War Essays (Examples)

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War Society Modern World
War has been an integral part of the development of our civilization from the earliest times. It is estimated that there are more than 14,000 wars that have occurred since events began to be recorded and this has resulted in the death of billions of people. It was an essential part of the survival and behavior of human beings and the society at large. This attitude continued in our society and was even passed on from one generation to another. As modernization began to evolve, this behavior continued in the society, though the end result was different. During the last two centuries, war was used by countries as a brutal form of handling international relations. Differences with other countries were resolved through armed conflicts rather than peaceful negotiations and war was used as an instrument of foreign policies. Unfortunately, this has resulted in the death of millions….

War of the Roses

War of the oses can be considered to be the bloodiest conflict fought in England to date. Beginning in 1455 and ending in 1487, the conflict was rooted in a struggle between the heirs of King Edward III and King Henry IV, who were divided into the House of Lancaster, represented by a red rose, and the House of York, represented by a white rose, hence, the conflict being commonly referred to as the War of the oses (Jokinen, 2013). Ultimately resulted in the establishment of the Tudor dynasty, one of the most recognized, albeit short-lived dynasties of the British Empire. The Tudor dynasty was able to unite both houses and effectively eliminate the conflict between the House of Lancaster and the House of York, and ensured that neither House could lay claim to the throne.
The conflict between the House of York and the House of Lancaster dates back to….

This is not to suggest that either the United States or the Soviet Union were necessarily desiring this conflict, because "based on the scattered evidence now available from Soviet archives," Stalin was "wary and reluctant" in his support of the North, and only finally agreed to offer military equipment and advice when it became clear that China would intervene should the Soviet Union fail to offer support (Cumings 144). Likewise, the United States was hesitant in the face of South Korean entreaties to assist with a proactive invasion of the North, definitively stating that "ashington would not come to the aid of [the South] unless it were attacked without provocation" (Cumings 145). Recognizing this reveals that although the Korean ar was a proxy war in the sense that either side was supported and partially controlled by external actors, there were serious internal divisions between the North and South which….

ar on Terror & Human Rights
The so-called "war on terror" -- initiated by former president George . Bush after 9/11 -- has not succeeded in ending terrorism but it opened the door to numerous violations of human rights. A survey of verifiable, peer-reviewed sources in the literature show clearly that the Bush Administration and members of the military under Bush's command carried out human rights violations in the name of the "war on terror." In this paper instances of human rights violations by the United States -- based on the war on terror -- will be presented.

Violations of Human Rights by the U.S. In the "ar on Terror"

The United States of America has stood for democracy and human rights in countless situations through the years. The U.S. has intervened in myriad international conflicts, especially when a tyrant was snuffing out a democratic movement, or an ally of the U.S. was….

The Experience of War

War has changed greatly in character from the days of knights in shining armor. The concept of a "state" rather than just a regional ruler has changed the dynamic of war. Rather than meeting on a battlefield and duking it out, two armies now willfully attack civilian targets to demoralize a population, cut off trade routes to starve a population, and, if it comes to it, invade and conquer to dominate a population. The fear of this type of war penetrating a single country is what has provoked so much peacemaking since World War II, the possibilities for nuclear destruction have forced an end to large-scale conflicts. Yet there do remain trouble spots all over the world. In 2003, Iraq became one of them, as the United States invaded the Middle Eastern country, and until 2011, has occupied and reshaped the country in every way possible. The….

War on Terror
Although the rhetoric on the War on Terror has subsided somewhat since Bush left office, terrorism itself remains an unfortunate reality around the world. The War on Terror was largely a propaganda machine, which perpetuated a cultural climate of fear. As Coaty points out in Understanding the War on Terror, fear-mongering is destructive rhetoric. In the end, too much fear-driven crisis leads to uninformed and ill-devised political strategies. The responses to terrorism should be complex and multifaceted, taking into account the complex and multifaceted nature of terrorism itself. Terrorism has taught an important lesson in global politics and culture: the world is no longer dominated by the modern nation state. Just as capitalist enterprises around the world have learned how to transcend national boundaries and operate on a global scale, so too have extra-governmental organizations from terrorist groups to NGOs. In Understanding the War on Terror, Coaty describes….

However, little concern is given to the Afghan people when their innocent is killed due to military action of developed nations. This too will only exacerbate the turmoil within the country. Revenge is a powerful emotion, especially when an individual has nothing a stake to achieve it. As such, due in parts to foreign operations in Afghanistan, many individuals have extreme animosity towards the developed world.
t is therefore much better to have some military presence in the Middle East simply to keep the peace rather than stake an all out assault. This middle ground approach will help to diminish animosity towards the developed world while also helping the Afghan people protect themselves. believe this middle ground method will help stabilize the nation while allowing the people of Afghan to be accountable for any subsequent democratic changes within the nation.

Finally, the developed world can not afford to inhabit Afghanistan.….

War of the Worlds by

ells uses the idea of violence as a catalyst to explain human behavior and thinking. Violence seems the perfect solution throughout "The ar of the orlds" and regardless of how they look at the problem, both the Martians and people believe that by using violence they are probable to experience victory. However, when considering that the Martians' superior technology is not enough to provide them with the opportunity to be victorious, it appears that violence is not a solution in this case and that ells wanted to raise public awareness concerning the risks that imperialist nations take by getting involved in environments they have a limited understanding of.

orks cited:

Busch, Justin E.A., "The Utopian Vision of H.G. ells," (McFarland, 2009)

Crossley, Robert, "H. G. ells," (ildside Press LLC, 1986)

Flynn, John L., "ar of the orlds: From ells to Spielberg," (Galactic Books, 2005)

ells, Herbert George, "The ar of the orlds - Literary Touchstone….

War on Terror Analysis

War on terror has changed significantly since the attacks of 2001. errorism has always been a part of American life, with the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901 by Leon Czolgosz. More recently, however, the United States has contested with terrorism stemming from extreme Islamist groups that are at ideological odds with the Western way of life. he war on terror that began in 2001 has grown to represent billions of dollars and thousands of individuals whose mission it is to never allow another attack on U.S. soil again, if they can help it. he tools of the U.S. have grown, yet so have those of terrorist groups worldwide.
he war on terror began as an immediate strike into Afghanistan, and slowly grew into Iraq, and the world at large. More recently, it has been seen in places like Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Yemen. he war itself began as an….

768). Yet the widespread slaughter of people in the name of total war was a principle varying point between Asian and estern powers during the 19th century.
Despite whatever moral and philosophical objections Clausewitz might have raised to total war, he certainly saw value in involving as much of a population as possible in its martial efforts. In this respect, he conceived of war from a decidedly nationalistic viewpoint, in which women and children may not have directly been involved in battles but were certainly useful in employing the spirit of nationalism that could motivate an entire populace to focus its efforts on successfully waging war. Tactically, however, some of Clausewitz conceptions stemmed from those of Asian antiquity, particularly from Sun Tzu's longstanding treatise the Art of ar. Although this book was written well before the 19th century, it was certainly influential in its early conception of war in which….

In the later part of 18th century when Britain was ruling the thirteen colonies of North America, the representatives from the thirteen colonies constituted a governing body called Continental Congress. The main objective of this body was to deal with complaints against British government and try to resolve the issues amicably. But as the continued imposition of taxes made the local population literally belligerent against the British government the resistance acquired the status of legitimate struggle. As the resistance transformed into armed struggle both sides fought on the propaganda front as well. British termed those people among the local population that still supported the monarch in Britain and were willing to fight on behalf of British empire as 'loyalists' while 'rebels' and traitors to them that fought against British. On the other hand rebels in the eyes of British declared their resistance as just and called themselves 'patriots' who were….

" In addition, the war in Iraq has been another opportunity to see the effects of the weapons of mass destruction, which have caused the death of approximately 300 Americans and of a countless number of Iraqi people, in the American Government's point-of-view.
Even though it has been sustained for many times that "the War of Terror" is useless and meaningless, many scholars, such as David Tufte, sustain that "The short-run impact of military spending is for a boost in GDP. In the long-run however, the effects from the current war with Iraq will depend on what happens with oil prices. Oil prices tend to have a very big impact on the economy. An escalating price per barrel of oil can trigger a recession."

What can be outlined from this is the fact that modern wars seem to have economic conflicts as their main cause: World War II occurred because of the….

War and Media in the

In the film the Battle of Algiers (1997) the backdrop or setting is the ancient city with its narrow winding passageways, tunnels, stairways, and arches. The old city is complex, full of danger and hiding places, a metaphor for the war itself and the participants who must survive. The issue is to whom the country should belong and who should have power, the French colonialist invaders or the indigenous people. It is about the indigenous people gaining their rights and benefiting from the country's resources. It is not about the physical landscape. The social community that has set up a Cause is a group of resistance fighters -- guerillas or terrorists, in contemporary terms.

According to arsen (2004) Plato taught that war was a way to assert cultural identity, and the rules of war develop from this sense of how the warriors see themselves collectively: "Cultural identity defines the war, its….

Civilians lose their civil liberties in times of war. Thousands are arrested, often only for associating with suspects. The rights of those arrested are often suspended or denied. Others are harassed because of their very opposition to war and policies of oppression. Unquestionably, war robs society of resources that can otherwise be used constructively. It diverts the energy of those who can make significant contributions to the security and peace of the world. It fosters fear, suspicion, intolerance, violence and hate. It only weakens the social bond within the family, which is the core of a civilized society (Radiant Justice).
War is clearly a major affliction in the family and a threat to its stability. It takes the life, freedom or sanity of the father, who is most often the main source of support for the family. In his absence or death, the mother must compensate and often, in loneliness….

War and Poetry

War and Poetry
The Gallantry and Repugnance of War in Poetry (19th and 20th centuries)

The history of war had long been portrayed into two radically different ways in literature: realistic and romantic. The realistic imagery of war and conflict primarily depicts the feeling of patriotism and at the same time, disillusionment of humanity as deaths and destruction dominate. Portrayals of betrayed loyalty and wastage of human lives and property are common images illustrated when describing the state of war. Of course, these images were derived from experience, hence giving this imagery of war a realistic feel and thought. Romantic images of war also abound, and are usually shown as the anti-thesis or 'positive' side of going to war. The romantic depiction of war shows the gallantry or desirability of engaging in war: the war symbolized the patriotism of people, pledging their allegiance and loyalty to their country or group. War portrayed….

Remarque challenges the social, cultural, and political notions of war in the way the main characters react to their plight. It is assumed that a nation will rally around its troops, and that the troops themselves will see war as having a great level of value. Since the main characters do not see war that way, they feel cut off from the social and cultural aspects of "going to war." They also don't understand the political ramifications, or why any country would want to invade another. It doesn't make sense to them. Remarque indicates that this may be much more....

Zoning change

Leasing to someone can be risky. Make sure you charge enough rent, and that you get a good security deposit. Check local laws in your area to find out how much of a deposit you can collect. In some places it's no more than 1.5 times the rent. Other places allow for a larger amount. Check the person's credit, background, and references. Look for problems paying bills, broken lease agreements, and any past criminal history. Also talk to your insurance company. If you're renting/leasing your home, you can't just keep your standard homeowner's policy. You won't be covered if you have....

5 Pages

Drama - World

War Society Modern World War Has Been

Words: 1559
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

War Society Modern World War has been an integral part of the development of our civilization from the earliest times. It is estimated that there are more than 14,000 wars…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

War of the Roses

Words: 1770
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

War of the oses can be considered to be the bloodiest conflict fought in England to date. Beginning in 1455 and ending in 1487, the conflict was rooted in…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

War and Death When Considering

Words: 3476
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is not to suggest that either the United States or the Soviet Union were necessarily desiring this conflict, because "based on the scattered evidence now available from…

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4 Pages


War on Terror & Human Rights the

Words: 1468
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

ar on Terror & Human Rights The so-called "war on terror" -- initiated by former president George . Bush after 9/11 -- has not succeeded in ending terrorism but it…

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4 Pages

Drama - World

War the Experience of War Has Changed

Words: 1228
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

War The Experience of War War has changed greatly in character from the days of knights in shining armor. The concept of a "state" rather than just a regional ruler has…

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5 Pages


War on Terror Although the Rhetoric on

Words: 1503
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

War on Terror Although the rhetoric on the War on Terror has subsided somewhat since Bush left office, terrorism itself remains an unfortunate reality around the world. The War on…

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3 Pages


War Why a Military Presence

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

However, little concern is given to the Afghan people when their innocent is killed due to military action of developed nations. This too will only exacerbate the turmoil…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

War of the Worlds by

Words: 1710
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ells uses the idea of violence as a catalyst to explain human behavior and thinking. Violence seems the perfect solution throughout "The ar of the orlds" and regardless of…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


War on Terror Analysis

Words: 1354
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

War on terror has changed significantly since the attacks of 2001. errorism has always been a part of American life, with the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901…

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4 Pages


War Asian and Western Concepts

Words: 1342
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

768). Yet the widespread slaughter of people in the name of total war was a principle varying point between Asian and estern powers during the 19th century. Despite whatever…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

American History

War and Propaganda Is Hearsay

Words: 944
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. In the later part of 18th century when Britain was ruling the thirteen colonies of North America, the representatives from the thirteen colonies constituted a governing body called Continental…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


War and Business Talking About

Words: 1964
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" In addition, the war in Iraq has been another opportunity to see the effects of the weapons of mass destruction, which have caused the death of approximately 300…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

War and Media in the

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the film the Battle of Algiers (1997) the backdrop or setting is the ancient city with its narrow winding passageways, tunnels, stairways, and arches. The old city is…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

War's Effects the Traumas and

Words: 1885
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Civilians lose their civil liberties in times of war. Thousands are arrested, often only for associating with suspects. The rights of those arrested are often suspended or denied.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

War and Poetry

Words: 975
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

War and Poetry The Gallantry and Repugnance of War in Poetry (19th and 20th centuries) The history of war had long been portrayed into two radically different ways in literature: realistic…

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