Vincent Van Gogh Essays (Examples)

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Vincent Van Gogh
Pages: 11 Words: 3143

Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands to a preacher and his early life had inauspicious surroundings. He was well into maturity when he realized his true vocation was painting, and though he developed his talent in isolation at first, his later experiences in Paris had a profound affect on his painting. Van Gogh is extremely famous for his insanity and mental difficulties, but these conditions also provided the basis for his genius. Van Gogh's unique vision of the world, a vision that he portrayed in rich but unusual colors and swirling brushstrokes, is extremely idiosyncratic and it is this vision that is most notable to viewers of his works. y viewing paintings from his period in elgium, his time in Paris, and his time in Arles, we can see how this unique vision of the world pervaded his works even as his technique developed.
Vincent Van Gogh was born in…...



Biography: Van Gogh. Retrieved April 10, 2003 from The Guggenheim Web Site:

Dewy, J. (1934). Art as Experience. (p. 159). New York: Perigee Books.

Hulsker, J. The New Complete Van Gogh: Paintings Drawings Sketches. Retrieved April

10, 2003, from the Van Gogh Gallery Web site: /painting/p_0345.htm

Van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh's Work Is
Pages: 2 Words: 660

Van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh's work is nearly always identifiable instantly, due to the artist's characteristic use of vivid color and his intense, long brushstrokes. However, earlier van Gogh paintings are more subdued than his later canon. Paintings like "The Potato Eaters," for example, rely on darker palettes. After his inspiring encounter with Japanese woodblocks, van Gogh started to incorporate a richer color palette and his brushstrokes become lengthened almost like calligraphy strokes. Another noticeable element in van Gogh paintings after his encounter with Japanese woodblocks is a lack of lighting source. Unlike "The Potato Eaters," which has a definite source of light -- an incandescent bulb-- illuminating the table from above, most of van Gogh's later work has a generally even color value throughout the canvas. Rather than depict light coming from a distinct, singular, naturalistic source, the artist has chosen to disembody the light. Color value is dispersed, providing…...

Vincent Van Gogh
Pages: 3 Words: 871

Vincent Van Gogh's Artwork Became Famous After His Death
Vincent van Gogh is one of the most well-known artists of all time. His works sell for extraordinary sums of money. Many artists like van Gogh became popular only after their death. Vincent contributed much to Western society. His artistic vision laid the groundwork for modern impressionism, abstraction and even expressionism. His technique is still admired today by artists and students alike. His artwork became popular after his death as more and more people began recognizing the subtle brilliance of his work. This idea is explored more below.

Artistic Style

Vincent Van Gogh is among the most well-known artists of all time. His work including The Starry Night and Sunflowers is often copied on post cards, posters and paintings from the home. Van Gogh is considered among the greatest of the "post-impressionist" artists. His artwork is well-known in part because of its bold…...



Pioch, Nicolas. "Gogh, Vincent van" 2002, Aug. Web Museum. Retrieved August 10,


MCS. "Vincent van Gogh." 2005, Aug. Retrieved August 10, 2005:

Vincent Van Gogh Sol Lewitt References Book
Pages: 2 Words: 519

Vincent Van Gogh Sol LeWitt. References book "a world art" 7th ed. central Texas college edition. Written sere, henry m. chapters 4-6 250 words
Compare and contrast the use of line in the works of Vincent Van Gogh and Sol LeWitt.

Both the works of Vincent Van Gogh and Sol LeWitt are characterized by frequent deployment of bright, contrasting colors to create a particular aesthetic effect. But Van Gogh's use of line is vibrant, kinesthetic and trembling with emotions while LeWitt's works can best be characterized as being absent of emotions or at very least characterized by an attempt to contain the artist's emotions. Van Gogh's work is passionate; LeWitt's is objective. The use of lines in both men's works reflects their different attitudes and moods. LeWitt favors clean, sharp lines that give his work a print-like quality. Van Gogh uses textured ridges in his paintings that make the works seem…...

Vincent Van Gogh Netherlands Holland
Pages: 3 Words: 1066

There is a woman sitting in a chair, bent forward and resting her face in her right hand. She is looking toward the ground and seems to be very unhappy. The chair is very tall which makes it so that we can see her long dress. She is resting her feet on some type of box, but her feet cannot be seen. This drawing does not appear to have been signed.
There is no color in the drawing at all. The lines are very dark and thick -- especially the lines in her dress. There are also many lines on the wall behind her and on the floor below her, to show the shadows. The woman's face is the lightest part of the drawing. She seems to be looking at something in her lap but it is too dark to tell what it is. It may just be part of…...


Works Cited

Lubin, Albert, J. Stranger on the Earth: A Psychological Biography of Vincent Van Gogh, Da Capo Press, 1996. Print.

Meier-Graefe, Julius Vincent Van Gogh: A Biography, Dover Publications, 1987. Print.

Vincent Van Gogh Gallery. Web. 29 May 2010. /

Life of Famed Painter Vincent Van Gogh
Pages: 11 Words: 3129

life of famed painter Vincent Van Gogh. The writer explores his life and the things that contributed to the path of his career. In addition the writer examines the works and changes of Van Gogh's style throughout a one decade period of work. There were five sources used to complete this paper.
If a picture paints a thousand words famed painter Vincent Van Gogh has contributed volumes to the world at large and he did it in a short time span. Through a ten-year period the work of Van Gogh ranged in style and meaning. Many of the changes he experienced were founded in the fact that he spent time with other artists. Van Gogh spent years trying to find his nitch in different fields until he discovered a talent for painting. Once that talent was awakened he spent a decade turning out classic works for the world to enjoy.…...



Van Gogh /misc/bio.htm

Walther, Ingo. Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings

TASCHEN America Llc; (October 2001)

Van Gogh in Search of
Pages: 20 Words: 6470

On the contrary, if I had been able to be a clergyman or an art dealer, then perhaps I should not have been fit for drawing and painting, and I should neither have resigned nor accepted my dismissal as such. I cannot stop drawing because I really have a draughtsman's fist, and I ask you, have I ever doubted or hesitated or wavered since the day I began to draw? (Van Gogh, Letter to Theo, April 1882).
That he was a talented artist was undeniable. Yet, art was no substitute for religion, and, further still, art was no direct avenue to sanctifying grace. Van Gogh's increasing sense of alienation and feeling of despair would continue unabated -- evidenced by he and his brother Theo's inability to live together for long; the inability of his dream of an artists' collective (the artistic equivalent of a kind of monastic community) to come…...


Reference List

Fritillaries. (2006). Musee d'Orsay. Retrieved from http://www.musee-[pidLi]=509&tx_commentaire_pi1[from]=841&cHash=4a0a47f91d

Garrigou-Lagrange, R. (1938). The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life. London: Burns

and Oates.

Van Gogh's Self-Portrait With a Straw Hat
Pages: 3 Words: 1041

Van Gogh's "Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat" (1887)
ith an oeuvre of over 2000 works Van Gogh's artistic passion matched the intensity of his religious fervor. Religion and art were, essentially, the basis of Van Gogh's life. And the history of his life is, in a way, a history of modern Europe; in another way it is a history of the prelude to 20th century modern art; and in another way it is a lesson on the loss that Europe had suffered when it broke with its religious heritage and embarked on a course of Industrialization. This paper will discuss the meaning of Van Gogh's 1887 Self-Portrait and how it reflects deeper passions within Van Gogh -- passions that ran contrary to the modernization going on around him.

Religion was always very important to Van Gogh, and though the subject may seem incidental in his self-portraits, the sheer fact that he painted…...


Works Cited

Hulsker, J. The Complete Van Gogh. NY H.N. Abrams, 1980. Print.

Johnson, Paul. Art: A New History. NY: HarperCollins, 2003. Print.

Van Gogh, Vincent. Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat, 1887. Metropolitan Museum.

Expressionism -- Van Gogh's Starry
Pages: 5 Words: 1749

By pointing straight up, it is emulating the church steeple, pointing perhaps to God, and Creator that has brought the stars and the moon and the clouds and the land to the people so they could build a village. In the village the lights are on in many of the houses, or are those bright windows merely reflecting the starry splendor from above?
In conclusion, Van Gogh's painting "Starry Night" received a great deal of exposure when Don McLean sang the song in 1970. Many listeners likely did not know at first the song was about Vincent Van Gogh, but a careful review of the lyrics clearly indicates that the song was an ode to the great expressionist. The painting will endure long after the song though. It will endure as long as humankind is still on the planet. And the planet is better for the fact that artists like…...


Works Cited

Bahr, Herman. "Expressionism" From Art in Theory 1900-1990: An Anthology of Changing

Ideas. Eds. Charles Harrison and Paul Wood. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1992.

Hulsker, Jan. The Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches. New York: Random

House. 1986.

Self-Portrait With Straw Hat Journal by Vincent
Pages: 2 Words: 616

Self-Portrait With Straw Hat
Journal by Vincent Van Gogh -- Self-portrait

So many artists have painted self-portraits. Self-portraiture requires the artist to turn his inner eye upon his raw soul. I paint myself as an observer of my physical qualities. But I am also in search of understanding myself. Why do I feel so alienated from the world, even from my friend Gauguin and my brother Theo? My quest to understand myself is never-ending. That is why I have painted myself so many times. This time I chose to paint my portrait with myself wearing a straw hat. I chose a brighter and lighter color scheme than I chose in my previous self-portraits of myself such as this one, Self-Portrait with Pipe and Glass.

The color arrangement of my most recent self-portrait highlights the darkness of my eyes in the midst of a sea of bright colors. Yes, it is summer now, which…...

Art Work
Pages: 6 Words: 1841

Vincent Van Gogh: oman with a spade as seen from behind. (1885)
Vincent Van Gogh is a master artist whose works have fascinated the society for decades. The manner in which he portrays his subjects and the deliberation of each stroke gives a life like result that is a pleasure to see. Vincent Van Gogh went through life searching for the elusive perfection that he could capture on canvas.

Though many would say that his works are itself a perfect presentation, Van Gogh proved to be his own biggest critic. He stated in one his Letter 257 c. January 3, 1883, "By working hard, old man, I hope to make something good one day. I haven't yet, but I am pursuing it and fighting for it..." thus were immortalizing his own life. e could have aptly used these words to write his eulogy for the search for something better is what he…...


Works Cited /letters/sketches/main.htm

Van Goghs Found Hidden Under Van Gogh Paintings; Newsday REUTER; 04-13-1994

Art Influence of Japanese Art on Western
Pages: 13 Words: 3463

Vincent Van Gogh, Frank Lloyd right and Madeleine Vionnet. hat did this 19th century artist, architect, and fashion designer share in common? Very simply: They all incorporated Japanese techniques into their works of genius. hen Commodore Perry opened the doors to this Eastern country in 1853, an abundance of unique and influential styles of art rushed out and captured the imaginations of artists throughout the estern world. As author Emile Zola once said,
It is certain that our students painting with black bitumen, were surprised and enhanced by these horizons, these beautiful vibrating spots of the Japanese painters in watercolours. There was a simplicity of means and an intensity of effect which struck our young artists and then influenced them with a painting filled with air and light

This flow of Japanese artistic riches and influence continues to this day. Ask any graphic designers including those at alt Disney Company what country…...


Works Cited

Coburn, F.W. "Mr. Benson's Birds," The Boston Herald, November 16, 1913, 28.

Encyclopedia of Visual Art. Grolier Educational Corp., 1984 printing. Danbury, CT: 1983.

Gardiner, Debbi. Japan, Inc., January 2003. Anime in America. 8/03/03.

Japan Economic Society, November/December 2002. Impact of the Kimono on Modern Fashion.   Visited 8/04/03. .

Paintings Colors and Self-Portrait Introduction
Pages: 50 Words: 14235

Pissarro took a special interest in his attempts at painting, emphasizing that he should 'look for the nature that suits your temperament', and in 1876 Gauguin had a landscape in the style of Pissarro accepted at the Salon. In the meantime Pissarro had introduced him to Cezanne, for whose works he conceived a great respect-so much so that the older man began to fear that he would steal his 'sensations'. All three worked together for some time at Pontoise, where Pissarro and Gauguin drew pencil sketches of each other (Cabinet des Dessins, Louvre).
Gauguin settled for a while in ouen, painting every day after the bank he worked at closed.

Ultimately, he returned to Paris, painting in Pont-Aven, a well-known resort for artists.

X...for pic

Le Christ Jaune (the Yellow Christ) (Pioch, 2002) Still Life with Three Puppies 1888 (Pioch, 2002)

In "Sunny side down; Van Gogh and Gauguin," Martin Gayford (2006) asserts differences…...



Bailey, Martin. (2008). Dating the raindrops: Martin Bailey reviews the final volumes in the catalogues of the two most important collections of Van Gogh's drawings. Apollo Magazine Ltd. Retrieved February 26, 2009 from HighBeam Research: 

Martin. (2005) "Van Gogh the fakes debate. Apollo Magazine Ltd. Retrieved February 26, 2009 from HighBeam Research:

  Bell, Judith. (1998). Vincent treasure trove; the van Gogh Museum's van Goghs. Vincent van Gogh's works from the original collection of his brother Theo. World and I. News World Communications, Inc. Retrieved February 26, 2009 from HighBeam Research: .

Art Time Period 1860-1910 Catches Eye Reviewed
Pages: 3 Words: 860

art time period (1860-1910) catches eye, reviewed Case assignment. It reminds event life kind emotional reaction . I ntroduce report information artist, work chose reflects Impressionist values, information helps understand work.
Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

Vincent Van Gogh's 1889 painting Starry Night is certainly compelling and likely to captivate the attention of any individual seeing it for the first time. There is something special about this particular artwork, as it virtually transports viewers to a surreal world, one that Van Gogh designed especially with the purpose of having people confused and hypnotized at the same time. The fact that the painting is one of the most replicated works in the modern era makes it possible for someone to understand the impact it has had on society and the fact that it has come to be one of humanity's defining works. "One of the beacons of The Museum of Modern Art, every…...


Works cited:

Crispino, Enrica, "Van Gogh," (The Oliver Press, Inc., 2008)

"Vincent van Gogh Biography," retrieved March 29, 2013, from the ariel art galleries Website: 

"Vincent Van Gogh: The Starry Night," (The Museum of Modern Art, 2008)

Art Compare Contrast Le Pin De
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

The perspective might seem extreme. In this sense, it is important to understand that Van Gogh was trying to break free from the limitations of the perspective frame which imposed realistic perspectives and proportions. Moreover, towards the end of his life, at the peak of his artistic maturity, he rebelled against the muted colors that Dutch painters were using at the time.
tylistically, the task of understanding Van Gogh's paintings cannot be undertaken without a proper look at what Post-Impressionism meant. Post-Impressionism took Impressionism to another level. However, Post-Impressionists continued to use vivid colors and real-life subject matter, as well as thick layering of paint. In addition, nonetheless, Post-Impressionists rejected the confines of Impressionism which upheld natural colors and traditional forms. From this point-of-view, Van Gogh along with other Post-Impressionists such as Cezanne, Gaugain and Bonnard, blurred the limitations of conventional form, and distorted it in order to increase the…...



Neo-Impressionism." Accessed November 8, 2008. 

Paul Signac Biography." Paul Signac Online. Accessed November 8, 2008. 

Post-Impressionism." Art Movements. Accessed November 8, 2008. 

Vincent Van Gogh Paintings." Vincent Van Gogh Gallery. Accessed November 8, 2008. /

All answers to my art analysis worksheet part one assignment ?
Words: 477

Certainly! Here are the answers to your art analysis worksheet, part one, with proper spacing and format:

1. Title of the artwork: The Starry Night
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Year of creation: 1889
Medium: Oil on canvas

2. Formal analysis:
- Line: Van Gogh uses bold, curvy lines to depict the swirling sky and cypress trees. Short, thin brushstrokes are used for details.
- Shape: The artwork features various organic shapes like the crescent moon, stars, and swirling clouds.
- Color: A vibrant and contrasting color palette is used, with deep blues dominating the sky, complemented by the yellow stars and tree....

Is there anything in the news related to investigation on theft that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 661

Art Heist Unravels: The Case of the Stolen Masterpieces

In the annals of art crime, the recent theft of a collection of priceless masterpieces from the National Gallery has sent shockwaves through the art world and beyond. The heist, which occurred under the cover of darkness, has left authorities baffled and the public reeling in disbelief.

The Stolen Treasures

The stolen works include some of the most iconic and valuable paintings in history. Among them are "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh, "The Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci, and "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer. Their combined value....

What role has dental profiling played in solving historical mysteries throughout the ages?
Words: 512

The Role of Dental Profiling in Historical Mysteries

Dental profiling is a specialized forensic technique that analyzes dental characteristics to identify individuals. It has proven invaluable in solving historical mysteries, contributing to the resolution of cold cases and shedding light on historical figures.

Identification of Unknown Remains

Dental profiling has played a pivotal role in identifying unknown remains, particularly in cases where traditional identification methods such as DNA analysis are inconclusive or unavailable. In 1994, the remains of Tsar Nicholas II and his family were identified using dental analysis, as the dental records of the family were meticulously maintained.

Linking Crimes to Suspects

Dental profiling....

How does the conclusion of a media arts essay tie together the key points?
Words: 241

In conclusion, the experimental adult animated biographical drama film "Loving Vincent" and Vincent van Gogh's painting "Almond Blossom" both showcase innovative approaches to art through new media technologies and traditional artistic methods. While "Loving Vincent" uses new media technology to bring Van Gogh's paintings to life, "Almond Blossom" captures the artist's distinct style and thematic focus. These pieces of art exemplify how new media art can push the boundaries of conventional art forms and create novel and engaging experiences for viewers. Through the integration of cutting-edge technology and traditional artistic methods, both "Loving Vincent" and "Almond Blossom" offer unique, immersive,....

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