Vaccines Essays (Examples)

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Vaccines and Autism the Work
Pages: 7 Words: 2097


The work of Maxwell McCombs entitled: "The Agenda-Setting Function of the Press" relates the fact that the press plays a primary role in the life of the public and influences the focus of attention of individuals and makes provision of the "facts and opinions that shape perspectives on topics of the day." (2005) McCombs explains that 'agenda-setting' of the press works to influence the issues in the news and provides that news to the public proactively. Variation is noted by McCombs to exist "among individuals and across issues" and states that "issue salience on the press agenda may transfer very quickly to the public agenda." (2005) the variations in the way that individuals respond to the news provided by the press and the agenda of the press "are explained by the need for orientation, the idea that individuals have an innate curiosity about the world around them. For a…...



Morgan, Kim (2008) Health Officials Encourage Immunizations. 14 Apr 2008. Online available at 

Harris, Gardner (2008) Public Forum to Address Safety Issues on Vaccines. 11 Apr 2008. The New York Times. Online available at 

Healy, Bernadine (2008) Fighting the Autism-Vaccine War. 10 April 2008. Brain & Behavior. U.S. News and World Report. Online available at

Paul Offit: Autism and Vaccines - a Careless Ruling. Dallas News Opinion Editorial. 78 Apr 2008. Online available at

Vaccines From the Creation of
Pages: 3 Words: 1053

The Aaron Diamond AIDS esearch Center (") provides information on the five stages of HIV infection, namely: Entry, everse Transcription, Integration, Translation, and Exit. The first stage of the Entry of the HIV virion into the host cell known as the T-cell is triggered by the binding of membrane proteins of the virus into the receptors on the T-cell surface. The T-cell is a lymphocyte or white blood cell found in the bloodstream. Its main function is to protect and "eat away" or engulf foreign particles such as bacteria and viruses entering the body. In the event that a HIV virion entering a T-cell, the T-cell is eventually destroyed resulting to the weakening of the body's defenses. A shedding of the HIV' virion's capsid occurs in the second stage called the everse Transcription. In this stage, the viral NA and its enzyme are exposed and then transcripted to becomea viral…...



HIV Infection and AIDS: An Overview" (March, 2005). National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD 20892

HIV Stages of Infection. 1999. Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center. 01 February 2007. 

HIV and AIDS Tutorial. 2000. The Biology Project of the University of Arizona. 01 February 2007. 

Vaccines. 2006. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 01 February 2007.

Vaccines and Autism
Pages: 4 Words: 1456

They receive waivers for them to go to school, or they home school them so they are not bound by the school district's guidelines. They find doctors who support a lack of vaccination, or they work with more holistic medical practitioners. There are a number of ways a parent can avoid vaccinating his or her children, since the vaccination schedule created by the CDC cannot be legally forced upon a parent or a child (Largent, 2012). The main reason these parents do not want their children vaccinated is because they believe that vaccines are linked to autism, and can cause the disorder (Elliman & Bedford, 2004). This is based on some studies that have been done, and on the idea that many of the children who have developed autism have done so around the same time that they were given vaccines, based on the CDC schedule. Of course, the…...



Elliman, D., & Bedford, H. (2004). MMR: Science and fiction. Exploring the vaccine crisis; MMR and autism: What parents need to know. British Medical Journal, 329(7473): 1049.

Herlihy, S.M., Hagood, E.A. & Offit, P.A. (2012). Your baby's best shot: Why vaccines are safe and save lives. NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Largent, M.A. (2012). Vaccine: The debate in modern America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Vaccines the Issue at Hand
Pages: 5 Words: 1598

BADA also manages the Public Health Emergency Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE). Such an approach might in itself be justified as a way of streamlining the process and making the whole more efficient, but the concerns about liability create an administrative view that protects the process and the companies and bureaucrats involved but makes protection of the public oddly secondary. One analyst notes that the effect would be to "undermine the public good by handing a blanket exemption from liability lawsuits to pharmaceutical companies engaged in biomedical security research. If a company working under BADA were to injure or kill people through reckless testing or distribution of a vaccine, the injured parties would have no recourse to seek just compensation through the courts" (Develop a vaccine against official secrecy, 2005). The agencies seem to place money over safety in this sot of program.

Anthrax: What You Need to Know (2003). etrieved September…...



Anthrax: What You Need to Know (2003). Retrieved September 15, 2007 at

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (2007). Retrieved September 15, 2007 at .

Brown, D. (2004, October 17). How U.S. Got Down to Two Makers of Flu Vaccine. Washington Post.

Develop a vaccine against official secrecy (2005)., retrieved September 15, 2007 at

Vaccines and Autism
Pages: 6 Words: 1989

Vaccines and Autism
Autism can be best described as a "developmental disability resulting from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain" ("autism," 2013). A person is considered as autistic when he/she has an unusual and atypical development of communication skillfulness, societal dexterity and reasoning. This condition is more common in men as compared to women. An autistic child demonstrates the symptoms of autism until he/she is about two to three years old. In some cases, children are identified as autistic even before the mentioned age group ("autism," 2013).

The controversy over the association between autism and childhood vaccinations is still a hot issue since the idea was published in 1998 by Andrew Wakefield, a British researcher and gastroenterologist, in The Lancet. According to him, the MM (a very common vaccine for children) that is used to help children fight against measles, mumps and rubella, was perhaps the…...


References autism. (2013). Questia. Retrieved November 26, 2013, from 

David Banks Column: Herd Mentality That Could Damage the Whole Flock. (2004, April 6). Daily Post, p. 08. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from 

Immunise Now 'Or Else'. (2013, October 21).The Morning Bulletin . Retrieved November 27, 2013, from 

Mattson, M. (2000, July 11). Autism on Rise as Researchers Struggle to Find Its Cause. The Florida Times Union. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from 

Necessary Shots? Childhood Vaccinations Have Saved Countless Lives. But Some Parents Worry about Adverse Effects. What You Should Know. (1999, September 13). Newsweek, 134 (11), 73. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Vaccines and the Great Denial
Pages: 5 Words: 1524

Kennedy Jr. was guilty of this faulty expression of logic when he stated that the "thimerosal generation is the sickest generation in the history of this country" (10). This statement refers to the belief that thimersosal, which is a mercury-based component that used to be in vaccines and was all but removed from them in 1999 (Scepter 16), is contributing to autism in children given vaccines. However, Specter not only cites the erroneous nature of this statement by indicating that the life expectancy for newborns is higher than it has ever been, but he also alludes to the fact that Kennedy Jr. is talking about a part of vaccinations that had long been removed before his 2008 speech. It is quite clear that he was disputing rationality and making statements based on faulty logic.
Ultimately, the continued prevalence in the belief that autism is caused by vaccination is attributable to…...

Vaccine Safety
Pages: 2 Words: 631

public policy formulation: case thimerosal vaccines Critique equirements 1-2 pages You APA formatting (accordance requirements Publication Manual American Psychological Association) paper.
The process of public policy formulation:

The case of thimerosal in vaccines

One of the paradoxes of the success of vaccination in the 20th century is that people are more aware of the risks of vaccines than they are of the benefits. Many individuals have never encountered someone who was negatively impacted by polio, measles, rubella, or any of the host of childhood illnesses for which we now have vaccinations. One of the most frequently-expressed concerns about vaccines pertains to thimerosal, a mercury-containing compound that used to be a minor component of some common vaccines. At high levels, thimerosal can be toxic, hence the concern. In a survey of the vaccinations to which children are commonly exposed, it was determined that "an infant 6 months old who received all recommended vaccine…...



Freed, G. (et al. 2002). The process of public policy formulation: The case of thimerosal in vaccines. Pediatrics, 109 (6):1153-1159

Vaccine Preventable Diseases Nursing
Pages: 1 Words: 391

NURSING Nursing: Vaccine-Preventable DiseasesOne of the 17 vaccine-preventable diseases is Hepatitis B. Research from Healthy People (2022) has suggested that although this disease could be prevented with vaccines, countries with the resources do not implement them thoughtfully. Certain factors determine its spread as the carriers have specific social, economic, and health characteristics that need further exploration to stop the outbreaks. It is a type of infection that takes four to eight weeks to infect a body, and sometimes, the infected person does not have its symptoms and is oblivious that he is the carrier. For this reason, people mainly get treatments once they get sick from an illness like this rather than obtaining health promotion or prevention tips. Lifestyle changes and updates about the evidence-based practices could help get rid of Hepatitis B even before it is detected. Hepatitis B vaccine is effective and safe and is even recommended by…...



Healthy People. (2022, February 6). Immunization and infectious diseases. 

Rastogi, A., Chauhan, S., Ramalingam, A., Verma, M., Babu, S., Ahwal, S. & Bansal, A. (2021). Capacity building of healthcare workers: Key step towards elimination of viral hepatitis in developing countries. Plos One, 16(6). 

Suresh, K. (2020). SARS CoV-2 pandemic mars the world hepatitis day theme 2020 of “Hepatitis free future in India” while hepatitis C research wins Nobel Prize-2020. Open Journal of Hepatology, 2(1), 9-14.

History of Vaccines Including Who Discovered Them
Pages: 5 Words: 1625

history of vaccines, including who discovered them and their usage through the present day. Vaccines are one of the ways humans have learned how to protect themselves from dreaded diseases. Vaccines essentially work by helping the body develop immunity to certain diseases. They often set up a mild reaction in the body, which guards against the development of specific diseases. Examples include the polio vaccine, and the rabies vaccine. The body creates antibodies that fight the disease, which allows the body to become immune to the disease.
Most people credit Edward Jenner, a rural English doctor, for developing or discovering the modern concept of vaccines. Two scientists note, "He experienced the proverbial 'Eureka'-like moment sometime during the 1770s, after hearing a Bristol milkmaid boast, 'I shall never have smallpox for I have had cowpox. I shall never have an ugly pockmarked face'" (Stern and Markel 612). However, research indicated that…...



Editors. "What Would Happen if we Stopped Vaccinations." U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2009. 21 Oct. 2009.


Link, Kurt. The Vaccine Controversy: The History, Use, and Safety of Vaccinations. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005.

Skloot, Rebecca. "Under the Skin: A History of the Vaccine Debate Goes Deep but Misses the Drama." Columbia Journalism Review Jan.-Feb. 2007: 59+.

Biology Vaccines Almost Everyone Across
Pages: 4 Words: 1232

Each of these consultative bodies is made up of ten to fifteen doctors and scientists with widespread knowledge about infectious illnesses, immunology and vaccine research. The statistics measured by these groups are wider than that looked at by the FDA. hile the FDA looks at only when vaccines work and are safe, advisory bodies look at how much inoculations cost and how to best utilize them. hile the FDA looks at only the risk benefit ratios, advisory bodies also look at the cost benefit ratios (Offit and Bell, 2003).
One of the newer vaccines that are being given today is that of the flu shot. This vaccine can be obtained at every corner drug store and in a lot of cases is being mandated by many employers. The seasonal flu shot guards against three flu viruses that studies have indicated will be mainly widespread throughout this season. The 2010-2011 flu…...


Works Cited

Offit, Paul A. And Bell, Louis M. (2003). Vaccines: what you should know. New Jersey: John

Wiley & Sons.

"Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine," 2010, viewed 5 November 2010,

Product Liability and Vaccines
Pages: 7 Words: 2140

Product Liability and Vaccines
This study examines product liability as it relates to vaccine damages. This study investigates such cases and the decisions handed down by the judicial system on the liability of the drug manufacturers in cases where individuals have been harmed by the vaccinations. There are however, statutory protections afford to developers of vaccine immunizations which serve to protect the interest of these companies and as well as special victim compensation provision is made through the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services in the form of compensation for which individuals alleging harm by a vaccine can file to receive compensation for their injuries. Three cases are reviewed with the findings of the court and compensation awarded to the Petitioner in these cases.

Product Liability and Vaccines


Biotechnology is reported as a new technology "capable of much good for humankind." (Traynor and Cunningham, 1989, p.1, para.1) However, vaccines are a…...



Traynor, Michael and Cunningham, Brian C. (1989) Emerging Product Liability Issues in Biotechnology. High Technology Law Journal, 1989. Retrieved from: 

Table of Cases

Fed Cl., 2011, Palker-Corell v. Secretary of Dept. Of Health and Human Services August 25, 2011. (SCSU Database)

Fed.Cl.,2011. Palker -- Corell v. Secretary of Dept. Of Health and Human Services, August 25, 2011. (SCSU Database)

Tuberculosis and New Tuberculosis Vaccines
Pages: 12 Words: 3125

Please develop your own strategy for TB prevention.

The Source of the Disease

As mentioned in the above question, tuberculosis is a complex disease that has ravaged society for centuries. Whereas in the Western countries, it is now possible to receive treatment and become healthy despite contacting tuberculosis, there are areas of the world where, due to societal or environmental and political problems, it is difficult both to seek and obtain care, but also to achieve a satisfactory rate of healing are at least preventing this disease. Due to the fact that people in the Western Pacific and Africa are weakened by such factors as mentioned above, their situation with regards to the disease thus becomes even more of a threat to their well-being. For this reason, this section will discuss certain aspects of tuberculosis as it relates to these people and will develop a strategy for TB prevention.

To begin, one must…...


References are case studies and papers with the following titles:

Actions for Life -- Towards a life without Tuberculosis (2006).


Paul E.M. Fine, Ilona A.M. Carneiro, Julie B. Milstien, C. John Clements. (1999). Issues relating to the use of BCG in immunization programmes - A discussion document.


Oral Vaccines Through Printing on Oral Dissolvable Films
Pages: 6 Words: 1693

A majority of the currently available vaccines are delivered through injection. The disadvantage of this method is that the injections can only be administered by a trained health care professional [1]. This hinders the delivery of the vaccine and people especially those who live in poor and developing countries suffer the most as there is no cost-effective method of delivering the vaccine. Another disadvantage is that needle stick injuries might occur and this might cause the transmission of infectious disease. There are instances when the health care professional might be distracted and they end up making a wrong injection or they might not find the vein they are looking for. This results in them making numerous injections before they can administer the vaccine. This jeopardizes the health of the individual receiving the vaccine as the needle pricks might get infected after leaving the hospital [2]. Individuals with needle phobia might…...



[1] Uddin, M.N., et al., Overview and Future Potential of Fast Dissolving Buccal Films as Drug Delivery System for Vaccines. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019. 22: p. 388-406.

[2] Tian, Y., et al., Development of an Orodispersible Film Containing Stabilized Influenza Vaccine. Pharmaceutics, 2020. 12(3): p. 245.

[3] Borges, A.F., et al., Oral films: Current status and future perspectives II-Intellectual property, technologies and market needs. J. Control. Release, 2015. 206: p. 108-121.

[4] Morales, J.O. and D.J. Brayden, Buccal delivery of small molecules and biologics: of mucoadhesive polymers, films, and nanoparticles. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 2017. 36: p. 22-28.

[5] Inskeep, T.K., et al., Oral vaccine formulations stimulate mucosal and systemic antibody responses against staphylococcal enterotoxin B in a piglet model. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 2010. 17(8): p. 1163-1169.

[6] Saroja, C., P. Lakshmi, and S. Bhaskaran, Recent trends in vaccine delivery systems: a review. International journal of pharmaceutical investigation, 2011. 1(2): p. 64.

[7] Zhu, X., et al., 3D printing promotes the development of drugs. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2020. 131: p. 110644.

How the vaccine mandate can improve'societal benefits
Pages: 1 Words: 308

Vaccines should be mandatory for highly dense and populous states. As of this writing the state of New York has mandated that all private sector employees receive at least two vaccination shots. Likewise, President Biden has also passed laws that require businesses with over 100 employees to provide proof of vaccination or submit their employees to rapid testing. Although intrusive, these mandates and legal procedures are required to help reduce the overall economic damage to society and communities. Research conducted showed the rapid decline of economic activity as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Table 1 below indicates the reduction in labor force as COVID-19 disrupted the overall economic activity of the United States. Here the figure illustrates that dramatic of jobs from February 2020 to September 2021. Eve more alarmins is that a large percentage of these jobs are occupied by low- and middle-income families, further exacerbating the impact…...



1. Anukoonwattaka, Witada, and Mia Mikic (2020). Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: coping with the ”new normal” in supply chains. ESCAP policy brief. Available at 

GMOs and Vaccines Are They Healthy
Pages: 4 Words: 1324

Journal ArticlesGene TherapyAccording to the National Human Genome Research Institute (2022), gene therapy is a technique that uses a gene(s) to treat, prevent or cure a disease or medical disorder. It is a novel approach to medicine that has been pursued in hopes of preventing genetic diseases and disorders. However, some ethical issues apply. For instance, because gene therapy is so new and costly, what happens if it is successful but only the wealthy can afford it? Will it mean that those who are poor are still suffer from genetic disorders are likely to be discriminated against? That is one of the concerns put forward by the National Library of Medicine (2022).Another concern is that people may use gene therapy to alter their biological traits, i.e., make themselves or their children taller, stronger, have certain features, etc. Is this tantamount to playing God? It could certainly be argued that way.…...



Adashi, E. Y., Walters, L. B., & Menikoff, J. A. (2018). The Belmont Report at 40:

reckoning with time. American Journal of Public Health, 108(10), 1345-1348.

Chakamba, R. (2021). Africans view COVID-19 vaccines as less safe than other

I need your help with finding: infectious diseases argumentative essay topics. Could you give me some ideas please?
Words: 338

If you want to find out arguments about infectious diseases, we are tempted to tell you to visit almost any social media site, where you are almost sure to find people debating the efficacy of face masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.  However, the reality is that you actually want to avoid looking at sites like that if you are trying to develop a good essay about infectious diseases because internet arguments notoriously fail to follow the steps to developing a good argument.  You want to make a claim, provide support for that claim, and address....

Can a synthesis essay question be a hypothetical question? for example, \"What effect will the Covid-19 vaccines have against the Covid-19 mutations?
Words: 350

A synthesis essay is a type of essay that uses a variety of different sources to support a central claim.  The central claim must be well-supported within the synthesis essay, even if it is not the most likely claim or generally assumed to be true outside of the essay.  Writing a synthesis essay has two main parts: synthesizing sources and supporting your main claim.

It is possible to write a synthesis essay about a hypothetical claim, but it will be more difficult to find the literature to support your claim. That is because you will not....

I’m doing a summary about the Pfizer vaccine, how it works, who should it get it first and how long it lasts, so if you can help me write the best essay title for it. Thank you in advance?
Words: 347

One of the difficulties about writing a summary of any of the vaccines for the novel Coronavirus that is known as COVID-19 is that much of the information remains unknown.  In addition, because the vaccines created by Pfizer and Moderna are both mRNA vaccines, which are not a familiar type of vaccine, they create some additional questions.  How long will the vaccines be effective?  Are they safe?  Will they work to prevent infection by the newer strands of COVID-19?  Do they change your DNA as some people on the internet are suggesting? ....

Writing an essay on quality initiatives in healthcare in 2020 / 2021 and need help?
Words: 378

For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia.  Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States.  The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on

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