Year Round School Essays (Examples)

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Year-Round Schools

Stop Learning:
One hears a great deal today about the poor quality of education. While some children do well, others cannot seem to learn even the basics. eading, writing, and arithmetic -- the famous four 's -- have garnered a great deal of attention in one educational initiative after another. Presidents, governors, mayors, and school district superintendents have all taken up the battle cry. Numerous ideas have been proposed, but so far none have been adopted universally, perhaps because none have been proven fool-proof. Clearly, we must look closely at the problem at hand; determine precisely what it is that our children are lacking; what our goals are, and how these goals can best be achieved. Among the many proposals that have been floated is the idea of Year ound Schooling. A marked break with tradition, Year ound Schooling would seem to offer various advantages. The lack of extended breaks….

Year-Round Schools

Round Schooling -- a solution or a slogan?
"More is better,' is an ethos that is often frowned upon by parents and teachers alike when it comes to, for example, chocolate or recess. However, when it comes to year 'round schooling, even some school administrators are inclined to blanch at the prospect, according to Ann McGlynn of the Journal of the School Administrator. In her March 2002 article on the subject, she notes how the cherished institution of summer vacations came under attack on one Kentucky school district known as Bardstown. But because of poor performance, changing the district's five schools to a year-round calendar seemed to be the only logical route for the princple at the time. He decided to break up vacations "into smaller pieces and offer remedial and enrichment activities during those shorter breaks." (McGlynn, 2002, p.1)

The principle made his decision ten years ago. Since then, "the….

Another significant benefit of the year round system pointed by the proponents is that the YRE system offers year round assistance for children who need additional time to catch up. As intersession classes are followed up immediately children do not have to wait until summer classes to catch up with their difficult subjects. "While changing the calendar year in itself can provide many benefits, the importance of intersession instruction cannot be overstated. Those additional instructional days and weeks can spell the difference between success and failure for many students" (Stenvall, (2001) p. 21).
On the other hand there are also disadvantages to the year round education system. First and foremost is the administrative burnout. Management working round the year can feel it quite stressful and the same applies for teachers as well. Most teachers use the summer breaks to complete their certification requirements and other courses and the year round….

The school programs have been a subject of research, legislation and debate across many states and over many years. There has always been the urge to come up with a harmonized calendar that is suitable for the students, the teachers, the parents as well as the management of the schools. This has always proved to be a delicate balance, one rarely achieved in many institutions. There is need however to have year-round school programs that help in the completion of the needed curriculum, but also friendly to the main stakeholders. There are factors that must be put into focus and consideration by the relevant persons in building up a program for the educational institutions. The students need to be the first consideration in formulation of the school program. It should give the students significant time to rest and refresh their minds after many months of continuous learning and other academic activities.….

Round School vs A Regular
PAGES 40 WORDS 10557

Students in these kinds of schools do not attend school longer, but they do not have a summer break that is longer than any of the other breaks that they take during the school year.
esearch done by McMillen (2001) indicated that there were 106 schools in the state of North Carolina that operated on the year-round school calendar for third through eighth grades during the 1997-1998 school year. McMillen (2001) then conducted an analysis of the academic achievements of these students and compared them to the academic achievements of students in the same grades that attended schools where the traditional calendar was still used.

Data for the study came from a database of statewide testing in which 95% of the public schools in the state participate. In order to determine the academic achievements of the students, McMillen (2001) looked at achievement test scores and demographic information that was collected from….

Schooling is Enough -- Twelve Months is Overkill
Getting and obtaining a formal education are one of the most important achievements people perceive as a valid measure for success. Aside from the prestige that comes with being able to be educated formally, the economic prosperity and great knowledge that a person gets from studying is also another important factor that serves as many people's motivation in studying. Also, education is already an established institution in our society, and that is why we, as eternal learners of everything here in this world that we live in, strive and always look for information that is important to us. Our quest for knowledge is one of the main reasons why education became a primary institution in societies of the world.

The education institution may serve functionally in the society, but this important institution also has its own problems. One of the most talked- about….

School I Wake Up to

He says that the busy roads are clear, even though the roads near our house are still thick with snow. My mother says she will have to go to work tomorrow, and that school will probably be open -- if they call a half-day, father will stay home with me. It is getting dark, so I have one last request -- I want to take some snow inside -- "but won't it melt" says my mother. I want to put it in the freezer, so I have snow all year 'round. My father says that some people eat snow with sugar and maple syrup, but my mother says that is not sanitary, but I can keep the snow in a plastic bag, provided I do not eat it.
We sit down to dinner, a hearty dinner of potatoes and meatloaf, and for the first time meatloaf tastes good. For dessert….

School Students Community
Designing an Ideal School Students Community

What is needed to be in the new high school and why?

The proposed high school should cater to the needs of students, academically and otherwise. This is important for a well-rounded development of every student. Firstly, the high school should provide opportunities for students to pursue their personal interests such as knitting or carpentry or just about anything else instead of forcing them to choose from a given set of options. This will help to build their skill and will also give them the confidence needed for higher education. A warm and inviting climate, more interaction with nature and extensive opportunities to learn and explore are vital for a model high school.

Likes and dislikes of students

Most high school students will be between 14 to 18 years of age and this is an important developmental stage for them. They are in their adolescence where….

School Counseling in a Multicultural Society: An Overview
More and more diversity is becoming the buzzword in society at large and within educational facilities across the nation. As the population in the United States continues to become increasingly diversified and representative of individuals from varying ethnic, socioeconomic and racial backgrounds, educators are realizing an increased need for attention to the specific needs of diverse student populations.

The need for multicultural competencies development among school counseling professionals has recently been acknowledged by the American Psychological Association (1992) and the American Counseling Association (1995) whose ethnical standards dictate that school counselors should achieve a certain level of multicultural competence prior to embarking on a professional career in student counseling.

Despite the acknowledgment of a need for increased awareness and training to ensure a positive student/counselor relationship, there is little evidence that much is being done in the way of establishing a core set of standardized….

2007)." The authors also explain that there is a great deal of interest in the concept of school engagement because it is believed to be influenced by environmental changes (Fredricks et al., 2004; Dotterer et al. 2007). As a result of racial and ethnic achievement gaps, the study of school engagement amongst students of color is essential to closing these gaps. Previous research uncovered a pattern of underachievement in African-American students who have lower grades and receive less education than non-Hispanic White students (Dotterer et al. 2007).
According to Jimerson et al. (2003) there are three dimensions of school engagement: affective, behavioral, and cognitive. The affective dimension is associated with an emotional connection to school and the sense of belonging that students have with their school. Additionally this dimension of school engagement is often referred to as school attachment (Johnson et al., 2001). The affective dimension of school engagement "reflects….

Visits home were frowned upon and discouraged, and most Indian families could not afford to pay for the long journey home from the schools, so children remained there year-round until their schooling was complete in many cases.
However, many families did see the worth of a formal education for their children. Author Child notes, "Still, many Ojibwe parents, persuaded of the importance of an education or learning a trade for their child's future, would have agreed with the North Dakota father whose son and daughter attended Flandreau when he expressed his desire for their success in school and wish to keep them there, 'as much as we can stand it'" (Child 54). These parents often hoped their children would receive an education, but also learn a trade, so they could make their way in the world as adults. In theory, children attended school for half the day, and then learned….

I said to my friend that it was not so much what happened on 9/11. What concerned me more was the world we would wake up in on Sept 12, 2001. Certainly, our country and the world will never be the same. This gave a different focus to my military career in the hopes of making sure that a 9/11 event would never happen again. With modern war, the home front is as important as overseas. We must be vigilant and studies in such an area as homeland security studies are vital. While this may not be my entire focus, it occupies a healthy portion.
In your fourth question, you ask what my experience is and/or aptitude for completing academic work at a distance. Frankly, I have many friends and family members that have received degrees online. Their main issue (especially with younger people) in dealing with the online academic….

The students will test you during these first few days. Without steadfast rules and well outlined disciplinary procedures, the students will not respect you.
In order to create a positive atmosphere of expectations, procedures and routines, it is also important to clearly outline to the class what is expected of them. However, in order to empower the classroom students, one beneficial strategy is to allow the students to help develop the classroom rules, procedures and expectations. y bringing the group together and making the classroom environment one in which they assisted in creating, the students will be more likely to both respect it and work with it.

Although there are numerous steps a teacher must take to create a successful learning environment in a full-inclusion classroom, taking firm and clear actions the first days of school are the most important. The purpose is to let the students know what the rules,….

Psychology and Psychotherapy: School Counseling Project(Part A)Step One: School Data SummaryThe data expert for this plan seems to be Mr. Finch (M.T.S.S. coordinator), who has access to high-quality data at all levels. Mr. Finch knows about the district-level and school-level data and would assist in accurately interpreting the data.The school improvement plans/goals are:i. The instructional practice would be based on B.E.S.T. Standards for improving academic grades in Geometry and Algebraii. The instructional practice would be based on differentiated instruction (DI) as the differentiated needs of diverse students need to be met.iii. Fostering school culture and the environment with community involvement for resolving issues of staff morale and work overloadiv. Development of a program for empowering teachers to get a Leadership Succession Plan- a crucial pan for enhancing school climate and long-term consistencyThe areas where school counseling programs would support are: Helping students to overcome Math anxiety that is possibly hindering….

Report on a School Visit

School Visit
This report is about my visit to the Roberto Clemente Middle School in Paterson, New Jersey. The visit was conducted on April 4th, in the afternoon. It was rainy. Paterson is a densely-populated urban area, and the school is in an urban neighborhood.

The visit was conducted by Dr. Goldman, who indicated that there was some issue that day where the students were scheduled to take a district test called Parcc but the system was down so that test had to be rescheduled.

This school caters to an ethnically diverse community. Dr. Goldman estimated that around 90% of the students speak another language at home, and use English mostly for school. The students are provided with bilingual classes in some case. The area is underprivileged, and most of the students receive a school lunch and breakfast. The school also provides what was termed "full service" for around 75 students. This means….

10 Pages
Term Paper


Year-Round Schools

Words: 2902
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Stop Learning: One hears a great deal today about the poor quality of education. While some children do well, others cannot seem to learn even the basics. eading, writing,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Year-Round Schools

Words: 752
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Round Schooling -- a solution or a slogan? "More is better,' is an ethos that is often frowned upon by parents and teachers alike when it comes to, for…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Yre Year Round Schooling American

Words: 1365
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another significant benefit of the year round system pointed by the proponents is that the YRE system offers year round assistance for children who need additional time to…

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1 Pages


Proposal on year round'school

Words: 370
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

The school programs have been a subject of research, legislation and debate across many states and over many years. There has always been the urge to come up with…

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40 Pages
Research Proposal


Round School vs A Regular

Words: 10557
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Students in these kinds of schools do not attend school longer, but they do not have a summer break that is longer than any of the other breaks…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Nine Months of School Days Is Enough Twelve Months Is Over Stress

Words: 1332
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Schooling is Enough -- Twelve Months is Overkill Getting and obtaining a formal education are one of the most important achievements people perceive as a valid measure for success.…

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4 Pages


School I Wake Up to

Words: 1630
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

He says that the busy roads are clear, even though the roads near our house are still thick with snow. My mother says she will have to go…

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2 Pages


School Students Community Designing an Ideal School

Words: 674
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

School Students Community Designing an Ideal School Students Community What is needed to be in the new high school and why? The proposed high school should cater to the needs of students,…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


School Counseling in a Multicultural Society

Words: 3075
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

School Counseling in a Multicultural Society: An Overview More and more diversity is becoming the buzzword in society at large and within educational facilities across the nation. As the population…

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15 Pages


Co-Curricular Activities High School Can

Words: 4210
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Dissertation

2007)." The authors also explain that there is a great deal of interest in the concept of school engagement because it is believed to be influenced by environmental…

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4 Pages

Native Americans

Native American Boarding Schools of

Words: 1454
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Visits home were frowned upon and discouraged, and most Indian families could not afford to pay for the long journey home from the schools, so children remained there…

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3 Pages
Application Essay


School Would Involve Knowing How

Words: 912
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Application Essay

I said to my friend that it was not so much what happened on 9/11. What concerned me more was the world we would wake up in on…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


School Inclusion With the Goal

Words: 1560
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The students will test you during these first few days. Without steadfast rules and well outlined disciplinary procedures, the students will not respect you. In order to create a…

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7 Pages


School Counseling Project Psychology and Psychotherapy

Words: 2181
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Project

Psychology and Psychotherapy: School Counseling Project(Part A)Step One: School Data SummaryThe data expert for this plan seems to be Mr. Finch (M.T.S.S. coordinator), who has access to high-quality data…

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3 Pages


Report on a School Visit

Words: 1054
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

School Visit This report is about my visit to the Roberto Clemente Middle School in Paterson, New Jersey. The visit was conducted on April 4th, in the afternoon. It was…

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