Web Services Essays (Examples)

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Web Services Will Web Services
Pages: 1 Words: 356

What is clear from the author's analysis is that RosettaNet can be relied on as a communications medium for suppliers collaborating with one another to increase overall supply chain transparency - a critical part of making an entire supply chain network more efficient. Second, the use of RosettaNet for order management transactions, which are critical for the economic functioning of the entire supplier network, have been proven to be the most often supported PIP of all. The author fails to mention this point yet points to the role of industry-specific standards as critical for the growth of online marketplaces. B2B e-commerce's evolving foundation based on Web Services is aligning to the most critical requirements and needs of enterprises, and these include validation of transactions, collaboration between suppliers and customers, and the need for higher levels of velocity at both a content management and order management layer of the networks…...

Integrating Heterogeneous Data Using Web Services
Pages: 30 Words: 8823

solution of the heterogeneous data integration problem is presented with the explanation if the criteria to be employed in the approval of the validity. The tools to be used are also indicated.
The proposed solution is to use semantic web technologies (Semantic Data Integration Middleware (SIM) Architecture) for the initial integration process (Cardoso,2007) and then couple it with broker architecture to improve integration and interoperability while solving the problem of multi-level impedance (Kashyap and Sheth,2002).

For an elaborate diagram see figure the figure below.

Integration via the semantic web technologies According to Barnett and Standing (2001) the rapid developments in the business environments due to the adoption of internet-based technologies have resulted in the need to implement improved business models, development of improved network systems as well as alliances and the implementation of creative marketing strategies. The strategy to be developed for integrating heterogeneous data must take into account the organization-specific data…...



Barnett, M. And Standing, C. (2001) Journal of Vacation Marketing, 7, 143-152.

Dey.A.K.,(2000) Providing Architectural Support for Building Context-Aware Applications.

PhD thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology

Paton, N.W., Goble, C.A., and Bechhofer, S. (2000) Knowledge based information integration

Integrating Heterogeneous Data Using Web Services
Pages: 12 Words: 3194

IEEE-Computer Science -- Literature eview
IEEE-Computer Science

Integration Approaches Practices

The work of Ziegler and Dittrich (nd) reports that integration is "becoming more and more indispensable in order not to drown in data while starving for information." The goal of data integration is "to combine data from different sources by applying global data model and by detecting and resolving schema and data conflicts so that a homogenous, unified view can be provided." (Ziegler and Dittrich, nd) There are two reasons for data integration:

(1) Given a set of existing data sources, an integrated view is created to facilitate data access and reuse through a single data access point;

(2) Given a certain information need, data from different complementing sources is to be combined to gain a more comprehensive basis to satisfy the information need. (Ziegler and Dittrich, nd)

Foundations of the SIUP Approach

Foundations of the SIUP approach are stated to include the following principles:

(1) Semantic Perspectives…...



Bernstein, Philip A., Halevy, Alon Y., and Pottinger, Rachel A. (nd) A Vision for Management of Complex Models.

Franklin, Michael, Halevy, Alon, Maier, David (2005) From Databases to Dataspaces: A New Abstraction for Information Management. ACM SIGMOD December 2005.

Building Data Integration Systems: A Mass Collaboration Approach.

Chawathe, S. et al. (nd) The TSIMMIS Project: Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources.

Web 2 0 With a Focus
Pages: 25 Words: 6782

0 is "…a broad name used for a number of different experiments that are being done in the research community" (eddy & Goodman, 2002, p. 12). The emphasis here is in 'experiment' as Web 2.0 is a platform for the testing of new applications and innovation, as well as being an area for research and development in education and science.
The differences in the way that Web 2.0 functions can be seen in the concept of the Internet as a new platform or environment. This is a concept that exceeds the idea that a new Internet would merely offer new applications that would be in essence an extension of Internet 1.0. As Tim O'eilly and John Battelle note, Web 2.0 means "… building applications that literally get better the more people use them, harnessing network effects not only to acquire users, but also to learn from them and build on their…...



Anderson a. ( 2007) What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for Education. Technology and Standards Watch, Feb. 2007. Retrieved from  http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/techwatch/tsw0701b.pdf 

Atchison S. (2007) Are You Chasing the Web 2.0 Trend? Part 2. Retrieved from  http://www.clickz.com/3626152 

Bogatin B. ( 2007) Web 2.0 Social Networks: Cool but marginal and unprofitable?

Retrieved from  http://blogs.zdnet.com/micro-markets/?p=1062 )

Web Design for a Few Decades Now
Pages: 3 Words: 911

Web Design
For a few decades now, since the introduction of the Internet, the World Wide Web has become the most used form of information resource. Thousands of web sites owned by public and private sectors are currently accessible over the Internet. Aside from quick provision of information the World Wide Web provides, ease of accessibility is one of the factors that has made it a popular choice. One doesn't need to bother going to a library, whose accessibility is usually limited within an area, and find for the necessary information from large volumes of books. With the World Wide Web, the availability of Internet cafes almost everywhere, as well as the ownership of computers in many households these days, the accessibility of information has provided convenience to many users.

A group of people in the Internet community, however, was somehow not taken into account when most of the current existing web…...



Bruce, Marlene. Accessibility: More Than the Right Thing to Do.

Evolt.Org. 11 June 2003.  http://www.evolt.org/article/Accessibility_more_than_the_right_thing_to_do/4090/381/index.html 

W3C. Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.

2000. W3C. 11 June 2003.  http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-TECHS/

Web Content Monetization System Design
Pages: 2 Words: 964

C. Product Improvement and New Products

As the Web Content Monetization System has yet to be launched there are no significant product improvements committed to prospects or customers yet. It is common during this phase of a new systems' development to have a series of 2nd and 3rd generation product enhancements which will be added over the systems' life. It is highly advisable that a Customer Advisory Council be created that seeks to gain insights and intelligence from the top twenty content providers globally to ensure the subsequent system configurations and plans are consistent with their specific needs.

D. Costs

The initial design and development budget are shown in Table 1. This includes the costs of the development of the Web content management application, distributed order management system, AJAX security testing and audits to ensure the payment gateways are secure, multi-taxonomy support for content providers' unique approaches to organizing their content and consulting…...



John Clyman. (2005, December). Better Web-App Interfaces with AJAX; A new approach to building Web applications promises a richer experience for users. PC Magazine, 24(23), 76. Link:  http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1892662,00.asp 

Gutierrez, C., Rosado, D., & Fernandez-Medina, E.. (2009). The practical application of a process for eliciting and designing security in web service systems. Information and Software Technology, 51(12), 1712.

McBeath, D.. (2007). The publishing [R]evolution. Journal of Digital Asset Management, 3(5), 231-238.

Mitakos, T., & Almaliotis, I.. (2009). A Modular Logic Approach for Expressing Web Services in XML Applying Dynamic Rules in XML. Informatica Economica, 13(4), 129-136.

Service-Oriented Architectures in it Service-Oriented
Pages: 9 Words: 2511

Web Services in the context of an SOA framework are designed to be the catalyst of greater order accuracy and speed, further increasing performance of the entire company in the process. The collection of Web Services is meant to not replace the traditional and highly engrained EP systems in a company; rather Web Services are meant to extend and enhance their performance and making them more agile over time (Alonso, Kuno, Casati, Machiraju, 2004). Theorists have suggested that the SOA framework is only as successful as the approaches taken to creating a unified Web Services strategy that creates a single system of record of customer data the entire company standardizes on (Kobielus, 2007). This concept of the system of record is defined as Master Data Management (MDM) and is the basis of analytics and Business Intelligence (BI), which are fueling more focus on measuring the value of SOA frameworks…...



Alonso, Kuno, Casati, and Machiraju, 2004, Web Services: Concepts, Architectures and Applications. Springer-Verlag Publishing. 1 January 2004. London. ISBN 3540440089

Bohm, K., S. Etalle, J. den Hartog, C. Hutter, S. Trabelsi, D. Trivellato, and N. Zannone. 2010. A Flexible Architecture for Privacy-Aware Trust Management. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 5, no. 2, (August 1): 77-96.

Cobarzan, a.. 2010. Consuming Web Services on Mobile Platforms. Informatica Economica 14, no. 3, (July 1): 98-105.

Drissen-Silva, M., and R. Rabelo. 2009. A collaborative decision support framework for managing the evolution of virtual enterprises. International Journal of Production Research 47, no. 17, (September 1): 4833.

Web 2 0 Technologies & Applications
Pages: 24 Words: 6227

Most well-known was obert Scoble of Microsoft.
With the 2004 U.S. Presidential elections, blogs' growth accelerated dramatically as nearly every news network, candidate in both U.S. Senate and House of epresentative races, and political pundit has their own blog competing for the publics' attention. The era of 2004 to today in fact has created a blogging industry that is pervasive in its availability of publishing platforms (USC Annenberg School of Journalism) and also in its readers for organizing and aggregating content of interest (Boeri, 2007).

Since 2004, technologies have emerged for completing text mining of blogs to find linguistic patterns in the mass of posts and also build linguistic models that represent public opinion. The use of latent semantic indexing as a technology has become prevalent as a result.

Wikis are also a form of consumer-generated media and were initially developed in 1994 with the first Wiki being introduced in 1995.

The term…...



Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. 2008. Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review 49, no. 3 (April 1): 36-42.   (Accessed March 14, 2009)http://www.proquest.com 

Robert Boeri. (2007, December). Content 2.0 Converges. EContent, 30(10), 22.

Retrieved March 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1394701741).

Eric Bonabeau. (2009). Decisions 2.0: the Power of Collective Intelligence. MIT Sloan Management Review, 50(2), 45-52. Retrieved March 20, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1625861001).

Web 2 0 Technologies on Human
Pages: 3 Words: 1213

In conjunction with this the technological aspects of security need to be managed as part of the governance process (Hannon, 2002) to make the change more trustworthy.

The impacts of Web 2.0 technologies and social networks are revolutionizing how government agencies interact internally and with each other. The need for overcoming resistance to change, redefining processes so they are made more effective with the addition of technology, are all critical aspects of managing the migration to new technologies. Ultimately it is in the automating of processes that hinder organizations' effectiveness where the true value of technology is found.


Neda Abdolvand, Amir Albadvi, amp; Zahra Ferdowsi. (2008). Assessing readiness for business process reengineering. Business Process Management Journal, 14(4), 497-511.

Bergvall-Kareborn, B., Bergquist, B., amp; Klefsjo, B.. (2009). Creating social change in a municipality using a Total Quality Management approach. Total Quality Management amp; Business Excellence, 20(12), 1375.

Bernoff, J., amp; Li, C. (2008). Harnessing…...


• Consumer Wikis enable users to comment on content, in addition to editing content

• Wikipedia, a community Wiki encyclopedia, includes approximately 1.3 million English-language articles

Sources: (Bernoff, Li, 2008); O'Reilly, 2005. What is Web 2.0. Design Patterns and Business Models of the next generation of Software. Tim O'Reilly. Published September 30, 2005.  http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

Web Conference Memo the Manager Web Conference
Pages: 2 Words: 480

Web Conference Memo
The Manager

Web Conference program research

I refer to the work you assigned me, to research on the best web conference program which can help you hold a weekly status meeting. I did research through the internet regarding the same. Through my research, I looked into four various kind of web conference programs namely, OnWebinar, Vyew, OpenMeeting and DimDim. However, to come up with one program, I analyzed each in consideration with the Operating System installed in our computers and other various factors.

Therefore, I would like to recommend Vyew as the best web conference program, because of its features which have listed below:

It's a browser-based web conference program and it operates effectively on Windows, Mac and Linux as well.

It has hundreds of active/archived meeting per user, which means it can support a number of users at a time.

It's very flexible compared to other web conference programs.

All the contents for the…...



Montreal, Quebec, Canada in Museums and the Web April 8-12, 2008


(D. Klein) Compare Best Conferences services 2012


Service Theory Design
Pages: 4 Words: 1410

Service Theory design is not a basic foothold that can be explained in only a few sentences. There is a lot of thought, experimentation, research, and trial and error that goes into the creation of a sound theory. First, it is important to acknowledge all of the things that can play a role in the design of a theory itself. esearchers have reported that community and culture significantly influence value orientation (Goel, 2010), perceived needs, and motivation as well as provide the ground for creating shared understanding. All disciplines have their own cultures, and all cultures evolve through cross-cultural exchanges. It all starts with a series of questions and ideas that the researcher would like to find out background information on, and possible determine information that may not have been evident upon first glance.
The questions that would need further clarity are: (1) what model best fits the current prospective theory…...



Freeman, J.B., & Ambady, N. (2011). A dynamic interactive theory of person construal. Psychological Review, 118(2), 247-279. doi:10.1037/a0022327

Goel, S. (2010, April 1). Design of Interventions for Instructional Reform in Software Development Education for Competency Enhancement. Online Submission, Retrieved from EBSCOhost..

Rodrigues, R., de Lima Bicho, A., Paravisi, M., Jung, C., Magalhaes, L., & Musse, S. (2010). AN INTERACTIVE MODEL FOR STEERING BEHAVIORS OF GROUPS OF CHARACTERS. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 24(6), 594-616. doi:10.1080/08839514.2010.492167

Tracey, M. (2009). Design and development research: a model validation case. Educational Technology Research & Development, 57(4), 553-571. doi:10.1007/s11423-007-9075-0

Service Level Networks When it
Pages: 10 Words: 2990

In other words, the facilities that are available will be laid out in the best possible pattern and fashion so as to maximize efficiency and convenience for people who use the services (Handler & Mirchandani, 1979). There is obviously no way to put all of the facilities into the same space, and some of them take up more land than others, but there is no reason that urban planning officials, city leaders, and companies that want to build in a particular area cannot work together to meet everyone's needs. Often they want to accomplish this, but they simply are not sure what the best way to go about it would be.
Consider, as an example, a network model of an urbanized area, shown on the following pages and reproduced from Larson & Odoni, 1997-1999 http://web.mit.edu/urban_or_book/www/book/chapter6/6.5.2.html.

All of the nodes (a through H) indicate points at which service demands are being generated.…...



Beltrami, E., & Bodin, L., (1974). Networks and Vehicle Routing for Municipal Waste Collection, Networks, 4 (1), 65-94 (1974).

Chan, D.W.M. And Kumaraswamy, M.M. (1996). An Evaluation of Construction Time Performance in the Building Industry. Building and Environment, 31(6), 569-578.

Church, R.L., & Garpinkel, R.S., (1978). Locating an Obnoxious Facility on a Network. Transportation Science, 12, 107-118.

Frank, H. & Frishch, I.T., (1971). Communication, Transmission, and Transportation Networks, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.

Web Analytics Dontdatecreeps com Needs a
Pages: 2 Words: 573

Other features of the DontDateCreeps.com community include an embedded instant messaging application and a site-specific email account. Because of the dangers and fears associated with online dating, users should also be able to rate their dates with other site members in an anonymous application. To increase the robustness of the DontDateCreeps.com format, the community should also become linked with local businesses like restaurants, coffee shops, bars, and entertainment venues. Not only does DontDateCreeps.com need to solicit advertisement revenues from local businesses and services; the dating site also needs to help its users coordinate and plan social outings.
3. Web analytics will consist in part of a third-party page tagging service that will accomplish two goals. First, the page tagging service will help to determine efficacy of advertisement click-throughs, which page(s) users tend to opt for information purchases from, and other consumer-related data. Second, the page tagging will help to determine…...



Peterson, E.T. (2004). Web Analytics Demystified. Celilo Group Media.

Web Analytics Association. Retrieved August 3, 2008 at http://www.webanalyticsassociation.org

Web 3 0 New Era
Pages: 3 Words: 906

Web 3.0: The New Web
Everyone knows that technology is advancing rapidly. What that entails is the restructuring of what we once knew into something better. That is exactly what is happening now with the slow movement into Web 3.0, an Internet that is layered and more tailored to a mobile and interactive user.

Web 3.0 takes the internet to a whole new level. According to the research, this will be the "third generation of Internet-based services that collectively comprise what might be called 'the intelligent Web' -- such as those using semantic web, microformats, natural language search, data-mining, machine learning, recommendation agents, and artificial intelligence technologies -- which emphasize machine-facilitated understanding of information in order to provide a more productive and intuitive user experience" (Spivack, 2014). Essentially, the Internet will be smarter and more adaptive than ever before. This will allow the Internet to adapt to the unique demands and desires…...



Gaines, Kendra. (2011). A brief introduction to Web 3.0. Web Designer. Web.  http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/design/web-3-introduction/ 

Isaacson, Betsy. (2014). Web 3.0: What the Internet could look like without net neutrality. The Huffington Post. Web.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/15/internet-without-net-neutrality-_n_4604385.html 

Spivack, Nova. (2014). Web 3.0: The third generation of web is coming. Lifeboat Foundation. Web.  http://lifeboat.com/ex/web.3.0

Web Design Evolution for Common
Pages: 11 Words: 3229

Skills must be honed that create a functional page that users will view and use as the client hopes them to.
Many new eb designers produce eb pages that seem to ignore fundamental principles of "good design": full of colored backgrounds, animated pictures, multiple colors and styles of text, and little to no navigation or eb-based structure. Even in courses devoted to eb design, students still produce pages that lack unity, coherence and emphasis: "though they [students] seem to understand (and can critique) others' efforts, they're stymied when it's time for production. Few have the skills or experience writing in this medium" (Yancey & ickliff, 2001, p. 180). Similarly, individuals working on their own or working from documentation struggle with being able to create eb pages due to the same lack of experience writing on the eb.

Karper 340)

For this reason, relative examples, as explained in the previous subheading may provide…...


Works Cited

Chan, Henry, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, and Elizabeth Chang. E-Commerce: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: Wiley, 2001.

Castro, Elizabeth HTML 4 for the World Wide Web Berkeley, CA Peachpit Press, 1998.

Dix, Alan. "3 Human-Computer Interaction and Web Design." Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design. Ed. Robert W. Proctor and Kim-Phuong L. Vu. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. 28-46.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002374808

How has cloud computing enhanced e-Learning and e-Teaching in South African schools post-COVID-19?
Words: 475

Cloud Computing's Impact on e-Learning and e-Teaching in South African Schools Post-COVID-19
The post-COVID-19 era has witnessed a significant surge in the adoption of cloud computing in education. South African schools have embraced cloud-based solutions to enhance e-learning and e-teaching, transforming the educational landscape.
Accessibility and Flexibility:
Cloud-based platforms provide seamless access to educational resources anytime, anywhere. Students can access lessons, assignments, and educational tools remotely, eliminating geographic barriers and enabling flexible learning. This flexibility allows students to balance their studies with other commitments, such as extracurricular activities or work.
Enhanced Collaboration:
Cloud computing fosters collaboration between students and teachers. Shared online workspaces facilitate group....

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