Wireless Network Essays (Examples)

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Wireless Networks and Bluetooth
Pages: 2 Words: 605

Wireless Networks
We are witnessing a paradigm shift in communication technology and wireless communication is fast becoming the growing trend. Wireless LANs offer an entirely new level of service which cannot be supported by conventional wired communication and thereby extend the usefulness and performance of technology. Wireless networks have considerably influenced our day today life. The new applications of Wireless networks have drastically improved our connectivity from a limited to an ever-expanding world of information. The birth of cellular technology, infrared and spread spectrum radio services have revolutionized our world of communication. The continuous progress in Wireless technology has made the dream of a mobile workforce already a reality.

Wireless networks imply a wide array of technology that offer different services and operate in different ways. Wireless networks use air as the communication medium and eliminate the system tethers and the associated difficulties. Unlike the wired medium of communication, in a wireless…...



1) Wenig.P. Raymond, "Wireless LANs," 1996 Academic Press Inc.

2) Bluetooth Solutions, "What is Bluetooth," Accessed on May 25th, 2003, http://www.siliconwave.com/what_is_bluetooth.html

3) Jeff Strip, "Bluetooth: Value ADDS and Opportunities," Accessed on May 25th, 2003


Wireless Networks and Pervasive Computing
Pages: 2 Words: 438

To get a sense of how effective these metropolitan WiMAX networks are, it's useful to look at a WiMAX Scenario Analysis, which is shown in Figure 1. This schematic diagram shows how the various clients for a system would interact with base stations as subscribers, followed in transmission, aggregation and multi-service core aggregation of messaging. Figure 1 illustrates best practices in creating a WiMAX network across a broad metropolitan area.
Figure 1: WiMAX Scenario Analysis

Sources: based on analysis of (O'Shea, 2006) (Zhang, Schiffman, Gibbs, Kunjithapatham, Jeong, 2009)


It's time that WiMAX planners for communities see these network as they are -- massive accelerators of commerce and new venture creation. The greater the level of interchange in a given community, accelerated by technology, the greater the level of growth it will experience. WiMAX has been shown to be an accelerator of new business growth as a result (O'Shea, 2006).


Dan O'Shea (2006, April).…...



Dan O'Shea (2006, April). WiMAX Puts Service Quality on Display. Telephony, 247(6), S12-S14.

Xinwen Zhang, Joshua Schiffman, Simon Gibbs, Anugeetha Kunjithapatham, and Sangoh Jeong. 2009. Securing elastic applications on mobile devices for cloud computing. In Proceedings of the 2009 ACM workshop on Cloud computing security (CCSW '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 127-134.

Wireless Network Mary Hickernell Professor
Pages: 4 Words: 1040

This solution will provide the Worldwide Travel Agency with LAN access flexibility and mobility that it lacks in their current wired LAN system. To provide several options on wireless LAN solution, I will compare three different wireless LAN systems of the following three manufacturers.
Cisco ystems


From the comparison, it is hoped that the best technical solution for the Worldwide Travel Agency will be selected. After this, the establishment of recommendation, in an analytical report, to Mr. Choo shall follow.


The Worldwide Travel Agency needs a wireless LAN solution to provide its mobile employees with an efficient and convenient way of accessing the company's database system. This solution will not only benefit the mobile employees but all the employees as well. In view of this, this research will cover an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed wireless LAN solution. A comparison to other possible solutions will also be included…...



Information shall be gathered from different sources. This includes the Internet such as from networking web sites, computer magazines such as PC Magazine, and computer stores such as the Radio Shack and Circuit City. In addition, I will consult from hardware specifications as published by various wireless LAN manufacturers.


My ability to perform an evaluation of network solution that will best fit for the Worldwide Travel Agency comes from my Computer Science education as well as from my previous job experience as an it Technician in a computer consulting firm. My experience in designing web sites, and in creating programs, databases, and network projects, provides me with idea of what network specification can allow a cost-effective and efficient use of networks.


Wireless Network Design Proposal Apparently Technology Has
Pages: 7 Words: 2511

Wireless Network Design Proposal
Apparently, technology has influenced many fields and education is not an exception. Students can now access education from different locations in the globe, a factor that has contributed to the development of the education sector. In addition, students can access lectures through the internet, lecturers can share information through live-conferencing, and this has led to further development of the education sector. The case study provided aims to develop a network, which will cater for the anticipated growth of the institution, allow for distance learning via live broadcasting, desktop screen sharing and digital video conferencing. In addition, this paper utilizes prior and current information concerning wireless networks to design a network, which will cater for the institution's needs.

Table of Contents


Business Goals

Technical Goals

Case Study

Network design Proposal

Mesh Network

802.11 Access Points 8

Architecture of Learning and Teaching 8

Block Structure 8

Design Considerations 9

Detail Structure 10

Important Applications 10

Server Hardware 11

Operating System 11

Media Server…...



Akintola, K.G., & Akinyokun, K.C. (2011). Design and Development of Multimedia Network

System for eLearning in Nigerian Universities. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 6(3), 49-60.

Brewer, E., Demmer, M., Ho, M., Honicky, R.J., Pal, J., Plauch, M., & Surana, S. (2006). The Challenges

of Technology Research for Developing Regions. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 5(2), 15-23.

Wireless Network Technology Mainly I Will Discuss
Pages: 6 Words: 1600

wireless network technology. Mainly, I will discuss the main features of wireless technology, and explain how network technology has become so useful in the present time.
In the next section, I will give a brief review of ten articles and show how they are related to the above theme of the essay. Finally, I will explain the impact of wireless technology within the next decade.

In the present section, a brief overview of ten articles on wireless technology is presented:

Elliot, . (2002). Wireless information management. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?QT=318&pmid=23201&TS=1071005374&clientId=13245&VType=PQD&VName=PQD&VInst=POD" Information Management Journal, 36(5): 62-66

Wireless technologies are portable systems that use radio signals for the exchange of data. In other words, wireless system is always connected with the data. A number of examples of wireless systems are personal digital assistants (PDAs), robots, telehealth apparatus, pagers, telephones, tablet computers and subnotebook computers (smaller, lighter portable computers), smart telephones, wireless networks.

Wireless applications use a range of communication…...



Advani, R. And Choudhury, K. (2001). Making the most of B2C wireless. Business Strategy Review, 12(1): 39-49.

Brodsky, I. (1997). The net unplugged. Telephony, 232 (9): 50.

Elliot, R. (2002). Wireless information management.   Information Management Journal, 36(5): 62-66.http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?RQT=318&pmid=23201&TS=1071005374&clientId=13245&VType=PQD&VName=PQD&VInst=PROD "

Joshi, A. And Krishna, A. (2001). Broadband wireless. Journal of High Speed Networks, 10(1): 1-6.

Wireless Network
Pages: 1 Words: 322

Wireless ervice Providers
In the United tates there are currently more than 40 wireless service providers. Many are local while others such as Alltel and Cricket have strategies to expand farther their current networks in the Northeast, outheast and West. In looking at the competition and trends, it is likely that the large players in the industry will either acquire smaller companies or that the companies that dominate the market will simply put smaller companies out of business.

The current top-four players in the industry are Cingular, Verizon, AT& T, and print PC.

Verizon Wireless tops the list of wireless providers, serving 33.3 million customers. It covers 49 of the top-50 wireless. markets and 97 of the top-100 markets and 97 of the top 100 markets. The company's network sales and infrastructure includes 1,200 company stores and 140 switching stations (Verizon 2002 Annual Report 2).

Cingular takes second place, serving 22 million customers in…...


Sprint 2001 Annual Report. Questions and Answers. 16 Feb 2004 .

Verizon 2002 Annual Report. 24 June 2003. .

Weber, Harry R. "Cingular Ups Offer For AT& T. Wireless To $38 Billion, Source Says." MiamiHerald.com. 16 Feb. 2004. 16 Feb 2004 .

Free Wireless Networks
Pages: 20 Words: 5062

Free ireless Networks
Since the construction of the information Superhighway, its' use to distribute information has become phenomenal. Information gathering and dissemination is the most valuable asset for a business to succeed. Demands for more and more efficient means of connecting to the Internet have driven exponential technological advances. So much so that the craze to connect has gone wireless and with this technology an entirely new set of issues, concerns and problems have arisen. One movement associated with the wireless phenomena is the free wireless internet access movement, not unlike the original free internet movement, which largely became a victim of cost burdens and an inability to increase technology with growth, the free wireless movement is a demand by individuals and communities to offer a network or global (inside city limits) connectivity system that is free of charge to the wireless user.

This paper will define and analyze the free wireless…...


Works Cited

Arnold, Scott, et al. "Winning in Wireless." The McKinsey Quarterly (1998): 18+. Questia. 30 Oct. 2004  http://www.questia.com/ .

Banks, Christopher J. "The Third Generation of Wireless Communications: The Intersection of Policy, Technology, and Popular Culture." Law and Policy in International Business 32.3 (2001): 585. Questia. 30 Oct. 2004

Wireless Networking
Pages: 44 Words: 12201

Wireless Networking Phenomenon
Today's world is faced with a myriad of challenging and complex issues that require advanced technological solutions. As technology becomes increasingly user-friendly and focused on the consumer, it is evident that users have become more dependent on wireless technological devices as mechanisms that promote convenience, survival, and economic prosperity. Devices such as cellular phones, laptop computers, and personal digital assistants have become absolute essential components for many consumers for personal usage as well as for businesses in order to increase communication access at all times and locations. Wireless technology has essentially replaced face-to-face communications to some degree and has dramatically improved the economic and communicative expectations of its users across the globe.


This study will demonstrate the absolute importance of personal and business forms of wireless technology in today's increasingly complex society. Various books, periodicals and research journal articles will summarize the history of communications leading up to the…...



The Associated Press. (n.d). Statistics about communications tech.

Retrieved 1 March 2003, at  http://tin.le.org/vault/wireless/statistics.html 

Blosser, L. (2002). Wireless networking under siege. Journal of Internet

Law, 16-17.

Wireless Networking Technology and Security
Pages: 22 Words: 7497

luetooth devices use encryption security and this makes the requirement of a "unique key session key to derive per-packet keys thus avoiding frequent key reuse." (Kennedy and Hunt, 2008, p.4)
Kennedy and Hunt report that Zigee is a reasonably priced low energy consumption two-way CDMA/A-based wireless communications standard which is based on IEEE 802.15.4 which is referred to commonly as a 'Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs) and which is targeted primarily "at radio frequency applications requiring low data rate, long battery life and secure networking." (p.4)

LP-WANS "offer device level wireless connectivity..." And as well "they enable a range of new applications as well as enhance existing applications." (2008, p.4) These devices are low in cost and low in their energy use and due to their self-organization features are useful for public security applications as well as for tracking inventory and automation in the home and office. A wireless…...



Alexiou, A., Antonellis, D., & Bouras, C. (2006). Evaluating different one to many packet delivery schemes for UMTS. Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium a world of wireless, mobile and multimedia networks. Washington DC, USA, 8, 7-72

Amaldi, E., Capone, A., & Malucelli, F. (2008). Radio planning and coverage optimization of 3G cellular networks. Wireless Networks 14 (4), 435-447.

Canton, J. (2008). "Top ten trends: The top ten trends in the future of security -- what is coming?." Retrieved on 6/6/09 from  http://www.globalfuturist.com/about-igf/top-ten-trends/trends-in-security.html 

Chang, C., Huang, C., & Ho., C. (2008). Capacity-based compressed mode control algorithm for inter-system measurements in UMTS system. Wireless Networks 14 (3), 403-413.

Wireless Local Area Network
Pages: 7 Words: 2057

Exploring the Basics of Wireless Local Area Networks

In today's digital age, connectivity plays a crucial role in how we communicate and interact with the world around us. One of the technologies that enable this connectivity is Wireless Local Area Networks, commonly known as WLAN or Wi-Fi.

A Wireless Local Area Network is a type of network that allows devices to connect and communicate wirelessly within a limited area, such as a home, office, or campus. This technology has become essential in our daily lives, as it allows us to access the internet, share files, and connect with other devices without the need for physical cables.

Wireless Local Area Networks operate using radio waves to transmit data between devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, and a central access point, known as a Wi-Fi router. This access point serves as the bridge between the devices and the internet, providing a seamless connection for…...



1. CISCO. (2019). Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018–2023).  https://www.cisco.com 

2. Wi-Fi Alliance. (2020). Discover Wi-Fi Security.  https://www.wi-fi.org/discover-wi-fi/security 

3. Cisco Tech Blog. (2021). Top Considerations for Effective WLAN Deployment.  https://blogs.cisco.com 

4. Rouse, M. (2018). Network Management. TechTarget.  https://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/definition/network-management

Technology of Wireless Networking in
Pages: 2 Words: 649

As one expert notes, "Access to patient information by healthcare professionals at the point of patient care is critical to improving patient safety. Physicians and nurses move between patients reviewing, documenting and delivering care" (Author not Available, 2007, p. 2). Using wireless technology helps improve productivity, because doctors and nurses do not have to return to a fixed computer, and they can use other devices right away. Ultimately, this reduces costs and time spent between patients, and improves the quality and effectiveness of care.

Wireless technology reduces costs because it allows personnel to be more efficient. It also reduces the need for some staff, like medical records, as these records ultimately are input into the computers. Other areas of healthcare, such as asset management, also benefit from wireless technology, as high-cost assets can be monitored electronically to reduce theft and vandalism (Author not Available, 2007, p. 3).

Using wireless technology can drastically…...



Author not Available. (2007). Delivering mobile point of care with pervasive wireless networks. Retrieved 7 Oct. 2008 from the Intel Web site: http://download.intel.com/healthcare/pdf/Mobile_Point_of_Care_with_Wireless_Networks_FNL.pdf.

Editors. (2008). Wireless networking solutions. Retrieved 7 Oct. 2008 from the Motorola.com Web site:  http://www.motorola.com/governmentandenterprise/contentdir/zh_CN/Files/Network%20PDFs/HealthCareApplication.pdf .

Wisnicki, H.J. (2002). Wireless networking transforms health care. Ophthalmology Times; Vol. 27 Issue 21, 38-39.

Wireless Local Area Networks
Pages: 6 Words: 2712

Wireless Local Area Networks
The establishment of home and business networks desirous of upgrading to Wireless Local Area Network- WLAN confront with the problems of choosing from available alternatives. The vendors offer several products for sale that hovers around different wireless standards like 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and Bluetooth. During the year 1997, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -- IEEE developed the first WLAN standard. They termed it 802.11 in line with the name given to the group appointed for supervising its development. However, to our misfortune the 802.11 could support only a maximum bandwidth of 2 Mbps -- too slow for most applications. Due to these ordinary 802.11 wireless products could not be manufactured further. (802.11 Standards - 802.11b 802.11a 802.11g: Which one is right for You?)

The IEEE standard is an extension of the original 802.11 standard devised during July, 1999 generating 802.11b specification. While 802.11b was devised the…...



Configuring Windows XP IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks for the Home and Small Business. August 4, 2004. Retrieved from Accessed on 18 April, 2005http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/wifisoho.mspx

Griffith, Eric. 802.11g Approved by IEEE Working Group. Retrieved from   Accessed on 18 April, 2005http://www.wi-fiplanet.com/news/article.php/1584761 

802.11 Standards - 802.11b 802.11a 802.11g: Which one is right for You? Retrieved from   Accessed on 18 April, 2005http://compnetworking.about.com/cs/wireless80211/a/aa80211standard.htm 

The 802.11g standard -- IEEE. 01 Mar 2003. Retrieved from  http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/wireless/library/wi-ieee.html

Network It Communications Selecting the Type of Cable
Pages: 3 Words: 769

Network/IT Communications
Selecting the type of cable to be used when developing a LAN from the ground up can be a complex process with many considerations, including issues of functionality and of cost. Twisted pair cables provide a cheaper alternative to other cable types and are also the most flexible type of cable, but they are less secure and are more prone to losses in data integrity than are other standard cable types (Hsieh, 2012). Fiber optic cables provide the best protection against interference and are the most secure cable for use in a network, but the cost can be prohibitive and the heightened performance aspects are not necessary in all applications (Hsieh, 2012). Coaxial cables come in two varieties, thinnet and thicknet, with thinnet being both cheaper and more flexible than twisted pair cables (though still more expensive and less flexible) and also provide a decent amount of security and…...



Bonsor, K. (2012). How satellite radio works. Accessed 9 October 2012.  http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/satellite-radio1.htm 

Hsieh, C. (2012). Network cabling. Accessed 9 October 2012. http://pluto.ksi.edu/~cyh/cis370/ebook/ch02b.htm

Major, M. (2009). Making connections. Accessed 9 October 2012.  http://majormike.us/?p=197 

Rodgers, J. (2008). Wired vs. Wireless: Sometimes There's No Substitute for a Cable. Accessed 9 October 212.  http://www.osnews.com/story/19748/Wired_vs_Wireless:_Sometimes_Theres_No_Substitute_for_a_Cable

Network Support Technologies Case Study
Pages: 10 Words: 2733

Network Support Technologies Case Study
Project Scope, Schedule, and Budget

Type and Configuration of the Network

Hardware Specifications

Software Specifications

User Policies and Legal Issues

Life of Equipment

Project Costs

Providing an Online Radio Service

Second Life

Information is now growing at speeds never thought imaginable. Today's world of Information Technology (IT) has provided the dynamic platform in which exponentially growing information resources emerge. This complex arena of knowledge management provides tremendous advantages to modern society. It allows individuals greater and faster access to resources that, in turn, can be used to facilitate more accurate decision making. This is especially true in the realm of academia.

Avington College's students will reap tremendous benefits from providing a blended e-learning solution. E-learning provides many inherent advantages through its method of delivery. Digital content can be implemented nearly as fast as it is created with virtually no risk of obsolescence. hen e-learning is used in a class room setting, it can be blended along…...


Works Cited

Barbara Means, Y.T. (2009). Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies. U.S. Department of Education.

Bates, T. (2009, June 24). e-Learning and 21st century skills and competences.

David Hucaby, D.D. (2010). CCNP Switch 642-813 Cert Kit. Cisco Press.

Elliot, M. (2005, July 15). www.cnet.com. Retrieved May 9, 2010, from  http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-10166_7-5543710-1.html

Network Security the Practice of
Pages: 5 Words: 1551


The purpose of this discussion was to examine the network security measures that are available. The research found that the proper configuration provides the first line of defense as it relates to securing a network.

In addition, firewalls serve an essential role in securing networks against outside intrusions. The research also indicates that anti-virus software, encryption software and biometrics allow organizations to secure networks in a more comprehensive manner. There are also specific strategies and technologies that should be considered if an organization chooses to use a wireless network.


Davis J.P.(2006) Telecommute Safely: Use Internet Technology to Keep Cost Down. Contributors: - author. Journal Title: Journal of Accountancy. Volume: 202. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 2006. Page Number: 39+.

Hoover M. (2005) Network Security: The New Perimeter; Security Threats Can No Longer Be Contained in the DMZ. How Do You Protect Every esource, and Every User's Traffic, No Matter Where it's Coming From?. Business…...



Davis J.P.(2006) Telecommute Safely: Use Internet Technology to Keep Cost Down. Contributors: - author. Journal Title: Journal of Accountancy. Volume: 202. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 2006. Page Number: 39+.

Hoover M. (2005) Network Security: The New Perimeter; Security Threats Can No Longer Be Contained in the DMZ. How Do You Protect Every Resource, and Every User's Traffic, No Matter Where it's Coming From?. Business Communications Review. Volume: 35(7). Page Number: 40+.

Intel Glossary. Retrieved November 7, 2007 at  http://www.intel.com/products/glossary/body.htm 

Karygiannis T. & Owens L., 2002. Wireless Network security. National Institute of Standards in technology. Retrieved November 7, 2007 at  http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-48/NIST_SP_800-48.pdf

What are the latest advancements in reconfigurable antennas according to recent literature reviews?
Words: 389

Recent Advancements in Reconfigurable Antennas
Reconfigurable antennas have emerged as a cutting-edge technology due to their ability to dynamically change their resonant frequency, radiation pattern, and impedance. Recent literature reviews have highlighted several key advancements in this field:
1. Metamaterial-Based Reconfigurable Antennas:
Metamaterials, artificially engineered materials with tailored electromagnetic properties, have enabled the development of reconfigurable antennas with unprecedented capabilities. By controlling the metamaterial's geometry and composition, researchers can manipulate the antenna's resonant frequency, radiation pattern, and polarization.
2. Frequency-Agile Reconfigurable Antennas:
Frequency-agile reconfigurable antennas can switch between multiple operating frequencies without compromising performance. This is achieved through innovative designs that use frequency-selective surfaces, varactor....

How has information technology revolutionized communication in the modern world?
Words: 585

Information Technology: A Communication Revolution

Information technology (IT) has profoundly transformed the way we communicate in the modern world. By enabling the rapid and ubiquitous exchange of information, IT has revolutionized our personal, professional, and societal interactions.

Real-Time Communication

One of the most significant impacts of IT has been the advent of real-time communication. Messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger allow us to send and receive messages, photos, and videos instantaneously, regardless of location. Video conferencing tools like Zoom and Skype have made virtual face-to-face interactions a reality, bridging geographical distances.

Social Media

Social media platforms have created vast virtual communities where....

How has the evolution of wireless local area networks changed the way we connect and communicate in modern society?
Words: 588

The evolution of wireless local area networks (WLANs) has had a profound impact on the way we connect and communicate in modern society. Here are some ways in which WLANs have changed the way we interact and communicate with each other:

1. Increased Mobility: WLANs allow us to connect to the internet and communicate with others without being tied down by physical cables. This has significantly increased our mobility and flexibility, allowing us to work, study, and communicate from virtually anywhere.

2. Seamless Connectivity: WLANs provide seamless connectivity, allowing us to stay connected to the internet and to each other at all....

How has the evolution of wireless local area networks changed the way we connect and communicate in modern society?
Words: 611

Evolution of Wireless Local Area Networks and its Impact on Modern Communication

Historical Perspective:

The evolution of wireless local area networks (WLANs) has revolutionized the way we connect and communicate in modern society. The roots of WLAN technology can be traced back to the 1990s, with the introduction of the first Wi-Fi standards (IEEE 802.11). Since then, WLANs have undergone continuous advancements, leading to increased bandwidth, extended range, and enhanced security features.

Ubiquitous Connectivity:

One of the most significant impacts of WLAN evolution has been the widespread availability of wireless internet access. With the proliferation of Wi-Fi hotspots in public spaces, homes, and workplaces,....

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