Study Guide Essays (Examples)

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Social and Cultural Theory Study Guide
Pages: 10 Words: 3203

Social and Cultural Theory Study Guide
Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a prolific German social philosopher who is renowned for his exceptional theories related to modern socialism and communism. Marx strongly believed that the recent times have changed the value of man. According to Marx, people are no longer valued for who they are, but they are categorized assessing their importance and participation in the production of products/goods. In the present time, money has become so much more important than it was in the past.

His economic theory of labor refers to the value of money as compared to the value of laborers who use up their energies in generating it. Marx's labor theory of value and the idea of surplus value hold significant importance in social science studies. According to Marxism, it is supposed that the value of a product is eventually derived by the amount of labor that is required for…...



Chow, R. (2002). The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism. New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved January 27, 2012, from Questia database: 

Cooley, Charles Horton. (2009). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed.). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved January 28, 2012, from Questia database: 

Coser. (1977). Herbert Spencer: Social types: Militant and Industrial Societies. Retrieved January 26, 2012 from

Podiatry Study Guide Study Guide Keenan A M
Pages: 1 Words: 407

Podiatry Study Guide
Study Guide:

Keenan, A.M., and Redmond, A.C. (2002). Integrating research into the clinic: What evidence-based practice means to the practising podiatrist. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 92(2), pp. 115-122.

Podiatrists must be discerning as they keep current with the literature to best meet the needs of their patients as well as requirements by administering bodies such as private health insurance agencies; recent initiatives have attempted to integrate research with clinical practice since many practitioners often felt that research was too academic with little practical application to patient care.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) requires practitioners to develop skills needed to critically evaluate information presented in journals and make intelligent decisions about whether the new information should inform one's practice.

Traditionally, practice has been informed by:

life experience, medical education, clinical experience, and a combination of anecdotal and data-oriented evidence.

This eclectic base forms a foundation for tradition and custom, not necessarily adoption of best…...

Jewish Studies Study Guide Protocol Number Political
Pages: 2 Words: 444

Jewish Studies Study Guide
Protocol Number

Political freedom is an idea, not a fact

People cannot function without a leader

Power of gold has replaced rulers

If people are allowed to govern themselves, they will become corrupt

Politics and morality are not connected

A man who wants to rule must be willing to behave immorally.

f. A person's rights has all to do with strength; the strength to command what they feel they deserve.

g. Motto of their plan is "Power and Hypocrisy"

For a strong government, people must me violent and hypocritical

h. To get power, a person must be willing to bribe, commit fraud, and even commit treason; can also seize property. All that matters is staying in power

One goal is to enslave all governments under one super government

j. There is no equality in nature; people are not equal

Protocol Number

a. ar should not be about territory, but only economics

b. Those put in positions of limited power will not be…...


Works Cited:

"Protocols of the Elders of Zion." Boston: Small, Maynard. 1902. 11-22. Print.

Espionage Study Guide
Pages: 34 Words: 9330

Burds, Chapter 19

Golden Age of Soviet "Illegals"

Cambridge Five: Burgess, Blunt, Maclean, Philby and Cairncross

These five were all discovered to be spying for the Soviets.

Cairncross was never caught. He supplied Stalin with secrets that helped the Soviets stay ahead of British Intelligence, especially at the Battle of Kursk

Cairncross also informed Stalin of ULTRA, when Churchill was hiding ULTRA from Stalin

Cairncross supplied a total of 5832 documents to the Soviets

Cairncros had been working with ciphers at Bleckley Park

Alexander Orlov wrote Handbook of Intellience and Guerilla Warfare in 1963, seminal treatise on the subject

Orlov was the architect of the Golden Age of Illegals of Soviet spy network in the 30s

Orlov was born in Belarussia in 1895, studied law, drafted into tsarist army, fought in October Revolution and Civil War.

Re-entered law school, joined Communist Party, entered intelligence in 1926 and rose quickly

He was a spy in Paris and Berlin, returning to Moscow in 1930.


Research Question and Hypothesis
Pages: 3 Words: 938

motivation to learn, followed by an educated and informed research question. After the research question has been narrowed down, the researcher conceptualizes how the question may be answered feasibly, within the constraints of time and budget. Such constraints can help guide the research questions into a workable hypothesis that is testable, as well as being relevant and meaningful to healthcare stakeholders. From here, the researcher can glean a cogent hypothesis.
Then begins the process of data collection, which is also determined by the research question ("Overview of the esearch Process," n.d.). Data collection methods relevant to healthcare fields include everything from surveys and interviews to quantitative measures such as number of emergency room visits or amount of money spent on specific treatments.

Once raw data is collected, it is then analyzed using the help of statistical analysis software. The data analysis demonstrates whether the hypothesis was proven true or not. The…...



Farrugia, P., Petrisor, B.A., Farrokhyar, F. & Bhandari, M. (2010). Research questions, hypotheses, and objectives. Canadian Journal of Surgery 53(4): 278-281.

"Overview of the Research Process," (n.d.). Chapter 1. Retrieved online: 

"Types of Research Methods," (2007). Retrieved online: 

"Types of Statistical Tests," (n.d.). University of Minnesota. Retrieved online:

Organizational Behavior Study Guide Chapter
Pages: 1 Words: 324

Culture must not simply be inclusive to an organization. Organizational internal culture must shift with the larger national cultural context in light of the needs posed by globalization.
Chapter 12: Strategic Competency and Organizational Design

IBM, showed a constructive ability to engage in organizational learning. Despite facing political obstacles such as 9-11 and prejudice against technology companies after the dot-com bust it has remained a huge, complex technological powerhouse. IBM's longer-term outlook is bright today, despite the obstacles it has faced, because the infrastructure within the organization allows growth. It has sound decision making chain of command that has stood it well over the years. Firms need to adjust to their environments and contexts as well as to influence them, and IBM has shown itself capable of doing so in terms of the firm's environment, size and…...

Network Audit Case Study
Pages: 2 Words: 701

Network Audit Case Study
This study focuses on a comprehensive list of top ten tips of network and business continuity audit. These tips might lead businesses to survive and thrive in their audits without the need to overhaul their entire infrastructure.

Top ten network and business continuity-auditing tips

Segmentation of tasks distinctively: It depends on the principle of drive and conquers. It involves brainstorming about the organization's security tasks in terms of pieces and separating them into logically and physically segments. For instance, security tasks depend on ensuring people are kept on the outside by using both physical and firewall security (Bergmann & Pamplin, 2013). However, other components are safely kept on the inside using antivirus. Security does not solely imply that people should be kept from the outside. Obviously, companies have lost information from within the business. In this case, each piece must be documented and prioritized.

Documenting all things on the network:…...



Bergmann, T.S., & Pamplin, B. (2013). CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor: Study guide. Indianapolis, Ind: Wiley Pub.

Gregory, P.H. (2010). CISA certified information systems auditor all-in-one exam guide. New York: McGraw-Hill.


Word Study
Pages: 2 Words: 422

Word tudy

This handout is intended for teachers at a professional development workshop. It deals with:

) Word-study activities.

f) Word-study strategies.

g) Word-study assessment.

The following strategies / tools can be used to help readers enlarge their vocabulary


Dramatizing words

orting words into categories

emantic feature analysis

Learning from word cards

Identifying context clues

According to, dictionary consultations is one of the most preferred ways of leaning new words whilst learning form word cards ( new word on one side, meaning on the other) is least preferred. Context is extremely important, since decontextualized learning makes acquiring of vocabulary far harder and less easy to retain.

(ii) The ix Type of Context Cues (adapted from*)



ample sentence definition

Readers use definition of sentence to understand word

" the person was intimidating; Jim was frightened"


Readers use the example to understand unknown word

"piders, frogs, and toads are examples of predators that eat flies."


Readers understand unknown word due to contrast

" Most spiders live for one year, but…...

Studying International Relations
Pages: 4 Words: 1699

International relations studies is the specialization that focuses on the study of foreign affairs and the global events significantly influence the trend of the states that are within the international system. These systems are categorized as governments, countries, organizations and even people who are the main agents of relations and interchange between people within varying geographical locations (WITS University, 2014). There are pertinent issues that are involved in the study of international relations such as war, disease, democracy, poverty, diplomacy, globalization, economics and trade. The significance of continued study of international relations are numerous and important to any organization and governments. From the study of international reactions between two entities in the past, it is possible to predict the future and the significance and possible repercussions of some international decisions that a government or a president or even the organizations may take. International studies a reason geared towards having a…...



Business Dictionary, (2014). Constructivism. Retrieved November 21, 2014 from 

Donnelly J., (2000). Realism and International Relations. Retrieved November 21, 2014 from 

Global Policy Forum, (2014). What is a "State." Retrieved November 21, 2014 from

Gul A., (2014). Olson: U.S.-Pakistan Relations Still Challenging, Improving. Retrieved November 21, 2014 from

Study of Autism Disorder
Pages: 4 Words: 1077

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ben Johnson

Age --

Gender -- Male

Ben is currently being raised by a single mother who has two additional children. The mother has worked full time for a number of years while the biological father is absent and rarely offers support or sees his children. The mother currently reports high levels of stress that are in part due to Ben's ASD symptoms and his behavior at home. These symptoms include requiring considerable amounts of attention, difficulties with communication, mood swings and frequent outbursts, and trouble with school and homework.

Ben has had many problematic behaviors since birth including poor sleeping habits. Currently, Ben has entered the first grade and is experiencing tremendous difficulties in school which has prompted the school to moving Ben to an individualized educational program (IEP). Although there are many problematic behaviors that have been reported at school, the primary problem that the teacher reports are near constant…...


Works Cited

Brown, A., & Elder, J. (2014). Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Guide for Pediatric Nurses. Pediatric Nursing, 219-225.

Davis, N., & Carter, A. (2008). Parenting Stress in Mothers and Fathers of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Associations with Child Characteristics. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1278-1291.

Diehl, S., Wegner, J., & Rubin, E. (2010, January). Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Three Case Studies. Retrieved from ASHA Leader: 

Sappok, T., Gual, I., Bergmann, T., Dziobek, I., Bolte, S., Diefenbacher, A., & Heinrich, M. (2014). The Diagnostic Behavioral Assessment for autism spectrum disorder -- Revised: A screening instrument for adults with intellectual disability suspected of autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 362-375.

Study of Tourist Behavior Toward Nature-Based Tourism Activities
Pages: 23 Words: 8137

Tourist Behavior Toward Nature-Based Tourism Activities
For most of the developing countries tourism industry is playing a very important role in boosting their economies. In 2004, it was found out that Asia Pacific was one of the fastest growing tourism regions (Cruey, 2005). According to WTO, up to 3% of world's tourism market is made up of Thailand, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka. It was in 1970's that the development of Thai international tourism started (Mcdowall and Wang, 2007). Tourism industry accounts for 5.1% of Thailand's National Gross Domestic Product (Tourism Authority of Thailand, 2009). For the purpose of providing a proper development direction, the National Economics and Social Development Plan (NESDP) served as a guide (Mcdowall and Wang, 2007). The result of the survey which was conducted by the Universities of USA and Thailand, showed that Thailand stood on the first place as best hospital city for all the…...



Blamey, R.K. (2001). Principles of ecotourism. In Encyclopedia of Ecotourism, Weaver D (ed). CAB International: Wallingford, England; 5 -- 22.

Brass, J.L. (1997). Community Tourism Assessment Handbook. Western Rural Development Centre, Utah State University, ed.

Business Day, (2005). Tourist Sector Wins 3.65BN Baht Budget. [Electronic bulletin board], February 24, 2005.

Carter, R. And Fabricius, M. (2007). UNWTO Conference in Topic is Creating campetitve advantage for your destination, Budapest, UNWTO Consultants (TEAM tourism Consulting).

Guide to Problem Purpose and Critique of One Study
Pages: 2 Words: 574

Patient Care
Effectiveness of the 'Quiet Time Program' in the Acute Care Setting: An Evaluation

Extant literature on patient care in the healthcare context has progressed to include different dimensions and factors that influence the quality of healthcare given to patients. While some research studies center on the social environment of healthcare institutions, such as the quality of care given by healthcare and nursing staff, there are also studies that highlights the importance of the physical environment in influencing patients' perception about the quality of healthcare given to them. Further, there are studies that establish a link between the physical environments of hospitals with the well-being of patients, a critical link that could determine a patient's improvement in his/her overall health. This relationship between patient wellness and physical environment of hospitals is illustrated in Gardner's (2009) study on the creation of a "therapeutic environment" for patients in acute care setting. In this…...



Gardner, G. (2009). "Creating a therapeutic environment: A non-randomised controlled trial of a quiet time intervention for patients in acute care." International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol. 46.

Study of Management at Walmart
Pages: 6 Words: 1913

Management: Management at Walmart
Background of Walmart

Mission, Vision and Values of Walmart

Managers at Walmart

Manager's ole in Decision Making and Strategy

Managers Managing Diversity

Managers as Motivators

Background of Walmart

For this study we would dwell into the role of a manager at Walmart -- the largest retailer in the U.S. Walmart has been in business for more than 50 years and at present has a footfall every week of more than 260 million customers in the 11,500 stores under 65 banners in 28 countries and the e-commerce sites in 11 countries. The net sale of the company in 2014 was $476.29 billion. The company has 2.2 million associated across the world. The group recorded a net sale increase of 1.9% in the fiscal year ended January 30, 2015 and it returned $7.2 billion to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases (

The company has been credited with being the leader in application of technology in…...



Bateman, C. 'The Role Of The Practice Manager'. InnovAiT 1.8 (2008): 597-599. Web.,. 'Leadership'. N.p., 2015. Web. 6 Dec. 2015.

Farrington, C. 'Reconciling Managers, Doctors, And Patients: The Role Of Clear Communication'. JRSM 104.6 (2011): 231-236. Web.

Garib, Geetha. 'Leisure Managers' Perceptions Of Employee Diversity And Impact Of Employee Diversity'. International Journal of Hospitality Management 32 (2013): 254-260. Web.

Study on Healthcare Associated Infections
Pages: 4 Words: 1295

Healthcare Associated Infections: Critical Analysis
The prevention and control of healthcare associated infections is an issue that has attracted considerable attention across the globe given the increase of healthcare associated infections. Despite the development and use of several strategies and measures to lessen the burdens caused by healthcare associated infections, the practices of healthcare professionals are largely suboptimal while the infections persist. As a result, the prevention and control of these infections has attracted considerable concern, which has resulted in several studies on the practices and behaviors of healthcare practitioners. Carole Jackson, Karen Lowton and Peter Griffiths have conducted a research on nurses' prevention behaviors to control healthcare associated infections. The qualitative study utilizes vignettes created from nurses' reports of infection prevention behaviors and practices.

Problem Statement

Healthcare associated infections can be described as infections that emerge from medical interventions like clinical or surgical processes or from contact with a healthcare environment and…...



Burns, N., & Grove, S. (2011). Understanding nursing research (5th ed.). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.

Jackson, C. Lowton, K. & Griffiths, P. (2013, July). Infection Prevention As "A Show": A Qualitative Study of Nurses' Infection Prevention Behaviours. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 10(16).

"Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections." (2011, November). Quality Improvement Guide. Retrieved from National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence website: 

"Qualitative Research Perspective." (n.d.). Chapter 4. Qualitative Research in Information Systems: Consideration of Selected Theories. Retrieved from Australian National University Press website:

Studying the Effects of Handwriting on Composition
Pages: 6 Words: 3840

Handwriting Skills on Compositional Quality
What is the background and context of your project? Is there a 'problem' you want to find out more about or a potential solution that you want to explore? Is there a gap in the literature or earlier research that you want to build on or extend? What is your aim? Why do you want to investigate this topic? What is the justification for researching this issue? Include a small number of in-text references in this section as well as a corresponding list of complete references in Section 8 using a consistent format (e.g. following the SHU referencing guidelines).

I teach English in class 2 and 3 which comprises of a comprehensive book, a workbook and a writing practice book. While teaching I observed that most of the kids in class 3 had quite bad handwriting, although they had been practising from class 1 onwards.

On closer…...

Is there anything in the news related to book notes that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 667

Yes, there are several news topics related to book notes that could make good essay subjects. Here are a few suggestions:

1. The rise of e-books and its impact on book notes: You can explore how the increasing popularity of electronic books has affected the way people take notes and analyze texts. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of virtual note-taking and the implications for studying and retaining information.

2. The controversy surrounding marginalia in borrowed books: Marginalia refers to the practice of writing notes and comments in the margins of books. Some libraries and institutions have strict policies against it, while others....

What are the key elements to include in an effective outline for an online education course?
Words: 445

1. Course title and description: Clearly outline what the course is about and what students can expect to learn from it.

2. Learning objectives: List the specific goals and outcomes that students should achieve by the end of the course.

3. Course structure: Break down the course into different modules or sections, with a brief overview of the topics covered in each.

4. Required materials and resources: Provide a list of textbooks, articles, videos, or other resources that students will need to access in order to complete the course.

5. Assignments and assessments: Outline the different types of assignments, exams, quizzes, or projects that....

how have i approached the readings and information on the course?
Words: 328

I have approached the readings and information on the course by starting with a brief overview of the content covered in each reading. This helps me establish a general understanding of the key concepts and themes. From there, I take detailed notes while reading each assigned material, highlighting important points and quotes that I can refer back to later.

After completing the readings, I make connections between the different sources and try to see how they relate to one another. I also take the time to critically analyze the material and consider alternative viewpoints or interpretations. Additionally, I engage in discussions....

What is the significance of Gwendolyn Brooks\' title choices in her poetry?
Words: 377

1. The Power of Naming: Gwendolyn Brooks' Titles as Poetic Devices

    This essay explores how Brooks uses titles to set thematic expectations and enhance the reader's experience.

2. Echoes of Identity: Analyzing Gwendolyn Brooks' Title Choices

    An examination of how Brooks' titles reflect themes of identity, race, and personal struggle.

3. Gwendolyn Brooks: A Study in Title Significance

    Discusses the strategic use of titles by Brooks to convey deeper meanings and engage readers.

4. Titles as Entry Points: The Role of Titles in Gwendolyn Brooks' Poetry

    Investigates how titles serve as initial hooks that guide the reader's interpretation of....

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