Work Life Balance Essays (Examples)

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Work Life Balance

Wok-Life Balance
The objective of this eseach is to examine how business manages should deal with the wok-life balance issues of thei employees. This will be accomplished by conducting a eview of the liteatue in this aea of study and will include pevious studies and epots of an academic and pofessional pee-eviewed natue.

The pesent economy has made the suvival of businesses a challenging pusuit with climbing costs of labo not to mention the opeating expense fo a business. Howeve, flexibility is a pimay chaacteistic of the business that will suvive the pesent economic slump. In addition to the pesent state of the economy a epot published by the Society fo Human Resouce Management and specifically the 'Wokplace Foecast' elates that 57% of human esouces pofessionals "ageed that thee will be an inceased demand fo wok-life balance in the coming yeas." (Avats, 2010, p.1) In a sepaate study epoted by the Society….

Work Life Balance - the ole of HM
Human resources management come with massive demands chiefly in light of the fact that it involves dealing with people, a task that is complex in itself. To enhance organizational growth, pleasure on the part of workforce is very crucial. This is a necessity that human resources sectors in organizations have to grapple with on a day-to-day basis through the initiation and implementation of means of achieving workers satisfaction and overall performance (Frame & Hartog, 2003). Creating room for work life balance constitutes come of the mechanisms that employers use in achieving this goal (Clutterbuck, 2003). Work life balance is a concept whose relevance in the organization and more so in the world of advancing technology holds a lot of water. It brings to both parties in the business environment numerous benefits (Ehnert, 2009). The concept has a wide range of practice ranging from….

In the contemporary business world, employee performance is a fundamental determinant in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. For this reason, organizations come up with various ways of motivating their workforce so as to ensure there is a high employee performance. Work life balance is a largely significant observable fact that is of considerable concern to different employees in an organization. In delineation, work life balance is expediting and fast-tracking between one's work, which encompasses career and aspiration and one's lifestyle, which encompasses health, leisure and family. This goes beyond emphasizing on the work role and personal life of individuals. It also influences the social, mental, financial and psychological welfare of the individual (Obiageli et al., 2015). This essay will assess the statement as to whether work life balance has a positive outcome for the organization and also for the employees.
Outcome for Employees

One of the positive outcomes of work….

Pathways to Employee Success and etentionIntroductionIn a competitive environment it is important to cultivate and sustain employment to achieving long-term success. To reach this goal, I would assess the current systems used to develop staff and measure employee success and satisfaction at the hospital. From there, I would use collected data from various sources to suggest possible solutions that could improve talent development, retention and employee satisfaction. In addition to these suggestions, I would provide practical approaches to implement the changes such as structured training programs and creating an open feedback loop between staff and management. As an H professional at the hospital facing a high rate of turnover and a lack of employee engagement, my next step in confronting the H challenge from a competitive standpoint would be to gather more information about the causes of the turnover and the factors that are contributing to the low levels of….

Gender Differences in Self-Esteem among Urban Municipal Center Employees in MaineAbstractThis research study investigated the differences in self-esteem levels between male and female employees of the Urban Municipal Center in Maine. Using the Self-Esteem Inventory with established validity and a Cronbach\\\'s Alpha level of .90, data was collected and analyzed using the Central Limit Theorem. The sample included 184 males and 252 females. The results of an independent samples t-test revealed no significant differences in self-esteem levels between male and female employees. The findings contribute to the understanding of self-esteem in workplace settings and provide insights for organizational policies and practices.IntroductionSelf-esteem plays a crucial role in individuals\\\' well-being and overall job satisfaction. As workplaces strive to create inclusive and diverse environments, understanding potential gender differences in self-esteem levels among employees is essential. This study aimed to investigate the differences in self-esteem levels between male and female employees of the Urban….

Annotated BibliographyAn, S. H. (2019). Employee voluntary and involuntary turnover and organizationalperformance: Revisiting the hypothesis from classical public administration.International Public Management Journal,22(3), 444-469.The author points out that employee turnover has been a topic of interest for scholars across various disciplines for many years. The prevailing hypothesis has been that voluntary turnover has a negative impact on organizational performance, while involuntary turnover has a positive impact. However, recent research has called this hypothesis into question.The researchers findings are generalizeable and valid based on the methodology and research design used. The author examines old findings using a new framework, which is clearly articulated and defined. Thus, he is able to put forward a new hypothesis, which, however, should be tested before being adopted as a rule. The method of hypothesis review is novel in terms of construction but also necessary insofar as it relates to the deconstruction and reconstruction of new meaning….

Work vs Life Balance the

ood indicates that "everyone has different motivations and aspirations that they wish to achieve in their life. ork-life balance is about adjustments that can be made to working patterns to enable people to combine work with the other facets of their life. Bratton and Gold (2003: 105) de-ne work-life balance as, 'the relationship between the institutional and cultural times and spaces of work and non-work in societies where income is predominantly generated and distributed through labour markets.'" (p. 388) This implicates various aspects of one's working experience, including the manner in which one's responsibility's are balanced with one's personal needs; the degree to which social needs are constructed within the workplace; and the manner in which the employer goes about providing opportunities for attendance of personal needs for employees. This definition is also underscored by the basic assumption that employee morale and work/life balance are inextricable and that, additionally,….

Life Balance in Effective Employee Management
Importance of Work-Life Balance

The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of work-life balance in an effective management of employees in contemporary organizations. The paper constitutes a brief introduction to the concept and a comprehensive discussion on how a good work-life balance of employees increases their morale, motivation, and commitment which ultimately contribute towards their superior workplace performance and higher organizational productivity.

Work-life balance means how employees are able to split their time and energy to manage their personal and professional lives in such a fashion that neither of them is negatively affected by the other (Eikhof, Warhurst, & Haunschild 2007). Work-life balance allows them to give time to their family commitments, personal care, community participation, and other personal life activities along with fulfilling the demands of their professional life (Saxena 2009). It is the responsibility of employers to formulate policies and procedures….

Work-Home Balance
Let's reports firing line question work/home balance, perspectives. First,'s employers advised issues, a wide variety sources expressing glee opportunities opened technology employers -opt -increasing portions employees' lives: Lane, S. Business history and future plans letter

The work-home balance

Technology is both a benefit and a bane to employees and employers alike. From an employee perspective, technology enables telecommuting and reduces 'real world' commuting time. It permits parents to remain with their young children if necessary -- as well as for an employee to work in pajamas. Also, if there is a problem at work, the employee may be able to deal with it virtually, either from a home computer, or even using a Blackberry or Smartphone, rather than going into the office. The downside, however, is that because employees can check their email even while on vacation, employers may expect them to do so. The workday can become never-ending, as the….

Merit Pay Grids
The author of this brief report has been asked to react to the statement "merit pay grids have the potential to undermine employee motivation." The author will use outside sources to agree or disagree with that statement. The author of this response will also include personal analysis about the question and perhaps a bit of personal experience as well. While "pay for performance" is deemed to be one of the best (if not the best) way of paying employees, it is not a fix-all and it can come with some downsides as money is not the main or sole motivator for a lot of employees.

The author of this report would generally agree with the statement being posed but the word "undermines" is perhaps not the best word. If anything, a merit-based system that is step-based is really the best way to go. Indeed, giving the same level of….

The competition to be on time with products, the remote area Microsoft is located in, and the fact that so many working professionals without families live in the Seattle area all make work-life balance difficult to achieve for many employees of Microsoft who have families. The continued exodus of key members of the MSN Search team to Google illustrates how the work-life balance is more fiction than fact according to Greene (2005). His article from Business Week paints a very accurate picture of the Microsoft culture and the challenges it faces in terms of continuing its momentum forward. Paradoxically Microsoft's competitive challenges are becoming so significant with open source software challenging their operating systems business and he challenges of competing with Google they could use a healthy dose of work-life balance giving them a boost to ingenuity and development. Only through giving employees their freedom in how they define….

These ideas and notions may seem more abstract than concrete. It can be a seemingly daunting task to stray from what I am used to, but I know that I must look at all aspects of my life as a system that works together as one unit. As I mentioned earlier, in order for other areas of my life to be on track my personal life must first be there. Working on my personal life diligently cannot help but to spill over into my work life. This will help to greatly improve my managerial and leadership abilities.

Once these abilities have been sharpened, I will be able to move an organization away from an old way of thinking to a systems thinking organization. Systems thinking involve looking at the whole organization as opposed to its individual components (Vaill, 1996). Even though organizations may be made up of separate entities, they still….

Balance in High School and

An employee has to "try it on for size" so to speak. For example, there are scores of people who do not fit the profile for being successful as a telecommuter or who have better success in following a specific road plan as noted by David Zelman. However, this does not mean that anyone should give up looking for a way to improve the balance in his or her life. Given the thousands of hours each person spends at work during a lifetime, it is advantageous for all people to find their unique answer to this balancing act.

Covey, S. 1989. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Kalensky, D.A. (2004). Telecommuter Work/Life Balance Study. (Accessed November 26, 2006).

McCarty, M. Find Time For Yourself. (2006) OfficePO. International Association of Administrative Professionals. 66.2: 11-12.

Hill, J., Alan J. Hawkins, Maria Ferris, and Michelle Weitzman. (2001). Finding an Extra….

Work and Family

Saroj Parasuraman's book, Integrating Work and Family: Challenges and Choices for a Changing World, examines the modern conflict between work and family from a number of perspectives. The author delves into the specific types of work and family conflicts, and the impact that they have on a number of actors, and argues that these conflicts stem from changes in work and family during this century. Personally, Integrating Work and Family provided a new perspective on the responsibility for work/family conflict, and the potential damage that can arise from clinging to old stereotypes of the nuclear family.
In Integrating Work and Family, Parasuraman attempts to examine the conflict between family and work from a variety of those impacted, including individuals, employers, consultants, and counselors.

The book notes that while there has been a great deal of discussion about family/work conflicts, such conflicts remain a serious problem. Writes Parasuraman, "The problem of balancing work….

Life Course Theory

sex trafficking situation in the Ukraine.
Cho, S., Dreher, A., & Neumayer, E. (2013). Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?. World Development, 41, 67-82. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.05.023

Connell, N., Jennings, W., Barbieri, N., & eingle Gonzalez, J. (2015). Arrest as a way out: understanding the needs of women sex trafficking victims identified by law enforcement. Journal Of Crime And Justice, 1-10. doi:10.1080/0735648x.2015.1007614

Constantinou, A. (2013). Cyprus and the Global Polemics of Sex Trade and Sex Trafficking: Colonial and Postcolonial Connections. International Criminal Justice eview, 23(3), 280-294. doi:10.1177/1057567713501517

Farrington, D., & Ttofi, M. (2014). 2 Developmental and Life-Course Theories of Offending. The Development Of Criminal And Antisocial Behavior, 19-38. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08720-7_2

Guth, A., Anderson, ., Kinnard, K., & Tran, H. (2014). Proper Methodology and Methods of Collecting and Analyzing Slavery Data: An Examination of the Global Slavery Index. Social Inclusion, 2(4), 14. doi:10.17645/si.v2i4.195


A thesis statement for an expository essay on work-life balance could be: "This essay will explore the importance of achieving work-life balance by examining the physical and mental health benefits, as well as its positive effects on productivity and overall satisfaction in both professional and personal spheres." To further refine this thesis statement, you could consider including specific examples or case studies that support the argument for work-life balance. For instance, you could mention studies that show how companies with work-life balance initiatives have lower turnover rates and higher employee engagement. Additionally, you could incorporate statistical data that highlights the prevalence....

Refining a Thesis Statement on Work-Life Balance

Original Thesis Statement:

Work-life balance is an important issue for employees and employers alike.

Refined Thesis Statement:

The increasing demands of the modern workplace are eroding work-life balance, leading to negative consequences for employees and organizations.


The original thesis statement is broad and lacks specificity. It simply states that work-life balance is important, but it does not provide any evidence or analysis to support this claim. The refined thesis statement is more specific and focused. It identifies a clear problem (the increasing demands of the modern workplace) and proposes a solution (improving work-life balance).

Body Paragraphs:

To support....

Title: Teachers' Perception on Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance has become an increasingly important topic in the modern workforce, as individuals strive to maintain a healthy equilibrium between their professional responsibilities and personal life. This balance is particularly crucial for teachers, who often face high levels of stress and burnout due to the demanding nature of their profession. Understanding teachers' perceptions on work-life balance can provide valuable insights into the challenges they face, as well as potential solutions to support their well-being and job satisfaction.
Literature Review
A study by Adamson and Darling (2017) examined the perceptions of teachers on work-life balance and found....

5 Pages
Peer-Reviewed Journal

Business - Management

Work Life Balance

Words: 1478
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Peer-Reviewed Journal

Wok-Life Balance The objective of this eseach is to examine how business manages should deal with the wok-life balance issues of thei employees. This will be accomplished by conducting a…

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22 Pages


Work Life Balance - The Role of

Words: 7287
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Essay

Work Life Balance - the ole of HM Human resources management come with massive demands chiefly in light of the fact that it involves dealing with people, a task that…

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6 Pages

Human Resources

Work life Balance and Positive Outcomes for Organizations and Employees

Words: 1978
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

In the contemporary business world, employee performance is a fundamental determinant in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. For this reason, organizations come up with various ways of…

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4 Pages


Work Life Balance to Enhance Employee Experience

Words: 1288
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Chapter

Pathways to Employee Success and etentionIntroductionIn a competitive environment it is important to cultivate and sustain employment to achieving long-term success. To reach this goal, I would assess the…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


Work Life Balance and Gender Differences

Words: 2551
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Gender Differences in Self-Esteem among Urban Municipal Center Employees in MaineAbstractThis research study investigated the differences in self-esteem levels between male and female employees of the Urban Municipal Center…

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12 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Public Administration

Solving the Work Life Balance for Gen Y

Words: 3490
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated BibliographyAn, S. H. (2019). Employee voluntary and involuntary turnover and organizationalperformance: Revisiting the hypothesis from classical public administration.International Public Management Journal,22(3), 444-469.The author points out that employee turnover…

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30 Pages


Work vs Life Balance the

Words: 8772
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Thesis

ood indicates that "everyone has different motivations and aspirations that they wish to achieve in their life. ork-life balance is about adjustments that can be made to working…

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6 Pages


Life Balance in Effective Employee Management Importance

Words: 2011
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Balance in Effective Employee Management Importance of Work-Life Balance The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of work-life balance in an effective management of employees in…

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2 Pages


Work-Home Balance Let's Reports Firing Line Question

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Work-Home Balance Let's reports firing line question work/home balance, perspectives. First,'s employers advised issues, a wide variety sources expressing glee opportunities opened technology employers -opt -increasing portions employees' lives: Lane,…

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2 Pages

Human Resources

Work Life Balance Versus Compensation

Words: 743
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Merit Pay Grids The author of this brief report has been asked to react to the statement "merit pay grids have the potential to undermine employee motivation." The author will…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Microsoft Corporation Work-Life Issues Microsoft

Words: 780
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The competition to be on time with products, the remote area Microsoft is located in, and the fact that so many working professionals without families live in the…

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2 Pages
Reaction Paper


Balanced and Centered Work Life

Words: 712
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

These ideas and notions may seem more abstract than concrete. It can be a seemingly daunting task to stray from what I am used to, but I know that…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Balance in High School and

Words: 1702
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

An employee has to "try it on for size" so to speak. For example, there are scores of people who do not fit the profile for being successful…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Work and Family

Words: 1026
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Saroj Parasuraman's book, Integrating Work and Family: Challenges and Choices for a Changing World, examines the modern conflict between work and family from a number of perspectives. The author…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Life Course Theory

Words: 370
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

sex trafficking situation in the Ukraine. Cho, S., Dreher, A., & Neumayer, E. (2013). Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?. World Development, 41, 67-82. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.05.023 Connell, N., Jennings, W., Barbieri,…

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