Weight Training Essays (Examples)

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Circuit Weight Training for Women
In 1980, Rachael McLish won the first ever women's Ms. Olympia body building contest. Many women were inspired by her and decided to incorporate weight training into their fitness programs. Many fitness clubs worldwide opened up facilities to women. Women suddenly realized they were not going to get big muscles without the male hormones. Women have a higher percentage of body fat then men, and weight training increases ones metabolism, which burns body fat. One who has developed muscles, not to be confused with over sized muscles, will burn calories faster then the one who does not engage in weight bearing exercises. 1) As people started a new workout program then frequently dropped out, new ideas were created to prevent boredom and to maintain interest in fitness programs. Circuit weight training is a program that allows a cardio workout while simultaneously strength train, which is done….

Further, within this essay I have explained key reasons for how and why women's mere building of healthy muscle through appropriate weight-lifting exercise will not in fact make women "bulk up" (and that in order to do so, women must in fact weight train in a particularly rigorous and deliberate way, one that average female weight-lifters simply do not). Instead, weight-lifting allows most women who exercise regularly and correctly in this way to become healthier, more physically fit, more physically attractive, and therefore to like themselves better and gain greater self-confidence. Women who have been holding back from weight-lifting due to the unrealistic fear of building too much muscle may now, therefore, relax about this faulty myth, pack their gym bags, and head fearlessly toward those barbells and/or Nautilus machines!


Bedeaux, J. (2006). Biggest benefits of strength training. Changing Shape.

etrieved November 8, 2006, at http://www.changingshape. http://72.14.

104/search?q=cache:68yf2lMgweUJcom/resources/articles / strength-training-for-woman.asp+dispelling+women%27s+fear+of+weight+ lifting&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=2.html.

David, M. (2006).….

Training Needs Analysis

Training Needs Analysis
Abstract/Introduction: This paper focuses on "Strategic rganizational Culture Management and Its Training Needs" as a tool to preserve a company's competitiveness in a given market. While there seems to be unanimity that "Strategic rganizational Culture" has become a necessary asset of the modern company, there is the question of whether such culture can be managed and whether such management can be trained. The purpose of the paper is to reflect the current state of art in the area by reviewing both academic and professional (practical) orientations. By discussing the implications of that research it aims to provide conclusion drawn from the available research by showing that "Strategic rganizational Culture Management" is an aspect of managerial leadership that is accessible to and in need of ongoing training.

Main Part: A strategic plan maps out the direction a company will follow to achieve an organizational vision or goal. Strategic plan development….

5 gram per pound of bodyweight. Proteins give the muscle energy to grow but carbohydrates are just as important to promote the muscle to heal.
The following is a 3 day meal schedule recommended to the athlete:

Day 1:

reakfast- High energy cereal with whole milk

Fruit of his choice

Apricot nectar juice


aked tuna

aked potato

Lima beans

Frozen Yogurt



aked potato

Corn and peas

Frozen sherbet

Snack (3)- left up to the athlete

Day 2:

reakfast- Eggs and whole wheat or grain toast

Fruit of his choice

Apple juice


aked or roasted fish

aked potato


Frozen Yogurt


aked chicken

aked potato

Corn and beans

Frozen sherbet

Snack (3)- left up to the athlete

Day 3:

reakfast- Hot cereal with whole milk

Fruit of his choice

Pineapple juice


Steak or ground beef

aked potato


Frozen Yogurt


aked fish

aked potato

Corn and peas

Frozen sherbet

Snack (3)- left up to the athlete

Workout schedule and recommended exercise

Work outs will be done 3 days a week and every other day to allow the muscle to heal and recuperate properly. Work out days while be Monday-Wednesday- Friday or Tuesday-….

aerobic exercise or resistance training to a very low calorie diet are Donnelly JE, Jacobsen DJ, Jakici JM, and Whatley JE, "Very low calorie diet with concurrent vs. delayed and sequential exercise" published in 1994 in the 18th volume at page 469 of the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolism Disorders (Donnelly et al.) and Bryner RW, Ullrich IH, Sauers J, Donley D, Hornsby G, Kolar M, and Yeater, R, "Effects of Resistance vs. Aerobic Training Combined With an 800 Calorie Liquid Diet on Lean Body Mass and Resting Metabolic Rate" published in 1999 in the 18th volume at page 115 the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Bryner et al.). Both publications examined the hypothesis of whether the addition of either aerobic exercise or weight training to a very restricted diet increased various desirable measurements such as weight loss, fat free or lean mass body weight,….

ISSA Personal Training
One of the biggest challenges with personal training is creating a customizable program to help everyone throughout the process. This is problematic, as each person has different requirements. As a result, it is imperative to consider a number of variables. In the case of Steve, he is in excellent condition from running. However, he is lacking any kind of serious muscle mass and definition. To help him bulk up, there will be a focus on: his BM / DC, target heart rate, professional responsibilities, fitness tests / methods of evaluation / data collection methods and why a specific strategy was recommended. Together, these different elements will offer a better understanding about how to customize a personal training program for him. (Beachle, 2012)

Calculate the Client's BM and DC

Steve's current BM is 1,784 calories per day. This is the total amount his body is burning without do any kind of….

(MRN, 1) This is to indicate that brain cells are more actively produced by physical activity, convincing neurological
theorists that regular athletic orientation will improve one's academic
capacity and intellectual clarity. Still, as with other beneficial aspects
of an athlete's physical and intellectual growth, sporting activity must be
pursued in at least some degree of moderation. For both the implications
of what Metzl refers to as overuse and the consequences of an overly
centralized focus on athletic activity, there may be real and long-term
repercussions to failing to balance this emphasis with other healthy or
meaningful activities. Especially concerning bone and joint injuries,
overuse of specific parts of the body in a continuous and monotonous manner
will result in chronic pains and ultimately, lifelong localized injuries.
Therefore, especially when training for an endurance event, where sustained
energy is crucial, in training moderation can be a key to the prevention of
such injuries or the recovery there from.
Moreover, our research finds that in addition….

Based on the foregoing considerations, it is suggested that the DCMP restructure their existing training programs and administration so that a more unified and centralized plan is in place, as well as providing for better instructor qualifications, evaluation, learning retention and more efficient and effective use of resources which are by definition scarce.
These broad general issues were refined for the purposes of this study into the research questions stated below.

esearch Questions

What is the background of the District of Columbia area policy and community relations since World War II?

What are some major problems preventing positive relations between communities and the District of Columbia Metropolitan area police?

Can training programs of the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department enhance community relations?

What training modules can be used to enhance relations between surrounding communities in the District of Columbia Metropolitan area law enforcement?

Significance of the Study

esearch Design and Methodology

Organization of the Study

Chapter 2: eview….

Business Plan I
The Freederm Project is a training and best practices development project that is designed to eliminate the occurrence of decubitus in patients in the Veterans Hospital in [insert location]. Increased privatization of healthcare services has resulted in a more competitive market, and for more contract with external suppliers. The project is well placed to establish a business relationship with the Veterans Hospital and to extend the project after a successful pilot year. The scope of the project is for a three months pilot that introduces the training and implementation of the new practice at the hospital. Follow-up will be provided for nine months after the completion of the three-month training and observation phase of the project. Certified Nursing Assistants will be trained to implement the evidence-based best practices in their workplace, using the SODOTO training methodology. Project performance will be measured in terms of the number of staff….

Technology in Training of Employees
In what ways has technology impacted the way(s) we train employees?

The changing nature of the workplace environment brings with it a vast field of challenges in the organization. The aspect of the change being rapid makes the situation require adverse and quick reaction from organizations to ensure they remain on course towards their objectives. Thus, rapid change in the workplace brings with it the necessity for skilled and knowledgeable workforce, encompassing employees who are adaptive, flexible and focused on the future of their careers and the organization (Wentland, 2007). Among the most, significant duties of the manager in the workplace are the development of the staff. The manager has the mandate to facilitate employee growth and development if the organization is to achieve maximum gains from its ventures and transactions.

The concept of learning management incorporates the management of employee training. Traditional approach to administration entailed on-site….

Role of Diet in Weight

By educating patients on early warning signs of hepatotoxicity, this rare but potentially fatal consequence could be detected early to allow appropriate intervention." (Wright and Vandenberg, 2007) it is extremely critical to understand the nature of psychiatric nursing in today's clinical environment.

Specifically stated in the work of Kathryn R. Puskar entitled; "he Nurse Practitioner Role in Psychiatric Nursing" published in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing is: "Commercialization of psychiatric care is underway. Psychiatric inpatient admissions have decreased, admissions to general hospitals have decreased, while outpatient admissions are increasing. Academic centers are purchasing smaller hospitals as affiliates; satellite clinics and networks of services are being established. Physicians in solo practice are merging into group practices. New health care professional roles must be restructured and "cross trained" to maintain competitiveness by offering flexible, cost-saving effective care. his is the background environment in which….

Soccer is a true total sport. It requires of its players the ability to show intense bursts of speed and power while simultaneously commanding the ability to conserve energy and endure for the complete span of the game. It requires athleticism, strength, and agility. Players must be conditioned at a top level to be competitive. That is why training for 3-5 days a week is essential in every season for players. To avoid injury, pre-season and off-season training is also vital (Heidt, Sweeterman, Carlonas et al., 2000). The sheer physicality of the sport requires its athletes to stay in shape throughout the year.

Every soccer training program should be tailored to the meet the needs of the individual (Manzi, Castagna, Padua et al., 2009). This program is designed for a 185 lb, 15 year old male high school soccer midfielder. It is developed for off-season, pre-season and in-season programs so that….

Cross-Cultural Management
Education and Training for Cross-Cultural Management at IKEA

Business across borders has presented significant challenges for multinational organisations. Due to cultural differences between countries, a multinational organisation is compelled to take the differences into account during important processes such as human resource management. IKEA, a Swedish multinational firm, is one organization in which the challenge of cross-cultural management is relevant. Significant cultural differences between the U.S. and Sweden may make Swedish practices inappropriate in the U.S. All the same, the organisation can overcome cultural barriers by implementing a cross-cultural education and training program. The program, which would take the form of deliberately planned seminars and workshops, would equip employees with knowledge and ability to work effectively in a cross-cultural environment. It would be more appropriate for the organisation to hire an external cross-cultural management consultant as it may not have such expertise internally. Implementing the training program would obviously involve….

Health at Age 19 I

I want to die knowing that I did everything I could with my life to feel and be as successful as possible.
During my golden years, I will continue to exercise as much as possible. The type of exercise I do will be varied, as it will be necessary to incorporate some cardiovascular activity using a gym or personal trainer. I will do yoga and meditate also, perhaps even more often than before. Turning inward for introspection will help me to reflect regularly on my life and how I hope to spend my later years. By the time I die, I will feel ready and at peace with myself.

My personal eulogy will be humble and reflect the fact that I did my best. I want to be remembered as someone who was intelligent and balanced in their approach to life. Being healthy is one of the most important things that….

Jack Presents a Number of

On his weight training days, I would encourage Jack to "shake up" his typical walk by instead doing two or three sessions weekly on a recumbent bicycle. Given Jack's weight and age, a recumbent bike would minimize stress on his joints while adding variety to his aerobic routine. Finally, in older adults in particular, flexibility is key. I would focus on stretches that do not require bending over (to prevent falling), but would spend at least five to ten minutes per session working on stretches that Jack could also perform at home while seated. During each session, I would frequently ask how Jack was feeling to make sure he was not pushing too far past his limits. ith older adults, checking how hard they feel they are working on a scale of one to ten (perceived exertion) helps to prevent injury or worse.
Jack's nutritional strategy would be key to….

3 Pages
Term Paper


Circuit Weight Training for Women

Words: 1473
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Circuit Weight Training for Women In 1980, Rachael McLish won the first ever women's Ms. Olympia body building contest. Many women were inspired by her and decided to incorporate weight…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Women and Weight Training -No

Words: 1646
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

) Further, within this essay I have explained key reasons for how and why women's mere building of healthy muscle through appropriate weight-lifting exercise will not in fact make women…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Training Needs Analysis

Words: 3802
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Training Needs Analysis Abstract/Introduction: This paper focuses on "Strategic rganizational Culture Management and Its Training Needs" as a tool to preserve a company's competitiveness in a given market. While there…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Gaining Weight 25-35Lbs How to

Words: 1329
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

5 gram per pound of bodyweight. Proteins give the muscle energy to grow but carbohydrates are just as important to promote the muscle to heal. The following is a 3…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Aerobic Exercise or Resistance Training to a

Words: 989
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

aerobic exercise or resistance training to a very low calorie diet are Donnelly JE, Jacobsen DJ, Jakici JM, and Whatley JE, "Very low calorie diet with concurrent vs.…

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2 Pages


How Personal Trainers Use Resistance Training

Words: 593
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ISSA Personal Training One of the biggest challenges with personal training is creating a customizable program to help everyone throughout the process. This is problematic, as each person has different…

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9 Pages


Conditioning Training and Participating in

Words: 2801
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Thesis

(MRN, 1) This is to indicate that brain cells are more actively produced by physical activity, convincing neurological theorists that regular athletic orientation will improve one's academic capacity and intellectual clarity.…

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47 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Training of the Metropolitan Police

Words: 12930
Length: 47 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Based on the foregoing considerations, it is suggested that the DCMP restructure their existing training programs and administration so that a more unified and centralized plan is in…

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5 Pages
Business Plan


Training CNA to Prevent Bedsores

Words: 1365
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Business Plan I The Freederm Project is a training and best practices development project that is designed to eliminate the occurrence of decubitus in patients in the Veterans Hospital in…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Technology in Training of Employees in What

Words: 2516
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Technology in Training of Employees In what ways has technology impacted the way(s) we train employees? The changing nature of the workplace environment brings with it a vast field of challenges…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Role of Diet in Weight

Words: 2900
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

By educating patients on early warning signs of hepatotoxicity, this rare but potentially fatal consequence could be detected early to allow appropriate intervention." (Wright and Vandenberg, 2007) it…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


52 Week Soccer Training Program

Words: 1628
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Introduction Soccer is a true total sport. It requires of its players the ability to show intense bursts of speed and power while simultaneously commanding the ability to conserve energy…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Cultural Differences and Training

Words: 2260
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cross-Cultural Management Education and Training for Cross-Cultural Management at IKEA Business across borders has presented significant challenges for multinational organisations. Due to cultural differences between countries, a multinational organisation is compelled…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Health at Age 19 I

Words: 1731
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I want to die knowing that I did everything I could with my life to feel and be as successful as possible. During my golden years, I will continue…

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3 Pages


Jack Presents a Number of

Words: 1260
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

On his weight training days, I would encourage Jack to "shake up" his typical walk by instead doing two or three sessions weekly on a recumbent bicycle. Given…

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