Volunteerism Essays (Examples)

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In addition, the n natural disasters of Hurricane Katrina the tsunami victims of India, Thailand and bordering nations of the Indian Oceans have brought out a level of philanthropy and service unseen since the last century in Americans. All these tragedies are so unfortunate and full of so much suffering that they cause many to stop and think about what in their lives is most important. As a result, many see a life of service as how they want their legacies to be written. The many statistics captured by the Corporation for National and Community Service as cited in their document referenced below provide ample proof that volunteerism is alive and growing, and that Americans see their role as enablers of a better life for those affected around the world.

Corporation for National and Community Service. Volunteer Growth in America: A eview of Trends Since 1974. December 2006. Accessed from….

Of course, some employees may bridle at what they see as micromanagement of their personal affairs.
Organizations with extensive volunteer commitments often have volunteer managers to coordinate these efforts. "The Administrator of Volunteer esources is directly responsible for implementing screening and placement policies which protect the clients, organization and volunteers themselves from risk. A critical function of volunteer management is to ensure that the vulnerabilities of both clients and volunteers are considered, and that every conceivable, reasonable action is taken to prevent either party from coming to harm, prior to matching. Ongoing training, supervision and support of volunteers, as well as regular communication with clients/caregivers, are key components of managing risks" (Merrill 2000). Volunteer managers are often H professionals with experience at non-profits and civic-driven organizations. They are given the specific responsibility of creating efforts to improve employee involvement in volunteer efforts, creating networks between the organization and the community,….

Emergency responders or first responders are faced with several situations including a HAZMAT or contagious disease situation. These responders are required to take appropriate measures when handling victims from such situations. One of the most important measures for all responders is to protect themselves through wearing the required personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment is defined as clothing or respiratory apparatus that are developed to shield a person from physical, biological, and chemical hazards. In HAZMAT or contagious disease situations, first responders need suitable personal protective equipment to protect themselves from hazardous and biological organisms that could threaten their lives.

If first responders do not wear the required personal protective equipment when dealing with victims involved in a HAZMAT or contagious disease situation, they are exposed to hazardous materials and biological organisms. This exposure happens when they first arrive on the scene, through triage, and at the hospital for treatment.….

Expected Findings
Through statistical analysis of the data, it is expected that the following hypotheses will be revealed:

H1: Women are more likely than men to fill their free time with volunteer work.

H2: Women are more emotionally affected by their volunteer role than men, which causes them to devote more of their time to it.

H3: Extrinsic and controlled motivation factors will be more effective at recruiting, but not necessarily retaining, men in volunteer positions versus intrinsic factors.

Regarding the first hypothesis, that women are more likely than men to fill their free time with volunteer work, the statistical tests are predicted to reveal a statistically significantly larger number of women than men working at the animal shelters. After evaluating the difference between the before-intervention versus after-intervention, it will be shown that even after viewing the videos, the number of females will still outnumber males as volunteers at the animal shelter. However, it is….

individuals might volunteer to help others by comparing experimental results with the self-reported motivations of Teach for America volunteers. Ultimately, the study demonstrates that volunteerism is rooted in self-interest, and this is evidenced by not only the experimental data, but by the actions of Teach for America as an organization as well as the self-reports of individual members. Although this does not help explain why volunteerism is held in such high regard, it does serve to demonstrate that volunteering and ostensibly altruistic actions are not as difficult to explain as one might think.
The question of why people volunteer to help others is difficult to answer succinctly, because answering it demands that one consider a number of relatively disparate fields of study and investigation, including everything from evolutionary psychology to management theory. However, one can at least begin to formulate a general explanation of volunteerism that seems to hold regardless….

Volunteer to Better Health

Volunteer to etter Health
Volunteerism and Personal Development

While an academic definition of volunteerism is any activity in which time and talent is given freely to deliver services or perform tasks to benefit another person, group or cause with no direct financial compensation expected, volunteering is really just a more organized form of giving of ourselves to contribute in some way to shape our own future and that of others.

Surveys show that most people believe that helping others has a positive effect on the general well-being of both the donor and the recipient. The positive relationship between subjective and objective well-being and volunteer work include life-satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-rated health. Also, volunteers increase the opportunity to advance educational and occupational objectives when exploring the idea that volunteering benefits both the helper and the helped.

It has also been suggested that the degree of one's well-being in helping redress the damaging affects of our….

Moral Licensing and Morality:
Does Being Good Make You Bad?

This study focuses on 107 psychology students living in Australia for more than a year. The students were given a moral licensing crime task with two potential suspects; one of whom was more likely to be guilty. For the control group, both suspects were Anglo Australians; for the moral licensing group, the less suspicious suspect was Aboriginal. The hypotheses were that: moral licensing will not impact explicit moral self-concept; moral licensing will have a negative impact on implicit moral self-concept; moral licensing will make participants less racially sensitive; and moral licensing will make participants less likely to volunteer than the control participants. There was no significant different between the control condition and the moral licensing condition for explicit moral self-concept or for racism sensitivity. Participants in the control condition scored higher on the test for implicit moral self-concept and were more….

I am motivated to continue with my volunteering experience because of a caller I had one night when I had hotline duty.
The caller had been raped several years before and was a repeat caller, who just needed to talk when the nightmares came. In the morning, at the end of my volunteer shift, she phoned me back to thank me and to tell me that, after talking to me, she had been able to sleep through the night for the first time in years.

Journal Entry 5: Partner Abuse

Take the Domestic Violence Screening Quiz at http://psychcentral.com/dvquiz.htm. andshare your thoughts on living with domestic violence. How could you help, and what would you say to a friend who was experiencing domestic abuse?

My domestic violence screening score was a 3. I am not in an abusive relationship and have committed myself to never being a victim or perpetrator of domestic violence. If….

international private and public groups are assisting in Asia after the tragedy that occurred two weeks ago, it may interesting to revisit the idea of volunteerism by U.S. companies and organizations over the past several years. Three peer-reviewed articles based on qualitative and quantitative research are compared here to provide a brief idea of the type of studies being conducted on this topic.
In "Volunteering the inner light: when it comes to giving back to your community," Lofshult (2004) cites U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) statistics that volunteerism is on the rise. Approximately 63.8 million Americans performed some type of unpaid work in the period from September 2002 to September 2003. This continues a trend: The number of volunteers has risen steadily over the past decade.

DOL (2003) also finds that women tend to volunteer their time more often than men; people 35 to 44 years old are most likely to….

Bitches: What Animal Shelters Can Do to Reduce the Gender Gap in Volunteerism
Animal shelters depend on volunteers for everything from fundraising to day-to-day operations. There is no federal agency devoted to animal rescue, placing the burden on small independent community organizations. Understanding how to recruit and retain volunteers therefore becomes a critical component in the success of individual shelters and animal shelters in general. Companion animals like dogs remain popular in the United States, with between one third and one half of all households in America owning a dog; between 70 and 80 million dogs are pets (ASPCA, 2016). Given the affection Americans have for their companion animals, it would seem that volunteering at local animal shelters or taking part in foster care services would be relatively commonplace. Yet the "overwhelming presence of women in the recent world of dog rescue" has highlighted a significant gender gap in animal rescue….

Data collection is a set of information obtained through a systemic investigation (Depoey and Gitlin 1998). This study proposes to attain an in-depth understanding of the motivation factors possessed by people who make a commitment to voluntary work, in order to be able to maintain or increase their current level of involvement using a qualitative approach. The study would be somewhat restricted since the sample would be taken from only three voluntary organizations, though the decision to reserve the three subsets to those who are the most represented in the Maltese system of NGO's will attempt to lesson the limitation and bias of the study. The work will focus upon the most largely represented of the four types of NGO's who employ a large number of volunteers; Social work activities with accommodation social work activities without accommodation support and pressure activities. According to Bailey (1991), by highlighting the limitations of….

Functional motivation suggests that psychological factors, such as a need to feel useful, a need for a sense of purpose, motivate volunteerism (Widjaja, 2010). Therefore, volunteerism can be framed within the tenets of basic behaviorism and cognitive-behavioral principles. If volunteering feels good, then a person will be increasingly motivated to volunteer. Volunteering is not always selfless and altruistic; it can be ego-driven. In some situations, the motivation to volunteer comes from concrete extrinsic variables such as receiving credit in school or one's place of employment (Widjaja, 2010). Social motives for volunteering include social pressure or even shaming (Widjaja, 2010). Individuals can be pushed into volunteering from a sense of obligation or guilt, or pulled into it based on factors like boredom, curiosity, or an altruistic desire to promote the well being of others. Self-determination theory takes individual differences into account, and differentiates between autonomous motivation and controlled motivation (Oostlander, Guntert, van….

A try to help my Little Brother find positive voluntary associations. I encourage him to volunteer at his local church, and to seek afterschool enrichment programs and tutoring. But this is not always easy. He often says that he feels that people do not care -- his teachers, his parents, and even his friends who try to uphold a 'straight and narrow' path. He also says that he wants to feel as if he is accepted by other people, and sometimes his drive to feel accepted right now is more powerful than pursuing long-range goals and the promise getting into college, of 'making it' in a larger American social context. I try to provide a positive role model for him, but it can be difficult to describe to him that sometimes you need to get through the present to move into the future, when many of the images of the….

The effectiveness of promotional strategies is highly dependent on their ability to resonate and be relevant to the target audiences over time (Reference). This is the basis of the research being undertaken; to determine which promotional tools and strategies are the most effective in attracting, training and retaining the most talented and motivated volunteers for the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The following are the aims and objectives of this analysis. The primary objective of this study is to determine which promotional tools are the most effective in recruiting and retaining volunteers. In support of this objective, the following goals are defined:

a. To understand and segment the volunteer population in westernized nations including the UK, and determine the characteristics of these markets as they relate to volunteering for events.

b. To determine the psychographic attributes of each group as they relate to propensity to participate, contribute and assist in keeping recruitment efforts….

Asking a local organization to donate their services in terms of website design might be one way to improve the appearance of the website.
Another under-use of human capital at the Night Ministry is the emphasis on food and clothing drives from student-run and charity-affiliated organization. Soliciting different forms of financial charity from businesses that can afford to donate funds and resources to the organization, when funds are scarce from individuals and government would enable the organization to more easily meet its financial goals. Traditional sources of Ministry funding, including people, state and local authorities, and charities are cash-strapped due to the dip in funding in the wake of the lagging economy. All donations to the Ministry are tax-deductible, and a business could also improve its public image by stressing how it gives back to community organizations.

Given the stress put on volunteerism today by prominent national leaders like President Obama….

**Community Relations vs. Public Relations: An Exploration of the Synergies and Distinctions**


Community relations and public relations, often intertwined concepts, play crucial roles in shaping an organization's reputation and fostering its relationships with external stakeholders. However, these disciplines exhibit distinct approaches, motivations, and target audiences, warranting further exploration and comparison.

**Community Relations: Nurturing Local Connections**

Community relations focuses on building strong, mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the communities in which it operates. It emphasizes local engagement, participation, and collaboration, aiming to address community concerns, support local initiatives, and foster a sense of belonging.

* **Key Goals:** Strengthen community engagement, foster local support,....

1. The Unique Abilities I Offer: A Contribution to the Volunteer Program

2. Leveraging My Strengths for the Greater Good: A Case for Volunteering

3. Unleashing my Special Skills for the Community: A Volunteer's Perspective

4. Harnessing My Talents for Social Impact: A Guide to Volunteerism

5. The Value of My Expertise in a Volunteer Setting: Making a Difference

6. Making a Mark with My Special Skills: A Volunteer's Journey

7. The Power of My Abilities in the Service of Others: A Volunteer's Manifesto

8. Giving Back with My Unique Skill Set: A Volunteer's Mission

9. Why My Special Skills Are....

Showcase Your Skills: Enhancing Volunteer Programs with My Unique Talents

Empowering Volunteers: Harnessing My Abilities for Community Impact

Unveiling My Hidden Strengths: The Impactful Skills I Bring to Volunteering

Special Skills, Extraordinary Impact: My Contributions to Volunteerism

Unveiling My Volunteer Potential: A Unique Skillet for Serving the Community

Skills for a Purpose: How My Abilities Can Empower Volunteer Initiatives

Enhancing Volunteer Programs with My Uncommon Skills: A Comprehensive Guide

Harnessing My Abilities for Volunteer Success: A Comprehensive Overview

Showcasing My Volunteer Value: Highlighting My Skills and Their Impact

Unleashing My Volunteer Potential: A Detailed Analysis of My Unique Abilities

Enforced Military Service: Enhancing Community Unity and National Defense

I. Introduction
Begin with a compelling hook and statistics highlighting the prevalence of social issues in communities.
State the thesis statement: Enforced military service effectively addresses social issues while enhancing community unity and national defense by fostering discipline, commitment, and shared experiences.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Tackling Social Issues
A. Homelessness:
Explain how military service provides shelter, food, and structure for homeless individuals.
Discuss programs that connect veterans with housing and support services after discharge.
B. Gang Activity:
Describe how military training and discipline break down gang hierarchies and foster respect for authority.

1 Pages
Term Paper


Volunteerism in America as it

Words: 368
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, the n natural disasters of Hurricane Katrina the tsunami victims of India, Thailand and bordering nations of the Indian Oceans have brought out a level of…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Volunteerism Leadership Accountability and Ethics

Words: 1641
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Of course, some employees may bridle at what they see as micromanagement of their personal affairs. Organizations with extensive volunteer commitments often have volunteer managers to coordinate these efforts.…

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2 Pages

Political Science

Volunteerism in Emergency Response

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

esponders/Volunteerism Emergency responders or first responders are faced with several situations including a HAZMAT or contagious disease situation. These responders are required to take appropriate measures when handling victims…

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3 Pages


What Animal Shelters Can Do to Reduce the Gender Gap in Volunteerism

Words: 811
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Expected Findings Through statistical analysis of the data, it is expected that the following hypotheses will be revealed: H1: Women are more likely than men to fill their free time with…

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7 Pages


Individuals Might Volunteer to Help Others by

Words: 2527
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

individuals might volunteer to help others by comparing experimental results with the self-reported motivations of Teach for America volunteers. Ultimately, the study demonstrates that volunteerism is rooted in…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Volunteer to Better Health

Words: 1689
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Volunteer to etter Health Volunteerism and Personal Development While an academic definition of volunteerism is any activity in which time and talent is given freely to deliver services or perform tasks…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Social Report for Psychology

Words: 1800
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moral Licensing and Morality: Does Being Good Make You Bad? This study focuses on 107 psychology students living in Australia for more than a year. The students were given a…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

Psychology Journal My Results Showed

Words: 1236
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

I am motivated to continue with my volunteering experience because of a caller I had one night when I had hotline duty. The caller had been raped several years…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


International Private and Public Groups Are Assisting

Words: 1534
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

international private and public groups are assisting in Asia after the tragedy that occurred two weeks ago, it may interesting to revisit the idea of volunteerism by U.S.…

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5 Pages

Gender and Sexuality

why'shelters have more female volunteers

Words: 1585
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Bitches: What Animal Shelters Can Do to Reduce the Gender Gap in Volunteerism Animal shelters depend on volunteers for everything from fundraising to day-to-day operations. There is no federal agency…

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17 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Motivation Attitude and Satisfaction of Volunteers in Philanthropic Organizations

Words: 4628
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership Data collection is a set of information obtained through a systemic investigation (Depoey and Gitlin 1998). This study proposes to attain an in-depth understanding of the motivation factors possessed…

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6 Pages

Labor and Union Studies

Motivational Theories of animal'shelters

Words: 1580
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Functional motivation suggests that psychological factors, such as a need to feel useful, a need for a sense of purpose, motivate volunteerism (Widjaja, 2010). Therefore, volunteerism can be framed…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Civic Project Entry 1 Selection

Words: 3117
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A try to help my Little Brother find positive voluntary associations. I encourage him to volunteer at his local church, and to seek afterschool enrichment programs and tutoring. But…

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25 Pages
Multiple Chapters


Highest Performing Promotional Tools and

Words: 10859
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Multiple Chapters

The effectiveness of promotional strategies is highly dependent on their ability to resonate and be relevant to the target audiences over time (Reference). This is the basis of…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Organizing Function of Management The

Words: 1197
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Asking a local organization to donate their services in terms of website design might be one way to improve the appearance of the website. Another under-use of human capital…

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