United Nations Essays (Examples)

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United Nations

United Nations
Should we stop supporting the United Nations?

Position: No. We should not stop supporting the United Nations.

The international alliance to fight dangers to international safety, of any kind, exists and we know it as the United Nations. UN has not become outmoded at all. No matter what, it may have become even more significant compared to what it has been in the past. (http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/may/01inter.htm) The relative benefits of the United Nation are its worldwide participating nations, political authenticity, organizational neutrality, procedural proficiency, and setting up and mustering control. The UN is the universe's lone legitimate medium for creating, uniting and wielding authority on behalf of the global community. For the U.S. who acted towards the United Nations with a certain measure of apathy and even disdain, in my opinion the UN is going to establish its significance very shortly. The United Nations is the ideal medium for a purposeful and….

United Nations -- Criticisms
Description of the United Nations

The United Nations (UN) has a security council that consists of 15 members. The main purpose of this council is to resolve any issues and conflicts in order to maintain peace among the nations in the world. This council was initiated in 1946. The formation of this council happened at the time when the League of Nations failed. The main reason given for their failure is the fact that they didn't have enough influence on the members to make them adopt resolutions. However, UN's Security Council not only works as the council that solves the conflicts and other issues that arise but it also creates sanctions, binds resolutions, dispatches peace speakers etc.

From among all the bodies of the UN, Security Council is usually the first one that tries to solve the conflicts. Its main aim is to solve the conflicts even before they….

Still, the British's treatment of its subjects and the colonies still impacts the United States today. In fact, the entire constitution is based around ideas of democracy that were inspired by English tyranny. In another example, the Australian people were victimized by the perpetrators of the Lost Generation, members of the colonizing nation who took native children in order to make them civilized. This human rights abuse was drastic, in that children were taken from their parents, doing harm to both child and family members. In addition, the native culture was ridiculed as less than civilized. These attitudes and the pain over this action still affect Australia, recently enticing the government to institute National Sorry Day.
As these examples suggest, actions during colonial periods deeply affect nations, even to this day. Peacekeeping units must be properly educated in the history of these actions in order to deal with these sensitivities.


In this sense, the mission's objective were "to verify respect for human rights as laid down in the Haitian Constitution and in the international instruments to which Haiti is a party, in particular, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights. The Mission would devote special attention to the observance of the rights to life, to the integrity and security of the person, to personal liberty, to freedom of expression and to freedom of association."
These were clearly aspects of international life which had been breached before in other crisis of the sort. The observers were deployed and scattered throughout the country.

The results of the mission were not as expected however. efore the mission the situation in the country was the following: "Almost 4,000 people were killed and over 300,000 people were internally displaced.' For political reasons, many were disappeared, others received gunshot….

United Nations and US Foreign Policy Making
This paper aims to describe the role of the United Nations in the making of United States foreign policy. In an effort to present the argument that the United Nations has an increasingly smaller role in U.S. decisions, this paper presents a short background of U.N. history, an explanation of the roles, responsibilities and interests of the U.N., and a discussion on the U.N.'s role in U.S. foreign policy making.

The United Nations (U.N.) was created in October 1945, when the U.N. Charter was ratified by a majority of the original 51 Member States (U.N. Cyber Schoolbus, 2004). The main purpose of the United Nations is to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development, based on the principles of justice, human dignity and the well being of all human beings. It provides the opportunity for countries to balance global….

United Nations Rights the

As evident in the "Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 1: Charter of International Military Tribunal," foreign nations had used N conventions to step into other countries affairs if certain rights were violated. Officers of the Nazi regime were tried in an international tribunal unlike any event before. They were tried not only for war crimes, but also for their crimes against humanity, which included the mass extermination of millions of European Jews.
Paul G. Lauren explains in the Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen, that the essential language used in formulating the N Charter encouraged many nations and individuals to take action against known violators of human rights. The Nuremberg trials were one of the most prominent examples of how these international criminals can be brought to justice outside of the protection of their own nation's regimes.

General Assembly of the nited Nations. "Charter of the nited Nations." 1948. http://www.un.org/aboutun/charter/

General Assembly….

United Nations Compact for a New Century
The UN Global Compact (UNGC) is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption (United Nations, 2010). The framework was developed to help international organizations develop responsible corporate leadership and implement policies that are favorable to the world's population. The UNGC brings business leaders together with other institutions to hold conferences, discuss best practices, and finds ways to promote responsible corporate citizenship (Janney, Dess, and Forloni, 2009). The UNGC was launched in July 2000 and has 6,000 participating businesses in 130 countries worldwide (United Nations, 2010). The Compact has had a positive effect on international businesses and in developing countries.

The UNGC is both voluntary and visible; firms who join it are publicly pledging support to the values that the UNGC sets forth….

UK Human ights Law
The United Nations General Assembly proclaims the Universal Declaration of Human ights as a "common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations" for teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms (Human ights Library 2001) by member states and peoples under their jurisdiction. This Declaration recognizes, promotes and protects the inherent freedom, equality, dignity and rights of all human beings to interact with one another in the spirit of brotherhood; recognizes these rights and freedoms regardless of race, color, language, sex, religion, opinion, origin or other status or political status of their government; the individual right to life, liberty and security of person; prohibits slavery and the slave trade and torture or any other degrading treatment or punishment; equality before the law and equal protection by the law without any discrimination; right to effective remedy and full, public and fair hearing by….

N. members. For the approval of a judge candidate for the International Court of Justice or a Charter amendment, a 2/3 majority of U.N. members is required, not just those that are present and voting.
Part 5- Consensus Decision-Making

When referring to the United Nations, consensus refers to a method of negotiation and a method of decision making. Under the rubric of U.N. voting, consensus means that the voting body will have reached at least an agreement with all members that the issue will move forward or die -- that a reasonable level of agreement is in place, even if all members are not 100% for or 100% against. Unanimity and majority rule are different than consensus in that unanimity indicates that all members actively support the measure and a majority that 51.1% indicates pro-or con. Consensus simply means that there is no clear majority, nor is there 100% agreement to fully….

Another clear advantage of the United Nations is its human rights work. Although it has not always applied its decisions equally to all member countries and has been slow to respond to human rights issues involving women and non-Europeans or non-Americans, the United Nations has been successful in improving the general conditions of human life. The United Nation's position as human-rights watchdog has recently been revamped. Prior to March of 2006, the United Nations Commission on Human ights contained many members who were accused of human rights violations. This commission was replaced by the United Nations Human ights Council. The Human ights Council appears more willing than its predecessor to call attention to human rights violations, regardless of the country in violation. However, it has yet to be determined whether the United Nations is willing to intervene in human-rights issues when the violator is one of its more important members.….

ENDING POVERTYUnited Nations Sustainability Goal (Poverty)In the year 2015, the United Nations came up with a total of 15 Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations Development Program UNDP, 2022). The very first sustainable development goal (christened SDG 1) concerns itself with bringing an end to poverty. More specifically, this particular goal seeks to end poverty in all its forms everywhere (United Nations, 2022). It would be prudent to note that poverty is associated with a number of undesirable outcomes at the personal and societal/community levels. Some of the negative impacts of poverty at the individual level are inclusive of lack of access to quality healthcare, limited educational opportunities, etc. At the societal level, poverty results in poor living conditions for families (which is associated with poor health outcomes, i.e. spread of disease), increased crime rates, increased healthcare costs (i.e. as a consequence of spread of disease), etc. Towards this end,….

The United Nations in the International System: Effectiveness of Collective Security Introduction
The concept of collective security is used by countries to end or avert conflicts. The arrangement of collective security provides that an attack against one nation has a ripple down effect to the other country and they should act as a unit to deter the attacker[footnoteRef:1]. Once the Cold War ended, the primary issues of international security have undergone significant changes. Through the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping, several conflicts in Africa, Asia, and Central America were resolved. Peacekeeping is one of the central means by which the United Nations fulfills its roles in maintaining security and peace internationally[footnoteRef:2]. The United Nations, as well as the League of Nations, was established on the collective security principle. This paper delves into how the collective security has evolved its role as the foundation for most global peace agreements and its effectiveness regarding peacekeeping.….

Role of the UN in Solving Island DisputesIntroductionTheoretically, there are a number of ways in which the UN can play a more impactful role in untangling island disputes around the globe. For instance, the UN can provide mediation and arbitration services to help parties resolve their differences. Or, the UN can use its diplomatic clout to encourage parties to negotiate in good faith and find innovative solutions to their problems. Then again, the UN could provide financial and technical assistance to help countries develop and implement policies that will reduce the risk of future disputes. However, the issue of island disputes is not as simple as may seem and understanding why could be helpful in planning for the future.The research question of this proposal is: How can the UN play a more impactful role in untangling Island disputes around the globe?GoalsThe question may be broad but it allows for numerous….

UN Headquarters: Formal Analysis Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer assisted in the design of the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York City with a number of other celebrated architects. He along with Le Corbusier of France served as the main designers of the building.
15 immediate observations that can be made upon first seeing the UN Headquarters are:
1. The main high rise is rectangular, like a giant 2x6.
2. It shines with so much glass.
3. It has flat building structures at the base that lead up to it.
4. The street side base structure curves inward and is lined with flags of the world’s nations.
5. The main structure that rises up has its wide flat face pointed out to sea.
6. The building itself is not deep in terms of depth on the sides.
7. It is longer than it is wide and higher than it is long.
8. It resembles a shiny, glass monolith.
9. It has….

Once all countries, big, small, rich and poor, realize that their greater good lies in maintaining global peace without any "ifs and buts" they can join forces to reform the UN and make it a more effective body.
orks Cited

Charter of the United Nations." United Nations' Official ebsite. 2007. March 10, 2007. http://www.un.org/aboutun/charter/index.html

Holmes, Kim R. "New orld Disorder: A Critique of the United Nations." Journal of International Affairs. 46: 2, 1993. pp: 323-340

Kant, Immanuel. "Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch." 1795. Mount Holyoke College. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/kant/kant1.htm

Mallaby, Sebastian. "Bound to Fail." Newsweek International, March 5, 2007 issue. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17311792/site/newsweek/

Slavin, Barbara and Bill Nichols. "Bolton a 'guided missile.'" USA TODAY. 11/30/2003. March 10, 2007 http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2003-11-30-bolton-usat_x.htm

The Charter of the United Nations was signed by the representatives of 50 countries on June 26, 1945; the start of its preamble states: "e the peoples of the United Nations [are] determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of….

The term global perspective actually has a few different meanings, depending on the discipline.  It can refer to an individual’s personal lens and how they view the globe; to various perspectives about an issue from around the globe; and to views linked to globalization and the impact of individual or nation-wide actions on the world and its inhabitants.   We are going to provide a range of topic suggestions that incorporate all of these different definitions of global perspectives, with the most suggestions coming from the last topic, as it is the most commonly used across academic disciplines.


Title: The Impact of Global Wars on Societies: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons

Global wars have shaped world history, leaving indelible imprints on societies and cultures. This essay explores the causes, consequences, and lessons derived from the major global wars in history. By examining significant conflicts such as World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, we gain an understanding of the profound socio-political changes and humanitarian crises resulting from these wars. Utilizing a range of authoritative resources, this essay aims to present a comprehensive examination of global wars and their legacy.

I. Causes of Global Wars
A. Imperialism and Expansionism

Creating a 900-word essay on global warming is a substantial task. However, we can certainly help you get started with an outline, key points, and some sources that you can use to expand your essay.


"Global Warming: Understanding the Crisis and Seeking Solutions"

Introduction (Approx. 150 words):

  • Definition of global warming.
  • Brief overview of how global warming has become a critical issue in the 21st century.
  • Thesis statement: This essay explores the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to global warming.

Causes of Global Warming (Approx. 250 words):

  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Explain how carbon dioxide, methane, and....

1. The historical background of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
2. The role of Crimea in escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine.
3. The impact of the conflict on Ukrainian society and economy.
4. The international response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
5. Media coverage and propaganda surrounding the conflict.
6. Human rights violations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
7. The implications of the conflict for European security and stability.
8. Peacekeeping efforts and potential resolutions to the conflict.
9. The influence of Russian and Ukrainian nationalism on the conflict.
10. The role of energy resources in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
11. The impact of the conflict on the global economy and energy markets.

2 Pages
Term Paper


United Nations

Words: 929
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

United Nations Should we stop supporting the United Nations? Position: No. We should not stop supporting the United Nations. The international alliance to fight dangers to international safety, of any kind, exists…

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6 Pages


United Nations -- Criticisms Description of the

Words: 2336
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

United Nations -- Criticisms Description of the United Nations The United Nations (UN) has a security council that consists of 15 members. The main purpose of this council is to resolve…

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2 Pages


United Nations Colonialism and Its

Words: 672
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Still, the British's treatment of its subjects and the colonies still impacts the United States today. In fact, the entire constitution is based around ideas of democracy that…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


United Nations Missions in Haiti

Words: 3116
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In this sense, the mission's objective were "to verify respect for human rights as laid down in the Haitian Constitution and in the international instruments to which Haiti…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


United Nations and Its Relevance in U S Foreign Policy Making

Words: 2748
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

United Nations and US Foreign Policy Making This paper aims to describe the role of the United Nations in the making of United States foreign policy. In an effort to…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


United Nations Rights the

Words: 445
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As evident in the "Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 1: Charter of International Military Tribunal," foreign nations had used N conventions to step into other countries affairs if certain…

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3 Pages


United Nations Compact for a New Century

Words: 1001
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

United Nations Compact for a New Century The UN Global Compact (UNGC) is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

UK Human Rights Law the United Nations

Words: 2052
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

UK Human ights Law The United Nations General Assembly proclaims the Universal Declaration of Human ights as a "common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations" for teaching…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


United Nations Was Conceived the

Words: 1233
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

N. members. For the approval of a judge candidate for the International Court of Justice or a Charter amendment, a 2/3 majority of U.N. members is required, not just…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


United Nations When the United

Words: 1352
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another clear advantage of the United Nations is its human rights work. Although it has not always applied its decisions equally to all member countries and has been slow…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


United Nations Sustainability Goal Ending Poverty

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

ENDING POVERTYUnited Nations Sustainability Goal (Poverty)In the year 2015, the United Nations came up with a total of 15 Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations Development Program UNDP, 2022).…

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15 Pages


The Role of the UN in Promoting World Peace

Words: 5261
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Dissertation

The United Nations in the International System: Effectiveness of Collective Security Introduction The concept of collective security is used by countries to end or avert conflicts. The arrangement of collective security…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal

Law - International

How Does the UN Solve Conflicts

Words: 2099
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Role of the UN in Solving Island DisputesIntroductionTheoretically, there are a number of ways in which the UN can play a more impactful role in untangling island disputes around…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Design of the United Nations Headquarters in NYC

Words: 573
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

UN Headquarters: Formal Analysis Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer assisted in the design of the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York City with a number of other celebrated architects. He…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


United Nations Has the United

Words: 1623
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Once all countries, big, small, rich and poor, realize that their greater good lies in maintaining global peace without any "ifs and buts" they can join forces to…

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