Tenure Essays (Examples)

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Tenure Has Become a Civil
Pages: 4 Words: 1316

If both parties agree, another alternative dispute resolution method may be used. Specific reasons must be in writing for any decision to terminate the tenured faculty member.
The post-tenure review process is mandatory when an administrator is faced with deciding whether to terminate a tenured faculty member with allegations of dating an 18-year-old student and receiving evidence of phone records and witness documentation of the faculty member being seen with the student, buying liquor for the student, and kissing the student on school grounds. The administrator submits required documents to the APT review committee. The committee reviews the documents, convenes, deliberates, and vote. The vote is based on the school's rating policy to determine whether the faculty member warrants an acceptable rating in the academic areas and in institutional service (the Texas a&M University System Health Science Center Rules, 2007). The votes are done by private ballot and require the…...



Sec. 51.942. Performance Evaluation of Tenured Faculty. (1998). Retrieved from State of Texas Education Code:  http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/ED/pdf/Ed.51.pdf 

The Texas a&M University System Health Science Center Rules. (2007, Aug 15). Retrieved from 12.06.99.Z1 Post Tenure Review:  http://www.tamhsc.edu/facultystaff/rules/12.06.99.Z1-Post-Tenure-Review-Rules.pdf 

Academic Freedom. (2013). Retrieved from the Free Dictionary:  http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Academic+Freedom 

Elder, G.L. (2013). Texas law tough on sexual relationships between teachers and students. Retrieved from total criminal defense:  http://www.totalcriminaldefense.com/news/article/sex-crimes/teacher-student-sex/

Tenure K-12 and Higher Education
Pages: 7 Words: 2234

Tenure and Higher Education
Does Tenure Work in Education or is it Outdated?

My position is that Tenure still works. The topic tenure has formed much intense discussion in current years. There is an argument by few that tenure is an outdated idea and concept, and, therefore, if institutions remain competitive, then for this purpose they actually need to be more expert as well as flexible to appoint and dismiss the teaching staff as per the changing needs of the students (Allen).

On the other hand, others have the argument that tenure is fundamental and important for the safety of academic autonomy. Thus, without tenure, it means all institutions will go back to the times when the staff was fired for teaching unpopular views (Abbot, 1988).

However, several state legislatures are there who have consented post-tenure evaluation for faculty. These include, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, and Florida. Moreover, in Florida and California new campuses have…...



Allen, Henry Lee. The NEA higher education journal. National Education Association. Tenure:

Why F. A c u l t y, and the Nation, Need It. www.nea.org

Abbot, Andrew (1988). The System of Professions. Chicago: University of Chicago.

Allen, Henry L (1996). Faculty Workload and Productivity in the 1990s: Preliminary Findings

Tenure Mixed Methods Post-Tenure Review
Pages: 3 Words: 710

This denotes that different perceptions of tenure are produced by different statuses and tenure opportunities amongst personnel. The present research question is designed to yield a discussion on how these differing perceptions may impact the effectiveness of an organization. This will require examination of matters such as the impact of hierarchy and the quality differentials between tenured or tenure-track professors and part-time, non-tenure track or adjunct professors.
5. Does tenure impact research, service, and teaching?

This research question hints at better understanding the purpose and results of the granting of tenure. Tenure, our research denotes, was created as a way of protecting opportunities for university professors to focus on matters such as research and publishing. As a result, we anticipate that its defense is often steeped in the view that such protection allows for better research and better service to the community. Simultaneously, critics of tenure argue that there is a…...

Tenure and Organizational Effectiveness Tierney
Pages: 7 Words: 2162

erm effectiveness of a vast sense, there are no standards of the continent to measure the effectiveness of institutions, and has raised the effectiveness of the community colleges and led to the emergence of several different views including: the pattern of managerial leadership that determines the effectiveness of the educational institution, and the quality of leadership Education adopted by the senior management of educational institutions of great importance to the success of this multiple mission oriented community colleges. It is observed that colleges having multiple missions can easily increase the college effectiveness. he strategy which is highlight in this paper show that management and leaders of higher education can better serves their students and their country it further analyse the ways of effective leadership strategies that is effective for a healthy education institution.
Premeaux & Mondy (2002). Perspectives on enure. Journal of Education for Business Volume: 77, Issue: 6, Pages:…...


The paper is about academic tenure the discussion of this paper defends the tenure and presents some recommendations to make tenure more effective. The most attractive thing in this paper is the belief that the facilitator can make tenure more flexible and effective. It is also highlighted that the university administrators can easily create an environment of motivations, expectations and rewards for the tenured faculty members. The management should encourage the faculty members to honestly fulfil their responsibilities and develop the determination and measures tenure work as it is quite good for effective organizations.

Pounder (2001). "New leadership" and university organisational effectiveness: Exploring the relationship. Leadership & Organization Development Journal 22 (6):281-290.

The above article suggests that new leadership which is transformational leadership is the precise method necessary for the outcomes of leadership. From researches it is clear that there is a direct link between the practices of particular type of leadership and organizational effectiveness. These are the actors within a system that make the organization what it is. It is therefore important to understand how they perceive their work environment and the leadership role of their leaders. So while organizations and universities have many similarities in their formal structures and programs, each has an internal environment of its own, which creates a working environment and which guides the choice of an approach to achieve its objectives and solve problems. It is analyse in this paper how the most important research streams learning and leadership would be associated with each other. The findings of this study show that transformational leadership is the best way for universities to achieve organizational effectiveness.

Tenure and Post-Tenure What Are
Pages: 2 Words: 718

" Secondly, an "established custom within academe" would make it possible, together with the "expectations" would then facilitate the relationship between the faculty and its employees.
The most surprising insight about tenure is that it is a relatively "late arrival to the American system," as noted by Altbach et al. (2001, p. 12). It was formally implemented only in 1940. The system in the United Sates therefore accounts for only 60 years at the time of writing, out of some 360 years in Europe and the UK. Another interesting insight in the light of this I the fact that there is considerable tension between the primary aims of American universities; to both teach young students and conduct research (Altbach et al., 2001, p. 18).

Baldwin & Chronister (2001, p. 20) suggest that a non-tenure system be implemented to elevate the respect for full-time non-tenure faculty to the same level as their tenure…...



Altbach, Philip G., Gumbport, Patricia J. & Johnstone, D. Bruce. (2001). In Defense of American Higher Education. Baltimore, MD, the Johns Hopkins University Press.

Baldwin, Roger G. & Chronister, Jay L. (2001). Teaching without Tenure: Policies and Practices for a New Era. Baltimore, MD, the Johns Hopkins University Press.

Burgan, Mary. (2006). Whatever Happened to the Faculty?: Drift and Decision in Higher Education. Baltimore, MD, the Johns Hopkins University Press.

Garcia, Mildred & Moses, Yolanda (2000). Succeeding in an Academic Career: A Guide for Faculty of Color. Westport, CT, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.

Tenure and Post Tenure Review
Pages: 3 Words: 966

The Wood and De Jarlais study of 2006 set out to accomplish three objectives. Those three objectives as stated by the study were to: (1) to provide assurance to the University and its constituents that professional resources and particular areas of expertise are being used to the best advantage; (2) to provide for the systematic recognition of excellence and develop incentives for superior performance; and (3) to provide means for the improvement of performance in furtherance of the University's mission (UH Board of egents, 1981).

The study was a conducted over a relatively long period of time (10 years) and surveyed over 1000 cases during that time frame. The participants were gathered from the ranks of the professors, department chairs and deans at the University of Hawaii. The stakeholders included the egents at the University of Hawaii, the participants, the students and the professors, deans and chairs from the various schools…...



Euben, D.R.; (2005) Post-tenure review blues? Academia, Vol. 91, Issue 6, p. 70

Wood, M. & Des Jarlais, C.; (2006) When post-tenure review policy and practice diverge: Making the case for congruence, Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 77, Issue 4, pp. 561-588

Wood, M. & Johnsrud, L.; (2005) Post tenure review: What matters to faculty, The Review of Higher Education, Vol. 28, Number 3, pp. 393-420

Tenure What Should the President
Pages: 2 Words: 638

In fact, he seems to have done all that he could upon entering the department to reshape it to fit his own ideas. hile freedom of expression is valid, the department also has a right to advocate a particular approach to education and to choose new professors who fit into that approach.
Under the circumstances, the President should in no way disagree with the recommendation and submit his own recommendation to grant tenure to the Board. There seem to be valid reasons to not grant the professor tenure. The President may wish to interview members of the department individually who have allegedly said nasty things about the professor that should have had no bearing on the tenure decision before he comes to a final instance. If he determines that their reasoning was indeed based upon the professor's record and not personal grievances, then he should affirm the recommendation to deny…...


Works Cited

Wilson, Robert. (2008, September 29). Ithaca College professor says political views influenced her tenure denial. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved April 25, 2009 at  http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/article.php?pg=11&ar=2029

Tenure Changing Attitudes Toward and
Pages: 15 Words: 4352

In taking the approach that improvement in these areas can be achieved by establishing some form of post-tenure review, institutions are sending the signal that the blame for school-wide failures falls upon the teachers. A failure on the part of the institution to take this responsibility and the eroding of its confidence in its teachers promotes a deeply unhealthy context for academic freedom or creativity.
This is to say that such a policy is demonstrated by the present research to invoke a negative atmosphere for teachers and does not appear to be justified by any real or empirical evidence. Allen continues on to indicate that "nothing in the data on faculty workload and performance, gathered across all types of postsecondary institutions, suggests that faculty with tenure neglect reaching their students, rest on their laurels and no longer produce relevant research or scholarship, promote dangerous ideologies in the classroom or anywhere…...


Works Cited:

Allen, H.L. (2000). Tenure: Why Faculty, and the Nation, Need it. The NEA Higher Education Journal.

Alstete, J.W. (2000). Posttenure Faculty Development: Building a System for Faculty Improvement and Appreciation. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, 27(4).

American Association of University Professors. (1999). Post-Tenure Review: An AAUP Response. AAUP.org. Online at  http://www.aaup.org/AAUP/pubsres/policydocs/contents/PTR.htm 

CSSA Board of Directors. (1996). Resolution of Post Tenure Review: Adoption of Fresno Model as Baseline.

Tenure Biblio Kratz A R 2005
Pages: 2 Words: 791

Specifically, the Association warns against limits and dangers to academic freedom that could result from post-tenure reviews, and essentially suggests a bevy of alternative options for imposing sanctions and other disciplinary actions rather than resorting to post-tenure review, and that a proper review process can be identified by its lack of intrusion into areas best covered by other processes contractual agreements. t is not surprising that they conclude post-tenure reviews are ineffective when they have removed any effectiveness form their definition of a proper review.
Resolution no. 3/17/96 on post-tenure review: Adoption of Fresno model as baseline. (1996, March 17). CSSA board of directors. Retrieved November 6, 2009, from California State University Website: http://www.csustudents.org/plenary/resolutiondocuments/96-3-17_Post_Tenure.pdf

n this incredibly succinct and straightforward resolution, the California State Student Association lays out their reason for wanting to implement a system-wide post-tenure review process (namely the unmitigated existence of individual unnamed professors who were deemed to…...


In this incredibly succinct and straightforward resolution, the California State Student Association lays out their reason for wanting to implement a system-wide post-tenure review process (namely the unmitigated existence of individual unnamed professors who were deemed to be ineffective in the classroom). Their reasoning also includes the stated rules governing professor's performance in relation to academic freedom, and cites the fact that the students' tuition pays the salaries of the professors. The system wide implementations of the proposed post-tenure review process is essential to ensure the same quality of instruction at all CSU campuses, the students maintain. Costs associated with this implementation are not addressed.

SACUA. (1998, January 12). Comments by the University of Michigan's president and provost on post-tenure review. Retrieved November 6, 2009, form University of Michigan Website:  http://www.umich.edu/~aaupum/leecb.htm 

In entirely unequivocal language taken from the approved minutes of two meetings, the President and Provost of the University of Michigan both spoke out against post-tenure review as it is usually understood in the modern context, with President Bollinger asserting that post-tenure review has always existed in the form of consequences for lack of performance. Both felt that the addition of a post-tenure review program to existing performance reviews would be an unnecessary financial burden and an "anti-intellectual" move for the university to make. Concerns regarding lack of performance standards are summarily dismissed.

Tenure and Post-Tenure Review Annotated
Pages: 7 Words: 2294

Indeed, regardless of how the discussion is framed, this power struggle between administrators and educators remains a constant and relevant force. Still, some research comes to support this idea that tenure helps to promote inequality across certain lines. For instance, Evans et al. (2008) remark on the gender and race lines that permeate the educational hierarchy. According to Evans et al., "sixteen percent of faculty in undergraduate and graduate pro- grams are of ethnic minority decent. African-American men make up 2.6% and African-American women make up 2.7% of all faculty (U.S. Department of Education, 2003). These startlingly low percentages are mirrored in most psychology departments where women and ethnic minorities continue to earn less than men on average and are still underrepresented in most academic departments (APA, 2000b; icherski & Kohout, 1996)." (p. 50).
This suggests that to an extent which has little to do with administrative power, tenure has…...


Works Cited:

Custer, R.L., Foster, T., & Martin, E. (1999). Post-tenure review in industrial and technology education. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 37(1). Retrieved from  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JITE/v37n1/custer.html 

De George, R.T. (Ethics, Academic Freedom and Academic Tenure. Journal of Academic Ethics, 1, 11-25.

DiLeo, J.R. (2005). Uncollegiality, Tenure and the Weasel Clause. Symploke, 13(1-2), 99-107.

Elias, R.Z. (2001). Accounting Faculty Opinions on Post-Tenure Review. Accounting Educators' Journal, XIII.

higher education labor rights faculty tenure
Pages: 5 Words: 1587

Tenure refers to a legally secure position, an “indefinite appointment” at an institute of higher learning (AAUP, 2019, p. 1). Of course, extenuating circumstances may enable the educational institution to sever the contract and terminate the tenured faculty. One of those extenuating circumstances would be financial exigency: an unavoidable and unfortunate situation in which the institution experiences severe budget shortfalls and must completely reconsider reallocating resources in order to remain viable at all. A similar extenuating circumstance that may legally permit the termination of a tenured faculty member would be the restructuring of the institution to the degree that whole departments were eliminated, thus eliminating all associated faculty within that department. Other extenuating circumstances that would legally permit the institution to terminate tenured faculty would be serious legal or ethical violations. Otherwise, though, tenured faculty enjoy greater job security and benefits versus their non-tenured colleagues. According to the American Association of…...

Tenure in Academic Institutions Aper
Pages: 2 Words: 624

Fairweather (2002) advocates the well-rounded professor who is a master of both teaching and research. In his study, Fairweather (2002) found that the emphasis on research vs. teaching varies significantly based on the type of institution. Further, the researcher found that a very small number of faculty members were able to achieve both teaching and research excellence, and that being in the classroom positively affected both variables.
Miron, J.A. (2001, September 24). he economics of the enure System. Retrieved July

19, 2009, from Library of Economics and Liberty Web Site: www.econlib.org/library/columins/mirontenure.html

Discussing the modern controversy over the tenure system, Miron (2001) presents both sides, in addition an alternate view. He shows that critics of tenure see the practice as offering overcompensation for the amount of work performed by academics. Further, he writes that those who commend tenure suggest it allows for academic freedom. Arguing that the current arguments against tenure include fallacies…...


Tierney, W.G. (1997, January/February). Organizational Socialization in Higher

Education. Journal of Higher Education. 68.1, pp. 1-14.

Posing a new argument in the popular debate regarding socialization in higher education, Tierney (1997) makes several remarks that are of interest to one studying the effects of tenure. Pointing out that few faculty members know what exactly is expected of them, other than a general demand to produce, the author allows the reader to understand the nature of tenure better. Studying socialization, Tierney (1997) offers two views of socialization: the modernist and postmodernist. According to the modernist perspective, the goal of socialization is to learn culture. In the postmodern view, culture is more fluid, defined by each person in the culture, and socialization is the process by which one becomes a part of that culture. According to Tierney (1997) results interviews with academics support both views.

Tenure Bibliography Tenure National Education
Pages: 5 Words: 1414


Similar to ERIC, the Chronicle of Higher Education website provides links to many articles and studies concerning tenure and post-tenure review on both sides of the issue. The vast majority of these articles were produced by the Chronicle itself, for its print and online subscribers. Given that most of the subscribers to the Chronicle are almost certainly employed in the realm of higher education, the balanced views presented by the collection of articles as a whole is perhaps unsurprising given a definite desire not to alienate readership. Though there are some very strong opinions on both sides represented in the articles and information found on the Chronicle website, there is nothing especially inflammatory or groundbreaking in any of the articles. Best used a source for recent developments in the tenure issue.

CE (2009). "Post-Tenure Review." merican council on education. ccessed 8

September 2009. http://www.acenet.edu/M/Template.cfm?Section=Home

Though the merican Council on Education does not have…...


APSA (2009). "Post-Tenure Review Analyzed." The American political science association. Accessed 8 September 2009.


Though this website does address the issue of post-tenure review both more specifically and more comprehensively than many other sites, it does nto provide a wide range of opinions or an abundance of resources. The description of various forms of post-tenure review and real world cases of their application is very useful for coming to an understanding of such reviews and how they are and will continue to alter tenured positions and higher education in general, but the obvious professorial bias in the site makes some of the conclusions and assertions drawn rather suspect. Excellent for providing an overview of ideas and suggesting avenues of future research.

Tenure Elimination in Detail In the First
Pages: 6 Words: 1993

tenure elimination in detail. In the first part of the essay, I have given explanation regarding tenure and why it is rewarded to teachers. Later, I have discussed the benefits and drawbacks of eliminating tenure for public school teachers.
Just as any other profession is in need of job security, the profession of teaching also wants the same. And it is the vehicle of tenure that is the only way to provide them with this kind of security. A teacher's status is represented by the tenure that helps him/her to secure a permanent position in a school district's faculty. The state law is responsible for granting tenure and every state has its own type and amount of protection that it provides to the teachers. The school board has the authority to award tenures to the individuals who become successful in completing a probationary period. This allowance gives about two to…...



Dimaria, F. (2012). Tenure and America's Community Colleges. Education Digest, 78(1), 44-47.

Martin, D.J., & Loomis, K.S. (2007).Building Teachers: A Constructivist Approach to Introducing Education. Belmont, CA: Thomson Learning Inc..

Hassel, E.A., Kowal, J., Ableidinger, J., & Hassel, B.C. (2011). Teacher Tenure Reform: Applying Lessons from the Civil Service and Higher Education. Public Impact. Chapel Hill: NC.

Holden, C. (1997). Tenure Turmoil Sparks Reform. Science, 276 (5309), 24.

Tenure and the Post-Tenure Review
Pages: 7 Words: 2048

The consolidated data are envisioned to provide a generally unbiased view of the various opinions and issues raised.
Internet surveys, as discussed by Cozby (2009, p. 132) will not be administered. The reason for this is that the scope of Internet surveys are far greater than that required for this research. These type of surveys are generally administered when a wide variety of data are required from a large amount of interested parties. For the purpose of this study, surveys are limited to a specific set of participants from specific sectors of academic and public life.

urveys over time are also not considered relevant to the study. The issue of tenure is current to many academic institutions. The effects of tenure will be investigated in their current manifestation. Evolution of these issues and opinions over time is not an issue. A related issue to investigated could however be a hypothesis on…...



Cozby (2009)

Creswell (2009)

Wood and Johnsrud (2005) Post-tenure Review

O'Meara (2004) Beliefs about Post-tenure Review

what are the compensation plan of starbucks company?
Words: 473

Starbucks' Comprehensive Compensation Plan

Starbucks, a global coffeehouse chain, offers a comprehensive compensation plan to attract, motivate, and retain talented employees. The plan includes a combination of base salary, benefits, and performance-based incentives designed to reward performance and drive company success.

Base Salary

Base salary is the foundation of Starbucks' compensation plan. Employees are compensated based on their role, experience, location, and performance. Starbucks regularly conducts salary surveys to ensure that its base salaries are competitive within the industry and local market.


Starbucks provides a generous benefits package that includes:

Medical, dental, and vision insurance
Paid time off including vacation, sick leave, and holidays

are teacher evaluations necessary?
Words: 345

Yes, teacher evaluations are necessary for several reasons:

1. To ensure accountability and quality of teaching: Teacher evaluations provide a systematic way to assess a teacher's performance in the classroom. This helps to identify areas of improvement and ensures that teachers are meeting the standards set for effective instruction.

2. To support professional development: Feedback from evaluations can help teachers understand their strengths and weaknesses, and guide them in setting goals for improvement. This can lead to continuous growth and improvement in teaching practices.

3. To inform hiring and promotion decisions: Teacher evaluations can provide valuable information for school administrators when making decisions....

I need some suggestions for sparta\'s legacy and its impacts on modern greece essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 462

Sparta's Enduring Legacy: Impacts on Modern Greece

Sparta, renowned for its formidable military prowess and austere society, has left an enduring legacy that continues to shape modern Greece. This essay will explore the multifaceted impacts of Sparta's heritage on various aspects of Greek society, culture, and thought.

Political and Military Legacy:
Sparta's warrior culture and renowned Spartan hoplites (heavily armed infantrymen) heavily influenced Greek military strategy and tactics. The Spartan oligarchy, based on a dual monarchy and a council of elders, served as a model for some later Greek city-states. Modern Greece's military values and emphasis on discipline can be traced back to....

What is the percentage of games Michael Jordan won during his career with the Chicago Bulls?
Words: 372

Michael Jordan's Career with the Chicago Bulls: A Statistical Journey

Michael Jordan, widely considered the greatest basketball player of all time, etched his name in the annals of NBA history with his exceptional performances and indomitable spirit. During his illustrious career with the Chicago Bulls, Jordan led the team to six NBA championships, securing his legacy as a true basketball icon. One of the key metrics that underscore Jordan's dominance is his win percentage, which reflects the Bulls' success rate under his leadership.

Defining Win Percentage

Win percentage is a statistic that measures the proportion of games a team wins over the total....

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