Mock Code Blue Lesson Plan Teach Student's Essay


Mock Code Blue Lesson Plan

Teach student's Purpose of Code Blue: This is signal given over hospital's intercom that a patient's heart has stopped (in technical terms, cardiopulmonary arrest). This can spell a critical moment when team of providers (i.e. 'code team') rush to resuscitate the patient. The color blue is often used to signify the emergency.

Mock Code Blue: would first discuss and instruct student through the steps then have them perform on a dummy and/or watch a video so as to reinforce experience.

If you're alone, call loudly for assistance, open the airway and assess for respirations. If you can't find any, ventilate twice. Place your fingers gently on the carotid vein and assess for a pulse.

Use a CPR mask and initiate CPR. Protect yourself throughout procedure from body fluids of patient.

2nd responder...


CPR board of crash cart is placed under patient; lock is broken on crash cart (by twisted back, bent, or snapped off).
4. Other responders arrive on scene; asks someone to relieve you from CPR so you can describe details of patient when found in critical situation. Move furniture to set up space for personnel and equipment; connect patient to monitor; set up an automated external defibrillator or defibrillator, oxygen, and suction equipment; open drug box; prepare incubator equipment; set up IN equipment; and bring patient's chart to room. Reassure patient, and, if possible, move to private room.

5. A specially prepared nurse delivers the defibrillator shock. Rapid defibrillation is crucial. Note * Make sure no one is touching the patient's bed, or any equipment connected…

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The mock code is different to the real situation, so enjoy if you can.

D. Students practice on dummy and discuss performance.

E. Would append checklist ( code blue drill competency validation accessed at ) to students so that they can go over the situation and record their strengths and weaknesses when doing mock display.

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"Mock Code Blue Lesson Plan Teach Student's" (2011, May 13) Retrieved May 1, 2024, from

"Mock Code Blue Lesson Plan Teach Student's" 13 May 2011. Web.1 May. 2024. <>

"Mock Code Blue Lesson Plan Teach Student's", 13 May 2011, Accessed.1 May. 2024,

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