Vitamins Essays (Examples)

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Vitamins Supplement
Pages: 2 Words: 637

The body does need a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to maintain its vital organs and promote system functionality. Most of these vitamins and minerals can be acquired through a healthy diet. Therefore, many Americans are taking vitamin supplements unnecessarily. The reasons why Americans may be taking vitamin supplements unnecessarily include misinformation, trend, and clever marketing making some vitamins "in vogue," (Nierenberg, 2014).

Taking vitamin supplements may be necessary in some cases, as when a patient cannot absorb a certain vitamin or mineral due to a preexisting condition or dietary allergen. In other cases, patients may need temporary dietary supplements. Pregnant women, for example, often need to supplement with iron, calcium, magnesium, or zinc according to their specific needs. Without supplementation, as many as 75% of pregnant women would be deficient in at least one vitamin and even with supplementation, an average of 20-20% of women suffer from a vitamin…...



Hovdenak, N. & Karam, K. (2012). Influence of Miller, A.M. (2012). Popular but dangerous. U.S. News & World Report Health. Feb 12, 2012.

Nierenberg, C. (2014). Getting too much of vitamins and minerals. Retrieved online: 

Perharic, et al. (1994). Toxicological problems resulting from exposure to traditional remedies and food supplements. Drug Safety 11(4).

Vitamins Jaret Peter 2006 Oct
Pages: 2 Words: 586

Patients unfamiliar with any or all of them will learn much and have a valuable starting point for conducting their own research online or through their health care providers. Fourth, the author plays up the importance of deriving nutrition from whole foods and when possible or necessary offers dietary tips such as which vegetables contain the most beta carotene.
In spite of its value for a general audience, however, the article fails to provide sufficient scholarly research to help health care workers make clear informed decisions regarding their patient's nutritional care. Health care workers may be stymied by the conflicting information available on nutritional supplementation even after reading the article. Moreover, the article focuses on only five supplements and neglects to address a whole set of important vitamins and minerals that patients may either be lacking in their diets or simply curious about taking.

Although limited in scope and written for…...

Positive Effects of Taking Vitamins
Pages: 6 Words: 2458

For instance, British researchers of late administered natural Vitamin E supplements at the rate of 40-800 IU daily to men and women who had suffered a heart attack. Following an average of eighteen months, people who got Vitamin E were seen to have 77% less heart attacks compared to those given a dummy tablet. An additional example can be taken of Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD of Victoria, Canada who has been treating terminal cases of cancer with a severe potency vitamin/mineral regimen. He began performing this several years back to treat their depression and tension associated with the diagnosis of cancer. He observed that 30% of the patients in early states who were long-term users of vitamin supplements have survived ten-year more than comparable patients who were given solely conventional treatment which is a stupendous success. Hence the message drives home that vitamins can reverse cases of very serious…...



Challem, Jack. User's Guide to Nutritional Supplements. Basic Health Publications, Inc.

Cheraskin, E. The Health of the Naturopath: Vitamin Supplementation and Psychologic State. 

Dharmananda, Subhuti. Do herbs, Vitamins and antioxidants adversely affect cancer therapies.

Icheku, Vincent. Degenerative Diseases of Ageing: Causes and Prevention. De-Ichekus (UK)

Export of Vitamins to South
Pages: 5 Words: 1256

6%. The literacy level of the total population is 97.9%. South Korea's education expenditures reach 4.6% of GDP.

There are several local manufacturers of vitamins in South Korea. Consumers in this country favor local manufacturers. This is because their prices are obviously lower than the prices of international vitamins exporters to South Korea. Another reason for which local manufacturers are preferred over foreign ones consists in the attachment of local consumers to national brands.

However, there is still room for new companies exporting their products on the South Korean market. This market sector is currently in full growth and development process.

Product Specific egulatory Considerations

Government regulation

Vitamins are considered to be dietary supplements and are not legally treated as drugs, but as foods. This classification attracts several consequences regarding the management of this activity. For example, vitamins' producers are entirely responsible for the safety of these products, and not the government.

This situation has further…...


Reference list:

1. Introduction (2009). The Merck Manuals. Online Medical Library. Retrieved April 26, 2009 from

2. South Korea (2009). Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook. Retrieved April 27, 2009 from .

3. Vitamin (2009). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 27, 2009 from .

4. Vitamins driving South Korean OTC market (2003). Decision News Media. Retrieved April 27, 2009 from .

Positive Effect of Taking Vitamins
Pages: 3 Words: 1006

I noted also how hard work pays off: which is the central idea or thesis of the narrative essay. Because a narrative essay is by definition less formal than an expository one, the baseball scholarship piece is not as structured or divided into sub-sections. However, I do use transitions between paragraphs in the form of clauses like "Before I stepped up my training..." Those clauses helped enhance the flow of the narrative in the same way transitional words and phrases helped the flow of writing in the vitamin essay.
In the sports narrative, I also employed stylistic techniques that would have not worked in an academic essay like the one on vitamins and health. For example, in one paragraph I used a series of parallelisms that serve as a literary device such as those used by poets: "I started to lift weights and train rigorously. I watched what I ate.…...

Vitamin D Is a Group of Fat-Soluble
Pages: 5 Words: 1823

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble molecules known as secosteroids. Vitamin D itself is a fat-soluble vitamin that is not available in many foods. However, photochemically, it is produced when ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger Vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D externally, though, is biologically inert in the human body, and "must undergo two hydroxylations in the body. The first occurs in the liver and converts Vitamin D to 25-hydroxyvitamin D The second occurs primarily in the kidney and forms the physiologically active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d (VanDen Berg 1997, S76). Although called a vitamin, Vitamin D is not actually an essential dietary vitamin because it can be synthesized in more than adequate amounts from sunlight. Typically, an organic chemical, or group of chemicals, is known as a vitamin when it must be obtained through diet or other means, and cannot be synthesized through bodily processes.
Vitamin D has…...



Vitamin D (2012). Office of Dietary Supplements -- National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from: 

Balasubramanian and Ganesh. (2008). Vitamin D Deficiency in Exclusively Breast-Fed Infants. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 127 (2): 250-55.

Dryden, Jim. (2005). Sunlight Exposure May Help Prevent Periodontal Disease. Washington University St. Louis -- News and Information. Retrieved from: 

Feldman, D., (2012). Vitamin D, Volume 1. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Elsevier.

Vitamin C For Common Cold What Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1164

Vitamin C for Common Cold
What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble ingredient that is essential for the health of human beings. It is essential for normal growth and development and it has consumed regularly. Since Vitamin C dissolves in water, the excess amounts leave the human body through urine and this means the body needs a constant supply of this vitamin everyday. The body cannot store vitamin C in any form.

One of the primary role of vitamin C is to repair the body cells and tissues and to prevent free radicals and toxins from getting accumulated in the body. It repairs wounds and makes them heal faster. The free radicals are known to play a role in cancer and heart diseases and good amount of vitamin C everyday helps to prevent any damage.

Sources of vitamin C

Most fruits and vegetables contain some amounts of vitamin…...



Frances Sienkiewicz Sizer, Leonard A. Piche, Eleanor Noss Whitney. Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies. Kentucky: Cengage Learning. 2011.

Weber, Olaf; Eccles, Ronald. Common Cold. New York: Springer. 2007.

Vitamin D Supplementation Safety and Concentration
Pages: 5 Words: 1696

Vitamin D Supplementation
Vitamin supplementation has long been a popular way of ensuring that people receive the sufficient amount of vitamins. However as it pertains to Vitamin D, there is some amount of controversy as it pertains to Vitamin D supplementation (25-hydroxy) concentration and safety. The literature review will discuss the need for vitamin D supplementation and the findings of various studies and Vitamin D trials.

An article entitled "Vitamin D supplementation, 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations, and safety" the daily allowance of vitamin D is 200 IU. The medical community has established that this amount will prevent the softening of the bones known as osteomalacia. However, there is also a consensus that more vitamin D is need to avoid other conditions such as hyperparathyroidism and osteoporosis.

In fact an article found in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics confirms that the proper amount of vitamin D can reduce the chances of the development of…...


Works Cited

ALA-HOUHALA, M., T KOSKINEN, A TERHO, T KOIVULA, AND J. VISAKORPI. Maternal compared with infant vitamin D Supplementation. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1986, 61, 1159-1163

Alouf B., MD and Grigalonis M. Incidental Finding of Vitamin-D Deficient

Rickets in an Otherwise Healthy Infant -- A Reappraisal of Current Vitamin-D Supplementation Guidelines. Journal of the National Medical Association. VOL. 97, NO. 8, AUGUST 2005

Bjorkman, Mikko. Sorva A., Rejo Tilvis. Responses of parathyroid hormone to vitamin D supplementation: A systematic review of clinical trials. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 48 (2009) 160-166

Vitamin D Deficiency Annotated Bibliography
Pages: 6 Words: 1652

Vol. 4. 145-56.
In this article, Drs. McCann and Ames of the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute in Oakland, California, discuss their findings made in several important studies related to the suggestion that since "Vitamin D deficiency is common in the United States," it seems that the elderly and African-Americans are at a particularly high risk" of vitamin D deficiency (145).

o support this suggestion, McCann and Ames explore three specific topics -- first, the biological functions of vitamin D relevant to human cognition and behavior; second, the effects of vitamin D deficiency on human cognition and behavior, and third, the activity of vitamin D "relative to the pro-inflammatory cytokine theory of cognitive/behavioral dysfunction" (146).

McCann and Ames then conclude that "there is ample biological evidence to suggest an important role for vitamin D in brain development and function;" however, the direct effect of vitamin D deficiency on cognition/behavior in humans "appears…...


Taylor, S.N., et al. (Autumn 2006). "Vitamin D Status as Related to Race and Feeding Type in Pre-Term Infants." Breastfeeding Medicine. Vol. 1 no. 3: 156-63. As a leading member of the Department of Pediatrics at the Medical University of South Carolina, S.N. Taylor examines yet another aspect of vitamin D deficiency in the American population, specifically, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pre-term African-American babies which currently remains unknown, thus prompting Taylor to write this article.

His overall objective was to "evaluate the vitamin D status of pre-term infants through the first month after delivery" and then compare the evaluations "by race and feeding type," in this case through breastfeeding. Taylor's results showed that "black infants had a significantly lower level" of vitamin D as compared to white infants over a period of almost a month since delivery (157).

Taylor's conclusions are rather interesting, for he declares that the differences between black and white infants "were significant through the first 2 weeks after delivery" and that infants which received breast milk "did not have significantly worse" vitamin D deficiencies than those infants fed formula. Thus, Taylor argues that there does exist some type of correlation between race and feeding method when it comes to infants being deficient in vitamin D (163).

Vitamin D Supplementation Increases Voluntary Physical Activity
Pages: 4 Words: 1572

Vitamin D Supplementation increases Voluntary Physical Activity Levels in Nursing Home Patients
Over the course of a semester does vitamin D3 supplementation, and the resultant increase in muscle strength and bone density, lead to increased physical activity in nursing home residents in the absence of added encouragement?

The elderly often suffer from low serum levels of vitamin D, reduced muscle strength, and decreased bone density (reviewed in: Hamilton, 2010). Muscle biopsies have revealed that the muscle fibers most affected in the elderly are type II, the 'fast twitch' fibers. When a person begins to fall they instinctively attempt to prevent or break their fall and this reaction depends heavily on fast twitch muscle fibers. The elderly therefore suffer from an increased risk of falling down and bone fractures. Although conclusive evidence has yet to be found that low serum levels of vitamin D cause this condition, there is a large body of…...



Hamilton, B. (2010). Vitamin D and human skeletal muscle. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 20, 182-190.

Williamson, J.D., Espeland, M., Kritchevsky, S.B., Newman, A.B., King, A.C., Pahor, M., et al. (2009). Changes in cognitive function in a randomized trial of physical activity: Results of the Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders pilot study. Journal of Gerontology, 64A, 688-694.

Semba, R.D., Houston, D.K., Ferrucci, L., Cappola, A.R., Sun, K., Guralnik, J.M., et al. (2009). Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with greater all-cause mortality in older community-dwelling women. Nutrition Research, 29, 525-530.

European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (2010). QLQ-C30 questionnaire. Retrieved from

Vitamin in the Body Various
Pages: 1 Words: 390

For example, serum beta-carotene, retinol, and alpha-tocopherol levels rose in autumn months. Vitamin C serum concentrations were higher in the winter and spring.
Male participants revealed higher serum retinol concentrations than females, although male and female respondents already differed in terms of age. Younger respondents did have higher levels of beta carotene. Smoking had a stronger effect on lowering serum levels of vitamin C and beta-carotene than on retinol. In some cases, smoking tobacco had a strong effect on lowering serum levels of vitamins. In short, the current research suggests connections between lifestyle habits, age, and diet on blood concentrations of vitamins and can be used for health care workers to advise patients on their diet and lifestyle choices.

orks Cited

Faure, H., Preziosi, P., Roussel, a.M., Bertrais, S., Galan, P., Hercberg, S., Favier, a. "Factors influencing blood concentration of retinol, alpha-tocopherol, vitamin C, and beta-carotene in the French participants of the…...


Works Cited

Faure, H., Preziosi, P., Roussel, a.M., Bertrais, S., Galan, P., Hercberg, S., Favier, a. "Factors influencing blood concentration of retinol, alpha-tocopherol, vitamin C, and beta-carotene in the French participants of the SU.VI.MAX trial." European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2006 Jun; 60(6):706-17. Retrieved Feb 17, 2007 from PubMed:

Vitamin D In Controlling Urtis in Recent
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Vitamin D in Controlling UTIs
In recent times, several experimental studies have been conducted in order to understand the impact of vitamin D on controlling Upper espiratory Tract Infections. This paper has selected by article "Effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on upper respiratory tract infections in healthy adults: the VIDAIS randomized controlled trial," a research study conducted by Murdoch (2012). The goal of the article critique is to thoroughly analyze the article and to determine its validity and reliability. Furthermore, the critique would help in understanding the impact of Vitamin D on UTIs in healthy adults.

Experimental studies have reported that the relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) and upper respiratory infections is inversely proportional. Murdoch (2012) has reported that results of these experimental studies have been found to be inconclusive. The goal of Murdoch (2012) was to study the impact of vitamin D on Upper respiratory infections…...



Murdoch (2012). Effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on upper respiratory tract infections in healthy adults: the VIDARIS randomized controlled trial.JAMA. 2012 Oct 3; 308(13):1333-9. doi: 10.1001/jama.2012.12505.

Vitamin D Supplementation Health &
Pages: 3 Words: 809

On the other hand, too much of a good thing can sometimes be even more harmful than too little. In that regard, it is very important to understand the role of vitamin D, both because of its role in maintaining our health, as well as because of the potential for harm associated with excessive supplementation.
Unlike other vitamins and minerals, vitamin D is not readily available through diet because its primary source is natural sunlight. The U.S. FDA recommends a daily dose of 200 IU, which according to medical authorities, is sufficient to protect against osteomalacia, a medical condition characterized by softening of the bones. However, because vitamin D requirements fluctuate depending on how much sunlight a person receives and are difficult to satisfy through diet alone, 200 IU is considered the RDA in the absence of regular exposure to natural sunlight.

Vitamin D is necessary for the proper absorption of…...

Vitamin D -- and if'so Which
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Vitamin D -- and if so which level of Vitamin D -- would prevent risk of falling of elderly.
The problem is that elderly are at great risk of falling and, consequently, injuring themselves. Injury, sometimes, leads to death. There is a high rate of falls amongst the elderly

Vitamin D may prevent and reduce quantity of falls. Most studies seem to point to this, but there are contradictory results. The level of Vitamin D too that is effective in preventing falls is unclear.

Analyze the literature review.

The literature review is summarized, succinct, and pertinent to the subject. The authors cluster their research -- they do not deliberate on them in depth singling out studies and describing or analyzing those studies. Rather they take a cluster of related studies, mainly from the last five to ten years and show how they point to Vitamin D being a feasible solution for preventing falls.…...

Vitamin E Can Be Useful
Pages: 4 Words: 1665

These research findings were very significant because all the men who were studied in this were smokers. The researchers of this study admitted that vitamin E surely reduces the risk of prostate cancer. This study was used in a relatively low dose of 50 IU of the prostate but higher dose of 400 IU does have a greater benefit to the heart and prostate. (Challem, 37) Further a study published in the Journal Nutrition and Cancer 2000 states that natural vitamin E or d-alpha-tocopherol arrests the growth of the two types of prostate cancer cells and causes these cells to self-destruct. (Challem, 38)
However though vitamin E is a free-radical scavenger and is associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer, men with a history of bleeding problems or who take blood thinners should surely discuss the use of vitamin E with their doctor before consuming them. (Heaney; Ellsworth; Gill,…...


Works Cited

Challem, Jack. User's Guide to Nutritional Supplements. Basic Health Publications, Inc.

Health-Prostate Cancer. Retrieved at   Accessed 5 November, 2006 .

Heaney, John A; Ellsworth, Pamela; Gill, Oliver. 100 Questions and Answers about Prostate

Cancer. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 2003.

Can you assist me in formulating a thesis on the benefits of breastfeeding?
Words: 595

Thesis Statement: Breastfeeding offers substantial benefits for both mothers and infants, promoting optimal health outcomes and fostering a unique bond between them. Its advantages range from providing essential nutrients to reducing the risk of diseases and enhancing cognitive development in infants, while also providing health benefits and convenience for mothers.


The practice of breastfeeding has been recognized as a fundamental aspect of parenting, providing infants with the optimal nutrition they need to thrive. This thesis delves into the multitude of benefits breastfeeding offers to both mothers and their infants, highlighting the positive impact it can have on health, development, and emotional....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about food?
Words: 330

I. Introduction
A. Attention grabber or hook
B. Background information on the importance of food
C. Thesis statement: The essay will explore the significance of food in our lives and its impact on our physical and mental well-being.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Nutritional Value
A. Explanation of essential nutrients found in food (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals)
B. Discussion on the importance of balanced diet and portion control
C. Benefits of consuming nutrient-rich foods for overall health and disease prevention

III. Body Paragraph 2: Cultural Significance
A. Exploration of how food plays a role in different cultures and traditions

What are the potential long-term implications of climate change on global food security in your thesis?
Words: 423

In my thesis, I argue that climate change poses significant long-term implications for global food security. This includes potential disruptions to crop production due to extreme weather events, changes in precipitation patterns, and shifts in temperature regimes. These disruptions could lead to reduced yields, crop failures, and food shortages, particularly in regions that are already vulnerable to food insecurity. Additionally, climate change may also impact the availability and quality of water resources for irrigation, further exacerbating the challenges faced by food producers.

Furthermore, the effects of climate change on food security may also extend beyond agricultural production to include impacts on....

Can lifestyle changes and proper nutrition have a significant impact on managing infertility?
Words: 562

Lifestyle Changes and Nutrition in Infertility Management

Infertility, defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse, affects approximately 10-15% of couples worldwide. While medical interventions like assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) often take center stage in infertility treatment, lifestyle modifications and proper nutrition play a crucial role in improving fertility outcomes.

### Lifestyle Changes

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight:
Obesity and underweight can impair hormonal balance and ovulation. Maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) can improve fertility in both men and women.

2. Regular Exercise:
Moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or swimming, for 30 minutes most days of the week, can....

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