Warning System Essays (Examples)

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Warning systems are essential to communicating threats, whether man-made, technological, or natural, to the public. In this paper, we provide a summary overview of at least two types of disaster warning systems used in the international disaster community or a nation's communication system (other than the U.S.). The disaster warning systems in this paper are the flood warning system (Flood Alerts Map) used in the UK and Japanese Earthquake Early Warning. We discuss the use of these two types of warning systems throughout the world (excluding the U.S.).
Flood Alerts Map-UK

The Flood Alerts Map is an interactive data visualization-based early warning system built by Shoothil, a firm which is based in Shrewsbury to provide a live flood warning map that employs data that is supplied by the United Kingdom Environment Agency (Brown,2012).The UK Environment Agency has an elaborate nationwide network of flood monitoring stations that are actively involved in the issuing….

hen the overindulge had taken place, the GuardianBlue Early arning System not only alarmed but also categorized the probable reason of the problem to be a fluoride overfeed. This then permitted a quick reply before customers of water were unprotected to possibly hazardous heights of fluoride. Fluoride, while deadly at reasonable to high doses, is usually measured helpful for dental health at doses that were very low. The most normally suggested dosage of fluoride for individuals is 1 mg per day.
The GuardianBlue has strength when it comes down alarming things way ahead of time. A lot of people are not aware that the GuardianBlue system had alarmed almost three full days before a catastrophic pipe burst and had noticed pipe burst proceedings in a lot of key United States cities? It is accurate, consuming its' distinctive algorithm with often checked limits, GuardianBlue had seen a change in both the….

To the extent the totality of circumstances suggest that possibility, even acceptance of the most nominal gratuities (i.e. A cup of coffee) is ethically inappropriate.
Similarly, even where the gratuity involved is of nominal value and there is no potential misunderstanding on the part of the individual proffering an otherwise appropriate gratuity, there is the issue of creating the appearance or inference of an improper relationship from the perspective of others observing the exchange. For example, while the proffer and acceptance of a single cup of coffee is excusable within the framework of ordinary positive community relations, the conspicuous regular transfer of even nominal gratuities in the presence of third parties can create an apparent inference of inappropriate influence regardless of whether or not that inference is necessarily accurate.


The SOI is intended to ensure that police officers do not misuse their duly authorized latitude to take different degrees of enforcement….

Additionally, eston Smith's wife Susan Jones-Smith, was also a finance executive at the company, a further example of the incestuous relationships that characterized the financial leadership of HealthSouth. A failure of the company meant the failure in the financial future of the family of one's friends and spouses.
Another warning sign should have been the nature of the company's assets. The firm was able to conceal its financial shenanigans for so long from outside auditors because of its multiple and constant stream of acquisitions of a variety of inpatient and outpatient facilities. The nature of the acquisitions should have been a clear warning sign to be wary of HealthSouth's spiraling profits. The volume of transactions meant there was great difficulty in keeping track of the 'real' value of the different operations, despite the company's alleged revenues on paper.

Also, the existence of such superficial nods to ethical practices, such as a….

Fire Alarm Systems

Fire Alarm Systems
Every year, thousands of people die in home and commercial building fires, but far more are saved as a result of fire alarm systems that provide them with sufficient notice to evacuate the premises. In the distant past, fire alarm systems consisted of men and sometimes animals, but more recently, increasingly sophisticated systems have been developed that form an essential part of the concentric layers of building defense. To identify current trends in this field, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning automatic fire alarm systems in general, as well as their composition and working principle in particular, including their design, basic configuration, and the types of notification devices that are typically used, as well as the detectors and emergency voice and other alarm communication systems that are currently deployed with respect to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for….

Thus to sum up, the Primus Epic, a modern integrated avionics system created by Honeywell, was along with the Bell/Augusta AB139 on which it was found fit, was then extended to the Primus Epic AW139 for helicopters. The unique feature is that the Primus Epic is a single package that performs a number of integrated functions and the mentionable feature is the display technology and the interactive navigation system. This has condensed a number of flight related activities in a single unit. Landings have been made very safe with the Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning system and there are reports of trails by various pilots which were conducted on many machines from the Cessna and many winged crafts. Particular mention has to be made on the trial on the Augusta Wetland Helicopters - the AW139 which has a special system designed for it and all the capabilities that a helicopter pilot….

Other types of systems include carbon dioxide systems. This is ideal for electrical hazard areas; however, it's more expensive than sprinkler systems. Foam extinguishing systems use a foam producing solution. it's effective for combustible liquids; however, again, it is not cost effective for most applications ("Chapter 31").

Determination of ater Amount and How it Can be Provided:

The problems encountered regarding the determination of the amount of water required on premises for a system and how that amount of water can be provided begin with the layout of the system. So many factors come into play, from the length of the piping run, to the size of pipe, to the elevation of the floor on which the system is installed, to the number of sprinklers included in the system. Each of these affects the pressure at each of the sprinkler head, and the amount of water needed to meet the minimum requirement….

It was then important to see the degree at which technology and training played a role in combating each fire.
1.2.4.ationale of the Study

What is that can be gained from this study? The reasoning behind such a study is born out of a need to provide better training for fire fighters so that fire management systems will improve and reduce the amount of loss due to the fire. By studying such a topic, one can gain the knowledge of how to better train fire fighters and how to make his or her job safer in the process. This in turn, results in reduced losses due to the fire. This also results in higher service ratings for the fire department and an increase in morale for the community.

1.3.Definition of Terms


The Underlying Causes of Fire.

It has already become a general knowledge that the majority of forest and land fire incidents in the….

Project Management and the Transformation System
In this research paper, the author discussed he concept of project management employing in a construction firm. The author described briefly, the mission of construction organization, i.e. its product and services, intended markets, and how the product or service is distinct from those offered by competitors. The author also analyzed the scope of integration of project management concepts such as; Project Planning, Portfolio, Life Cycle, Team Management, Scheduling and Controlling the Project. Firms can benefit by integrating project management concepts to overcome the issues like team management, planning and managing. A project is considered winning if it completes on time, goes on to follows a pre-set schedule, remain within the provided budget, and finally its customers are pleased. For successful completion and for the satisfaction of costumers, it should have a specific time frame and must achieve the prior set targets by deploying resources both….

Designing a Safety System
Safety management system is a management policy to prevent or minimize injury within a workplace. Top organizations across the United States are increasingly investing in safety management because of the general believe that safety is central precondition to market competitiveness and "an integral part of high quality business operations." (Tervonen, Haapasalo, & Niemela, 2009 P. 17). Safety is defined as a state where all the business related risks are managed at acceptable level. Typically, safety management is a management policy used to protect workers from undetermined accidents. Safety management is very similar to corporate safety where corporate safety is a holistic management strategy to protect an organization as a whole against accidents, misuse, harm and crime.

Objective of this project is to design safety management system for Hobart Brothers Co. To design safety management system for the company, the paper provides essential components that could prevent accidents and….

Therapy aims at deterring the criminals from committing crimes in the future. The therapy is where the offender undergoes a counseling and treatment system to help them recover from that mindset of committing the crime. Psychological counseling aims at creating a positive attitude in the criminal. Therefore, in rehabilitation, the justice and correctional system work towards the emancipation of individuals to stop committing criminal acts.
Which method is more effective in reducing crime, Punishment or rehabilitation?

The impact of punishment and rehabilitation in the society help to analyze which of the two methods of the correctional system is more effective. According to the Criminal Justice Statistics, a majority of the American society prefers swift punishment to rehabilitation (Blakely, 2008). In this survey, a resounding three quarters of people have the view that punishment is the primary justification of sentencing. Additionally, a 70% of people believe that, incapacitation is the surest way….

Criminal Justice System
After heavy bombardment on London by fighter plans of Germany in Second World War, someone asked Winston Churchill that would ritain live long! Churchill replied immediately that if our courts are providing justice then there is no question about existence of ritain, which they are. Similarly, in World War 1 and World War 2 where Jews were brutally killed by Nazis then some of the Jews got refuge in America. Americans do not have discrimination for any community at that time and famous scientist Einstein was one of them, which proved its worth. Provision of justice for every community is very important for any society, so it is for ritain. From last few years' lot of questions have been raised on criminal Judiciary system in ritain.

Shami chakrabarti (Director of liberty) says

efore you decide whether the system is fit for purpose, you have to decide what that aim is.….

Court System
The basic structure of the United States legal system comes from the Constitution. Constitutions are living documents that lay down principles and rules, as well as overall functions of how law should be used within society. Constitutions tend to be macro in scope, in that they define responsibilities between the three organs of U.S. Government (Judicial, Legislature and Executive). Laws are individual (micro) edicts that are made to define specific issues under the Constitution. The Constitution is the basic framework, or the strategic direction of law; defining relationships and allowing for reasons that are fundamental to other laws (e.g. privacy, search, etc.). Laws are the manner in which the tactics of the legal system and/or philosophy are carried out and used within society. A Constitution defines the theoretical basis of law, while laws incorporate the process of law and allow the government and its officers to use the Constitution….

Credible Warnings or False Alarms? What the U.S. Knew on September 10, 2001'
This case study is to be based upon the understanding and evaluation of the case 'Credible Warnings or False Alarms? What the U.S. Knew on September 10, 2001'. This case entails a detailed time line and research about the possible warnings that seemingly existed a day before the 9/11 incident in the U.S.A. The case study will focus on breaking down the events that occurred before that incident and carry out analysis and research to determine the possible events that could have been used to predict the occurrence of this terrorist plot and what events were irrelevant and could have been considered false alarms leading up to this catastrophe.

The Introduction

The case study on this subject matter would start with an introduction on the case on which the study is based, outlining the salient features of the case….

Warning Signs


Cool Down -- Try to be calm when resolving conflict!

Describe the conflict, try to be logical!

What caused the conflict -- what can be done about it?

Describe feelings during conflict!

Listen respectfully, wait until other person has finished before talking!

Brainstorm solutions TOGETHER

Comes home with torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books, or other belongings;

Has unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches;

Has few, if any friends, with whom he or she spends time;

Seems afraid of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus, or taking part in organized activities with peers (such as clubs);

Takes a long, "illogical" route when walking to or from school;

Has lost interest in school work or suddenly begins to do poorly in school;

Appears sad, moody, teary, or depressed when he or she comes home;

Complains frequently of headaches, stomachaches, or other physical ailments;

Has trouble sleeping or has frequent bad dreams;


1. The psychological impact of tsunamis on survivors and affected communities
2. The role of warning systems and emergency preparedness in mitigating the effects of tsunamis
3. The long-term environmental effects of tsunamis on coastal ecosystems
4. The cultural significance of tsunamis in different societies and how they are reflected in art, literature, and folklore
5. The intersection of climate change and tsunamis: how rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events may impact future tsunami risks.
6. The economic impact of tsunamis on local communities and industries
7. The effectiveness of post-tsunami recovery and rebuilding efforts in affected regions
8. The role of social media....

1. The causes and effects of tsunamis
2. How communities can prepare for and mitigate the impact of tsunamis
3. The role of science and technology in predicting and monitoring tsunamis
4. The environmental impact of tsunamis on marine ecosystems
5. Tsunamis in history: notable events and their consequences
6. The psychological impact of tsunamis on survivors and affected communities
7. The economic cost of tsunamis and rebuilding efforts
8. The importance of international cooperation in responding to tsunamis
9. Climate change and the potential impact on future tsunami occurrence
10. The cultural significance and folklore surrounding tsunamis in different regions.
11. Tsunami warning systems: how effective are they in....

1. The impact of earthquakes on communities and infrastructure
2. The role of technology and advancements in predicting and monitoring earthquakes
3. The relationship between earthquakes and plate tectonics
4. The psychological effects of experiencing an earthquake
5. Earthquake preparedness and response strategies
6. The history of major earthquakes and their effects on society
7. The environmental impacts of earthquakes, such as landslides and tsunamis
8. The economic consequences of earthquakes on businesses and industries
9. The cultural and societal significance of earthquakes in different regions
10. The connection between earthquakes and climate change.
11. The effectiveness of early warning systems....

1. The importance of disaster preparedness in emergency management
2. The role of technology in improving emergency response and preparedness
3. The challenges of coordinating emergency management efforts across multiple agencies and organizations
4. The impact of climate change on emergency management planning and response
5. The ethical considerations of prioritizing resources during a disaster response
6. The role of community engagement in effective emergency management
7. The psychological effects of disasters on survivors and first responders
8. The interconnectedness of public health and emergency management in disaster response
9. The effectiveness of early warning systems in mitigating the impact of natural disasters
10. The use of social media....

2 Pages
Research Paper


Warning Systems Are Essential to Communicating Threats

Words: 738
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Warning systems are essential to communicating threats, whether man-made, technological, or natural, to the public. In this paper, we provide a summary overview of at least two types of…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Guardian Blue Early Warning System

Words: 3051
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

hen the overindulge had taken place, the GuardianBlue Early arning System not only alarmed but also categorized the probable reason of the problem to be a fluoride overfeed.…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice

System of Inquiry -- Durham

Words: 1859
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

To the extent the totality of circumstances suggest that possibility, even acceptance of the most nominal gratuities (i.e. A cup of coffee) is ethically inappropriate. Similarly, even where the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Warning Signs Danger What Were

Words: 923
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Additionally, eston Smith's wife Susan Jones-Smith, was also a finance executive at the company, a further example of the incestuous relationships that characterized the financial leadership of HealthSouth.…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Urban Studies

Fire Alarm Systems

Words: 1430
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Fire Alarm Systems Every year, thousands of people die in home and commercial building fires, but far more are saved as a result of fire alarm systems that provide…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Primus Epic® Integrated Avionics System

Words: 1863
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Thus to sum up, the Primus Epic, a modern integrated avionics system created by Honeywell, was along with the Bell/Augusta AB139 on which it was found fit, was then…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Fire Protection Systems as Required

Words: 1425
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Other types of systems include carbon dioxide systems. This is ideal for electrical hazard areas; however, it's more expensive than sprinkler systems. Foam extinguishing systems use a foam producing…

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63 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Forest Fire Management Systems and

Words: 17324
Length: 63 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It was then important to see the degree at which technology and training played a role in combating each fire. 1.2.4.ationale of the Study What is that can be gained…

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17 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Project Management and the Transformation System

Words: 4240
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Project Management and the Transformation System In this research paper, the author discussed he concept of project management employing in a construction firm. The author described briefly, the mission of…

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7 Pages

Business - Management

Designing a Safety System Safety Management System

Words: 1790
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Designing a Safety System Safety management system is a management policy to prevent or minimize injury within a workplace. Top organizations across the United States are increasingly investing in safety…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

U S Correctional System U S Correctional

Words: 1014
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Therapy aims at deterring the criminals from committing crimes in the future. The therapy is where the offender undergoes a counseling and treatment system to help them recover…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

How the Criminal Justice System Works

Words: 1614
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Criminal Justice System After heavy bombardment on London by fighter plans of Germany in Second World War, someone asked Winston Churchill that would ritain live long! Churchill replied immediately that…

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3 Pages

Business - Law

Court System the Basic Structure of the

Words: 1077
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Court System The basic structure of the United States legal system comes from the Constitution. Constitutions are living documents that lay down principles and rules, as well as overall functions…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Credible Warnings or False Alarms What the

Words: 889
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Credible Warnings or False Alarms? What the U.S. Knew on September 10, 2001' This case study is to be based upon the understanding and evaluation of the case 'Credible…

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2 Pages


Bullying Warning Signs Tips to Help Kids

Words: 559
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Bullying Warning Signs TIPS TO HELP KIDS PREVENT BULLYING Cool Down -- Try to be calm when resolving conflict! Describe the conflict, try to be logical! What caused the conflict -- what can…

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