White House Essays (Examples)

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White House Security Plan
Threats and isk Assessments

There are a variety of different threats posing various levels of risks to the White House and its workers and inhabitants. The risk of an actual penetration by a small group of terrorists or militants carries a fairly low risk, given current security procedures and personnel; a heavy artillery military attack is even less likely given national defense systems and the sheer geopolitical implications of such an act. Greater subterfuge is likely to be employed in any truly risky threat; hidden bomb attacks, biological or chemical attacks with timed detonators or active triggers must be carefully screened for, as these represent one of the greatest threats to White House security in terms of both their potential damage and the likelihood of such an attack being attempted due to potential anonymity and attacker distance.

There are also many non-intentional and human-based threats that affect the security….

How the White House Works

White House is specifically the senior government officials who form the staff and the advisors to the President. The White House staff therefore handles many important functions in the context of the government. This paper will outline the different members of the White House staff, and the roles that they play in helping run the nation.
The Executive

No discussion of the White House could omit the President, First Lady, Vice-President and Second Lady. The President has the highest office of power in the land. He lives at the White House with his family, and has his office there as well.. The First Lady had little formal power, but is an influential person in the governance of the nation. First Ladies have traditionally used their positions and exposure to launch different initiatives, ranging from anti-drug campaigns to school lunch programs. The Vice President performs a key role within government. An important figurehead….

White House Information Security Breach
ussian hackers blamed for cyber attack that exposed President's private schedule - as White House insists computer system is secure-by Daily Mail

The article is a of the six months investigations that were commenced on the cause and source of the cyber attack and information security breach that took place in October 2014 within the State Department and exposed some of the restricted information within the White House. The report indicates that the possible culprits in the information compromise were the private schedule of the president of the United States and the emails of some of the people working within White House.

Further, the article attributes this act of cyber attack on a group of cyber-bandits who were working on behalf of the ussian government and Vladimir Putin. Immediate measures were taken once the compromise was noted and systems shut down and upgraded to avoid a repeat of….

Abstract One of the major components of President Trump’s campaign platform was a promise to make a massive investment in infrastructure spending in the United States. The Trump Administration has recently released a detailed proposal to honor its promises. The proposal contains measures such expanding expenditures on roads and bridges as well as offering greater broadband access to rural residents. The bill has attempted to strike a balance between offering more services and jobs to President Trump’s core supporters in so-called red states while also honoring the Republican commitment to smaller government.
White House Stimulus Plan
Historically, investing in transportation has been used by both Democratic and Republican administrations to stimulate a flagging economy or to ensure that a healthy economy continues to thrive. Unlike making major investments in social programs or defense, transportation and infrastructure is a more bipartisan and less controversial approach to stimulus, since it both employs workers from a….

Despite possessing overwhelming military power, the United States has sometimes struggled to achieve political objectives for a variety of reasons: first, the U.S. changes its administration every four to eight years and this means a new approach to policy is brought in each time, which makes it difficult for a consistent international policy to take hold. Second, if “strategy is a concept for relating means to ends,”[footnoteRef:2] the means (military power) may stay the same but the ends are changing every time power changes hands, which means strategy is always undergoing redevelopment. Thus, the political objectives are not achieved because the objectives may change along with strategy. Third, the global opinion towards the U.S. has itself changed over time, meaning that allies are more and more hesitant to work with the U.S. after the disastrous Iraq War and the bungling of the Libyan regime change and the Syrian intervention. The….

Executive BranchThere are many ways for individuals to interact and make their voices heard. The most direct way to influence the Executive Branch is to vote in presidential elections. This allows citizens to directly influence who is leading this branch of government. Then there is public comment. The federal agencies often invite public comments on proposed regulations. It is a way for the public to contribute their thoughts and ideas on new or revised regulations.Another way is to contact officials. Citizens can write, email, or call the White House to express opinions on current issues, or their elected representatives who can influence the executive. The White House website also offers a platform where citizens can create and sign petitions on matters they care about. If a petition meets a certain threshold of signatures, the White House will offer an official response.Town halls are another way. Occasionally, Executive Branch agencies will….

She feels she doesn't really belong to that house because that is not the house of her dreams. That is what prompts her to start writing. Her creative pursuits help her stay sane so she doesn't feel so trapped by the "ghost" of the sad red house. "I put it down on paper and then the ghost does not ache so much. I write it down and Mango says goodbye sometimes. She does not hold me with both arms. She sets me free" (p. 101).
It is highly interesting that house in this novel doesn't only represent the physical house but also the imaginary dwelling in the mind that Esperanza escapes to in order to alleviate the anguish. The house is thus a place of escape for her. When the reality becomes too unbearable, Esperanza seeks another dwelling. This dwelling exists in her mind and produced by her creative skills.….

She tells her neighbor, "you have no way of knowing, but you're talking to a person whose life may be more like yours than you could ever imagine" (ideman 34). This clearly links the non-white and white narrators together in a common bond based on how racism has torn them apart from each other.
However, the white narrator seems more willing to try and rectify the situation that racism has destroyed. Rather than Laurel, this woman seems to want to take smaller steps to rectify the situation, "I don't want to be a stranger" (ideman 35). This shows how the white narrator here is willing to try to end the racism that created his own strange, defensive thoughts. She says "I'm not that kind of person. I raised my children not to hate" (ideman 30). Yet, the reader is left unsure as to whether or not they can actually trust….

House Made of Dawn by N.Scott Momaday - An Extension of Central Thematic Preoccupations in Sherman Alexis' 'Indian Killer'
This is a two and half page paper on two novels. 'House Made of Dawn' by N. Scott Momaday though encompasses various genre of autobiography, history, fiction, memoirs, and ethnography, this paper will strive to present an analysis of the awakening factor highlighted in the strong wordings of the author, as also depicted in the novel 'Indian Killer' by Sherman Alexis.

The awakening of the Indian literature of the Americans, more commonly known as the Red Indians, achieved its breakthrough in the writings of Momaday, in particular his first novel 'House Made of Dawn' written in 1969. House Made of Dawn also had the distinction of getting the famous Pulitzer Prize. The novel presents a detailed insight into the Native American life, through the eyes of an Indian caught between the two world,….

hite: Beyond Naivete and Obliviousness
One of the earliest interpretations of Snow hite can be traced to the collected works of the Brother's Grimm. Since then, the tale has been adapted into an animated feature -- Disney's first -- and has served as the subject for Anne Sexton's poem, "Snow hite and the Seven Dwarves." In these interpretations, Snow hite has traditionally been portrayed as an innocent, naive, and oblivious girl who eventually succumbs to the chicanery of her evil stepmother and is almost killed. Through these various interpretations, it can be argued that Snow hite is not only naive and oblivious, but she is also stubborn and selfish.

Snow hite can only be considered to be oblivious and/or naive up to the point that she realizes that her stepmother has tried to have her killed. Up until the moment she realizes that her stepmother has tried to have her killed,….

House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros [...] theme of search for self-definition. The protagonist of this novel, Esperanza, narrates a series of "chapters" concerning her life, her world, and the barrio as she sees it happening around her. Throughout the book, as Esperanza watches the world, she struggles to discover just who she is, and where she fits in the world around her. This self-definition is a compelling theme of the novel, but it also shows the difficulties many young Latinas face as they come of age in America.
Published in 1984, many critics believe "The House on Mango Street" is one of the best Chicana stories written. Author Sandra Cisneros writes with knowledge and pathos of growing up Latina in America because she herself experienced the difficulties of growing up in multi-cultural family. Her mother is Mexican-American and her father is Mexican, and she spent her childhood "commuting"….

House on Mango Street

Thus, although she is not aware as such of her position in society, she realizes however that the house they moved to does not correspond to what her family had been dreaming about. The small and crammed house offers almost as little space as the other places they lived in. When describing the small house, the author introduces the single metaphor in the speech of the child narrator, saying that the windows were so small that one would think "they're holding their breath":

But the house on Mango Street it's not the way they told it at all. it's small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath."

The metaphor is very significant as it highlights the main theme of the story: the interplay between the personal space and the space of the others, or the relation between the self and society.….

TEOIST THEAT ASSESSMENT Terrorist Threat Assessment: White SupremacyIn its September 2021 report to the House of epresentatives Committee on Oversight and eform, the FBI acknowledged that the greatest terrorism threat in the US is posed by small cells and lone actors who use easily accessible weapons to attack soft targets (FBI, 2021). The main manifestations of these threats are Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs) and Domestic Violent Extremists (DVE) arising domestically (FBI, 2021). HVEs are influenced or inspired by foreign terrorist groups although they do not have direct links or receive individualized orders from these groups (FBI, 2021). Conversely, DVEs commit acts of terrorism to further certain political or social goals arising from domestic issues, such as anti-government sentiments and ethnic or racial bias (FBI, 2021).DVEs who act in furtherance of ethnic or racial goals are referred to as MVEs (acially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists) (FBI, 2021). According to the….

Snow hite has a low sense of self-efficacy. She dreams of a prince making her life better, not of making her life better through her own initiative She does not leave her cruel stepmother's home, rather she waits until she is literally forced out in a life or death situation, even though she was being abused and used as a scullery maid. This behavior may also tie into her strong superego as a character -- she does not openly disobey her stepmother, ever, and works hard to earn her keep for the dwarves. However, her superego's strength is inconsistent -- she breaks into a home rather than takes refuge somewhere else, and allows herself to eat an apple from a stranger.

Snow hite is the subject of her stepmother's projections -- all of the woman's fears about aging and her loss of beauty are projected onto the girl, and the woman….

House Is a Poem About

Line 12 - Again, he notes that the land and country will change, but it will still remain close to what it is today.

Line 13 - This line talks about creation and the birth of Earth, just as the poem celebrates creation and the birth of a building.

Line 14 - This line continues the theme of creation, using a metaphor of "Orion in December" to describe the theme of creation, rebirth, and permanence at the same time.

Line 15 - This beautiful line uses phrase and simile to create a beautiful illusion. "Evenings was strung in the throat of the valley like a lamp-lighted bridge" (Jeffers 15), and the image of the "throat" of the valley makes it seem delicate and beautiful at the same time.

Line 16 - This line brings the reader back to the house and the coastline, and the permanence of the ocean and the "white gulls" (Jeffers….

Constitutional law is one of the two most important types of law for anyone in the legal field to understand.  The United States legal system is derived from a combination of a common law tradition and constitutional law.  The common law tradition helps people understand the legal norms that are not expressly outlined in the Constitution or by legislation, while the Constitution places limits and guidelines on the rights and duties that can be governed by the law.  This is true with administrative law, which specifically addresses the laws related to various government agencies.  This is especially....

1. A comparison of President Trump's and President Biden's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
2. Analyzing the impact of President Trump's immigration policies versus President Biden's immigration policies
3. Evaluating President Trump's approach to foreign policy in comparison to President Biden's foreign policy stance
4. The role of social media in the presidency: A look at how President Trump and President Biden use platforms like Twitter
5. Examining the economic policies of President Trump and President Biden and their effects on the middle class
6. A deep dive into the environmental policies of President Trump and President Biden, including their views on climate change
7. The....

Key Factors Contributing to the Persistence of Poverty in America

Poverty, a multifaceted issue that afflicts millions of Americans, is a persistent problem that has plagued the United States for decades. Understanding the complex interplay of factors that perpetuate poverty is essential for developing effective strategies to break its cycle. Here are some of the key factors contributing to the persistence of poverty in America:

1. Economic Inequality:

The gap between the wealthy and the poor has widened significantly over the past several decades. This growing inequality limits economic mobility and opportunity for low-income individuals, leaving them vulnerable to poverty.
Lack of....

The President of the United States
The winner of the 2024 presidential election will hold the title of President of the United States. This is the highest office in the federal government of the United States and is responsible for leading the executive branch of the government. The President is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress.
The President is elected by the Electoral College, which is composed of electors chosen by the voters in each state. The candidate who receives the majority of electoral votes wins the presidency. If no candidate....

5 Pages

Urban Studies

White House Security Plan Threats and Risk

Words: 1480
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

White House Security Plan Threats and isk Assessments There are a variety of different threats posing various levels of risks to the White House and its workers and inhabitants. The risk…

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9 Pages


How the White House Works

Words: 2833
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

White House is specifically the senior government officials who form the staff and the advisors to the President. The White House staff therefore handles many important functions in the…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

Cyber Attack on White House

Words: 1146
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Chapter

White House Information Security Breach ussian hackers blamed for cyber attack that exposed President's private schedule - as White House insists computer system is secure-by Daily Mail The article is a…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Politics - Fiscal Policy

Transportation Stimulus Plan 2018

Words: 1647
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Abstract One of the major components of President Trump’s campaign platform was a promise to make a massive investment in infrastructure spending in the United States. The Trump Administration has…

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3 Pages


Struggle to Achieve Political Objectives in United States

Words: 1041
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Despite possessing overwhelming military power, the United States has sometimes struggled to achieve political objectives for a variety of reasons: first, the U.S. changes its administration every four to…

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1 Pages
Creative Writing


Town Halls and Twitter Engaging the White House

Words: 346
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Executive BranchThere are many ways for individuals to interact and make their voices heard. The most direct way to influence the Executive Branch is to vote in presidential elections.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

House on Mango Street Significance

Words: 1243
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

She feels she doesn't really belong to that house because that is not the house of her dreams. That is what prompts her to start writing. Her creative…

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6 Pages


White vs Non-White Narrator Comparing

Words: 2010
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

She tells her neighbor, "you have no way of knowing, but you're talking to a person whose life may be more like yours than you could ever imagine"…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


House Made of Dawn by N Scott Momaday

Words: 1388
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

House Made of Dawn by N.Scott Momaday - An Extension of Central Thematic Preoccupations in Sherman Alexis' 'Indian Killer' This is a two and half page paper on two novels.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


White Beyond Naivete and Obliviousness One of

Words: 1121
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

hite: Beyond Naivete and Obliviousness One of the earliest interpretations of Snow hite can be traced to the collected works of the Brother's Grimm. Since then, the tale has…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


House on Mango Street Struggle for Self-Definition

Words: 1105
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros [...] theme of search for self-definition. The protagonist of this novel, Esperanza, narrates a series of "chapters" concerning her life, her…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

House on Mango Street

Words: 2291
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Thus, although she is not aware as such of her position in society, she realizes however that the house they moved to does not correspond to what her family…

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11 Pages

Criminal Justice

White Supremacy Extremism Threat Assessment

Words: 3213
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Assessment

TEOIST THEAT ASSESSMENT Terrorist Threat Assessment: White SupremacyIn its September 2021 report to the House of epresentatives Committee on Oversight and eform, the FBI acknowledged that the greatest terrorism…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Sports - Women

White Psychoanalytic Creative Case Study

Words: 1106
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Snow hite has a low sense of self-efficacy. She dreams of a prince making her life better, not of making her life better through her own initiative She does…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


House Is a Poem About

Words: 1027
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Line 12 - Again, he notes that the land and country will change, but it will still remain close to what it is today. Line 13 - This line talks…

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