Trial Brief Essays (Examples)

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Trial Brief: NLV v. Eco
NLV Laboratories, Inc. v. Eco Compliance Corporation

Whether an existing dispute over an agreement should have precluded summary judgment.


NLV appealed the summary judgment, claiming that no accord and satisfaction could have existed unless full payment was received.

NLV argued that the mere existence of a dispute should have precluded a summary judgment.


NLV Laboratories billed Eco Compliance $42,754.50 for services rendered

Eco Compliance sent a check for $13,531.19, stating in writing that this amount represented full and final payment and difference from the bill was deducted for overcharges and negligence on a different project.

NLV responded by depositing the check sent by Eco and then demanding the balance owed in writing.

Eco refused to pay any more and NLV sued.

Eco presented an accord and satisfaction defense and a request for summary judgment based on this defense was granted.

NLV appealed the summary judgment.

HOLDING: The Washington Court of Appeals concluded that….

Appellate Brief
Question Presented / Issue Statement

Appellant Mary Smith seeks review of the decision of the United States District Court for the District of Anytown, which granted judgment in favor of appellees, the United States Postal Service (U.S.P.S.) and Jim Bonilla, egional Supervisor of the U.S.P.S., on their motion to dismiss appellant's complaint for failure to exhaust administrative remedies in appellant's lawsuit for gender discrimination, hostile work environment, and constructive discharge in violation of Title VII of the Civil ights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq. (Title VII). The questions presented in that case was whether appellant provided sufficient facts to warrant tolling her claim under a theory of equitable estoppel or whether the Court should refuse to hear her claims because they were filed after the applicable tolling period. Specifically, these questions are:

Does the time limitation outlined in 29 C.F.. § 1614.105(a)(1) prevent Ms. Smith from bringing….







Yellow MOD

























Task Force

Command Level

Major Subordinate Element

(MSE) Level

MSE Subordinate

Units Level

Depict Command Relationships




JTF-50 COA Presentation Format


Reading C340.3


Phase I-Deter

Air and naval strikes, in coordination with Sof and Marine for Operation theater entry.

Additional forces are brought to the shore whenever it is necessary.

With control area being denied to enemy forces

That could be of a big threat to mine clearing operations.

With central areas denied to enemy forces that could threaten other areas, mine clearing operations commence in the Strait of Mormuz

With the straight being open, some of the forces that are ashore and then withdrawn.

Phase II-Seize Initiative

A force of special operations forces and possibly Army airborne and air assault units, could seize and hold a lodgment at a time and location of Central Command's choosing Immediately after landing.

SOF, Marine Corps, and Army forces would concentrate their efforts on expanding their operating perimeter and preventing the enemy from closing within range to….

United States of America (plaintiff) v. amzi Ahmed Yousef, Eyad Ismoil and Abdul Hakim Murad (defendants)


amzi Yousef, Eyad Ismoil also known as Eyad Ismail, and Abdul Hakim Murad also known as Saeed Ahmed were charged by the United States in a federal district court for conspiring to bomb twelve American commercial airlines in Southeast Asia. Following his entry in Manila, Philippines in 1994, Yousef developed a plan for the attack which incorporated five people placing bombs aboard the aircraft and exiting them at their first layoff. Together with other people, Yousef tested the plan on two incidents by placing smaller bombs in other aircrafts. This plan was discovered when the three accidentally started a fire when burning chemicals in the Manila apartment. The area police arrived at the scene and found plans to carry out the attacks on Yousef's computer as well as components for developing a bomb. Yousef, Ismoil,….

As per the arrangement, this will see Dulux offer the product for sale under its own brand name. In exchange for the access it will have to PFP technology, Dulux will be expected to pay an annual royalty fee. The said fee is expected to be 15% of the profits Dulux rakes in from the sale of PFP paint. Thus with regard to merchandising, PFP Ltd. plans to have a main partnership with Dulux. On the production front, the company will enter into a one year trial period partnership with Dulux for the production of Power Paint. Mass production of the same will largely be dependent on the results of this trial.
Benefits of Partnership

One of the key benefits of PFP's partnership with Dulux is the specialization each partner brings to the arrangement. Currently, Dulux has an elaborate distribution system and sound customer base to guarantee maximum exposure to Power….

Criminal Process; Arraignment to Pre-Trial
The purpose of criminal law is to promote respect for the law by people and ensure a just, safe, and peaceful society. The American justice system has many commendable elements that are aligned to the objectives of a justice system. The trial system significantly addresses many point of subtlety and does a great job in its effort to uphold the rule of law. In the effort to deliver justice, it is important that the rights of the defendant be uphold. This paper seeks to shed light on three stages before the process of criminal trial, and how the rights of the defendant are catered for in each of the stages before trial commences. These stages include the information, arraignment and the subsequent hearings at pretrial.


The stage that precedes and leads to trial in a criminal case is called arraignment. Arraignment must be done within reasonable time….

Although in this particular case it seemed that Scott Peterson was guilty, even if the evidence was just circumstantial, this type of evidence has sent many people to death, only to find out later that they were not guilty. This is actually a flaw of the jury system. The European continental system lets a judge appreciate whether a person is guilty or not of some crime. Since judges have to pass an exam in order to be appointed and since they are not elected for some period of time, their complete independence is assured. This way, an impartial judge would be indifferent to the media pressure and would weigh the evidence better than any jury, since a judge certainly has more experience than any juror. However, the American legal system chose to put ordinary people to judge other ordinary people, with the "guilty beyond reasonable doubt" principle as the….

The tactic backfired on him as Northern Republicans viewed with hostility his interest in reconciling fast and returning the south to
viability. Bitter northerners felt this denoted a suspect allegiance and
brutally attacked his policies, especially his effort to create a cabinet
more sympathetic to his interest in reconciliation.
By outcome, his opponents amongst northern republicans struck
preemptively. "Sensing vulnerability, Congress moved against Johnson by
passing the Tenure of Office Act, which limited Johnson's ability to remove
cabinet officials without congressional approval." (Bacon, 1) hen the
inevitable struck and Johnson attempted to remove a divisive secretary of
war, fringe elements of congress rallied for his impeachment. Though his
presidency was preserved by one vote, his fate as a divider and a president
made impotent by political opposition was sealed.

orks Cited:

Bacon, D.C. et al. (1995). History of the United States Congress. New
York: Simon….

M. Lin's release from MCF has had the effect of rendering his lawsuit moot. In this case, M. Lin was incarcerated at the time the lawsuit was filed, but not at the time it is being decided. Thus, M. Lin's cause of action fails on the issue of mootness. Additionally, of the six members whom were denied visitation privileges, five of them have had sons which whom were formerly incarcerated at MCF, but now have been released. The son of the sixth MOM member asserting denial of visitation privileges died after his release from MCF. Thus, all of the six members of MOM claims will fail as a result of mootness.


The controversy must be ripe for decision; ripeness bars consideration of claims before they have fully developed. A case may be dismissed as unripe where a statute has never been enforced and there is no real threat that….

Amicus Brief that I examined for this particular assignment is entitled "Floyd v. Cain." It largely functions as a means of providing evidence that people may falsely confess to crimes for a multitude of reasons. Therefore, it implies that not all convictions are actually true, particularly those in which false confessions may have been involved.
This particular brief was written due to a legal matter involving John Floyd, who has spent approximately the past 30 years in prison largely due to his confession to a charge of murder. There are several mitigating factors pertaining to this particular case, most noticeably the fact that Floyd "has a full scale IQ of 59 and, at age 60, reads at the level of a second grader" (APA, 2013). At the time that the American Psychological Association (APA) prepared this brief, there was new evidence in Floyd's case that he may have falsely confessed.….

Supreme Court and Trials

History Of the estern Law
Meaning - in legal terms - for nations to "stay the hand of vengeance"

Justice Robert Jackson, while delivering his opening speech in November 1945 during the infamous Nuremberg trials for war offenses, enjoined the leaders of the Allied forces to "stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law" (Bass, 424). According to Jackson, doing this would be "one of the most significant tributes that Power has ever paid to Reason." The combining factor in the winner's retribution in events like the botched trials at Constantinople and Leipzig after the first orld ar, the orld ar II Nuremberg trials, the Napoleon story and the on-going trial of the rulers of the Slobodan Milosevic's empire all point to an appreciation of the legal sector which has been well defined as "fixation on a process, a sense that international trials….

Caption: In re Gault et al., 387 U.S. 1; 87 S. Ct. 1428; 18 L. Ed. 2D 527; 1967 U.S. LEXIS 1478; 40 Ohio Op. 2D 378.

Facts: After allegedly making obscene phone calls to a neighbor, the appellants' son, a fifteen-year-old boy, was taken into custody by the Gila County sheriff. The detention occurred without notice to the parents. The boy was questioned without being advised of his right to silence and without his parents present. At no time were the boy or his parents advised that the boy had the right to counsel. When the mother went to the juvenile facility where her son was being detained, she was advised that he was being held because of obscene phone calls and that a hearing would occur the next day. At the hearing in the Juvenile Court, a petition was filed stating that the boy was a delinquent minor.….

policy, law and management. It is based on a particular background that has been provided.
Law, Policy, and Management Brief: Models of Court-Agency Interaction

Courts play a very significant role as they interact with administrative agencies. Administrative agencies are beyond the influence of the technical processes that are applied in courts of trial. The rules that are used in court trials are not applicable in the proceedings of agencies. Moreover, agencies also have the power to outline the rules that will govern the proceedings of the agency when there is no statutory provision. The agencies have been given broad discretion when it comes to creating rules to govern proceeding (Administrative Agency Adjudications - Administrative Law).

However, the agencies do not have the power to act like the legislature when creating procedural rules. The jurisdiction of agencies is the power that the law gives them to make judgment in controversies. In administrative law,….

Ohio Case Brief Mapp v

K. Comment: I agree with the majority opinion. The Constitution is the absolute guiding law of the land, and the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees that its protections will be extended to state actions. The Fourth Amendment guarantees a right to privacy and assures citizens that they will be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. The Fourth Amendment also imposes a warrant requirement for the majority of searches, so that most searches that occur without a warrant violate the Fourth Amendment. The search in this case certainly violated the Fourth Amendment, but whether or not the constitutional violations were as egregious as in this case should not be the determinant of whether evidence is excluded, because the Constitution absolutely bans all unreasonable searches and seizures. hile the dissent suggests that other remedies can help a defendant who has been subjected to an unreasonable search and seizure, the fact is that none of….

Tackling Details

After establishing the basics for knowledge management, the next step includes "Developing support and setting expectations." Lessons learned during this process and recommended to others considering utilizing knowledge management were reported to be:

1. To help insure the project starts off right and ends up right the first time, consider consulting a consultant, Stoll recommends. esearch and interview potential candidates to insure a positive working relationship.

2. Equip organization/business board and/or management to "get on board." Present benefits; concerns; projected outcomes. Stress expected benefits such as:

Better knowledge sharing among staff and member/customers;

Improved records-management system for enhanced use of our knowledge;

System that uses member/customer knowledge to improve customer relationship management and provide better services to members/customers.

3. Consider funding costs of the project.

4. Identify and set goals and expectations, yet be flexible when change is needed.

Moving forward

The Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management which contains 940 definitions and 3,600 plus references discusses concepts/ideas from the….

1 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Trial Brief Nlv v Eco Nlv Laboratories

Words: 325
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Trial Brief: NLV v. Eco NLV Laboratories, Inc. v. Eco Compliance Corporation Whether an existing dispute over an agreement should have precluded summary judgment. SUBSTANTIVE FACTS: NLV appealed the summary judgment, claiming that…

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15 Pages

Sports - College

Brief for Smith V U S P S And Bonilla

Words: 4841
Length: 15 Pages

Appellate Brief Question Presented / Issue Statement Appellant Mary Smith seeks review of the decision of the United States District Court for the District of Anytown, which granted judgment in favor…

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16 Pages
Professional Writing


Action Decision Brief What You

Words: 4284
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Professional Writing

3 16 JTF JFACC JFLCC JFSOCC JFMCC Yellow MOD Coordination TACON OPCON COCOM XX ESG CSG SAG MPS PATRON SAG Amphib X SF NSWTG PSYOPS JSOAC AETF AEF ASOG Yellow Patrol Boats COA 1 Task Force Command Level Major Subordinate Element (MSE) Level MSE Subordinate Units Level Depict Command Relationships X XX Yellow JTF-50 COA Presentation Format DJMO C340 EXERCISE MATERIAL Reading C340.3 17 Phase I-Deter Air and naval strikes, in coordination with Sof and Marine…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Terrorism-Related Case Briefs

Words: 2236
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Parties: United States of America (plaintiff) v. amzi Ahmed Yousef, Eyad Ismoil and Abdul Hakim Murad (defendants) Facts: amzi Yousef, Eyad Ismoil also known as Eyad Ismail, and Abdul Hakim Murad also…

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2 Pages


Print for Power Brief Introduction

Words: 792
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

As per the arrangement, this will see Dulux offer the product for sale under its own brand name. In exchange for the access it will have to PFP…

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6 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal process from arraignment to pre trial

Words: 3011
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Criminal Process; Arraignment to Pre-Trial The purpose of criminal law is to promote respect for the law by people and ensure a just, safe, and peaceful society. The American justice…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Scott Peterson Trial Has Provoked

Words: 1894
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although in this particular case it seemed that Scott Peterson was guilty, even if the evidence was just circumstantial, this type of evidence has sent many people to…

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1 Pages

American History

A Brief Overview of Johnson's

Words: 321
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

The tactic backfired on him as Northern Republicans viewed with hostility his interest in reconciling fast and returning the south to viability. Bitter northerners felt this denoted a suspect allegiance…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Appellant Brief - Prisoners' First

Words: 3496
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

M. Lin's release from MCF has had the effect of rendering his lawsuit moot. In this case, M. Lin was incarcerated at the time the lawsuit was filed,…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Business - Law

Amicus Brief That I Examined for This

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Amicus Brief that I examined for this particular assignment is entitled "Floyd v. Cain." It largely functions as a means of providing evidence that people may falsely confess…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Supreme Court and Trials

Words: 2921
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

History Of the estern Law Meaning - in legal terms - for nations to "stay the hand of vengeance" Justice Robert Jackson, while delivering his opening speech in November 1945 during…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Case Brief Delinquent Minor

Words: 960
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gault Caption: In re Gault et al., 387 U.S. 1; 87 S. Ct. 1428; 18 L. Ed. 2D 527; 1967 U.S. LEXIS 1478; 40 Ohio Op. 2D 378. Facts: After…

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5 Pages


Analyzing Law Policy and Management Brief

Words: 1648
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

policy, law and management. It is based on a particular background that has been provided. Law, Policy, and Management Brief: Models of Court-Agency Interaction Courts play a very significant role…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Ohio Case Brief Mapp v

Words: 1817
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

K. Comment: I agree with the majority opinion. The Constitution is the absolute guiding law of the land, and the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees that its protections will be extended…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Knowledge Management - Trial and

Words: 3015
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Tackling Details After establishing the basics for knowledge management, the next step includes "Developing support and setting expectations." Lessons learned during this process and recommended to others considering utilizing knowledge…

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