Wendell Berry Essays (Examples)

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Certainly it is true that there are a number of ways in which farmers and environmentalists can find common cause and there are parallel paths that the two can take toward their common goals. However, while farming can be done in a way that makes it as gentle as possible on the land, it is never the same as natural growth.
He seems to be arguing (although this is not an argument that he makes in explicit terms but rather one that must be teased out in the process of comparing a number of his works) that farming is one of the activities that are available to humans that is most likely to produce grace. Farming, he suggests, can be seen as a form of resurrection, a chance for the land to be reborn in the process of saving humanity.

Berry's focus on resurrection is explicit in the ending lines of….

The key to utilizing such principles of faith and of imagination is to use them together with the known, the concrete sights and smells that can be touched and detected by the body. Doing so brings about a state of balance in perception that can help people tremendously throughout the course of their lives. This state of balance is implied in de Button's preceding quote in which the reader should be aware that von Humboldt left his "boring daily life" in Berlin to find a "marvelous" place in South America -- which is all a matter of perspective, and one which may be considered more stiff and rigid than De Maistre's imaginative conception of exploring his couch as though it were something new. Yet the reconciliation of both of these viewpoints indicates the balance that we have been looking for throughout this paper. Humboldt's viewpoint is not exchanged for….

Whyte and erry Individual and Society
Whyte and erry both believe that the individual in society is being slowly killed, figuratively and literally, by cultural trends far greater than he. Whyte attempts to reveal this in the context of the modern white collar worker while erry attempts to reveal it through the dilemma of the modern consumer. ecause of their historical contexts, they focus on different reasons for these cultural problems.


oth Whyte and erry indict the trend towards professional specialization as the most proximate source of the modern individual's discontent. Whyte believes that the transfer of work duties from the individual to the group leave the individual with little challenge and little to work towards. (Whyte: 399)

The Subjugation of the Individual to the Group - Social Ethic

Whyte believes that the root of our cultural problems, specialization, arise from the social ethic. Whyte defines the social ethic as "that growing body of….

Presence of Fear" (2001) the author argues for the need to come to peace and terms with what we are as a society, wasteful, selfish, and entitled. He makes his argument convincing by stating something that can relate to everyone, and picks topics that covers almost every type of person that will end up reading this piece. He presents his argument relatively well by enforcing upon his readers examples of how as a society, we have become our worst nightmare, dependent on the suffering on the lack of well-being of others and our surroundings, and he does so in a way that makes his comments and opinions relatable to a large proportion of readers. It is this concept of making the reader feel comfortable and making them feel like the piece is written for them, that makes the author's argument persuasive.
The author's argument is very well-rounded in the sense….

It is the obsession for independence, in Stegner's view, rather than a real need for being mobile that is driving the Americans in general, and the Americans from the est to keep moving at all costs. To illustrate the idea of their inability to escape their own fate, Stegner uses the example of ister's novel, the Virginian, whose hero, named after the region he comes from, although acting only according to his own laws, regardless of the laws of the country, if they do not serve his interest is yet, a hero. The novel has "residual qualities of the heroic, as the country in which it takes place has residual qualities of the wilderness frontier." (Stegner, 1987, pp. 83). Stegner shows his conviction that the American est leaves an inescapable mark o everyone and thus, the writer who depicts a western character is bound to give him at least….

Hannah Coulter
hat is love according to the novel Hannah Coulter and what does it mean to the larger sense of the human condition?

In the novel, the female protagonist of the title, Hannah Coulter, explains that she loves her husband and that the love she felt for him was expansive. Rather than merely being in love with her husband and he with her, loving one another extended their emotions beyond just the two of them. She explains, "The love he bore to me was his own, but also it was a love that had been borne to him, by people he knew, people I now knew, people he loved…He must have wondered if I would love those people too" (Berry 33). hen the couple first gets together, Hannah's beloved worries that she will not get along with the other people he loves, such as families and friends. This would be a….

It is important to ensure that the team for any specific task comprises members who are knowledgeable and posses the required skills needed to carry out the task. Teams should also try to work across organizational boundaries/levels and break down internal barriers and deal with people and issues directly and avoid hidden agendas from both within the group and from external sources.

Prior to selecting team members, the purpose and the reasons for creating the HPWT should be clear to the entire management members deciding on the team creation. Teams without a definite goal and aim, will drift and fail, since no goal and objective is set or a final objective identified. Getting together individuals possessing special skills, talents or expertise in order to build a team is critical. Important skills for a team include: "technical expertise," "problem solving," "decision making," and "interpersonal skills." (Thompson, Aranda, Robbins, & Swenson, 2000) Teams….

Project Management
The project selected for this study is the opening of a new restaurant in New York City. This restaurant will be named: "Home Grown." It will be fashioned after the restaurant-creation in the television program "Fifteen" in the U.K. Food Network, a cable television channel has decided to open the restaurant by hiring fifteen trainees. The trainees will be taught all the requisite skills to chefs. Along with that they will also be able to assess the related needs of the restaurant industry. Jamie Oliver, the mastermind behind "Fifteen" in the U.K. has been selected to head this project along with his sous-chef who would be monitor the daily operations in NY City. The restaurant is to open on Christmas Eve, 2004 and it is hoped that it will be a success. Food Network has a budget of ten million dollars earmarked for this project. Any profits from this….

Betrayed by the American compatriots whom he helped, he languished in England in his climactic years, poor and lodged by a prostitute aided by a former student, until he died on a sea voyage back home. His death was mysterious in that shortly before his death he demonstrated signs of both depression and optimism.
Reasons for his depression were unclear. His optimism may have been due to the fact that he had prospects on the horizon.

Why then did he commit suicide, as details seemed to indicate? Or was he killed by his friend who was a double spy? There are numerous details of his life that will forever be unknown since they remain beyond our lens of experience.

Another story that is riddled with mystery is that of Mary Rogers.

In 1841, Mary Cecilia Rogers, a 21-year-old beautiful Connecticut-born girl disappeared from her mother's new York City boarding house. Three day later,….

Mill believed that any act may itself be inherently moral, so long as the outcome of that action produces a benign effect. Mill believed that the most ethical act is that which produces the most good, even if the act itself is one which is traditionally considered evil. An example of utilitarian philosophy would include the killing of innocent animals to determine a cure for some infectious disease. And while there are components of this philosophy that would certainly align with Aristotle's definition of ethics, it seems difficult to picture the latter condoning any method to achieve moral behavior, particularly in regards to the following quotation from Nichomachean Ethics. "A man will not live like that by virtue of his humanness, but by virtue of some divine thing within him. His activity is as superior to the activity of the other virtues as this divine thing is to his….

3 Pages


Wendell Berry Freedom in Connection

Words: 945
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Certainly it is true that there are a number of ways in which farmers and environmentalists can find common cause and there are parallel paths that the two…

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5 Pages


Winder Berry 'Between the Known

Words: 1954
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The key to utilizing such principles of faith and of imagination is to use them together with the known, the concrete sights and smells that can be touched…

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6 Pages


Whyte and Berry Individual and Society Whyte

Words: 1701
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Whyte and erry Individual and Society Whyte and erry both believe that the individual in society is being slowly killed, figuratively and literally, by cultural trends far greater than he.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Thoughts in the Presence of Fear

Words: 1097
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Presence of Fear" (2001) the author argues for the need to come to peace and terms with what we are as a society, wasteful, selfish, and entitled. He…

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3 Pages


Wallace Stegner the American West

Words: 1033
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

It is the obsession for independence, in Stegner's view, rather than a real need for being mobile that is driving the Americans in general, and the Americans from…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Hannah Coulter What Is Love According to

Words: 660
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hannah Coulter hat is love according to the novel Hannah Coulter and what does it mean to the larger sense of the human condition? In the novel, the female protagonist of…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Teams to Undertake Many Operations

Words: 6596
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is important to ensure that the team for any specific task comprises members who are knowledgeable and posses the required skills needed to carry out the task. Teams…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Project Management the Project Selected for This

Words: 4805
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Project Management The project selected for this study is the opening of a new restaurant in New York City. This restaurant will be named: "Home Grown." It will be fashioned…

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3 Pages


Identity Is Comprised Not Only

Words: 1186
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Betrayed by the American compatriots whom he helped, he languished in England in his climactic years, poor and lodged by a prostitute aided by a former student, until…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Aristotelian Sense There Are Nearly

Words: 1598
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Mill believed that any act may itself be inherently moral, so long as the outcome of that action produces a benign effect. Mill believed that the most ethical…

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