Thomas Edison Essays (Examples)

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Thomas Edison Thomas a Edison
Pages: 4 Words: 1304

He was not selfish in that he was creating inventions solely to make money, but rather for the good of others, both during his time and in the future.
One of the best things about the book is the way that Melosi includes family situations and personal issues that Edison dealt with, as well as business challenges that he faced. There are several points that the book makes that indicate these issues were very valuable in Edison's business life. The first of these is a paradigm shift. This involves changing the way someone feels about how the world works and the position they have in it, as well as the perceptions of what the world contains. y taking readers through the way that this change occurs, Melosi helps individuals to learn better ways to look at the world and the ideas that are often presented by others that are interested…...



Melosi, Martin V. (1990). Thomas a. Edison and the Modernization of America. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown Higher Education.

Thomas Edison Failed Many Times
Pages: 3 Words: 870

My voice teacher was relentless. One of those naturally gifted people with incredible range and a natural ability for tones, she sang like an angel, but I found her less than angelic. She was able to correct my tone-deafness and get me to sing on-key after almost an entire year of work, but then she fired me as a student. She told me that I simply did not have the type of voice that would ever make it in a high school choir, and that I should focus on another hobby. Those words devastated me. I had spent months mowing lawns, earning money for her lessons, and I had done all of the silly exercises she prescribed. She had helped me gain a voice that was tolerable, but that still was not pleasurable for most people to hear. I decided to stop my voice lessons and to restrict my singing…...

Role of Thomas Edison in
Pages: 2 Words: 663

He discovered that a filament carbonized thread was crucial to a long-lasting light bulb. After his electric company of New York was incorporated in late 1880, Edison concentrated on developing and installing a central generating system. The central generating system consisted of central power plants with generators known as dynamos and the light bulbs among others. He then received over two hundred patents between 1879 and 1882 since he resolved several problems in producing, distributing, and metering of electric current ("Electricity," n.d.). In addition to this, Edison created the most basic equipment for generating, distributing, and metering of electricity i.e. sockets, meters, fuses, switches, and fixtures.
He was a proponent of underground electric mains and services that would be similar to the model for gas and water distribution. Edison created the largest ever dynamos that weighed around 27 tons and an output of 100 kilowatts that could power over 1,100…...



"Electricity." (n.d.). A Brief History of Con Edison. Retrieved May 16, 2013, from 

"The Life of Thomas a. Edison." (n.d.). American Memory. Retrieved from the Library of Congress website:

Life of Thomas Edison and
Pages: 7 Words: 2018

Leaving the light bulb out of the mix could have meant limited hours to work, learn and play. The invention of central power, which was also Edison's, has created the ability to live and prosper in areas that at one time were deemed uninhabitable.
In addition to the many inventions that he contributed to America, Edison also taught its residents the importance of persistence. Had he listened to the teacher who called him stupid he may have given up and become a laborers. Had he let the invention of the telephone by someone else discourage him, he may have worked in an office somewhere and retired an unknown man. Edison demonstrated the power of persistence in everything he did. When he was not working on a new invention, he was improving a previous one. If he did not have time to work on one at the moment he read everything…...



American Heroes: Thomas Alva Edison (accessed 5-31-06) 

Collins, Theresa. Dalton, David. 2004 Thomas Edison and Modern America: a Brief History with Documents.Teaching History: A Journal of Methods

Finn, Bernard 1994 Thomas Alva Edison after forty: the challenge of success.

Thomas Alva Edison A Lifetime
Pages: 2 Words: 584

It became apparent that Edison's invention (electric lamp) led to the creation of another invention (electric generator), illustrating the rapid progress of technological development because of Edison's goal to make maximum use of electricity to make people's domestic lives easier and more improved.
It was also known that Edison dabbled in inventions that helped bring about the motion picture. His previous endeavors on telephone and telegraph innovations allowed him to extend his expertise to developing the motion picture, via the lack Maria laboratory. Using his technical knowledge about lighting and lighting systems, Edison developed the "Kinetoscope" in 1892, which entertained people by letting them view captured continuous images of people 'recorded' conducting their daily activities (the Edison Papers, 2005). This viewing device had once again added to the scientist's numerous contributions in the field of technology and development. With the invention of the Kinetoscope, people were not only entertained, but…...



The Edison Papers." Rutgers University web site. Accessed last March 7, 2005. Available at .

Edison's Miracle of Light." (2000). PBS Online/WGBH web site. Accessed last March 7, 2005. Available at .

Inventor profile: Thomas a. Edison." (2002). National Inventors Hall of Fame web site. Accessed last March 7, 2005. Available at .

Begun in 1876 by Thomas
Pages: 3 Words: 978

For example, this year the company would have been affected by the weather disasters, energy changes, the War in Iraq, economic fluctuations and political changes and, from an employee standpoint, anything that would influence the well-being of their personnel.
Financially GE is a very strong company. GE has paid a dividend each quarter for over one hundred years. In addition, GE's dividends have been raised for 29 consecutive years. Recently, some of its financial honors include: In Fortune Magazine's 2005 "Global Most Admired Companies" list, GE ranked first overall; In Fortune Magazine's 2005 "America's Most Admired Companies" list, GE ranked second overall; GE was ranked first in the Financial Times' 2004 "World's Most Respected Companies Survey" for the seventh consecutive year since the Survey's inception in 1998; GE was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index as one of the world's leaders in environmental, social and economic programs. In…...


Overall, GE is a very good company for which to work, if an individual likes working for large global organization. Especially for individuals who are just graduating from college and those still getting their degree, the organization has a number of well-known internship and entry-level programs for men and women and individuals of all backgrounds.

GE Company. Website retrieved November 1, 2005.

Workplace Fairness. Lawsuits in the News. Website retrieved November 1, 2005.

Transfer Admission Statement Few Things
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Today, in my profession, my education and my recreational pursuits, I am a picture of diligence and determination. As I have begun to succeed in many of the same areas where I had once found achievement so difficult, I began to note the connection between my enthusiasm for that which I was doing and the positive results yielded there from.
I would be able to channel this newfound positive attitude into the discovery of an academic area that resonates with me. Since my accident, I have taken up a new and refreshing direction, learning the beautiful natural science that is economics. It is here within that a direction has emerged. This combined with the positive experiences which I have gained working both at Wal-Mart Korea and at the Lotte Department Store to suggest a clear and attainable path for me. My working experiences have opened up a bevy of personal…...

Designing the First Phonograph
Pages: 4 Words: 1326

record player, which was known in its original inception as a phonograph. This instrument was originally created in 1877 by Thomas Alva Edison 1. This fact is extremely important because it indicates that the record player was invented at the end of the Industrial Revolution 2 and prior to modernity, which began in earnest during the 20th century. The historical context of the record player is important in terms of its design, which primarily reflected functionality. The record player is the first invention that could ever record information outside of conventional writing. Its principal importance is that it signaled the shift in which society stopped collecting physical objects as much as it began collecting information, which influenced its design and its evolution to this very day.
The initial design of the very first phonograph was extremely pragmatic in nature. To truly understand the way it was designed it is necessary…...



Beals, Gerald. "The Biography of Thomas Edison." Accessed March 31, 2016. #phonograph

Montagna, Joseph. "The Industrial Revolution." Accessed March 31, 2016. 

Rutgers. "Tinfoil Phonograph." Last Modified February 20, 2012. 

Stoker, Bram. Dracula. New York: Barnes & Noble.

General Electrics
Pages: 10 Words: 2714

Growth of GE
General Electric was founded in 1878 and became a firm in1890 when Thomas Edison combined his different business ventures ("Thomas Edison & GE"). During this time the Thomson-Houston Company was a competitor with GE. hen each of the businesses began to grow neither company was having much success in creating electrical installations with their individual patents and technologies. By1892, the Thomson-Houston Company and GE were merged together ("Thomas Edison & GE"). The new company became the General Electric Company ("Thomas Edison & GE").

The company has been responsible for the development of the first iridescent light bulb. In addition the company was responsible for the creation of the first x-ray machine. Throughout the years the company has played a role in much historical advancement including the electric toaster (1905), commercial finance (1905), first radio broadcast (1906), electric locomotives (1908), the vacuum tube (1912) and Resins (1912). In addition…...


Works Cited

"GE CEO keen on oil, gas deals." 12 Oct. 2010. 16 Oct. 2010

"GE's Growth Strategy: The Immet Initiative"

"GE's Immelt gets no respect" 15 Oct. 2010. 16 Oct. 2010

"General Electric screen matrix." n.d. 16 Oct. 2010

Phonograph New Technologies Often Have Widespread and
Pages: 4 Words: 1249

New technologies often have widespread and disruptive effects on society at large, and the humanities in particular, because new technologies force people to expand the realm of possibility beyond what was previously imaginable. Like the printing press before it, the phonograph fundamentally altered the way humans considered sound, music, speech, and recording by making reproducible and tactile something which was previously singular and ephemeral. In order to understand the truly disruptive effects of the phonograph on the humanities, one must examine not only the context of the phonograph's invention, but also the cultural developments which grew out of its invention as well as the subsequent technologies only made possible by the phonograph. Thus, one must necessarily begin an examination of the phonograph with its inventor, Thomas Edison, because by examining Edison's own predictions regarding the future of his invention and comparing them to the actual progress of the phonograph and…...


Works Cited

Edison, T.A. (1878). The phonograph and its future. The North American Review, 260, 527-536.

Gitelman, L. (2004). How users define new media: a history of the amusement phonograph. In D. Thorburn (Ed.), Rethinking Media Change: The Aesthetics of Transition (pp. 61-75).

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Jean-Baptiste Michel*, Yuan Kui Shen, Aviva Presser Aiden, Adrian Veres, Matthew K. Gray,

Missing Reel the Untold Story of the
Pages: 12 Words: 3098

Missing Reel
The Untold Story of the Lost Inventor of Moving Pictures by Christopher Rawlence

History as a concept was created within the human mind thousands of years ago. It most likely arose from tales told around flickering campfires of great deeds performed by fathers and mothers, dangerous beasts which were conquered, nourishing plants and fruits which were discovered and distinguished from poisonous ones. Gradually, even before the invention of writing, these stories were incorporated into ever more complicated sagas that involved not only wondrous accomplishments but details of day-to-day living. These sagas were handed down to succeeding generations who enlarged them and eventually used them as the bases of various religious practices. Virtually all of the really ancient religions devote extensive portions of their writings to the presentation of racial or ethnic history.

For most of the existence of the human race, history was confined to the spoken or written word.…...

Media How Technology Shapes Society a Society
Pages: 6 Words: 1689

How Technology Shapes Society

A society is a conglomerate of people who, for some reason, are throw together in a particular bounded region. The group has to make laws that will govern their actions and they also determine how they will live together in the most productive manner. But, there are events and devices that some say can change the way this group of people behaves and what laws they will make for one another. For example, an early hunter-gatherer society subsisted on what they could kill and find. Then someone invented the hoe, and they became cultivating societies (Keel, 2011). This meant that the people did not have to roam so far afield to find they needed to exist. Thus they could stay closer together and build up societies. Small events sometimes shape great changes in society without the people within the society realizing that the invention will make any…...



Anderson, P., & Tushman, M.R., (1990). Technological discontinuities and dominant designs: A cyclical model of technological change. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(4), 604-619.

Beals, G., (1997). The biography of Thomas Edison. Retrieved from 

Carlson, W.B., (1992). "Artifacts and frames of meaning: Thomas A. Edison, his managers, and the cultural construction of motion pictures," in W.E. Bijker and J. Law Shaping technology/building society: Studies in sociotechnical change. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, pp. 175-198.

Chandler, D., (2002). Technological or media determinism. Retrieved from

History and Development of Sound Technologies and Sound Design in Film
Pages: 40 Words: 11249

sound technologies and sound design in Film
Sound in films

Experiments in Early Age


Crucial innovations

Commercialization of sound cinema: U.S., Europe, and Japan

Sound Design

Unified sound in film production

Sound designers in Cinematography

Sound Recording Technologies

History of Sound Recording Technology

Film sound technology

Modern Digital Technology

History of sound in films


Sound Design

Sound Recording Technologies

The film industry is a significant beneficiary of performing arts. The liberal arts combined with latest techniques and advancements experienced a number of stages. The introduction of films and sound in films was a significant development of its times. The introduction of first film along with sound was a unique event and it revolutionized the industry in such a way that it influenced every individual related to the industry to start thinking on creative and innovative grounds for improvements. The stages of films can be identified as silent films shown in theaters and they were narrated live. However the introduction of sound in films was…...



Alten, SR 2008, Audio In Media, Thomson Wadsworth, USA.

Altman, R 2004, Silent Film Sound, Columbia University Press, USA.

Ballou, G 2008, Handbook for sound engineers, Focal Press, USA.

Beck, J & Grajeda, T 2008, Lowering the boom: critical studies in film sound, University of Illinois Press.

Light Does Not Turn on One Must
Pages: 7 Words: 2365

light does not turn on one must take several considerations in determining the cause of the situation. In order to figure out why the light is not turning on, analysis of the situation through the scientific method may be utilized. The first step is to pose the question of why the light does not turn on. esearch must then be undertaken to determine the cause. In this instance, there are three different approaches that can be undertaken. The first is to determine if the light does not turn on simply because the light bulb has burned out; the second is to determine if the light does not turn on because there is no power in the house, and if there is no power in the house, is the outage contained solely to the house or is it there an outage on a larger scale, perhaps citywide.
The first hypothesis to…...


Reference List:

"The 20th Century's Ten Greatest Public Health Achievements in the United States." (2011).

What is Public Health. Retrieved from

A Chronological History of Electronic Development. (1946). New York: National Electrical

Manufacturers Association. Retrieved from .

John Pierpont Morgan 1837 -- 1931 Is
Pages: 8 Words: 2647

John Pierpont Morgan (1837 -- 1931) is one of the more controversial figures in the history of America and the world of finance. Described as a sui generis, a colossus (McCallum, p. 2), "the organizer" (Miller, 2003), "banker of last resort" (Andrews, 1999), and "the man of the hour" (Corey, p. 348), John Pierpont Morgan has also been called a "robber baron" (Andrews, 1999). Thus, it is evident that J.P. Morgan was a man who was as much praised for his actions in saving the American economy during the 1895 and 1907 crises, as he was criticized and derided for what was seen as his calculated control of the financial world and American business. Viewed from the lens of financial history, however, there can be little doubt that no person, either before or since, has left "upon the great art of money getting so important an influence." (Flynn, p. 452)…...


Works Cited

1000 Management Giants. "John Pierpont Morgan." Treasury of Investment Wisdom.

1999. Accessed April 30, 2005:

Andrews, J. "American Financier." Insight on the News. June 28, 1999. Vol. 15: 24


What role did key figures play in shaping American history?
Words: 289

American History is a vast and complex subject that encompasses the struggles, triumphs, and evolution of a nation. From the earliest Native American societies to the present day, the history of America is a story of conflict, growth, and change. In this essay, we will explore key events, figures, and movements that have shaped the course of American history, from the colonial era to the modern age. By examining the challenges and accomplishments of the past, we can gain a deeper understanding of the values and ideals that have defined the American experience. Join us on a journey through time....

How did Thomas Edison\'s inventions revolutionize the way we live?
Words: 356

Thomas Edison's inventions revolutionized the way we live in several ways:

1. Light bulb: Edison's incandescent light bulb brought light into homes, businesses, and streets at all hours of the day, making it easier for people to work, study, and travel after dark.

2. Phonograph: Edison's invention of the phonograph allowed for the recording and playback of sound, transforming the way we listen to music, the radio, and other audio recordings.

3. Motion picture camera: Edison's development of the motion picture camera laid the foundation for the film industry and revolutionized entertainment, communication, and advertising.

4. Electrical power distribution: Edison also played a key....

How did Thomas Edison\'s inventions revolutionize the way we live?
Words: 670

Thomas Edison's Revolutionary Inventions: Reshaping the Modern World

Thomas Edison, an American inventor with an unparalleled legacy, revolutionized the way we live through his transformative inventions. His contributions to electricity, communication, and entertainment laid the foundation for modern society.

1. The Electric Light Bulb: Illuminating the Night

Edison's incandescent light bulb, patented in 1879, transformed nights from darkness into brilliance. Replacing kerosene lamps and candles, it provided a safe, reliable, and affordable source of light. This invention revolutionized work and leisure activities, extending hours of productivity and allowing people to engage in nighttime entertainment.

2. The Electric Grid: Powering Modernity

Edison established the first centralized....

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