Telecommunication Essays (Examples)

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Receipt of information is not typically confirmed, either by internal or external users. For the most part, the people uploading new information do not need to know whether or not the information has been received. There are exceptions -- customer service staff updating an order will want to know that the updated information has been received. They will typically see a note (subset information accessed via the bar code) on their computer screens that confirms that the new information has been received centrally. But because end users (especially external ones like receivers) have no direct connection with the sender of the information (pick-up couriers, package handles), and the latter group only holds the package for a few seconds or hours, there is no need for receipt to be confirmed.

In general, the information is relayed via wireless towers to the centralized information center. It is unlikely that there would be significant….

There are many different methods for creating and utilizing such systems, and one large set or class of such approaches has been labeled the Systems Development Lifecycle Approach. In this perspective, systems or projects are seen as being continuous processes made up of constituent parts, each one of which feeds into the next. There are many different ways to view or arrange separate system elements or project phases within the larger Systems Development Lifecycle Approach, but regardless of which specific system perspective is utilized the basic structure remains the same: one part of a system or project must be competed and the output utilized further along, possibly in a cyclical relationship and sometimes in a more linear fashion (Kay, 2002; adack, 2012). Using this approach in large corporations is now quite commonplace.
In order to begin the standardized use of a Systems Development Lifecycle Approach within a multinational organization, there….

Telecommunications Equipment

Telecommunication equipment industry has undergone drastic developments and changes since the 1990s. The telecommunication equipment industry has become quite popular due to the tremendous increase in the use of communication services all over the world. This paper provides a deep insight into the major manufacturers involved in the telecommunication equipment industry. It also highlights the core policy transformations and privatization changes occurring in the global telecommunication industry which is affecting the service providers present in the industry.
Telecommunication Equipment

Telecommunication equipment industry has encountered tremendous development in a consistent way since its very inception. The term "telecommunication equipment" comprises of a variety of telecommunication related devices which are manufactured by several vendors spanning over the entire industry. The demand for new and better services has actually fueled up the purchase of advanced telecommunication equipment all over the world (Brown, 2011). The changing regulatory environment of the telecommunication industry has affected the manufacture….

An example of this is how quickly Microsoft responded to their exclusion of the Internet as a viable strategy shift. Using a global telecommunications system and their global knowledge management network, they were able to quickly devise a product roadmap and recruit developments who knew the Web development platforms better than anyone did globally. This shift in strategy saved Microsoft from facing a daunting task of playing catch-up to Google, who ascended quickly to prominence in the late 1990s, just about the time Microsoft had begun to reach critical mass in their Web-based development plans. Telecommunications and the process-based modifications to the Microsoft business model is what made their response so accurate and fast. If a telecommunications network was not in place or not optimally used, the entire process would have lagged and the entire process of necessary innovation to survive would have fallen flat (Walters, Bhattacharjya, Chapman, 2011).….

The university has policy and standards, promotes awareness, risk management, business recovery planning, incident management, data security, and technical security. UTPA houses an Information Security office that continuously analyzes and assesses information security risk in critical state systems and develops appropriate safeguards and strategies to reduce loss exposure. elated practices include conducting risk analysis and assessment, assessing network and systems vulnerability, and developing and managing strategic and tactical plans.
Data recovery is very important to UTPA, as well. In some instances, a failure to recover data may occur. The information may be very important for a particular office to function properly and to offer the best services to its students, for example, a health office or disability services for students. This information is crucial to have, especially if it is on a database and highly confidential. The university has a policy and procedure in place in order to recover information….

ATM-based WANs are therefore one of the most efficient yet costly approaches for ensuring a high degree of responsiveness to global teams working collaboratively on complex, involved projects.
The majority of global teams however rely on Frame elay WANs that average 45 Mbps and cost significantly less than ATM networks. Frame elay WANs support both switchable and fixed configuration, are scalable to support bursts in audio and digital traffic and also have global wide availability. As more projects become more global in scope, Frame elay as a WAN technology option is increasingly being chosen in mid-size and small companies. Smaller businesses that have global partnerships are using new techniques to optimize their Frame elay networks to gain the cost advantages and lower total cost of ownership that is possible using VoIP and data interchange standards (Awan, Shih, Durresi, 2008). Frame elay and ATM networks are prevalent in globalized companies that….

Telecommunications Letter
Globalization has had a remarkable effect on both the technological developments and the cultural attributes of a number of companies. Instant global communication is now possible, and individuals know they can instantly communicate with almost anywhere in the world -- and at an affordable cost. The more technology improves, the more this global economy, culture, and society develops. Of course, globalization continues to break down societal barriers, and one of the key elements to this is communication. As this trend continues, and geometrically advances, it is essential for telecommunications companies to understand and meet the needs of numerous ethnic and multicultural employees. In a society that is becoming more and more pluralistic, the diversity of individuals as employees continues to be complex for managers and coworkers alike. For organizations to remain successful, they will need a supply of trained telecommunications engineering professionals that will continue to drive innovation forward.


The law's intended purpose of preventing and detecting future attacks was the dominant concern of lawmakers. Yet, the hasty manner in which the law passed through Congressional lawmaking processes causes opponents to argue that lawmakers gave disproportionate consideration to the law enforcement and intelligence community's viewpoint in drafting the provisions. It is thought that in the future the law will face many challenges in the court system. Even though the security concerns of the United States may have temporarily overridden these challenges, it is possible that certain controversial provisions of the law may not withstand judicial challenges in the future (Patriot Act, 2009).
Communications networks are often thought of as a defining feature of modem life. Hundreds of millions of Americans use the postal system, the telephone network, and the Intemet to communicate with each other everyday. Although these technologies differ from each other in important ways, they share one….

Telecommunications Systems
The telephone system used at my workplace is a Cisco Unity Express. It is a telephone system that integrates messaging, voicemail, fax, automated-attendant, interactive voice response (IVR), and time-card management all in one. The system was specifically designed for small-to-medium size offices and branch offices.

The professional automated attendant allows all calls to be handled 24 hours a day without the need for a dedicated operator. Calls can be directed either by the extension or by dial-by-name when the specific extension is not known. The voicemail system lets employees access messages at any time from any telephone. The system immediately alerts employees to calls by the message -- waiting indicator on their Cisco Unified IP Phones or analog phones connected to a Cisco Voice Gateway. Applications such as VoiceView Express let you use the display on the Cisco Unified IP Phone to visually navigate through voice messages and manipulate mailbox….

13. What is the difference between HTTP and HTML?

HTML is a markup language used to structure text and multimedia files and to set up hypertext links between them. HTTP, on the other had, is a protocol that is used to request and deliver files such as Web pages and Web page components. When a browser requests a Web page from a Web server, it uses HTTP.

14. What is the difference between SMTP and MIME?

SMTP and MIME are both email protocols. SMTP is a transport protocol used for sending email. MIME, on the other hand, is a specification for formatting the email message itself, not for transporting the message.

15. What is the difference between Teleconferencing and Webcasting?

A teleconference can be a simple audio conference with one or both ends of the conference sharing a speaker phone. With additional equipment, a teleconference can be an interactive solution where multiple locations can be….

Amendments to the 900-Number ule - brought in three major improvements. First of all, it obliged vendors to get the direct permission of the person who would be billed for the conversation and/or the order. Then, increased billing for pay-per-call services would only be possible after signing an agreement and informing the customer of the conditions of the agreement. Finally, customers would be given the right to contest their bills and have the unauthorized charges removed from the phone bill. The amendments were voted with unanimity (Federal Trade Commission, 1998).

Other specifications relative to this matter include the fact that the cost information cannot be hidden in small print; the first thing to hear when calling a 900 number is a message that tells the caller where he has called, the services offered by the organization and the charged price of the phone call; the message will also tell children to….

According to Reidenberg (2000: 1318), policy in the United States protects personal information according to a market-dominated paradigm, where limited statutory and common law rights are granted for information privacy. In Europe, on the other hand, the privacy protection norm is dominated by privacy rights. The European Union, for example, requires Member States to include comprehensive statutory protections for its citizens when it comes to privacy rights.
The fact that the electronic flow of information occurs on an increasingly global platform has complicated the issue, as divergent national norms and statutes confront each other with increasing frequency where privacy protection is concerned. The various national responses to the terrorism issue is a further complicating factor. The international policy confrontations regarding privacy protection for citizens ultimately resulted in prolonged international negotiation, and finally in a compromise known as the "Safe Harbor" agreement (Long and Quek 2002: 326). In this compromise, the….

Cultural shifts and changes will always affect World-Wide communications because as culture changes so too does the manner in which people do business. World-Wide telecommunications are constantly adapting to meet the needs of modern man as man progresses into the next century. Cultural shifts and changes occur as a result in part of technological changes that allow men to communicate in more efficient and productive ways. As technology continues to improve so too will the manner in which men communicate, and cultural changes will continue to spread.

All individuals, all companies and all persons who conduct business will be affected by the changes that occur in telecommunications. As telecommunications continues to advance and adapt to conform to new technologies and meet the needs of an ever global world market, all consumers large and small will be impacted. The majority will be impacted in a positive way, provided they are willing to….

Track II diplomacy takes over when Track I fails.
A third great revolution has been described as enveloping the world in modern times (Wriston 1997) and the catalyst has been technological change. Technology, or telecommunications, has astoundingly affected the sovereignty of governments, the world economy, and military strategy. What took a century for the Industrial Revolution to do is nothing like what the combination of computers and telecommunications has been achieving in the Information Age. Information technology has been eradicating time and distance and for which there as yet appears to be no antidote to this spread of networks throughout the world. Unlike previous inventions, which were designed to solve specific problems, the inventions of the Information Revolution are driven and driving in a different direction. It is changing the very manner of doing things but what these things are. Moreover, it has formed a global village and traditional diplomacy.


Conclusion: Chaptr 2.

Lgal intrcption, dfind as "th lgally authorizd procss by which a ntwork oprators or srvics providr givs law nforcmnt officials accss to th communications (tlphon calls, -mail massag tc.) of privat individuals or organizations"

, is crucial in prsrving national scurity, invstigating srious criminal activitis, and combating trrorism. Currntly, this includs intrcpting cabl systms, public switchd tlphon ntwork and wirlss. Partis involvd in th intrcption procss ar sndr of th tlcommunication; particular Law Enforcmnt Agncis, and th rcivr and lawful nforcmnts includ 'phon tapping' and 'wirtapping'

Prtinnt Australian policis, such as th Patriot Act, nabl th govrnmnt to strik quilibrium btwn privacy and ncssary govrnmnt survillanc.

Sinc cost is oftn a factor that intimidats dvloping countris from dsigning and implmnting such laws, th dvlopmnt and implmntation of intrcption capability xpnss, in Australia, ar th rsponsibility of carrirs who ar accordd funding towards th cost as wll as a waivr from th….

The Technological Revolution in Transportation and Communication

Technology has played a profound role in shaping the evolution of transportation and communication methods, transforming them from rudimentary means of travel and exchange into the sophisticated systems we rely on today. This technological revolution has dramatically altered the way we connect with others, explore the world, and conduct our daily lives.


Steam Engine: The invention of the steam engine in the 18th century marked a pivotal point in transportation history. It enabled the development of steam-powered trains, ships, and automobiles, revolutionizing both long-distance travel and the movement of goods.
Internal Combustion Engine: The....

In conclusion, Mexico operates under a mixed economic system that combines market economy and planned economy elements. This system promotes innovation, balances social responsibilities, and maintains a diverse economic structure. However, drawbacks such as excessive taxation, government monopolies, and ineffective regulations can hinder economic growth. The market structure in Mexico consists of dominant firms in sectors like telecommunications, cement, electricity, and petroleum. This structure impacts output, prices, and profitability, affecting consumers and producers differently based on the type of market power involved, such as oligopoly and monopoly. The COVID-19 pandemic has had both positive and negative impacts on households and....

One way to use technology for better patient care is by implementing predictive analytics. By analyzing large amounts of data, healthcare providers can identify patterns and trends that may lead to potential health issues. This can help in predicting and preventing adverse events, such as medication errors or hospital readmissions.

Another way technology can improve patient care is by giving patients digital access to their health records. This allows patients to have more control over their own healthcare information and enables them to easily share this information with different healthcare providers. Having access to their health records can also help patients....

Strategies to Accelerate AFCFTA Implementation for Enhancing Trade in Services in Africa
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) holds immense potential for fostering trade in services across the continent. However, its implementation requires the adoption of targeted strategies to overcome existing barriers and leverage opportunities.
1. Policy Harmonization and Regulatory Alignment:
Harmonizing regulations and standards across borders reduces trade costs and improves market access.
Establishing clear guidelines for cross-border service provision, including licensing, certification, and recognition of qualifications.
Implementing mutual recognition agreements facilitates the seamless movement of professionals and service providers between countries.
2. Infrastructure Development and Connectivity:
Investing in reliable and....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Telecommunication FedEx Is a Logistics

Words: 1425
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Receipt of information is not typically confirmed, either by internal or external users. For the most part, the people uploading new information do not need to know whether or…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

Telecommunications Issues in Telecommunications Networks

Words: 1060
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

There are many different methods for creating and utilizing such systems, and one large set or class of such approaches has been labeled the Systems Development Lifecycle Approach.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Telecommunications Equipment

Words: 3286
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Telecommunication equipment industry has undergone drastic developments and changes since the 1990s. The telecommunication equipment industry has become quite popular due to the tremendous increase in the use of…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Telecommunications and Networking in Business

Words: 1244
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

An example of this is how quickly Microsoft responded to their exclusion of the Internet as a viable strategy shift. Using a global telecommunications system and their global…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Telecommunication Systems at Utpa Telecommunication

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The university has policy and standards, promotes awareness, risk management, business recovery planning, incident management, data security, and technical security. UTPA houses an Information Security office that continuously…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Telecommunications and Distributed Connectivity Technology

Words: 869
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

ATM-based WANs are therefore one of the most efficient yet costly approaches for ensuring a high degree of responsiveness to global teams working collaboratively on complex, involved projects. The…

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2 Pages


Telecommunications Letter Globalization Has Had a Remarkable

Words: 559
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Telecommunications Letter Globalization has had a remarkable effect on both the technological developments and the cultural attributes of a number of companies. Instant global communication is now possible, and individuals…

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25 Pages

Criminal Justice

Telecommunications Law the USA Patriot

Words: 7930
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Thesis

The law's intended purpose of preventing and detecting future attacks was the dominant concern of lawmakers. Yet, the hasty manner in which the law passed through Congressional lawmaking…

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4 Pages


Telecommunications Systems the Telephone System Used at

Words: 1254
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Telecommunications Systems The telephone system used at my workplace is a Cisco Unity Express. It is a telephone system that integrates messaging, voicemail, fax, automated-attendant, interactive voice response (IVR), and…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

Telecommunications Management What Did Mark

Words: 1092
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

13. What is the difference between HTTP and HTML? HTML is a markup language used to structure text and multimedia files and to set up hypertext links between them. HTTP,…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Telecommunication - 900 Numbers Laws

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Amendments to the 900-Number ule - brought in three major improvements. First of all, it obliged vendors to get the direct permission of the person who would be billed…

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34 Pages
Multiple Chapters


Telecommunications - Jordan the Impact

Words: 11320
Length: 34 Pages
Type: Multiple Chapters

According to Reidenberg (2000: 1318), policy in the United States protects personal information according to a market-dominated paradigm, where limited statutory and common law rights are granted for…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Telecommunications Cultural Change and Telecommunications

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cultural shifts and changes will always affect World-Wide communications because as culture changes so too does the manner in which people do business. World-Wide telecommunications are constantly adapting to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Telecommunications and Diplomacy Telecommunications Is

Words: 2980
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Track II diplomacy takes over when Track I fails. A third great revolution has been described as enveloping the world in modern times (Wriston 1997) and the catalyst has…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Telecommunication Interception and Access in

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Conclusion

Conclusion: Chaptr 2. Lgal intrcption, dfind as "th lgally authorizd procss by which a ntwork oprators or srvics providr givs law nforcmnt officials accss to th communications (tlphon calls, -mail…

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