University Essays (Examples)

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University Students Engaged in Paid Employment
APA- 6th Edition

For various reasons, there has been an increase in employment in university students. One reason for this shift is a change in the demographics of university students. No longer are university students primarily composed of young adults who transition immediately from primary education to the university setting. Instead, many university students are non-traditional students. Many of them are older, have families, and have been actively involved in the workforce for significant periods of time prior to entering the university setting. Other students may enter universities at the traditional change, but face financial challenges requiring them to work to either support themselves or pay for the education, which reflects a cultural shift in both the willingness to subsidize education and the class requirements for higher education. For example, "reductions in financial support for higher education students have taken place in the UK since the….

Delgado further argues,
Rules against hate speech, homophobic remarks and misogyny serve both symbolic and institutional values... It has been argued that such prohibitions operate in derogation of the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech, but that amendment already is subject to dozens of exceptions -- libel, defamation, words of conspiracy or threat, disrespectful words uttered to a judge or police officer, irrelevant or untrue words spoken in a judicial proceeding, copyright, plagiarism, official secrets, misleading advertising and many more. The social interest in deterring vicious racial or sexual vituperation certainly seems at least as great as that underlying these other forms of speech deemed unworthy of First Amendment protection. (Gottfried and Delgado 25)

Another defender of speech codes is Barbara Bowen, the president of the Professional Staff Congress, the faculty union of the City University of New York, who states, "I don't accept that the left has created a….

University Comparison
Two Universities:

The educations system in the United States is said to be, many times, unique. This education system seems to stress practically over everything else, and this is something good, but many times, other ideas may benefit from consideration by education authorities in merica. This paper will thus focus upon two universities in order to see their similarities and differences, namely University of Ghana and Georgia State University, and see which, if either is better suited or a better institution in which individuals can learn.

The very first difference, from the simple names of the universities shows that one of them is a state university in the United States, and the other is a national university of a country in frica. This, however, does not mean that there are not similarities. For example, both universities have beautifully built websites, that give a detailed history of the particular university. The "about"….

Some notable alumni of UCF are today successful managers, entrepreneurs as well as professionals in their own right. Others like Dick Batchelor and Bruce Antone, both of whom at one point served as Florida's State Representatives, have held senior public offices. By seeking to undertake a graduate program at UCF; I will be looking forward to joining the ever expanding list of notable UCF graduates. Also, as an alumnus of UCF, I will in addition to flying the institution's flag high also have a chance to excel in the various facets of life given the skills I will have gleaned from a world-class team of staff, faculty as well as administrators at UCF.
My Five and Ten-Year Career Objectives

I have several objectives I seek to accomplish both in the short-term and in the long run. Quite a number of these objectives are pegged on my completing of the MBA program.….

University of Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International Diploma In Management

Higher Professional Level

All work submitted for assessment must be accompanied by an Assignment Cover heet. Fill in your Candidate and Module details on this form, sign the declaration and attach this Cover heet to the front of your work. Your tutor or responsible person at your centre must sign the declaration that this is all your own work. You must state the number of words in your assignment, excluding bibliography and appendices.

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Candidate Name

Alaa Eddin Al Jabban

Indicate which module the enclosed work relates to by ticking the box in the last column.

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Assessment Method

Management kills


Management File

Financial Management


4000-word assignment

Information ystems Management


4000-word assignment

trategic Management


4000-word assignment

Human Resource Planning


4000-word assignment

Organizational Behavior and Change Management


4000-word assignment

Customer Relations Management


4000-word assignment

trategic Marketing


4000-word assignment

Case tudy


8000-word assignment

Please tick the box if this is a resubmission

Tutor Comments (Optional):

Candidate Declaration: I confirm that the enclosed assignment is all….

The ten major differences between the Medieval/Renaissance University and matriculation into college, in fact, were: gender, availability, language, curriculum focus, study/work expectation, finances, instruction/tutorial, testing/exams, overall function in society, and post-graduation expectations. These are outlined in Table 1.




Gender Roles

Males only, students and faculty

Male dominated until late 19th, early 20th century

Educational Availability

For only the very wealthy or those with a patron or scholarship

Post-World War II available to the masses


Most courses taught in Latin; classical languages emphasized for educated classes

With the exception of foreign languages; typically taught in the vernacular of the locale

Curriculum Focus

Religion or Law' Bachelor's took six years, and 12 additional for MA or PhD; students often started at 14, though, so were middle aged when graduated.

Multidimensional; including cross-disciplinary and societal-based studies (e.g. gender studies, etc.)

Study/Work Expectations

School was full time, students expected to live on stipend and spend time studying, attending lectures, reading, and discussing ideas. Classes began at dawn,….

My itinerary focuses on the world of finance -- the complex world in which numbers, business, and events coalesce with moral and ethical philosophies to help guide the world forward. Particularly in this chronological time, in which people have become jaded and cynical about this world, my experience and desire to provide more than just numerical analysis to my education provides me with the opportunity to interact with a university community and then take those experiences into other situations that will benefit from a broader viewpoint.
Johann von Goethe once noted, "Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world." Thus, conviviality within an academic community, while not easy, helps round out and shape the nature of a university community. This community may not share ethnicity, cultural heritage, or even primary languages, but it does share something that….

That experience also helped me understand the importance of sound economic and financial forecasting and the intimate connection between politics and economics at virtually every conceivable level.
Having already had the chance to study economics at the college level, I have greatly appreciated its logical rigor and the technical processes involved in accounting for unknown variables throughout the realm of business management and financial planning. As a business student majoring in Accounting, I have been intrigued by the intersection of business and the complex mathematical tools used to model and explain everyday phenomena in meaningful quantifiable terms. I realize that as the world of modern business (in particular) becomes increasingly globalized, the complexity of business and financial forecasting become only that much more challenging.

My hope is to further my understanding of business concepts as a student at the University of Virginia, School of Commerce and to use that opportunity to….

. So it is evident that with an increasing global environment, the gap between university curricula and employment needs will also increase.
Mixed Methods (PhD Learners)/Action esearch (EdD Learners)

The mediating role of globalization on the increase in the gap between university curricula and employment needs.

The use of mixed research methods, the third research paradigm, is important in the evaluation of specific variables and their mediating roles in various scenarios (Johnson et al.,2007).Triangulation is therefore used in searching of the same phenomenon (Denzin,1978,p.291).Our choice of triangulation is informed by its many benefits (Sieber

(1973).Mixed research methods involve the focus on research questions that demands for a real life contextual understanding, cultural influences and multi-level perspectives. The process would involve the use of quantitative research in assessing the magnitude as well as frequency of constructs followed by a rigorous qualitative research aimed at further exploration of the meaning as well as understanding of the….

They point out that the standardized, consistent curriculum provided by a supplier might be an advantage to individual instructor control of academia. And, vendors can supply specialized instruction with up-to-date curriculum because they are out in the field teaching. Supporters also point out that it would be less costly than hiring full-time instructors/professors. Finally, proponents of outsourcing argue that, with their corporate networks and contacts, a vendor could help students find jobs after graduation (ailey, et al., 2004, p. 2).
Some of the hurdles seem impenetrable. Opposition of full-time faculty stands out as the most damaging to the potential wide use of educational outsourcing. Let's face it -- they are concerned for their jobs. Tenure to a professor is the holy grail. You don't mess with it!

Many of those in support of outsourcing say that contracts can take care of a good amount of the fears about quality of services,….

Pace University just received a $ million grant from the National Science Foundation, to expand the Billion Oyster Project. The Billion Oyster Project also involves the collaboration of New York city restaurants, which donate their oyster shells to students each week. Students then grow new oysters on those shells, while also wading and working in New York Harbor with a team of scientists. The goal of the Billion Oyster Project (BOP) is the promotion of STEM education in New York City schools. An ancillary goal of the project is to restore oyster populations to New York City Harbor.Pace is so proud to be a partner to the project, Billion Oyster Project participant and science major Rose Yamaguchi said. And what better way to learn about science and the environment than by eating oysters? Assistant professor of STEM education at Pace, Lauren Birney, also hailed the collaborative project for being a….

Code of Conduct Policies Locate three Code of Conduct policies from three different universities/colleges.
Codes of conduct from three universities have been explained below;
Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
This code of conduct policy aims at defining and advising enrollees of the institution’s conduct code, and describing violations and associated penalties. Further, it outlines a student appeal and hearing process to aid those students who feel the institution has wrongly charged them with violation of scholastic integrity standards.
Boston University (BU)
The academic code of conduct of BU attempts at facilitating the cultivation of an environment conducive to student learning. It explains the ethical requirements of BU students, in addition to guaranteeing student responsibilities and rights owing to their being a member of an academic community. Additionally, it is clear on procedures and policies pertaining to academic conduct. It forms the basis of a professional atmosphere of student integrity in the institution, helping ensure all students….

To Chief Diversity Office

To: Chief Diversity Office From: Higher Education Consultant
Date: 19th March 2019
Subject: Institutional-wide diversity and inclusion strategic plans
Part 1:
1. Harvard University
Harvard University is evidently a diverse institution that valued diversity and inclusion. At Harvard, the administrators, faculty, staff, and students representing various races, interests, ages, and backgrounds come to pursue their common goals (, 2019). Harvard works towards providing an environment that promotes inclusiveness of culture and racial diversity. The assistant to the Harvard University President has an office whose mission is to deliver a sustained and wholesome effort towards the development, advancement, and coordination of inclusive excellence, equal opportunity, and diversity (, 2019). At Harvard employees get equal opportunity notwithstanding their race or gender. Labor organizations, employment agencies, educational institutions, local governments, and private employers’ applicants and employees get protection against discrimination from federal laws.
The mission of the office of the Harvard University’s assistant president is to deliver sustained equality and….

It is possible that the two weeks of pay appeared on separate pages, and they almost certainly appeared on separate lines, and it is very likely that this was the clerical error that led to the mistake in pay.
hen entering and analyzing data, it can be useful to think of all data as suspect until you have proven it to be otherwise (Viega and Messier). There are many types of validation techniques that can be used after data has been entered, including a digits check (the Teacher). This check adds a digit to any calculated figures -- such as pay -- and makes sure they are correct. if, for instance, the data entry clerk had entered the correct hours of work, but only calculated one week's pay, a computerized digit check would have caught the error.

orks Cited "Data Validation."

The Teacher. "Data Validation."

Viega, J. And Messier, M. "Understanding….

Within the field of psychology, I hope to qualify as a marriage counselor - a decision I made after I experienced the pain of my parents' divorce and subsequent break up of my family. For it was at this time that I realized the important role that family plays in an individual's sense of psychological well-being.
As a first step to achieving my career ambition and dream, I plan to attend the University of Findlay, from where I hope to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, followed by a Master's Degree. However, I find that the assistance of a scholarship would go a long way in helping me achieve my educational and career goals. I am, therefore, applying for a scholarship with the sincere hope that my request will be given due consideration..

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

According to the University of Washington School of Medicine, the obligation for confidentiality is not an absolute one. There are legal regulations that limit a patient's right to privacy, as well as regulations that protect that right. The two main exceptions where you could break confidentiality are: (1) Concern for a specific, identified person other than the patient (this could be a spouse or child, or it could be a person unrelated to the patient in any way). (2) Concern for the welfare of the general public (this is usually seen if the patient is found to have a highly infectious or....

4 Pages


University Students Engaged in Paid Employment APA-

Words: 1376
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

University Students Engaged in Paid Employment APA- 6th Edition For various reasons, there has been an increase in employment in university students. One reason for this shift is a change in…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


University Speech Codes Curtailments on

Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Delgado further argues, Rules against hate speech, homophobic remarks and misogyny serve both symbolic and institutional values... It has been argued that such prohibitions operate in derogation of the…

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3 Pages


University Comparison Two Universities The Educations System

Words: 811
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

University Comparison Two Universities: The educations system in the United States is said to be, many times, unique. This education system seems to stress practically over everything else, and this is…

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3 Pages


University of Central Florida Ucf

Words: 898
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Some notable alumni of UCF are today successful managers, entrepreneurs as well as professionals in their own right. Others like Dick Batchelor and Bruce Antone, both of whom…

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13 Pages


University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International

Words: 3617
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Diploma In Management Higher Professional Level All work submitted for assessment must be accompanied by an Assignment Cover heet. Fill in your Candidate and Module…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


University Curriculum in Flux Over

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The ten major differences between the Medieval/Renaissance University and matriculation into college, in fact, were: gender, availability, language, curriculum focus, study/work expectation, finances, instruction/tutorial, testing/exams, overall function in society,…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


University Community the Culture of

Words: 631
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

My itinerary focuses on the world of finance -- the complex world in which numbers, business, and events coalesce with moral and ethical philosophies to help guide the…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


University of Virginia School of

Words: 530
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

That experience also helped me understand the importance of sound economic and financial forecasting and the intimate connection between politics and economics at virtually every conceivable level. Having already…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


University Curricular Is Inversely Related

Words: 695
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

. So it is evident that with an increasing global environment, the gap between university curricula and employment needs will also increase. Mixed Methods (PhD Learners)/Action esearch (EdD Learners) The mediating…

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4 Pages


University Outsourcing Services Programs the Most

Words: 1314
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

They point out that the standardized, consistent curriculum provided by a supplier might be an advantage to individual instructor control of academia. And, vendors can supply specialized instruction…

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2 Pages


BOP pace university billion oyster project

Words: 435
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Pace University just received a $ million grant from the National Science Foundation, to expand the Billion Oyster Project. The Billion Oyster Project also involves the collaboration of New…

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4 Pages


Code of Conduct Policies of US Universities

Words: 1254
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Code of Conduct Policies Locate three Code of Conduct policies from three different universities/colleges. Codes of conduct from three universities have been explained below; Thomas Edison State University (TESU) This code of conduct…

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6 Pages


To Chief Diversity Office

Words: 1725
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Memorandum

To: Chief Diversity Office From: Higher Education Consultant Date: 19th March 2019 Subject: Institutional-wide diversity and inclusion strategic plans Part 1: 1. Harvard University Harvard University is evidently a diverse institution that valued diversity and…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


College Accounting Data Entry Errors at

Words: 381
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It is possible that the two weeks of pay appeared on separate pages, and they almost certainly appeared on separate lines, and it is very likely that this…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


College Education I Believe Is

Words: 306
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Within the field of psychology, I hope to qualify as a marriage counselor - a decision I made after I experienced the pain of my parents' divorce and…

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