Teenage Violence Essays (Examples)

779+ documents containing “teenage violence”.

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Video Gaming Does Not Alter an Adolescent Mindset Causing Aggressive Behavior
Video games are an interesting form of entertainment that encourages the participants/players to become a part of the game's script. Video games have been in existence for over 30 years, but today's video games are sophisticated and require the player to constantly concentrate on the game. The games engage the players on a deeper level emotionally and physically that is possible when people are watching TV or a movie. This engagement level has led to many researchers indicating that video games can lead to violent behavior especially in adolescents. This might be true to some extent, but violent behavior has more to do with a teenager's upbringing and not the video games they play. esearchers have only concentrated on the immediate effects that a video game has on an adolescent. Scientific research has shown that the effects only last for….

violence in the public schools. Teen violence in general has become a major concern in America today. One of the reasons for the issue being so prevalent is the number of school shootings in the last few years, especially the shooting at Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado. hile the welfare of young people is always of concern, much of the fear being generated at the present time is excessive. For one thing, teen violence is not the new phenomenon many people seem to think it is, and an analysis of our history shows that violence in the schools has always been a problem and that in fact it is diminished at the present time. In truth, though, any school violence is too much, and ways of eliminating it and protecting students in school must be found. Several "solutions" to the problem have been offered.
One such recommendation is school uniforms,….

Causes of Teen Violence

Teen Violence
Imagine being caught in the middle of a crossfire with two students shooting and you are right in the middle of it. Well that is exactly what students and teachers in Littleton, Colorado went through. On April 20, 1999, at approximately 12:20am, two students armed with semi-automatic handguns, shotguns and explosives conducted an assault on the Columbine High School and the people inside. A total of 12 students, 1 teacher and 2 suspects were killed; 24 students were transported to six local hospitals; and 100 students were treated at the scene (www.Littleton.org).Isthis what is happening inside the walls of where America's youth is suppose to be learning and in a safe environment. What can we do to prevent events like this from happening? It is a question we are constantly searching for answers to. There seems to be no concrete answers or solutions just certain explanations.

Many people, especially in….

causes of teen violence, "Missing the Mark" by Jackson Katz and Sur Jhally, and "Stop Blaming Kids and TV" by Mike Males. Katz and Jhally argue that teen violence is a male-centric occurrence caused by socialization that promotes violent masculinity. Males provide a gender-neutral view of teen violence that he believes is caused by parents who engage in domestic violence.
Because of the obvious differences in these theories, it's tempting to try to advocate one premises over the other, but further thought shows that these two theories are complimentary because the family plays such a large part in the male socialization process.

Both articles deal with the subject of teenage violence and avoid placing blame on teens for their troubled behavior. Instead, these articles present the idea of imitation as a cause of teen violence, but they differ on who the kids are imitating. Males states that teens are copying the….

Teens and the Media One

The extreme power of this new cultural tool is the very nature -- it depends on nothing but an electronic connection. it, like many things in the modern world, is instantaneous, satisfying the 21st century need to have both dependence and independence based on our own decision or whim. Therein lies the confusion for many -- just how real is an electronic friendship that can exist without really "knowing" the person physically? How robust are virtual relationships except in the mind of those participating? and, how do we know with whom we are actually chatting or forming a bond -- could the mother of three living in Scotland be something quite different on the Internet? and, specifically, what impact might these social networks from a psychological perspective? (Gross, 2004).
Besides community, technology has changed entertainment for teens. Violence in the entertainment genre is not something that is new to the….

Teenage Issues in America
While many parents would like to believe that teenage culture in the United States is just about hanging out with friends, movies and fun, statistics reveal that teenage issues, such as alcohol and drug abuse, violence and sexual orientation, are one of the most critical problems in America (Sound Vision, 2003). The following statistics, while not representative of every teenager, demonstrate the extent of these problems.

Teenage sexual orientation has become a major problem in the U.S. (Sound Vision, 2003). In the U.S., seven in 10 women reported having had sex before age 14, and six in 10 of those who had sex before age 15 reported having had sex involuntarily. Nationally, one-quarter of 15-year-old females and less than 30% of 15-year-old males have had sex, compared with 66% of 18-year-old females, and 68% of 18-year-old males who have had sexual intercourse.

In addition, nearly one million young women….

Violence in Video Games
Guiding Question: Should the government have to be involved in legislation regarding video game content?

Proof 1: Explain how First Amendment ensures freedom of speech, including video game content.

"It is not the government's job to forbid content in media. It is the responsibility of the parents to decide what their children should play.

Body Paragraph 1: Music censorship case and ratings system for video games

Body Paragraph 2: Research evidence

Body Paragraph 3: Sociological implications and blaming

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution insists that citizens of the U.S. have the right to free speech. This Amendment has been utilized by artists from a wide variety of genres and talents to preserve their right to express themselves and prevent any form of censorship. Most calls for legislation regarding censorship have actually come from the parents of America's youth. Rather than take responsibility for determining whether or not a film or….

& Naugle, A. (2008). Intimate partner violence theoretical considerations: Moving towards a contextual framework. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(7), 1096-1107.
Eckhardt, C.; Jamison, T.R. & atts, K. (2002). Anger Experience and Expression Among Male Dating Violence Perpetrators During Anger Arousal. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17(10), 1102-1114.

Eckhardt, C.; Samper, R. & Murphy, C. (2008). Anger disturbances among perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Clinical characteristics and outcomes of court-mandated treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(11), 1600-1617.

Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J. (2010). Controversies Involving Gender and Intimate Partner Violence: Response to Commentators. Sex Roles, 62(3-4), 221-225.

Palo Alto Medical Facilities (PAMF). (2010). Abusive Romantic Relationships. PAMF.org.

Smith, M. & Segal, J.….

In addition, factors that cause stress such as divorce or death increase the likelihood that a teenager will have aggressive tendencies (Peterson and Sheldon 2006). Additionally maternal depression, substance abuse or maternal anxiety can all lead to aggressive behaviors in teenagers (Peterson and Sheldon 2006).
According to Peterson and Sheldon (2006) teenage aggression can also be linked to neuropsychiatric disorders. In fact the authors asserts that

"Persistent aggressive behavior is a common feature in many neuropsychiatric disorders and is the most common reason for referral to a child and adolescent mental health clinic [1]. Neurological features associated with aggression include low overall IQ and relative deficits in verbal learning, memory, and fluency [2]. Deficits in executive functioning and working memory are also common [3] and may be especially pronounced with co-occurring attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)."

The aggressive behavior can involve lashing out at family members, friends or strangers. The behavior is….

Teenage Girls Involved in Abusive Dating elationships
Aggression in teenage dating leading to physical, emotional and psychological damage is a social problem not only because of its effects on the teenagers but also because of its prevalence.

Howard and Qi Wang (2003) report figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that overall the prevalence of non-sexual courtship violence ranges from 9% to 65%, depending on the definitions and research methods used. Howard and Qi Wang's study reported "almost one in ten of the 9th- through 12th-grade females who participated in the 1999 Youth isk Behavior Survey reported being a victim of physical dating violence (i.e., had been hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose) within the past year." Further studies and figures report that about one in five of adolescent girls has experienced dating violence. Some of the physically abusive behaviors perpetrated in dating include being scratched, slapped, slammed….

Teenage Bullying
Chink, Spic, Terrorist, Whore, Nerd. These words seem to be just the beginning sparks of what most people characterize as bullying. The words and phrases are familiar enough; high school students across the country hear these insults being thrown out just as commonly as a larger student with his gang picking on a smaller and weaker student. The essence of teenage bullying has not changed; rather, with the amount of digital media and social platforms created today, there seems to be more reason to expect bullying -- both at school and online.

Bullying itself comes in many forms and sizes. It can be one hulking, leader-like personality with the aim at a Machiavellian increase in status in the school's social standing (Hamarus). Another can be the result of a racial slur and the violent actions taken against a differently ethnic individual -- perhaps even using an entire gang to beat….

Violence in the Family, Violence Against Children is a Cycle
To have a rational understanding of the cycle of violence and abuse that occurs within families as a result of past sexual abuse and present drug abuse upon the heads of the family, one must seek explanations for such bad parental behavior without excusing the negative behavior on the part of the adults themselves. If no causes of violence can be determined, and only legal vengeance is enacted against the perpetrators of abuse, then merely punishment will occur and the cycle of violence and hatred will never end. It is better to redress such crimes, moreover, with an eye to reforming the family, rather than in a spirit of retributive justice.

An example of this can be seen in the child psychologist Torey Hayden's book One Child. In her text, the author and teacher chronicle the abuse of one of her students,….

The document states this in this wording (United Nations):
Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November 1959 and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (in particular in articles 23 and 24), in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (in particular in article 10) and in the statutes and relevant instruments of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children.

Thus under the leadership of the United Nations, many different groups have joined forces to improve the quality of lives of children around the world.

Opposing Arguments

Many people have defended the Chinese culture and the right of….

Violence in Video Games
Unlike movies, video games are not regulated by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), which is ironic because there are a wealth of studies indicating children do not distinguish between fantasy and reality in a gaming environment (Ferguson, 2011). Simply put, the more time children, adolescents and teenagers spend playing a video game the more they see their reality as the gaming environment (Boyle, McLeod, ojas, 2008) (Hartmann, Vorderer, 2010). To argue that games are not as powerful of an influence on children is ridiculous, yet ironically the FCC regulates who can see a movie by its content alone and has refused to take action on games (Soh, Tan, 2008). In June, 2011 the Supreme Court struck down a California law that fined retailers $1,000 for each occurrence or infraction of selling or renting violent games to anyone under the age of 18 (Lemmens, Valkenburg, Peter, 2011). Games….

Video Violence: Assessing and Curbing the Effects of Television
Violence within Youth Programming in the United States of America

In today's day and age, technology has become a cornerstone of the American existence. With each passing day, new and improved technological devices turnover in order to bring the outside world into the individual American home, but the television has remained unaffected. The television and its programming have remained a constant yet changing staple in the country that brings with it an unparalleled ability to shape its watchers, with the most affected being the children and youth of America. While so many individuals immediately connect the phrase "children's programming" to harmless programs like Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, the truth remains that along with this wholesome educational programming, violence has also become a constant in many of the television programs geared toward children today. In viewing the research that is available on….

3 Pages
Research Paper


Playing Violent Video Games Does Not Result in Teenage Violence

Words: 1199
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Video Gaming Does Not Alter an Adolescent Mindset Causing Aggressive Behavior Video games are an interesting form of entertainment that encourages the participants/players to become a part of the game's…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Violence in the Public Schools Teen Violence

Words: 1762
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

violence in the public schools. Teen violence in general has become a major concern in America today. One of the reasons for the issue being so prevalent is…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Causes of Teen Violence

Words: 1650
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teen Violence Imagine being caught in the middle of a crossfire with two students shooting and you are right in the middle of it. Well that is exactly what students…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Causes of Teen Violence Missing the Mark

Words: 901
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

causes of teen violence, "Missing the Mark" by Jackson Katz and Sur Jhally, and "Stop Blaming Kids and TV" by Mike Males. Katz and Jhally argue that teen…

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11 Pages
Research Paper


Teens and the Media One

Words: 4544
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The extreme power of this new cultural tool is the very nature -- it depends on nothing but an electronic connection. it, like many things in the modern…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Teenage Issues in America While Many Parents

Words: 1023
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teenage Issues in America While many parents would like to believe that teenage culture in the United States is just about hanging out with friends, movies and fun, statistics reveal…

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4 Pages


Violence in Video Games Guiding Question Should

Words: 1052
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Violence in Video Games Guiding Question: Should the government have to be involved in legislation regarding video game content? Proof 1: Explain how First Amendment ensures freedom of speech, including video…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Teen Abuse Recognizing the Signs

Words: 1717
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

& Naugle, A. (2008). Intimate partner violence theoretical considerations: Moving towards a contextual framework. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(7), 1096-1107. Eckhardt, C.; Jamison, T.R. & atts, K. (2002). Anger Experience…

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5 Pages


Teen Aggression Is a Serious

Words: 1412
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

In addition, factors that cause stress such as divorce or death increase the likelihood that a teenager will have aggressive tendencies (Peterson and Sheldon 2006). Additionally maternal depression,…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Teenage Girls Abuse in Teen Dating Relationships

Words: 1959
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teenage Girls Involved in Abusive Dating elationships Aggression in teenage dating leading to physical, emotional and psychological damage is a social problem not only because of its effects on the…

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2 Pages


Teenage Bullying Chink Spic Terrorist Whore Nerd

Words: 728
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Teenage Bullying Chink, Spic, Terrorist, Whore, Nerd. These words seem to be just the beginning sparks of what most people characterize as bullying. The words and phrases are familiar enough;…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Violence on Child Substance Abuse and Physical Emotional Abuse and Victims Becoming Abusers

Words: 719
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Violence in the Family, Violence Against Children is a Cycle To have a rational understanding of the cycle of violence and abuse that occurs within families as a result of…

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5 Pages


Violence Against Children in China

Words: 1319
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The document states this in this wording (United Nations): Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration…

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5 Pages


Violence in Video Games Unlike Movies Video

Words: 1662
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Violence in Video Games Unlike movies, video games are not regulated by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), which is ironic because there are a wealth of studies indicating children do…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Video Violence Assessing and Curbing the Effects

Words: 1367
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Video Violence: Assessing and Curbing the Effects of Television Violence within Youth Programming in the United States of America In today's day and age, technology has become a cornerstone of the…

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