Zimbabwe Essays (Examples)

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In my opinion, the impact that Zimbabwe has on human rights relating to the apparel industries is given by the environment without rules (or rather with only one rule, that given by President Mugabe) and a framework where fundamental human rights are not respected. In such a framework, it is highly unlikely that entities will keep watch of labour conditions in the apparel industry, for example, or on child employment in similar industries. The watch is directed towards issues perceived as being more important, such as providing political pluralism and freedom of speech.

It is not difficult to make recommendations in this sense. If there is a will to act, the U.S. And Western authorities can impose bans on imports from countries such as Zimbabwe, where human rights records are at their lowest. These are import bans that will ensure that companies will be much more attentive towards the implementation of….

The PBS program entitled "Zimbabwe: Shadows and Lies" discusses the major difficulties which are happening in present-day Zimbabwe under the rule of President Robert Mugabe. The man Robert Mugabe helped push Zimbabwe into a state of independence and was originally hailed as a freedom fighter and a hero, someone to save them from the oppressive white government of the age before. However, as a leader in truth, Mugabe showed himself to be obsessed with power and willing to do anything, including torture and murder to keep his power base. Misgoverning and dictatorship have allowed Mugabe to change Zimbabwe from a prosperous nation to a country where the majority do not have enough food to eat and where inflation has made paper money virtually worthless. The government is involved in every aspect of the lives of the Zimbabweans, spying on the citizens and punishing them for speaking out against their leader.….

Unlike its counterpart in Zimbabwe, though, the UAE has not been immune to the global economic downturn and its economic growth has been hampered in recent years as global demand for its products and services has decreased (UAE 2011). Currently, analysts expect continued slow economic growth for the UAE (Siddiqi 41) but further challenges remain including an enormous expatriate workforce and inflationary growth (UAE 2011). Likewise, unlike Zimbabwe, the UAE has enjoyed a stable political history that has helped attract international investment. In this regard, Heard-Bey emphasizes that, "Above all, it is the combination of the adopted federal form of government with the inherited role of the tribal rulers, which makes the UAE unique in terms of political structure and reality of governmental administration" (358).
Comparison of Zimbabwe and UAE Development and Economic Metrics

As can be readily discerned from the data in Table 1 and with selected metrics graphically depicted….

One recent case of hyperinflation was in Zimbabwe. This hit the country in 2009, and ended in 2015 when the country's currency was phased out in favor of the USD, at a valuation of $1 quadrillion to $ USD. According to reports, people with accounts up to 175 quadrillion will be paid out $5 USD. The Zimbabwe dollar was essentially abandoned in 2009 because of the hyperinflation, but people there were using USD and ZA long before that. Those two were the official currencies of the country for many years, with new currencies such as the yuan, AUD, yen and Indian rupee (for some reason) joining the list of currencies that were accepted in the country in 2014 (T, 2015).

Hyperinflation, of course, is the rapid increase in the money supply. This is usually a response to supply shocks, and often a rapid depreciation of the currency will have already been….

Similar to the service itself, its promotion is inhibited by a reduced expertise in the field, a low level of resource availability to support the marketing endeavor (generally financial and specialized human resources) and a general lack of acceptance from customers. In terms of the future of online banking in Zimbabwe, the most probable outcome is an increase in the popularity of internet banking due to its benefits. To achieve this however, it is necessary for more marketing campaigns to be developed and implemented. "Banks need to increase their marketing efforts by initiating awareness programs to raise customer awareness and interest in internet banking." (Thulani, Tofara and Langton). It is in this sense crucial to properly identify the customer share targeted by the new service, such as younger, highly educated and wealthy individuals who will make the most of online banking.

Thulani, D., Tofara, C., Langton, ., April 2009, Adoption….

TitleA Qualitative Study: Exploring acculturation beliefs towards therapy for the UK and Zimbabwean communities.LITERATURE REVIEWIntroductionThere is an alarming rate of mental health disorders across the globe. Due to the high prevalence rate, the World Health Organization has implored member countries to use whatever resources, including indigenous healers, to fight the disease burden (Annelisa, 2014). Following how Zimbabweans have been displaced, with the majority of them living through hardships as they moved to South Africa and the United Kingdom, they can be viewed as vulnerable groups (Deslandes et al.2022). Zimbabwe is known to be one of Africa's countries with the most producer of migrants. Political repression, hunger, and economic collapse are significant contributors to the mass exodus.Zimbabwean communities, families, and individuals were substantially affected by economic challenges, including homelessness, unemployment, and poverty (Mapuranga, 2017). Moreover, they have gone through multiple complex factors which operate at the structural and institutional levels. In….

Zimbabweans are very intelligent people who are now scattered all over the world as a result of Mugabe ruining their beautiful country

This report goes on to state that; "...If Zimbabweans all over the Diaspora come together and map a course for their country, I think that country will find its feet again with time" (Kaira). It therefore follows that a central aspect of any NGO plan must include the mobilization and motivation of the Zimbabwean people with regard to their own freedom and stability.


Don't neglect Aids crisis, warn health workers. etrieved December 25, 2008, at http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/dec/18/zimbabwe-cholera-aids-death-rates

Dragging out the end (2008) etrieved December 25, 2008, at (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/dec/23/zimbabwe-south-africa)

Blair D. (2008) How to save Zimbabwe after Mugabe. etrieved December 25, 2008 from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/3556785/How-to-save-Zimbabwe-after-Mugabe.html

Hill G. (2005) What Happens after Mugabe? Cape Town: Zebra.

Kaira C. Zimbabwe after Mugabe. etrieved December 25, 2008, at http://www.economist.com.na/content/view/55/34/1/3/

Kirchick, J. (2007) Killing them softly: The other African genocide. etrieved….

The deprivation of the locals was ignored, and the government kept itself involved in the corrupt practices, 'since 2000, the government has been accused of transference of most of Zimbabwe's white-owned agriculture land to black political elites with no interest in, or aptitude for, farming' (Steffen, 2005), such measures resulted in the massive downfall of the agricultural goods. This is not to be considered a natural famine, instead an artificial famine has taken place due to the reckless policies of the government without due consideration towards the interests of the locals. The 'inflation of the country has increased by 1700%, and is considered to be the highest in the world' (Steffen, 2005). Under such circumstances where the earning opportunities for the locals have been extremely limited, where the production of agricultural goods have halted, where the trade with international community has dropped, and the imports to the country are….

Criminal Justice System
Ever since gaining independence status, both Mozambique and Zimbabwe have come under the scanner for violation of human rights incidences and extrajudicial excesses. The under trials, often arrested without formal sanctions have been continually processed through undemocratic norms and subjected to undue treatment when in confinement and under the control of policing authorities in spite of the fact that statutory provisions in the constitution provide assured guarantee for appeal and fundamental rights protecting the citizens in both the nations. The Dependant Variables hence comprise of use of force and even firearms against those in detention and secondly custodial executions and deaths.

Defining extrajudicial executions and deaths in detentions:

Extra judicial killing is the act of execution or subjecting an under trial to violent acts that may result in death of the person. Such uses of force or acts of violence precede, supersede or bypass any due judicial process and….

Robert Mugabe

Robert Mugabe is a Zimbabwean groundbreaking political figure who became and still remains the President of Zimbabwe. He was one of the few figures in Africa who opposed white minority rule. Through his emerging political campaign, he became one of the leaders of the rebel groups and was consequently elected Prime Minister and head of government, in 1980. His tenure lasted until 1987 and then became Zimbabwe's initial executive head of state. He was re-elected several times even now and continues serving under this position. Additionally, Mugabe has led the Zimbabwe African National Union -- Patriotic Front ever since 1975. (Thesis) ecause of his long and successful political career, including his Marxist mentality, many would see Mugabe as a terrible dictator who led a semi-prosperous nation to near ruin. When looking at Mugabe as a dictator, it is important to see where it all originated to understand his motives and….

Others might allege that Mugabe has held elections, unlike John Locke's legitimate sovereign. But the presence of elections does not necessarily guarantee the existence of a good and fair representative government, or even the existence of a legislature. The BBC news reported that during the 2002 Zimbabwe election "some people from Europe were in Zimbabwe to watch how the voting was run. The Norwegian observers said the election was severely flawed and failed to meet international standards." (BBC News, 2002) the numbers also tell a sorry tale, as Mugabe's Zanu-PF party still dominates what is virtually a one party state occupying 147 out of the country's 150 parliamentary seats. (BBC News, 2000)

Lastly, John Locke above all stressed that the citizens of all nations have a property in their own persons, that the labor of the citizen's body and the work of the citizen's hands properly belong to the citizen, and….

Governance in Public AdministrationGovernance in public administration is an important topic, but in many countries around the world there is often found a lack of good governance. Zimbabwes public administration is one example that serves as a case in point. As Chikara (2020) points out, there is a great deal of nepotism, back-room dealing, and dishonesty in Zimbabwes government. The leaders lack good governance principles. Good governance principles generally consist of those which serve to keep any organization honest.Indeed, there are a number of principles that contribute to good governance in public administration. One of the most important is transparency. This means that government actions and decision-making processes should be open and accessible to the public. Another key principle is accountability. This means that government officials and institutions should be accountable to the people they serve. They should be able to justify their actions and decisions, and be held accountable….

We Need New Names

Darling's struggle with her displacement in the United States towards the end of the novel. How does she deal with her conflicted sense of identity? hy do the following words spoken by Chipo cause her so much distress? "If it's your country, you have to love it to live in it and not leave it. You have to fight for it no matter what, to make it right... You left it, Darling, my dear, you left the house burning and you have the guts to tell me, in that stupid accent that you were not even born with, that doesn't even suit you, that this is your country?" (288). Is she American, Zimbabwean? Both?
From early in the novel, it is crystal clear that Darling is spiritually independent and clearly not tied to any national identity. She asserts her determination to move to America and live with Aunt Fostalina, as….

Sociology Politics

genetically modified (GM) foods in the last half of the 20th century created a whirlwind of controversy in the developed. Critics argue that genetically modified foods are unnatural and unsafe, while supporters note that genetically modified foods can improve crop yields, increase nutrient content, and improve food safety. Over the past decades, the production and distribution of genetically modified foods in North America and Europe has long been discussed, and governmental controls have been implemented. In contrast, many African countries have not had the opportunity to develop GM food policies. hen the U.S. offered genetically modified foods as part of an aid package to African countries in the past years, the act renewed the controversy around genetically modified foods.
This paper will focus on the debate surrounding the use of genetically modified foods as food aid to African countries. First, a brief background to the GM food industry, and GM….

Criminal Justice
Human ights Prosecution In Mozambique

Mozambique has a long history of human rights violation especially in subjecting suspects to undue prosecution processes. Within the renewed forms of conflict, the behaviour of Mozambican public prosecution office consistently violates constitutional protections of Mozambique's fundamental freedoms and rights. The elements in consideration include extrajudicial executions and deaths in detention of suspected criminals and excessive use of firearms and force. The current internal accountability systems for the police and prosecution do not form valid outcomes. There is minimal follow-up on cases regarding human rights violations by the prosecution (Michel, 2014: Barkow, 2008). The judicial disciplinary procedures and codes of conduct are not sufficient, as they do not adhere to international standards on human rights. There is limited access to a fair trial to suspects and plenty of injustices to victims and immediate families compounded by often corrupt and weak justice system and procedural obstacles….

Impact of Inflation on the Purchasing Power of Money
Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over time. It erodes the purchasing power of money, which is the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with a given amount of money.
How Inflation Impacts Purchasing Power
Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money by increasing the prices of goods and services. As prices rise, the same amount of money can buy fewer goods or services. For example, if the inflation rate is 3%, a loaf of bread that cost $1 last....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Zimbabwe the Caux Round Table

Words: 678
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In my opinion, the impact that Zimbabwe has on human rights relating to the apparel industries is given by the environment without rules (or rather with only one rule,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Zimbabwe the PBS Program Entitled Zimbabwe Shadows

Words: 789
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Zimbabwe The PBS program entitled "Zimbabwe: Shadows and Lies" discusses the major difficulties which are happening in present-day Zimbabwe under the rule of President Robert Mugabe. The man Robert Mugabe…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Global Wealth and Poverty Zimbabwe

Words: 1233
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Unlike its counterpart in Zimbabwe, though, the UAE has not been immune to the global economic downturn and its economic growth has been hampered in recent years as…

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3 Pages

Economics - Inflation

Causes and Effects of Zimbabwe Hyperinflation

Words: 1038
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Hyperinflation One recent case of hyperinflation was in Zimbabwe. This hit the country in 2009, and ended in 2015 when the country's currency was phased out in favor of the…

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2 Pages


Online Banking Services in Zimbabwe

Words: 569
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Similar to the service itself, its promotion is inhibited by a reduced expertise in the field, a low level of resource availability to support the marketing endeavor (generally…

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13 Pages
Literature Review


Exploring acculturation beliefs towards therapy for the UK and Zimbabwean communities

Words: 3827
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Literature Review

TitleA Qualitative Study: Exploring acculturation beliefs towards therapy for the UK and Zimbabwean communities.LITERATURE REVIEWIntroductionThere is an alarming rate of mental health disorders across the globe. Due to the…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Literature - African

Zimbabwe in Order to Design

Words: 1792
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Zimbabweans are very intelligent people who are now scattered all over the world as a result of Mugabe ruining their beautiful country Kaira). This report goes on to state that;…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Famines and Political Unrest in

Words: 2118
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The deprivation of the locals was ignored, and the government kept itself involved in the corrupt practices, 'since 2000, the government has been accused of transference of most…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System in Two Countries

Words: 4897
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Criminal Justice System Ever since gaining independence status, both Mozambique and Zimbabwe have come under the scanner for violation of human rights incidences and extrajudicial excesses. The under trials,…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Literature - African

Robert Mugabe

Words: 1910
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Robert Mugabe is a Zimbabwean groundbreaking political figure who became and still remains the President of Zimbabwe. He was one of the few figures in Africa who opposed white…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Locke the Ironies of Philosophy

Words: 1683
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Others might allege that Mugabe has held elections, unlike John Locke's legitimate sovereign. But the presence of elections does not necessarily guarantee the existence of a good and fair…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Public Administration

Good Principles of Governance in Public Administration

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Governance in Public AdministrationGovernance in public administration is an important topic, but in many countries around the world there is often found a lack of good governance. Zimbabwes public…

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2 Pages


We Need New Names

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Darling's struggle with her displacement in the United States towards the end of the novel. How does she deal with her conflicted sense of identity? hy do the…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Sociology Politics

Words: 2317
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

genetically modified (GM) foods in the last half of the 20th century created a whirlwind of controversy in the developed. Critics argue that genetically modified foods are unnatural…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Public Prosecution in Mozambique

Words: 1439
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Criminal Justice Human ights Prosecution In Mozambique Mozambique has a long history of human rights violation especially in subjecting suspects to undue prosecution processes. Within the renewed forms of conflict, the…

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