orkplace Diversity
"The benefits of diversity cannot be achieved with isolated interventions. To the contrary, a complete organizational culture change is required in order to promote appreciation of individual differences… diversity is a multifaceted reality…" (Martin-Alcazar, et al., 2012)
The need for diversity in the workplace has been well established in the literature, but the need for managers and executives to build a culture based on diversity is still on the drawing boards for many organizations. Learning the how, why and when of diversity in the workplace is the next big step for companies, in particular those organizations competing in the global marketplace. Diversity in the workplace must be more than numbers and demographics, according to the literature in this paper. It is a moral imperative and in addition it should be an intelligent, insightful and practical business policy.
Diversity is not a new concept in the workforce, but diversity has been receiving…...
mlaWorks Cited
Childs, J.T. (Ted). (2005). Managing Workforce Diversity at IBM: A Global HR Topic That
Has Arrived. Human Resource Management, 44(1), 73-77.
Demuijnck, Geert. (2009). Non-Discrimination in Human Resources Management as a Moral Obligation. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(1), 83-101.
Dijk, Hans van, Engen, Marloes van, and Paauwe, Jaap. (2012). Reframing the Business Case for Diversity: A Values and Virtues Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 111(1), 73-84.
Workplace Diversity
Cultural diversification is a term that has become very popular in the recent years, especially among the people working in various organizations. A lot of concerns have arisen due to the flow of the immigrants into the major cities of the United States. Due to the arrival of the immigrants and the varying concerns of the people, a lot of human and civil rights organizations have started to ask the authorities to pay attention to this matter. There are many organizations where a need for the trainings and lectures regarding the cultural diversity has been felt by the officials for the employees. This trend and need has mainly taken place after the September 11 incident. Therefore, in today's world the understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity by employees in a workplace is of crucial importance for the successful management, leadership and running of an organization. Today the term cultural…...
Black Enterprise. (2001). Managing a multicultural workforce. Black Enterprise Magazine (July).
Devoe, Deborah. (1999). Managing a diverse workforce. San Mateo, CA: InfoWorld Media Group.
Esty, Katharine, Richard Griffin, and Marcie Schorr-Hirsh (1995). Workplace diversity. A managers guide to solving problems and turning diversity into a competitive advantage. Avon, MA: Adams Media Corporation.
Flagg, Alex. (2002). Managing diverse workgroups successfully. United Behavioral Health website (members only section). Available on the World Wide Web at Date visited, February 8, 2002.http://www.ubhnet.com.
A good advertisement will demand candidates with a "demonstrated ability to work effectively in a diverse work environment," and there must be an effort to recruit a diverse applicant pool from a wide range of sources, universities, and regions of the country and world (Chapter 12, University of California at Berkley, 2007). Using a panel interview format with a diverse human resources team that is representative of the company creates a positive and representative face of the company. It is also essential that appropriate accommodations are made for disabled applicants.
ithin the workplace, a real endorsement of diversity by the leadership is required. More than any other component, if employees do not feel that the leadership takes diversity seriously, they will not take diversity seriously in their endeavors. Clear mission statements reinforcing diverse values, sensitivity training, and creating mentoring and support groups are essential components of managing a diverse workforce…...
mlaWorks Cited
Chapter 12: Managing diversity in the workplace. (2008, June 8). Guide to Managing Human
Resources. University of California at Berkley. Retrieved February 20, 2009 at http://hrweb.berkeley.edu /GUIDE/diversity.htm
Marquis, Jefferson P., Nelson Lim, Lynn M. Scott, Margaret C. Harrell, & Jennifer
Kavanagh. (2006). Managing diversity in corporate America: An exploratory analysis. The Rand Corporation. Retrieved February 20, 2009 at http://www.rand.org/pubs/occasional_papers/2007/RAND_OP206.pdf
orkplace Diversity Training
First Activity -- Feeling Different
In this activity a group of workers (from diverse cultures) are asked to participate in a diversity training session, and they arrive in a room together waiting for instructions. They are asked to take a seat. The seats are arranged in a big circle.
(One) The leader of this activity asks each participant to recall a time when they felt different from everyone else around them. Did you ever walk into a room and you were the only African-American person, or you were the only male in a room full of females? Maybe there was a time when you were the only person who spoke Spanish, or the only person who spoke English -- what was it like to experience that incident?
(Two) Each participant is asked to think of just ONE ORD that explains how it felt to be the only one speaking Spanish or…...
mlaWorks Cited
Belcher, Lynda Moultry. (2010). Diversity Ideas & Activities for the Workplace. Demand Media. Retrieved September 5, 2012, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com .
Fagnani, Stephanie. (2010). Diversity Training Activities in the Workplace. Demand Media.
Retrieved September 5, 2012, from http://smallsusiness.chron.com.
Lambert, Jonamay, and Myers, Selma. (1994). 50 Activities for Diversity Training. Amherst,
They dropped back slightly to 1.5 million in 2002" (Mason-Dreffen 2003). Those increases occurred despite the fact that age discrimination can be difficult to prove, although the Supreme Court had eased the plaintiff's burden of proof (Ormsbee 2002). Song 2001
University of California at Davis professor of computer science, Dr. Norman Matloff, noted that in the IT world, "old" can begin at age 35. In addition, "The market has become more difficult for older workers since Congress passed a bill in 1998 that doubled the number of foreign high-tech workers from 65,000 to 115,000 that could be brought into the country under 'H1-B' work visas" (Matloff, quoted by Song 2001). Since Matloff was interviewed, the cap has been raised to 195,000 (Song 2001).
Despite this, in 2000, 843,000 IT jobs went unfilled, with about 20% of those being the programming positions Matloff said were at the heart of the problem of…...
Besi, J.R., & Kale, B.D. (1996). Older Workers in the 21st Century: Active and Educated, a Case Study. Monthly Labor Review, 119(6), 18+. Retrieved January 27, 2005, from Questia database, http://www.questia.com .
Clogston, R. (1989, March 23). Age discrimination still plagues older engineers; many years of experience may actually be detrimental to an EE's career. EDN. Retrieved January 28, 2005 from Highbeam Research, http://www.highbeam.com .
Cohen, A. (2003, March 2). Too old to work? New York Times. Retrieved January 27, 2005 from Highbeam Research,
I would consider Sussman's model, based on Johari's window, and consider whether John is truly prejudiced or simply naive about how to talk in multicultural settings. He may be mildly prejudiced and say such things as "Why don't foreigners learn to speak proper Englsh," but only around people for whom English is their first language.
If it appears that John is significantly prejudiced, then I would direct him to cultural sensitivity training. However, if he is just culturally naive, I would then give him a few pointers so he can avoid developing a perception of him as prejudiced among people who have not had a chance to get to know him well yet. y addressing the issue in the larger context of overall performance, John would get lots of positive feedback, allowing him to take this one point as constructive criticism.
Augsberg College. "The Johari Window: A Graphic Model of Awareness…...
Augsberg College. "The Johari Window: A Graphic Model of Awareness in Interpersonal Relations." Accessed via the Internet 6/6/05 http://www.augsburg.edu/education/edc210/johari.html
Kunigis, Allan. 1997. "Ten steps for communicators to boost organizational diversity." Communication World, April. Communication World; 4/1/1997;
Sussman, Lyle. 1997. "Prejudice and Behavioral Archetypes: A New Model for Cultural-Diversity Training." Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 60.
As mentioned earlier, it is good for companies to be diverse because many workers have different situations that they are dealing with. Childcare is a major issue with many workers and now there are several companies that offer onsite childcare. This option takes a lot of stress off of the parents of having to drop the children off to daycare and then rush in the evenings to pick them up before the center closes. Workers who take advantage of this option have the convenience of checking on their children during break time and even having lunch with them. There is less separation time between parent and child which makes the parent more at ease. on-site childcare is a perfect example of how employers can help their staff to achieve work/life balance.
Another thing employers are doing is allowing more time off for employees to take care of their loved ones.…...
.. A series of symbols used to represent things. [and it is] a process of "coding and then decoding these symbols" (Lewis, 2006). And what must never be lost is that both speaker and listener are stakeholders in the process. Moreover, when the peaceful management of culturally diverse workers is pivotal to the success of a company, it's important to remember that "intention is not a necessary condition for communication," and one may try, but one doesn't always communicate what one intends to communicate.
It is also relevant to touch on the work of Gregory Bateson; in researching possible solutions and definitions towards the management of "complex environmental problems" (Tognetti, 1999), Bateson believed, in the paraphrase of Sylvia S. Tognetti, that "one of the major fallacies of the scientific community is the premise that it is possible to have total control over an interactive system of which oneself is a part."…...
mlaWorks Cited
Brett, Jeanne, Behfar, Kristin, & Kern, Mary C. "Managing Multicultural Teams." Harvard
Business Review. (2006).
Hampden-Turner, Charles, & Trompenaars, Fons. Riding The Waves of Culture: Understanding
Diversity in Global Business. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
The patients ae the one that will suffe the consequences in the fist place. This will futhe influence the hospital's image and futue activity. Eventually, the peson held esponsible fo any possible damage is the HR manage.
The HR manage also has the altenative of eopening the seach. But this does not mean that the outcome will be diffeent. It is vey unlikely to find a moe suitable candidate fo the job than D. Soysa and with less issues of debate.
As a consequence, the HR manage would find himself in the same situation as befoe. Even moe, exta esouces will have been wasted fo anothe seach. He would also have the financial aspect to explain.
In my opinion, the HR manage should hie D. Soysa as the new nusing diecto, despite the seach committee's opinion. Communication is vey impotant in this situation. The HR manage should ty to change the seach…...
But the decision is entirely up to the HR manager. Of course, he should take into consideration the search committee's recommendations and to discuss with the members his choices of candidates.
The HR manager must make proof of great tact and diplomacy in this situation. He cannot take a completely opposite stand to that of the search committee's members. Even if the decision is up to him, the HR manager must not impose his decision on the search committee's members.
This would mean that he does not take into consideration the search committee's job and recommendations. Instead, the HR manager should try to convince the search committee's members that Dr. Soysa is the best candidate for the nursing director position and he should try to focus their attention on her qualities and not on the causes of distress. He should also draw their attention towards the fact that they are discriminating the candidate.
Reference list:
Culture: Workplace Diversity and Managing Differences
An Experience of Sexual Harassment
Numerous definitions have been put forth to explain the term 'sexual harassment'. I, personally, think of sexual harassment as any form of degrading comments, gestures, or sounds directed at a person on the basis of their sex, even when there is no physical contact involved. A friend of mine had this male supervisor who just wouldn't stop making funny comments -- 'that skirt doesn't work for you', 'you need something shorter', 'why can't we just run off and get married?', and so on; and he would do so even when there were people around. Well, at first she considered this to be his 'unique' way of showing appreciation, but when push came to shove, she confronted him. The advances, however, still went on, and she was disturbed by the fact that he looked at her as an object and acted like…...
Lussier, R. (2008). Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Application, Skill and Development (4th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning
Masters, M.F. & Albright, R.R. (2002). The Complete Guide to Conflict-Resolution in the Workplace. New York, NY: AMACOM
Whether sensitivity seminars do in fact negatively impact diversity, albeit, needs further investigation.
In "Workplace diversity: A generational view," Dale E. Collins (2004), a course developer for MGH Institute of Health Professions, asserts that generational diversity constitutes one factor that fuels dynamics in education and in the workplace. Because individuals today remain in the workforce longer and other individuals change careers, society routinely sees changes in the workforce composition. During 2003, the Silent or Veteran generation workers, were ages 61 to 78. Today, according to Collins, these individuals may be working in their second or third career. Even though this particular generation contributes a small portion of the workforce, the Silent possesses years of experience, knowledge and wisdom to the workplace. "As a result of surviving the Great Depression, this generation has become discerning and cautious. Their ability to adapt to rapid change is limited; however, this reluctance provides younger…...
A new study says that mandatory diversity training backfires: After looking at data from 830
workplaces, researchers discovered that sensitivity seminars and their ilk led to declines in the number of women and minorities in management. (2008). National Review.
National Review, Inc. Retrieved June 25, 2009 from HighBeam Research:
Chapter 10 EssayIn my opinion, some of the companies having in place impressive diversity programs are inclusive of; Cisco Systems and Mattel. With regard to Cisco Systems, the company has managed to rope in its employees into the diversity discourse via what is refers to as Global Diversity Inclusion and Diversity Council. It would be prudent to note that as Aperian Global (2021) points out, full engagement of teams at all levels of an organization has the potential to bring real changes, both to workplace culture and to the companys success. On the other hand, Mattel also engages teams at various organizational levels in what effectively enables the company to gather new insights about the best way to implement some organizational initiatives.There are certain aspects of corporate training that are not working. For instance such training efforts fail to take into consideration certain other features of diversity and instead…...
Aperian Global (2021). Corporate Diversity Programs in 2019: What’s Working & What’s Not.
In “Managing a culturally diverse workforce: Diversity perspectives in organizations,” Podsiadlowski, Groschke, Springer, et al (2013) present two different but related studies on how Austrian workplaces manage diversity. Both studies address ways organizations conceptualize diversity and leverage diversity. The first study uses interview data to gain insight into how organizational cultures reflect either a diversity approach or resist diversity. The second study involves the development of what could become a standardized test for diversity perspectives. Goals of the questionnaire include measuring perceived threats and benefits of diversity in the workplace. The authors acknowledge the importance of diversity management, and increasing understandings of how to develop a diversity framework that reflects the organization’s mission and values. Similarly, the authors emphasize the significance of developing a framework for diversity as globalization leads to more diverse workforces. To operationalize the definition of diversity, the authors suggest that all aspects of diversity including gender, age,…...
Podsiadlowski, A., Groschke, D., Kogler, M., Springer, C. & van der Zee, K. (2013). Managing a culturally diverse workforce. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 37(2013): 159-175.
Improving Diversity
Recognizing diversity is one of the most important factors that managers and businesses have to face today (Wong & Chin, 2016). Diversity is a part of the human experience in the global environment that persists virtually in every setting around the world. Diversity is not just a matter of culture, however; it is also a matter of generation. As more and more generations merge in today’s workplace, understanding the differences that set them apart and the ways in which they can most effectively be managed is crucial to successful leadership. This paper will describe the issues and challenges faced by generation X while managing Generation Y, explain how Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory can be used to improve diversity, and highlight three large U.S. companies at the forefront of effecting change through diversity and inclusion.
Issues and Challenges Faced by Generation X While Managing Generation Y
Generation X has been defined…...
Darling-Hammond, L. (2015). Want to close the achievement gap? Close the teaching gap. American Educator, 38(4), 14-18.Gajjar, T., & Okumus, F. (2018). Diversity management: What are the leading hospitality and tourism companies reporting?. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 27(8), 905-925.Katz, J. H., & Miller, F. A. (2018). Diversity and Inclusion in OD. OD Practitioner, 50(4), 16-21.Kruskal, J. B., Patel, A. K., Levine, D., Canon, C. L., Macura, K. J., Allen, B. J., & Meltzer, C. (2018). Fostering diversity and inclusion: a summary of the 2017 intersociety summer conference. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 15(5), 794-802.Kultalahti, S., & Viitala, R. (2015). Generation Y–challenging clients for HRM?. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(1), 101-114.Logan, N. (2016). The Starbucks Race Together Initiative: Analyzing a public relations campaign with critical race theory. Public Relations Inquiry, 5(1), 93-113.Wong, N. & Chin, Y. (2016). Issues and Challenges Faced by Generation X While Managing Generation Y. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 7(2), 167-170.
Introduction A diverse workforce consists of individuals from a wide range of cultures, standpoints and background is pivotal. Organizations that generate inclusivity within the workplace setting and hearten success amongst all personnel outperform their rivals. Organizations that embrace and implement diversity have better performances in the market. Statistics indicate that for every 1 percent increase in gender diversity, there is an increase in organizational revenue by 3 percent. Furthermore, greater levels of ethnic diversity result in an increase in revenue generated by almost 15 percent. It is also imperative to note that in the present day, progressively more individuals have become cognizant and 67 percent of lively and inactive job seekers assert that when assessing organizations and job offerings, it is imperative to them that the organization has a diverse workforce. In recent times, companies across the globe are outrivaling and taking more initiative with respect to diversity hiring (McSweeney, 2016).…...
McSweeney, M. (2016). Companies Around the World that are Embracing Diversity in a Big Way. Social Talent. Retrieved 23 July,2018 from: Diversity MBA Magazine. (2012). Inclusion & Diversity: Accenture’s Journey Forward. Retrieved 24 July, 2018 from: http://diversitymbamagazine.com/inclusion-diversity-accentures-journey-forwardAccenture. (2018). Gender Equality Research. Retrieved 23 July, 2018 from: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/gender-equality-researchAccenture. (2018). Inclusion & Diversity. Retrieved 24 July, 2018 from: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/company-diversityDiversity Inc. (2018). Accenture. Retrieved 24 July, 2018 from: https://www.diversityinc.com/accenturehttps://www.socialtalent.com/blog/recruitment/10-companies-around-the-world-that-are-embracing-diversity
1. The benefits of workplace diversity for employee satisfaction and productivity
2. The challenges of managing a diverse workforce and strategies for overcoming them
3. The impact of workplace diversity on organizational culture and reputation
4. The role of diversity and inclusion initiatives in promoting equality and respect in the workplace
5. The importance of diversity training and education in creating a more inclusive work environment
6. The relationship between workplace diversity and innovation
7. The effects of unconscious bias in hiring and promotion practices on workplace diversity
8. Case studies of successful diversity and inclusion programs in various companies
9. The intersectionality of diversity in the workplace....
Title: Embracing Diversity in the Workplace: A Catalyst for Growth and Innovation
In today's rapidly evolving global economy, workplace diversity is no longer a mere aspiration but a business imperative. Organizations that embrace diversity reap numerous benefits, including enhanced productivity, better decision-making, and increased innovation. This essay delves into the importance of workplace diversity, exploring the various dimensions of diversity, the challenges organizations face in promoting diversity, and the strategies they can implement to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace.
1. The Significance of Workplace Diversity:
Workplace diversity goes beyond race, gender, and ethnicity. It encompasses various dimensions, including age, socioeconomic background,....
The Role of Inclusive Titles in Fostering Workplace Diversity
In today's dynamic and interconnected global business landscape, diversity and inclusion have emerged as critical pillars for organizational success. As companies strive to create equitable and inclusive workplaces, the use of inclusive titles plays a crucial role in promoting diversity and fostering a sense of belonging for all employees.
Defining Inclusive Titles
Inclusive titles are job titles that are gender-neutral, non-biased, and respectful of diverse identities. They avoid perpetuating stereotypes or making assumptions about an individual's gender, sexual orientation, or other marginalized characteristics. For example, instead of using "Salesman" or "Saleswoman," an inclusive title....
1. The role and importance of an employee relations manager in a company
2. Strategies for effectively managing employee relations in the workplace
3. The impact of good employee relations on overall company performance
4. The challenges and obstacles faced by employee relations managers in today's workforce
5. The role of communication in successful employee relations management
6. The importance of conflict resolution skills for employee relations managers
7. The role of employee relations managers in promoting a positive and inclusive workplace culture
8. The impact of employee engagement on employee relations management
9. Best practices for creating a strong employee relations management program
10. The evolution of the....
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