Web site points out, "We recognize our continued success depends on our ability to attract, develop and retain a highly competent workforce and on the creative, effective and productive use of human resources. Therefore, Continental is committed to a work environment that provides equal employment opportunity" (Diversity and inclusion, 2010, para. 30). The company's stated diversity policy is as follows:
1. Continental affords equal opportunity for employment to all qualified individuals, regardless of age, citizenship, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or veteran status.

2. Continental makes all personnel decisions, such as compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, returns from layoff, opportunities for company-sponsored training, education, and other programs without regard to age, citizenship, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or veteran status.

3. As part of its continued commitment to equal employment opportunity, Continental has affirmative….

This is a difficult question to answer.  In the era of COVID-19, when personal interactions with people are limited, especially with people outside of your immediate social group, being an agent of social change is more difficult than it is in other times.  That is because social change agents have to be able to influence people.  While some of that can be accomplished in a virtual environment, hence the popularity of internet “influencers,” that type of influence is simply not going to be enough to reach some people.  People tend to go to places on the internet....

Crafting a Debatable 1993 Canadian Federal Election Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a concise declaration that encapsulates the primary argument of a research paper, essay, or academic work. In the context of the 1993 Canadian federal election, a debatable thesis statement should present a controversial or thought-provoking assertion that invites critical analysis and discussion.

1. Choose a Specific, Controversial Topic:

Begin by selecting an aspect of the 1993 Canadian federal election that is open to debate and has room for differing viewpoints. Consider issues such as the rise of the Reform Party, the collapse of the Progressive Conservative Party, the emergence of....


Graffiti, often stigmatized as vandalism, has emerged as a form of artistic expression that challenges societal norms and sparks meaningful discussions. While some view graffiti as a nuisance, others recognize its potential as a catalyst for urban revitalization, social commentary, and cultural enrichment. This essay will explore the compelling reasons why graffiti deserves protection and recognition as a legitimate art form.

Section 1: Urban Beautification and Revitalization

Graffiti has the transformative power to revitalize dilapidated urban landscapes. By adding color, vibrancy, and artistic flair to dull walls, graffiti can enhance the visual appeal of neighborhoods, attracting tourists and boosting local economies. Moreover,....

## Outline for an Essay Comparing and Contrasting World War I and World War II

I. Introduction
- Define World War I and World War II
- State the thesis statement: Discuss the similarities and differences between World War I and World War II, focusing on their causes, strategies, and impacts.

II. Similarities
- Causes
- Imperialism and nationalism
- Arms race and alliances
- Economic tensions
- Strategies
- Trench warfare in WWI, Blitzkrieg tactics in WWII
- Use of propaganda and espionage
- Mobilization of civilians and economies
- Impacts
- High casualties and devastation
- Political and territorial changes
- Economic hardship and social....

6 Pages
Term Paper


War in Defense of the Status Quo

Words: 2191
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

War in Defense of the Status Quo The ironic thing about the Korean War is that it was begun (by North Korea) in an attempt to change a status quo…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Challenging the Status Quo Risking

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

No doubt, when Columbus first set foot on the shores of the West Indies, he felt foreign. No matter how courageous he was, Columbus was only human and…

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1 Pages


Why No One Should Accept the Status Quo

Words: 293
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Mass Shootings Acceptable?My opinion on this issue is that mass shootings are not something we have to accept. This opinion is rooted in data, as recent surveys have shown…

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3 Pages

Race / Racism

Challenging the Status Quo in the Civil Rights Movement

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Civic EngagementThe right to vote is a constitutional one in the US and it was passed by Congress in 1869: it ensured that everyone had the right, regardless of…

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5 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Political Status of PR

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages

Puerto ico became a possession of the United States after the Spanish-American War in 1898, but has never been fully incorporated into the Union (Pantojas-Garcia, 2013). It later became…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Smart Goals Leadership and Magnet Status This

Words: 962
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Smart Goals: Leadership and Magnet Status This a paper Collaborative Healthcare. I chosen 1.LEADESHIP 2. MAGNET STATUS 2 SMAT goals. Evidence: Peer-eviewed Articles: Search articles peer-reviewed journals support SMAT goals…

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2 Pages


differences in mentoring and'sponsorship

Words: 848
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

.....status quo of business has been expressed as "an interconnected global village" having innumerable opportunities for everybody. But, as it happens, everybody doesn't enjoy equal opportunities and only those…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Words: 980
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The presentation of propaganda is one of the ways political agendas are advanced using the educational system. Historically, educational systems are used to teach ideas that are often scientifically…

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5 Pages
Capstone Project

Education - Computers

Palm Current Situation Palm Was

Words: 1573
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

The greater product focus will eliminate a key weakness of not being strong at any one market. Professionals and consumers have distinctly different needs, and Palm needs to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Sexuality and Identity -- Question 2

Words: 1218
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gender, Sexuality, and Identity -- Question 2 "So, is the category bisexuality less or more threatening to the status quo than is homosexuality?" The passage suggests that in fact, rather…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Health Care Describe the Following

Words: 1147
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Lastly, the sixth issue is that the hospital has no relationship with an HMO. They have not been able to come to an agreement with Kaiser Permanente. This…

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7 Pages


Civic Values in the U S Restoring Democracy

Words: 2310
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Civic Values in the U.S. estoring democracy and civic virtue in the United States will require major reforms that reduce the power of corporations, elites and special interests in the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Employer Acme Inc a Medium Sized Industrial

Words: 1297
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

employer, Acme Inc., a medium sized industrial company, has conducted a trengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (WOT) Analysis and has determined the strategic goals and objectives for the…

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13 Pages


How Can Leaders Effectively Manage Change Within an Organization

Words: 3903
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Leaders Can Effectively Manage Change in an Organization It has often been said that a manager is what one does and a leader is who one is. The differences…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Improving Diversity in the Leadership

Words: 3199
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As the company's Web site points out, "We recognize our continued success depends on our ability to attract, develop and retain a highly competent workforce and on the…

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