Student Essays (Examples)

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Student attrition is the reduction in the student population in a school because of dropouts or transfers. Student attrition has become an important concern for many colleges and universities that has resulted in much research because students who drop out normally suffer from personal disappointments, minimization of career and life goals, and financial setbacks. The research on student attrition or retention has mainly been on the basis of statistical analyses of the variations between dropouts and persisters. One of the main reasons for the analyses is to understand the phenomenon of school drop outs, which was regarded as a major problem in today's society.
Student Attrition ate:

In the last two decades, student attrition rates in both higher and distance learning education have come under increased scrutiny ("Student Attrition in Higher Education," n.d.). Some of the reasons attributed to the recent student attrition rate are political factors and the extensive adoption of….

Students' Adjustments and Skills
Every book has a preface that gives an overview to the reader regarding the content. Since, it prepares the reader's mind according to theme and thus enables him/her quickly understand the concept of the writer. Similarly, preparing yourself before moving towards any new task helps in better outcome even if it is the matter of taking admission in University. An institute has the responsibility to teach students everything related to the subject but before that, students themselves have to develop certain skills required for effective learning. These key skills ensure the bright future employability and higher levels of attainment. Since, students with these skills have enhanced study skills and capable of effectively plan personal development processes. This essay discusses the importance of these key adjustments that students must make before starting University.

The Dearing Report emphasized on four major skills that are important for success in higher education….

Students Smoking Behavior

Student Smoking Behavior
Given that the health risks of smoking are very well-known, one would think that smoking would be rare behavior among college students. After all, the average college student is not only young enough to have been exposed to anti-smoking education throughout their lifetimes, but might also values education more than their same-age peers who are not students. However, according to the research, young people, including college students, do smoke. In fact, college students may actually smoke more than their peers outside of college. What this suggests is that there is a social factor linked to smoking behavior. As a result, I would expect to be able to observe more students smoking when in social situations than in non-social situations.


I began with three assumptions about smoking behavior. The first assumption was that approximately one-third of observed college students would smoke. The second assumption was that students would be more….

A change in any one of the factors has to be 'compensated' by changes in the other two" (p. 27). Consequently, the type of instructional practices that may be best suited for one learning venue will likely be unsuitable and therefore ineffective in another setting. The goal, then, is to identify the optimal mix of the three elements to produce instructional practices for each setting (Koehler et al., 2004), and these issues are discussed further below.

Developing Effective Online Instructional Practices. Unfortunately, many educators may have become overly reliant on one teaching style to the exclusion of other approaches that may be more suitable for a given group of students. Prying busy teachers out of this "comfort zone of teaching" will require careful scrutiny of how these three elements affect teachers new to online learning environments to ensure they are provided with the support and training they need to succeed.….

• Feeling lack of control because of too many rules and regulations of white institutions.

• Fitting in at school may fail to be a priority.

• Lack of positive interracial relationships before and during college.

• Lack of parental support.

(Arnold, 1999).

3. Main Factors Affecting etention and Attrition

Many of the central factors affecting retention and attrition have already been discussed above. As was referred to, preparation is a central factor that was found to be significant across demographic boundaries and especially among various ethnic groups. This refers to social, emotional as well as academic preparedness. Academic preparedness is noted in the literature as being of cardinal importance in continuing to the second year of study: "…those students with higher ACT scores were more likely to return for the second year" ( McDaniel and Graham, 2001).

Motivation and high academic goals were also seen as a primary factor in retention and student persistence. Other factors….

There is little doubt that students with special needs require more support services, and the article referenced above adds clarity to that assertion. hat also is true is that often students with disabilities are harassed, made fun of and even bullied because they are "different." An article in The Journal of Counseling & Development refers to emotional abuse that students (not necessarily students with disabilities but rather students that are "different" per se) are subjected to from teachers. This topic is not one that gets a lot of attention, the authors day, but in certain classrooms "…it can be a daily occurrence" (McEachern, et al., 2008, p. 3). Take Jason, he has had a fear of this one particular teacher and while he was "at the peak of his humiliation" because his second period teacher teased him in front of the class about the way he dressed, he finally got….

Student Affairs One of the

" Gabriel is an employee of a small business and agrees with the results of numerous reports that highlight that irrespective of the increase in the overall opportunities for work, the overall living expenditures, student loans, utilities etc. leaves most graduates in a dire state of (Franke-uta, 2003).
Another Nellie Mae report conducted in 1998 showed that nearly 40% of the graduated lawyers and doctors and 25% of graduates of private institutions were earning far less money than what they owed monthly to the students loan agencies. The report also shows that out of the total graduate lawyers and doctors, nearly 41% paid off 13% of their salaries to the student loan agencies to relieve their debts and all 41% felt like this was a huge weight on their shoulders. This burden was even more obvious on the African-American debtors and low income earners by the end of 2002 (Franke-uta, 2003).


Serving students with a full range of abilities and disabilities in the general education class room with appropriate in-class support is how Roach (1995) defines inclusion using this practice. Friend & Bursuck (1996) noted that children with disabilities are considered as full members of the classroom learning community in such setting with their special needs met there. Students with disabilities are helped to establish and maintain social networks and opportunities to be accepted by no disabled peers (Farmer & Farmer, 1996; Kennedy & Itkonen, 1994). Students with severe disabilities developed social networks, positive interpersonal relationships, and friendships with students without disabilities (Hendrickson, Shokoohi-Yekta, Hamre-Nietupski, & Gable, 1996).

Surprisingly, according to authors Cloninger & Giangreco (1995), Harig & Romer (1995), students who are deaf blind or have other severe or multiple disabilities are being educated in general education classes has increased. Sharp, York and Knight (1994) added that the inclusion of students….

One of the acts in the performance was composed of three African students who performed a traditional African dance. The thirteen-year-old students danced in a manner that was found by the writer of this work to be erotic in nature and contained dance moves that this writer found to be provocative in a sexual context. The clothing worn by the dancers was revealing in nature as well. It entered the mind of the writer of this work that perhaps the conservative environment in which the writer had been reared, or one of a traditional Chinese cultural heritage had biased these thoughts. It was the realization of the writer of this work that in order to win the respect of children in such a culturally diverse environment that the teacher must possess the mindset that allows for removal of any and all bias that one might possess toward other cultures.

Students' ight to Free Speech
The right of student to free speech is a matter that has been debated over years. Where many people claim that students, just like any other group of people, have the right of free speech, others claim that students should know where their limits end. Therefore, at many schools, colleges and universities, the students are provided with a code of conduct that they have to follow. This code of conduct defines rules of speech for the students; to tell them where they have to start speaking and where they should end. These codes have also been controversial in some places.

The right of free speech can be highlighted from the fact that the distinguishing feature between human beings and other creatures is speech. By the freedom of speech, one does not only mean to speak what one feels like speaking, but it means to express one's knowledge….

Improve Wellness for Students: Social and Emotional Well-Being Early on in their educational careers, students should receive information about on-campus counseling and also the phone numbers of local organizations outside the school where students can seek out support for specific issues, including depression, stress, substance abuse, and other concerns. This should be accompanied by a self-assessment list for signs of mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. Residence hall advisors should be encouraged to host weekly social events and study breaks to reduce stress and create a sense of community between students. They should also be encouraged to facility once-monthly organized activities such as nature hikes, crafts, or movie nights to encourage students to bond with one another outside of academics. Student groups which address the needs of marginalized groups which suffer disproportionately from mental health concerns, such as women, LGBT+ students, or students with learning challenges should receive additional….

The hardest part of being a student now is the pressure that comes with knowing that this is it. It is like approaching the high dive at the swimming pool. Being a student is like walking the edge of the pool and climbing up the ladder to the diving board. The water is the real world where all you lessons that you have learned in the pool about how to swim, breathe, float and so on, are now going to be put to the test—in a real way. As a student you sometimes forget about this fact because you are so immersed in your studies. You forget to look up over the edge of the book and see that the real world is waiting to see what you are made of. You know that before long you will have to prove yourself by taking flight from the high dive and….

Sentiment Analysis in EducationIntroductionTeacher effectiveness can be gauged by analysis of student sentiment as communicated in written texts, particularly in social media posts (Misuraca, Forciniti, Scepi & Spano, 2020). Hajirizi and Nuci (2020) state that being able to understand and find out what students like and dont like most about a course, professor, or teaching methodology can be of great importance for the respective institutions (p. 1). For Kwecko et al. (2020), the challenge is to understand the points of convergence and divergence between a set of opinions published on digital networks and their ability to reveal collective intelligences for the management of public policies in Education (p. 2).To overcome that challenge, both Hajirizi and Nuci (2020) and Nikolic, Grljevic and Kovacevic (2020) recommend aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) to help discern student sentiment. The use of ABSA appears to be a major trend in gauging sentiment analysis in education.Sentiment AnalysisMisuraca….

Hypothetical Case Study Subjects
Two students, Jack and Bob, determined as aggressive by their educators and chosen using purposive sampling, made up the participants of the study. The two are, at present, enrolled in a behavioral support classroom setting. Neither has knowingly taken part in any research or been involved with self-monitoring or tactile prompt interventions. Both were enrolled in the very same class, require behavioral support, and suffer from various disabilities.
The setting of the research was a self-contained classroom, with the two students referred for serious behavioral issues. Both took part in a behavioral support unit-developed token-economy points system. For system maintenance, a fresh point sheet was utilized every day. Individual sheets illustrated frequency measure tables, for how many times each child displayed aggressive conduct. Sessions (of a ten-minute duration for each subject) were conducted in the course of routine scholastic instruction/teaching on regular school days, occurring thrice daily at the….

Educational ClimateI live in Houston, Texas, and the local educational climate here reflects some of the broader trends in education across the United States. According to the excerpt by Nieto (2014), one of the key issues in the educational climate is the increasing diversity of students. In Houston, as in many other major cities, there is a significant population of culturally and linguistically diverse students. This diversity brings both opportunities and challenges for teachers in creating inclusive and equitable learning environments.The Voices From the Field (2019) media provides insights from teachers who discuss the importance of cultural competence and the need for teachers to understand and appreciate the diverse backgrounds of their students. This aligns with the broader educational climate, where there is a growing recognition of the importance of culturally responsive teaching practices and the need to address educational inequities.For instance, in Houston, we have a large population of….

To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....

Negative Effects of Homework Essay Titles

  1. Helpful or Harmful?  The Truth About Homework
  2. Why the World’s Most Successful Countries Are Abandoning Homework
  3. Get a Life: How Homework Destroys the Work-Life Balance for Students and Teachers
  4. Reinforcing Bad Habits: How Homework Actually Harms the Students Who Are Most At-Risk
  5. Is Homework Ever Useful?
  6. Is Homework Training Students to Think a 60-Hour Work Week Is Normal?
  7. Stress and Stupidity: Can Homework Make Kids Dumber?
  8. Homework, Housework, Happiness: How Assigning Too Much Homework Keeps Students Too Busy to Learn About Real Life
  9. Assignments and Anxiety: The Impact of Homework on Parental Stress Levels and Household Harmony
  10. Homework Harpies: Does How Students Feel About....

There are four different philosophical approaches in education: idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism.  While each of these four philosophical approaches can be seen in parts of modern-day education, realism is probably the most pervasive current philosophical influence.

Realism developed from the teachings of Aristotle and can be thought of as concerning objective facts.  While different people may perceive things in various ways, the objective truth of an event does not change.  This emphasis on rational thought means that realism underpins much of what we think of as truth. 

Realism is reflected in educational approaches that teach critical thinking skills....

5 Pages


Student Attrition Is the Reduction in the

Words: 1573
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Student attrition is the reduction in the student population in a school because of dropouts or transfers. Student attrition has become an important concern for many colleges and universities…

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5 Pages


Students' Adjustments and Skills Every Book Has

Words: 1528
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Students' Adjustments and Skills Every book has a preface that gives an overview to the reader regarding the content. Since, it prepares the reader's mind according to theme and thus…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Students Smoking Behavior

Words: 1077
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Student Smoking Behavior Given that the health risks of smoking are very well-known, one would think that smoking would be rare behavior among college students. After all, the average college…

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15 Pages
Literature Review


Student Engagement Is Important When

Words: 3854
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Literature Review

A change in any one of the factors has to be 'compensated' by changes in the other two" (p. 27). Consequently, the type of instructional practices that may…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - College

Student Retention and Attrition Student

Words: 2576
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

• Feeling lack of control because of too many rules and regulations of white institutions. • Fitting in at school may fail to be a priority. • Lack of positive interracial…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Students With Disabilities in General

Words: 1985
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

There is little doubt that students with special needs require more support services, and the article referenced above adds clarity to that assertion. hat also is true is that…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Student Affairs One of the

Words: 4376
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Gabriel is an employee of a small business and agrees with the results of numerous reports that highlight that irrespective of the increase in the overall opportunities for…

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13 Pages
Term Paper


Students With Visual Impairment the

Words: 4694
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Serving students with a full range of abilities and disabilities in the general education class room with appropriate in-class support is how Roach (1995) defines inclusion using this practice.…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Student Residence Journal the Role

Words: 4226
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One of the acts in the performance was composed of three African students who performed a traditional African dance. The thirteen-year-old students danced in a manner that was…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Students' Right to Free Speech the Right

Words: 1540
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Students' ight to Free Speech The right of student to free speech is a matter that has been debated over years. Where many people claim that students, just like any…

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1 Pages

Psychology - Adolescent

Reducing Stress for Students

Words: 307
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Improve Wellness for Students: Social and Emotional Well-Being Early on in their educational careers, students should receive information about on-campus counseling and also the phone numbers of local organizations…

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1 Pages


hardest part of being a'student

Words: 360
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

The hardest part of being a student now is the pressure that comes with knowing that this is it. It is like approaching the high dive at the swimming…

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4 Pages
Literature Review

Computer Science

How Sentiment Analysis is Used to Discover Student Perspectives

Words: 1248
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Sentiment Analysis in EducationIntroductionTeacher effectiveness can be gauged by analysis of student sentiment as communicated in written texts, particularly in social media posts (Misuraca, Forciniti, Scepi & Spano, 2020).…

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7 Pages
Case Study


Disruptive Behaviors of Students

Words: 2148
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

Hypothetical Case Study Subjects Two students, Jack and Bob, determined as aggressive by their educators and chosen using purposive sampling, made up the participants of the study. The two are, at…

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2 Pages


Diversity Needs of Students in Houston Texas

Words: 602
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Educational ClimateI live in Houston, Texas, and the local educational climate here reflects some of the broader trends in education across the United States. According to the excerpt by…

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