Stealing Essays (Examples)

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person's permission is stealing. The act can be the taking of something as simple as a piece of candy or as big as stealing a car. It can mean taking something from a complete stranger or taking it from your best friend. The stealing can occur in a store where it is considered shoplifting or from the inside of a friend's house but no matter where it takes place or from the item is taken the act remains the same. It is stealing.
The reasons behind stealing are varied and the fact that stealing has been present in every culture from the beginning of mankind makes it a difficult concept to understand. Even the most hardened criminal would likely acknowledge the inherent wrongness of stealing but for reasons not totally understood the act of stealing continues.

One of the most basic reasons that people steal is the lack of self-control and….

Joe knew it must be important and instead of heading to his office to put his briefcase and coat down, he went straight to the President's office.
Joe knocked lightly on the slightly opened door.

Good morning, Joe. Come in," Nichols said as he set aside a report he was looking at.

Morning, Fred. Connie said you wanted to see me." Joe said as he sat down in a chair across the desk from his boss.

We've found out who's been stealing our windows from the test lab," Nichols said simply. "Now, we just need to determine what to do about it."

Nichols showed Joe the video from one of the closed circuit cameras. Sure enough, there was one of their manufacturing lead persons walking nonchalantly out the door, carrying the window. According to the time stamp on the video it was about a half an hour before the employee's shift was to start.


Social and financial inequity continue to grow in modern society, and while Hugo may have had deep down hopes for improvements in the future, it is evident throughout most of his work that he was ultimately pessimistic about the future of justice and equality. As it turns out, unfortunately, his pessimism was not misplaced.
Les Miserables is exactly as its title implies, which is why the "dismal, lurid, grotesque imagery" is necessary to create the somber mood that haunts the novel. Yet what some critics fail to acknowledge is that this story also conveys a great deal of hope about the nature of the human spirit, the ability of man to do right by others even if it means sacrificing himself. Hugo and his novel may be pessimistic, but there is clearly a hint of optimism in there as well, which can be seen through righteous, heroic characters like Jean….

Personal Narrative/Memoir: Stealing in ClassThe game had started out simple and innocent enough: my classmate and I were swiping one anothers belongingsa pencil, a sheet of paper, an eraserwhen the other was not looking. The reaction would be priceless. Then there would be laughter. And then we would do it again.Eventually, we grew tired of simply teasing each other and wanted to expand the parameters of the game. The only thing wasno one else realized what we were up toand we quickly got carried away with ourselves.At the time, we were all sitting at long tables. No one had his or her own desk. The tables were lined up in three rows. Our table was at the back of the room. The rest of our classmates were in front of us or to our right and left. The pickings were not slim.We laughed internally as we slyly stole one classmates….

Common Good and Happiness

John and Utility Ethics
The utility ethics raised in John's situation focus on his doing what he believes to be in the best interest of his family: "You know that we can barely pay our bills," he tells his wife as a way to justify his theft. He further attempts to justify stealing from the company that employs him by making a number of points: 1) the company can afford it, 2) he has earned it for his years of service, 3) he is not sufficiently recompensed for all the work he does for the company. Ultimately, John concludes that he is doing what is best for the family even if, admittedly, "it might be wrong." The utilitarian principle, in John's mind, outweighs any other ethical concern; applied in John's case, it would hold that John's actions are moral in so far as they produce the greatest good and/or happiness. Clearly,….

However, I would also want to ask some pointed and direct questions if the parents were being belligerent, to discover why they appeared to be hostile. Perhaps they were embarrassed by their child's behavior and were acting defensively. In that case I would try my best to talk to them in a non-threatening manner, making sure they understood that we were not trying to persecute their son (or daughter) but rather, to correct deviant, anti-social, and harmful behavior. I would avoid arguing with them if the parents refused to believe that their child had done anything wrong.

We cannot tolerate stealing at school. Therefore, I would drive home the point that the next time the student is caught stealing that we might have to alert the authorities. I would report the misbehavior to the student's teachers and to the school administrators, so that they would know what was going on and….

Constable Robert Hagan Ll

arrest and charge of Constable obert Hagan regarding the stolen pieces of the shuttle. The writer explores several aspects of the case including what he is charged with doing and what his possible punishments might be. There were three sources used to complete this paper.
For society to function properly it must be able to place the utmost trust in those it chooses to protect and to serve its members. The ability to trust police officers and others who are charged with leading the moral path is essential to the continued growth and development of the nation. When a trusted official breaks the law it sends shock waves through society. Constable obert Hagan II has been charged with stealing from the United States government. His case has made national news because he is a trusted elected official and as such expected to hold himself to a higher standard than the….

"The immature poet imitates and the mature poet plagiarizes," said T.S. Eliot. If imitation is indeed the finest form of flattery, then does it follow that plagiarism is a worthwhile pursuit? Indeed it can be. Street art, including visual art and music, is both plagiarizer and plagiarized. To imitate without paying full homage to the original creator is to fail in the ultimate pursuit of aesthetic brilliance. The art of Banksy integrates itself fully with popular culture and community. By stealing space and time, Banksy and street artists like him raise poignant political questions about the ownership of public space and the social class hierarchies that determine access to and enjoyment of the public domain. Likewise, Banksy participates in the time-honored tradition of sampling. By mixing and matching, cutting and pasting, Banksy is following in a long and venerable line of artistic genius that revels in the creative potential of….

Economics of Public Choice

When Sam the mugger, decides to rob you of your valuable goods or hard earned money at gunpoint, you instantly know what the act is called: theft. You do not only receive sympathy from the public, but are also found entitled to police support and protection. The city administration upon learning of the incident would most certainly show some anxiety over deteriorating law and order situation and the government would certainly criticize the thug's immoral act.

However lets just suppose that Sam the mugger wants you money again. But this time, some respectable people like senators, parliamentarians, Congressmen etc., accompany him. Instead of the gun, he carries an official letter that says certain percentage of your hard earned money is now his. The tone remains the same i.e. threatening. You give him money O ... The dire consequences of not complying with his 'request' are repeated reiterated lest you….

Corporate Governance
When a merger the size of the AOL ime Warner merger takes place and then disintegrates, it is time to look for what went wrong. Both companies were regarded as important in their fields; both had been successful, one for many years (ime Warner), the other for only a short while (AOL), but that success was extreme.

What did go wrong? he simple answer is that is was probably a classic clash of old paradigm vs. new paradigm.

In fact, the simple answer is the whole answer, and it appears in graphic detail on the 91st page of Alec Klein's book, Stealing ime: Steve Case, Jerry Levin, and the Collapse of AOL ime Warner. On that page, Klein describes the scrambling of the lawyers for both firms -- AOL and ime Warner -- when operation Alpha ango is revealed to them. (Both Case and Levin chose to keep the plans a….

If all people followed these teachings, many of the social evils in the society such as stealing from each other, killing, mugging, rape, revenge, jealousy, etc. Molloy, 2009.
Therefore, religion is extremely important since it guides our day-to-day lives. eligion is also an important source of law as evidenced in sharia law and Canon law which is commonly used in the determination of cases and also in development of Public law.

One important thing that should be kept in mind is that every person is different and that they give varying relevance to religion. The importance of religion can be evaluated in how a person lives their life. As always, the actions of the individual should be evaluated and not their words. As the old English adage goes, "actions speak louder than words."


Flood, G. (2012). The Importance of eligion: Meaning and Action in Our Strange World. New York, NY: John Wiley….

(Alypius was not necessarily being disobedient, of course, but was not doing what his father might have ideally wished) Friendship can even move one to do what is good and right, as Augustine's friendship for Alypius is what motivated the later to give up circuses in he first place. On the other hand, Augustine sees that friendships can lead one (through peer pressure and mutual encouragement of the baser instincts) into sin. He also believes that when a relationship is based entirely on the physical, so that "ut no restraint was imposed by the exchange of mind with mind, which marks the brightly lit pathway of friendship," (24) then that friendship can not only lead one into evil but an also be evil in itself. As he says when remembering his early gang of ill-mannered friends: "Friendship can be a dangerous enemy, a seduction of the mind lying beyond….

John ommel Case Study
Why would John be considered a deviant? What social foundations of deviance appear to be evident in this case study?

Deviance is defined as the recognized violation of cultural norms. Social deviance is defined as any behavior that violates the social norms within a culture or greater community. This behavior can be criminal but does not necessarily need to violate a law to qualify. Criminal acts such as theft or assault are common types of social deviance, but so are incidental behaviors like lying, excessive drinking, or nose picking. The theory of social deviance is the foundation of the study of criminology and splinters into three classes of deviant behavior: conflict, structural functionalism, and symbolic interactionism.

2.Examine the three theoretical foundations of deviance (structural-functional, symbolic-interaction, and social-conflict). Determine which foundation applied to John's situation, and why. Give specific examples.

British sociologist A.. adcliffe-Brown developed the structural-functionalism theory, a perspective on….

students, especially those in colleges and universities often come across the term "plagiarism" and the need to be careful of not plagiarizing is often stressed. Plagiarism is an act of stealing or copying something that is not actually yours and not crediting the person who wrote it or came up with the idea. Although this may not be considered that serious an offence, it should be noted that plagiarism is a serious offence for which one can be sued in certain countries. Plagiarism includes literary theft where someone's writing; words, idea or product is copied and passed on without mentioning the source, citing the work and giving due credit to whoever wrote it. The American law states that anyone can be sued for plagiarism if the work they copied was copyrighted and serious action is taken in such instances (Foss, 2000). Some acts that may fall under the criteria….

Ethical Scenarios

There are several different ethical perspectives that one can take to evaluate the goodness of actions. Among the leading philosophies are virtue ethics, consequentialism, utilitarianism (a specific type of consequentialism) and Kantian ethics, specifically universal law. This paper will examine three scenarios in the workplace against these different ethical philosophies. The first scenario is an employee making long distance phone calls on the company dime; the second two employees having sex in the conference room after hours and the third is an employee who drinks excessively at lunch.

Personal Phone Calls

Among the schools of normative ethics, virtue ethics is the one that emphasizes moral character (Hursthouse, 2012). There are two basic ways to look at these phone calls from the virtue ethics perspective. From the employee's perspective, no moral person would steal, because theft is not a virtuous act. If stealing could ever be virtuous, there would need to be some….

Writing an essay about drug abuse, it is important to start by distinguishing it from drug usage. Most people use some type of drugs casually or recreationally.  Whether it is a morning caffeine fix, a glass of wine with dinner, over-the-counter painkillers when a headache strikes, or some recreational marijuana, substances are a part of everyday life.  While using drugs may be an acceptable way to relax, to ease pain, or to handle other issues, drug abuse can have profoundly negative effects on a person’s life.

Unfortunately, there is not a bright-line between drug use and drug abuse. ....

Essay Topic 1: The Deterrent Effect of School Theft Policies

Pro-Deterrent Viewpoint:

School theft policies that impose swift and strict consequences deter students from committing theft by creating a fear of negative repercussions.
The threat of suspension, expulsion, or legal charges acts as a psychological deterrent, discouraging students from engaging in theft.
By establishing clear boundaries and consequences, schools maintain a safe and orderly learning environment where students feel secure.

Anti-Deterrent Viewpoint:

Strict school theft policies create a punitive atmosphere that alienates students and undermines their educational progress.
Students who are caught stealing may be subjected to harsh punishments that can harm....

Title Generator-Aligned Essay Topics

1. The Power of Language: The Influence of Titles in Shaping Narratives

Explore the ways in which titles can predetermine the interpretation of literary works.
Analyze how titles create expectations and bias the reader's perspective.
Discuss the ethical implications of using manipulative or deceptive titles.

2. Titles as Mirrors: Reflecting the Complexity of Literary Characters

Examine how titles can reveal the inner nature and motivations of characters.
Analyze the use of irony, paradox, and symbolism in titles to create complex character portraits.
Discuss the impact of character-based titles on the reader's understanding of the narrative.

3. The Art of....

In conclusion, the practice of purchasing goods online has been widely adopted and is growing rapidly in Malaysia. Factors such as reducing movement, reducing the risk of infection, promoting cashless transactions, complying with Movement Control Orders (MCO), and saving time and costs have contributed to the increasing trend of online shopping. However, challenges such as delayed deliveries, scams, and damaged goods have been faced by respondents, especially during the ongoing MCO period. The behavior of consumers taking full advantage of e-commerce platforms has been influenced by the spread of COVID-19, making e-commerce more important in everyday life. While online shopping....

3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Person's Permission Is Stealing The Act Can

Words: 974
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

person's permission is stealing. The act can be the taking of something as simple as a piece of candy or as big as stealing a car. It can…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Employee Being Caught Stealing at

Words: 1170
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Joe knew it must be important and instead of heading to his office to put his briefcase and coat down, he went straight to the President's office. Joe knocked…

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7 Pages


Man Accused of Stealing Silver

Words: 2105
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Social and financial inequity continue to grow in modern society, and while Hugo may have had deep down hopes for improvements in the future, it is evident throughout…

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2 Pages


Guilty Feelings over Committing a Crime

Words: 620
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Narrative/Memoir: Stealing in ClassThe game had started out simple and innocent enough: my classmate and I were swiping one anothers belongingsa pencil, a sheet of paper, an eraserwhen…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Ethics and Morality

Common Good and Happiness

Words: 707
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

John and Utility Ethics The utility ethics raised in John's situation focus on his doing what he believes to be in the best interest of his family: "You know that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


School Counseling in This Case

Words: 684
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, I would also want to ask some pointed and direct questions if the parents were being belligerent, to discover why they appeared to be hostile. Perhaps they were…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Constable Robert Hagan Ll

Words: 968
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

arrest and charge of Constable obert Hagan regarding the stolen pieces of the shuttle. The writer explores several aspects of the case including what he is charged with…

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4 Pages

Art  (general)

Banksy The Immature Poet Imitates and the

Words: 1206
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Banksy "The immature poet imitates and the mature poet plagiarizes," said T.S. Eliot. If imitation is indeed the finest form of flattery, then does it follow that plagiarism is a…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Economics of Public Choice

Words: 1428
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

TAXATION IS THEFT? When Sam the mugger, decides to rob you of your valuable goods or hard earned money at gunpoint, you instantly know what the act is called: theft.…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Corporate Governance When a Merger the Size

Words: 2372
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corporate Governance When a merger the size of the AOL ime Warner merger takes place and then disintegrates, it is time to look for what went wrong. Both companies were…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Relevance of Religion in Our

Words: 1518
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If all people followed these teachings, many of the social evils in the society such as stealing from each other, killing, mugging, rape, revenge, jealousy, etc. Molloy, 2009. Therefore,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Augustine's Confessions Augustine's Confessed Friendships

Words: 1523
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Alypius was not necessarily being disobedient, of course, but was not doing what his father might have ideally wished) Friendship can even move one to do what is…

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2 Pages
Case Study


John Rommel Case Study Why Would John

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

John ommel Case Study Why would John be considered a deviant? What social foundations of deviance appear to be evident in this case study? Deviance is defined as the recognized violation…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Students Especially Those in Colleges and Universities

Words: 1514
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

students, especially those in colleges and universities often come across the term "plagiarism" and the need to be careful of not plagiarizing is often stressed. Plagiarism is an…

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4 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Scenarios

Words: 1281
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics There are several different ethical perspectives that one can take to evaluate the goodness of actions. Among the leading philosophies are virtue ethics, consequentialism, utilitarianism (a specific type of…

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