The Decision Essays (Examples)

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Decision House Lords
The Decision by the House of Lords in the elmarsh Detainees Case

The decision by the House of Lords in the elmarsh detainees case (A v Secretary of State Home Office [2004] UKHL 56) illustrates the increased intensity of judicial review under the Human Rights Act. Discuss the judicial reasoning in this case in the light of the above statement.

The ruling of the elmarsh detainees' case was seen as a major victory for the human rights movement. As, it involved twelve foreign terrorist suspects who were held in prison without trial. The decision was that these individuals who were held unlawfully and should be released from prison (Tomkins, 2005). A short time after this, the government changed their policy of holding foreign suspects without trial in prison to: placing them under house arrest. This is important, because it is showing the overall shifts that have occurred in how the….

The Decision to Face My Fears

For as long as I can recall, I've had a fear of heights. I could never be sure of exactly why this was true but any time I found myself looking out the window of a tall building, on a carnival ride or in an airplane, I would experience symptoms of panic and discomfort. My heart would race and my palms would sweat. As a result, I began to find myself increasingly unwilling to place myself in situations where I might have to experience this type of anxiety. I would avoid taking trips where I might have to fly, if at all possible. I would go out of my way to resist the kinds of hikes or outdoor activities that might place me at elevation. In general, while it did not effect my everyday life, I was beginning to find my fear to be….

Employee Discipline and the Decision-Making Process
Decisions are a part of each day for everyone on earth. Some of these decisions are small and in significant, such as what to eat for breakfast. hile others are quite complex and one has to weigh the costs and benefits of the decision. The possible outcomes must be weighed and the solution chosen which has the most benefits and fewest costs. Business managers make decisions that effect many people and they must not only consider the outcomes for themselves, but must consider the opportunities and costs for the entire group or organization. One of the toughest decisions managers must make is the issue of discipline. hen an employee breaks the rules or acts in a way that could be dangerous to others or effect the productivity of the group, the manager must decide what course of action is best for everyone.

Let us consider the….

Wrong Moves" and analyzes the decision-making process of Nutrorim CEO Don Rifkin and his management team. The essay also makes recommendations regarding improvements, including changes to management styles and the use of decision tools.
Analysis of Key Issues

The key issues in the case involve deciding whether to recall ChargeUp after a health inspector made allegations that the drink was responsible for causing illness among 11 people. During the process of making this decision, other issues become apparent. CEO Don Rifkin had created a corporate climate that discouraged dissent and failed to optimally use his people's abilities. By trying to create a climate of inclusiveness, Rifkin has gone too far in the opposite direction and instead discourages his people's best efforts by stifling dissent and debate. Nutrorim's managers get bogged down in the decision-making process, with the result that they routinely make poor decisions, one after another.

Rifkin's management style was shaped….

Thus, through exposing employees to this type of a definition regarding employee involvement, managers can help them feel empowered and prepared to make decisions because those decisions will, ultimately, affect them.
In addition to presenting the new flat organizational model to them in a way that will motivate them based on the importance of their making decisions, managers and other executives can prepare employees to become involved in the decision making process by providing them with scenarios, and asking them to practice, in groups, making decisions regarding them. Through this exercise, workers begin to practice using their problem solving skills. They will also realize that the other employees in their groups have very different ideas, backgrounds, and skills. This will help prepare them for the dynamics of decision making, which often involve bringing together many people of different backgrounds, asking them to come up with a common solution. This can….

Chief Justice Marshall uses the Marbury decision to make a landmark case on the power of
the courts, and does so based not on specific articles within the
Constitution, but on his perception of what his belief and perception of
the power of the Courts and thus the Constitution should be. He believes
that the character of the Constitution in this case is defining the right
of the Supreme Court to judicially review federal legislation which thus
means that it is a broad right. It is not strictly defined, but rather is
a general right to ensure that the Constitution is followed above all other
laws. Chief Justice Marshall refers to very broad terms, such as the duty
of the courts, thus reflecting on the broad based nature of the right.
Ultimately, Marshall believes the judge's oath, which requires them to
uphold the Constitution before the other laws of the United States means
that the Constitution is the most important. It is….

The decision about whether or not to invest in a company must take a number of different variables into consideration. al-Mart is the world's largest retailer. It has sales of $446 billion last year and on that it earned $15.699 billion in profit (MSN Moneycentral, 2012). The company has major operations in the U.S., Canada, China, Mexico and also has some operations in Europe. al-Mart is not only the number one discount retailer in the U.S. But is also the number two warehouse store, one of the top five online retailers and it is the largest grocery chain in the country. This paper will analyze al-Mart's operations in order to determine whether or not investing in al-Mart is a good idea.

SOT Analysis

One of the best tools for understanding a company is to undertake a SOT analysis, featuring the strengths and weaknesses on the internal side and opportunities and threats on….

The Decision

For Dorchester, the decision about which foreign country in which to invest will be based on a number of different factors. The first of these factors is the economic. e have considered the different elements of the foreign currency issue, but the company must also consider the different local markets. Other factors will have to include the trade environments with the three different countries, because these will also need to factor into the costing and ability to trade. The political environment is also something that needs to be considered, for two different reasons. The first is that these three countries do have different levels of political risk associated with them. The second is that political stability is highly correlated with exchange rate and economic stability. Lastly, Dorchester needs to consider the manufacture of its goods going forward in these countries, in particular for other markets beyond the domestic borders.



Decisions in Paradise
The many infrastructure and culturally-based challenges that Nik, his team and Mr. Morales face illustrate how challenging new business development can be in an island nation the size and location of Kava. What is immediately apparent from the case is that there is ample opportunity to enrich the island's economy and people while also building a strong, scalable business at the same time. Today however the island nation has an infrastructure that is lacking, an economy that is for the most part agrarian, and a young inexperienced workforce lacking advanced skills and education. It's going to be very challenging for Nik and his team to build a business on Kava, making the selection of a common vision, strategic plan and objectives, and core values of the team critical for their success. The decision making tools used, and the selection of vision, mission and goals all need to be….

Best of all, any initiative in these areas, priced fairly for the island natives, delivers significant social value, or economic good for the nation and abodes by Mr. Morale's belief that in the long run, economics drives everything needs to be added to that by doing these core processes well, his company is doing good. The social conscience of Mr. Morales is also clear, and the ability to take the company's respected process-centric approach to problem-solving and apply it to the needs of Kava while at the same time earning a profit is a win/win for both the company and the nation. The concentration on healthcare especially and the development of a pediatrics clinic, potentially even underwritten by the local government for the citizens would also be significant in its contribution and revenue potential.
What Alex and Nik need to do is find broken processes in key areas and set….

Decision Sciences

Decision Sciences
Decision-making is an important activity for top management in any enterprise. Strategic thinking is required for making useful decisions. For example, business executives plan strategies to access market share, to deal with employees, to react to competition and to decide on career growth. Decision Sciences is a discipline on its own that provides techniques and methods to take decisions in any practical situations. In this paper, a list of journals and websites that provides information on Decision Sciences is provided. This list is expected to be useful to top management. (America's Investment in the Future: Decision Sciences-How the Game Is being played)

Decision Sciences" is a quarterly, professional journal published by Decision Sciences Institute. This journal utilizes the current methods of mathematics and statistics along with computer technology and behavior science. This journal is read by business professionals and teaching professionals. From 2003, Blackwell Publishing is publishing this journal. (Decision….

Decision Making
Barnes and Noble Inc. is one of the most successful bookstores in the world. The company operates throughout the United States and boasts roomy inviting stores. In addition to books, the company also sells DVDs and music. The company operates both brick and mortar stores and it is also the largest internet bookstore. Furthermore, Barnes & Noble, Inc. is a Fortune 500 company and the largest bookseller in the world. In addition, "The company is a leading content, commerce and technology company that provides customers easy and convenient access to books, magazines, newspapers and other content across its multi-channel distribution platform. As of January 29, 2011, the company operates 705 retail bookstores in regional shopping malls, major strip centers and freestanding locations in 50 states, and 636 college bookstores serving nearly 4 million students and faculty members at colleges and universities across the United States (For Investors)." The purpose….

The dominant, goal-oriented person can focus on the ultimate objective, the influence-based person can examine the interpersonal dynamics of the decisions that must be made, the steady person can foster harmony and a positive atmosphere, and the conscientious person can stay on task in a reliable fashion. hile clashing personalities can thwart reaching positive and goal-directed solutions, they can create a better solution and check the excesses of one another, like the selfishness and refusal to consider the human element in the dominant personality, the disorganization of the influence-based person, the risk-adverse views of the steady person, and the rule-bound contentious type. Communication can be facilitated through email and other constant types of technological contact on a daily basis -- this can create better group bonding, although there is always a risk that the brevity and informality of the format can create rather than break down barriers.
Modern decision-making theory,….

Not even the most brilliant, ethical, and rational person has the ability to research every conceivable implication and alternative before making every decision in life.
Group decision-making is another method of decision-making, where the decision is often arrived at by consensus or committee, such as coming to a decision as to where to take a family vacation. The decision is often time-consuming, because ideally it must please everyone, although quite often no one is fully pleased (Petress, 2002). Multiple levels of irrationality are injected into the process, even if the 'team leader' (the parents who are paying for the vacation) have the final veto. To make the group decision-making process more efficient, often a vote is taken at the end of the discussion if the effort is supposed to be democratic. It can be superior to individual decision-making in that individuals can point out when group members are being irrational,….

Developing infrastructure in Kava will be difficult precisely because of the problems that the infrastructure is meant to address -- terrorism, constant threats of destruction from natural disaster, and health problems that affect the workforce could all prevent or set back infrastructure development significantly. With the right commitment and effective, detailed planning in the infrastructure development, however, these problems can be mitigated and even overcome. The more infrastructure is put in place, the less these problems will exist and the easier it will be to continue making infrastructure improvements, as well. There are also human factors that will need to be dealt with; all of the progress made should be done in tandem with the government and the larger community in Kava, ensuring that their needs are being met along with the company's.
Factors and esources Affecting Implementation

The organization will need to bring in a variety of engineers and skilled….

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression.  However, one of the things that I have learned after studying social impressions is that you not only do not get multiple chances to make a first impression, you may not get additional chances to make any impressions after making a bad first impression, because people tend to avoid those who give them bad impressions. Of course, this is only true when people have choice about whether or not they spend time with you.  In situations where people do not....

Management accounting combines traditional accounting responsibilities with management responsibilities, which allows a company to align budgetary considerations with the people handling the money.  There are a variety of different topics in management accounting that could serve as a good springboard for research, because how it is applied can vary tremendously depending on the size, purpose, and structure of an organization.  Regardless of the approach, it is clear that management accounting has become an important component of the decision-making process in business of all sizes and that the continued evolution of this practice should results in....

Mediation is one of the most popular forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).  While there are many benefits to mediation and other forms of ADR, including reduced costs for both parties, more rapid resolutions, and the decision-makers ability to consider principles outside of the legal principles involved, there are times when mediation is not the best solution.  If we were writing a position paper on mediation and mediation education, we would focus on domestic violence scenarios and why mediation is not a proper dispute resolution procedure in cases....

To provide an answer to this question, it is really important to know which government is the subject of your question.  In some countries, the government is absolutely prohibited from imposing the types of regulations on speech that answering yes to the question would require.  These types of absolute prohibitions, such as the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, significantly impact whether a government could regulate social media, even if regulating social media would help prevent the spread of fake news and misinformation.  Therefore, any discussion of whether they should regulate this type of speech has....

2 Pages


Decision House Lords the Decision by the

Words: 761
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Decision House Lords The Decision by the House of Lords in the elmarsh Detainees Case The decision by the House of Lords in the elmarsh detainees case (A v Secretary of…

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3 Pages


Narrative the Decision to Face My Fears

Words: 1010
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Narrative The Decision to Face My Fears For as long as I can recall, I've had a fear of heights. I could never be sure of exactly why this was…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Employee Discipline and the Decision-Making Process Decisions

Words: 3131
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Employee Discipline and the Decision-Making Process Decisions are a part of each day for everyone on earth. Some of these decisions are small and in significant, such as what to…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Wrong Moves and Analyzes the Decision-Making Process

Words: 1153
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Wrong Moves" and analyzes the decision-making process of Nutrorim CEO Don Rifkin and his management team. The essay also makes recommendations regarding improvements, including changes to management styles…

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3 Pages


Employees Involvement in the Decision

Words: 912
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Thus, through exposing employees to this type of a definition regarding employee involvement, managers can help them feel empowered and prepared to make decisions because those decisions will,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Marbury Decision the Decision by

Words: 508
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chief Justice Marshall uses the Marbury decision to make a landmark case on the power of the courts, and does so based not on specific articles within the Constitution, but on…

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7 Pages


Walmart the Decision About Whether or Not

Words: 2009
Length: 7 Pages
Type: SWOT

almart The decision about whether or not to invest in a company must take a number of different variables into consideration. al-Mart is the world's largest retailer. It has sales…

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4 Pages


Dorchester the Decision for Dorchester the Decision

Words: 1448
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Dorchester The Decision For Dorchester, the decision about which foreign country in which to invest will be based on a number of different factors. The first of these factors is the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Decisions in Paradise Part I

Words: 938
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Decisions in Paradise The many infrastructure and culturally-based challenges that Nik, his team and Mr. Morales face illustrate how challenging new business development can be in an island nation the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Decisions in Paradise Given the

Words: 1305
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Best of all, any initiative in these areas, priced fairly for the island natives, delivers significant social value, or economic good for the nation and abodes by Mr.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Decision Sciences

Words: 1403
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Decision Sciences Decision-making is an important activity for top management in any enterprise. Strategic thinking is required for making useful decisions. For example, business executives plan strategies to access market…

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10 Pages


Decision Making Barnes and Noble Inc Is

Words: 2828
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Decision Making Barnes and Noble Inc. is one of the most successful bookstores in the world. The company operates throughout the United States and boasts roomy inviting stores. In addition…

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2 Pages


Decision-Making What Are the Newest

Words: 689
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

The dominant, goal-oriented person can focus on the ultimate objective, the influence-based person can examine the interpersonal dynamics of the decisions that must be made, the steady person…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Decision Making Decision-Making The Applicability

Words: 771
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Not even the most brilliant, ethical, and rational person has the ability to research every conceivable implication and alternative before making every decision in life. Group decision-making is another…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Urban Studies

Decision Paradise Decisions in Paradise

Words: 1066
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Developing infrastructure in Kava will be difficult precisely because of the problems that the infrastructure is meant to address -- terrorism, constant threats of destruction from natural disaster,…

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