Teaching Essays (Examples)

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Teaching English as a Second Language in
Pages: 6 Words: 1675

Teaching English as a Second Language in Middle School
The teaching of ESL (English as a second language as countered to as a language that is foreign) has usually been a specialized activity that is experienced by, if not preserved for, individuals that are conventionally mentioned to as native speakers that are native English. Since there are now a lot more nonnative language ESL teachers than there were before, the area of ESL, when likened to other subjects of this type of academic, has become rather distinct in manifestations of what its teaching staff can bring with them into the teaching arena. One feature of ESL teachers' experience that has a huge influence on student knowledge is ESL teachers' education. An overabundance of findings in general education has searched the effect and nature of the information teachers is possessing, who are a somewhat homogeneous group that is inside each topic area…...


Works Cited

Borg, S. "Self-perception and practice in teaching grammar." ELT Journal 11, no. 5 (2001): 21-29.

Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Drisko, J.W. (2008). How is qualitative research taught at the master's level? Journal of Social Work Education, 44(1), 85-101.

Gatbonton, E. "Investigating experienced ESL teachers' pedagogical knowledge." Modern Language Journal 7, no. 3 (2006): 33-50.

Teaching Machines
Pages: 3 Words: 890

Teaching Machines
Although Burrhus Frederick Skinner is better known for his seminal work in behaviorism, the psychologist also explored a first wave of computer science. In "Teaching Machines," B.F. Skinner (1958) proposes a set of technological tools that can enhance the learning experience and even supplant the student-teacher relationship. Skinner (1958) suggests that there are distinct advantages to using teaching machines: such as individualized instruction and student-driven learning. In "Teaching Machines," Skinner (1958) suggests that modern educational infrastructure is designed with a high teacher-student ratio. The high teacher-student ratio precludes the quality of learning typically evident in smaller, intimate sessions. Given that students do not reap the benefits of individualized instruction in American public schools, it only makes sense to capitalize on the use of technological tools. In 1958, when Skinner's "Teaching Machines" was published in Science, the author could not have been definitively aware of the trajectory that learning machines…...



Devitt, P. & Palmer, E. (1999). Computer-aided learning: an overvalued educational resource? Medical Education 33(2): 136-139.

Messitte, A. (1986). Skinner says computers aid learning. The Harvard Crimson. Retrieved online:  http://www.thecrimson.com/article/1986/3/6/skinner-says-computers-aid-learning-psocial/ 

Skinner, B.F. (1958). Teaching machines. Science 128(3330): 969-977.

Teaching Philosophy Teaching Is a Conversation It
Pages: 2 Words: 610

Teaching Philosophy
Teaching is a conversation. It is a dialogue, not a monologue. When a teacher strives to convey knowledge, he or she must do so with an awareness of the student body's needs and background. Teaching involves give-and-take: even when lecturing the teacher must do so with an awareness of whom she or he is lecturing to. Do the students have special needs? Are they familiar with this period of history? Are they likely able to relate to the character in the story?

Teaching is also a performance. Like a good performer, the teacher must know his or her audience: their strengths and weaknesses, and what frameworks of knowledge they 'bring to the table.' Although the teacher may have to convey a specific syllabus of content, the teacher cannot assume that every class has the same background. Teachers must also have sensitivity and understanding of student's cultural differences, social and personal…...

Teaching Assistants The Role of Teaching Assistants
Pages: 2 Words: 572

Teaching Assistants:
The role of teaching assistants is to facilitate access to the curriculum, enable autonomous learning, and promote inclusion. During their work, these professionals sometimes work with pupils with learning disabilities, hearing or visual impairment, physical disability, communication problems, and those experiencing difficulties in behaviors. Consequently, teaching assistants play a critical role to enable a pupil to accomplish increased autonomy, greater social awareness, achieve higher academic standards, and feel a sense of belonging in the entire school community.

Since they are vital in supporting the curriculum, teaching assistants are usually mandated with the task of supporting planning and evaluating learning activities through providing support. Some of the support that a teaching assistant may be expected to give in the classroom during this process includes educational and social development, helping in the implementation of Individual Education Programmes, assisting class teachers with maintenance of students records. The other support that teaching assistants are…...

Teaching Is One of the
Pages: 64 Words: 17626

Finally, I am interested in whether or not there is a trickle-down effect from leftist or rightist politics style at the provincial and federal levels.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 There are two major objectives for this research. The first is to compare the level of motivation among secondary school teachers under the Vancouver British Columbia School District in Canada by their socio-demographic and organizational factors. My hypothesis in advance of investigating this is that there are indeed demographic factors that will have a significant effect on overall levels of motivation, although I do not yet know what these may be and I am prepared (as any good researcher must be) to find that my initial ideas are wrong. For example, I believe that I will find that female teachers are, on the whole, more motivated than male teachers because it is still the case that women have fewer career paths open to them…...



Adams JS. (1965), Inequity in social exchange. Advanced Experiments in Social Psychology, Vol 62 (pp. 335-343)

Alderfer CP (1980), The Methodology of Organizational Diagnosis, Professional Psychology Vol. 11 (pp. 459-468)

Alderfer CP (2005), The Five Laws of Group and Intergroup Dynamics, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Vol. 13 (pp. 193-210)

Annaraja P. And Jose S (2005), Emotional intelligence of B. Ed. Trainees

Teaching Adults by Griff Foley
Pages: 3 Words: 998

Opening up to students is very important for teachers. While it is obviously not appropriate for a teacher to confide intimate personal details to the class, or gossip about others to try to be more accepted, there are ways that a teacher can seem more 'real' to the students. For example, crying over something very sad or letting the students know when the teacher is getting angry with their misbehavior goes a long way toward having younger students see teachers as real people. These same kinds of things - made age-appropriate of course - can work well for adult learners, as well.
Many individuals who are a bit older also have trouble connecting with their instructors, because they are uncertain about what is wanted from them, and they may have trouble learning everything that they need to know in the way that it is presented to them. The way that…...

Teaching Scenarios V Scenario 3
Pages: 7 Words: 2730

visual cues come from students developing knowledge of letter/sound relationships and of how letters are formed what letters and words look like often identified as sounding out words
Example 2- Phoneme Awareness -- Recognizing Rhyme Assessment (Klein, 2003).

Instructor: Says two-three words that rhyme: fat, cat, bat

Model: These words have the same sound at the end so they rhyme; cat and mop do not rhyme because their sound is different.


Listen to these two words:

pail - tail.

Now say the two words with me:

pail - tail.

Do these two words rhyme?


Put your thumbs up like this if they rhyme:

Listen to these two words:

cow - pig.

Now say the two words with me:

cow - pig.

Do these two words rhyme?


Put your thumbs down like this if they do not rhyme:

Assessment and Additional ords:


rug-mug-tug hat-dress-dog pan-man-tan

Bird-book-look lock-rock-sock bet-get-met cup-dog-cat

Part 3 -- Theory, References- Phonics teaches English by learning to connect the sounds of the spoken language with letters…...



Anderson, H. (2000). Teaching Through Texts. Routledge.

Coulson, a. (2008). "Delivering Education." Hoover Institution Review. Cited in:


Dodson, D. (April 20, 2010). "Ready…Set…Read! Teaching Reading Fluency." Lesson

Teaching Children Dance Can't Dance
Pages: 3 Words: 983

An appropriate dance for a small, rural classroom in the Midwest during Christmas would not necessarily be appropriate in a multiethnic and multilingual large urban school, or at very least modifications might need to be made in the lesson plan.
Using the teacher's body as a presentation technique, and observing dances are some of the helpful suggestions offered by the book. Also, using the children's own innate sense of movement is another helpful suggestion. If a child can run, hop, jump and skip, the child can dance! Especially for the lower grades, such as kindergarten to 2nd grade, using fun tactile things like streamers and balloons, dancing in a playground, pretending to be clouds, rain, and waves are ways to use this age group's fluid imaginative capacity. Imagining being at a circus, using percussion instruments like people did in the past to provide rhythm for dance might seem like 'obvious'…...


Works Cited

Cone, Theresa Purcell & Stephen L. Cone. Teaching Children Dance. 2nd Edition. New York: Human Kinesthetics.

Teaching Special Needs Students John
Pages: 6 Words: 2296

A group approach is considered beneficial as teachers "need to rethink their traditional teaching roles and expand their repertoire of teaching skills to include techniques that help students enhance their comprehension" and students who receive individual attention may not retain it as effectively as in a group environment (Anderson 2006).
There are five and a half students with special needs in the United States and nearly 80% are educated in a general education setting. It is perhaps significant to note that teaching children of special needs in a classroom with regular students is not easy, but "involving a behaviorally or academically challenged child in regular classroom activities can be a source of frustration" (Hedge 2007). But this does not mean it cannot be rewarding or beneficial to all who are involved, including the regular students in the class if a teacher is properly prepared and able to address the differences…...


Works Cited

Alleman, Janet, Barbara Knighton, and Jere Brophy. "Social Studies: Incorporating All Children Using Community and Cultural Universals as the Centerpiece." Journal of Learning Disabilities 40 (2007): 166. 23 Apr. 2007  http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1233098271&sid=1&Fmt=3&clientId=77110&RQT=309&VName=PQD .

Anderson, Diane. "In or Out: Surprises in Reading Comprehension Instruction." Intervention in School and Clinic 41 (2006): 175. 23 Apr. 2007  http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=960626751&sid=1&Fmt=4&clientId=77110&RQT=309&VName=PQD .

Graham, Steve, and Karen R. Harrison. "Improving the Writing Performance of Young Struggling Writers: Theoretical and Programmatic Research From the Center on Accelerating Student Learning.." The Journal of Special Education 39 (2005): 19. 23 Apr. 2007  http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=833146191&sid=1&Fmt=4&clientId=77110&RQT=309&VName=PQD .

Hoover, John J., and James R. Patton. "Differentiating Standards-Based Education for Students with Diverse Needs." Remedial and Special Education 25 (2004): 74. 23 Apr. 2007  http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=594396251&sid=1&Fmt=4&clientId=77110&RQT=309&VName=PQD .

Teaching Ethics
Pages: 10 Words: 3725

Teaching Ethics
In the realm of psychology and education, moral education is continuing to be more and more an accepted subject. Several people in the U.S. inclusive of educators involved with education for democratic citizenship are underlining for effectual moral education of the youth because of an overall moral crisis confronting these youths. People are clamoring for announcing a moral crisis in our nation in the wake of media coverage of growing youth offences and other problems concerning teens. Although not all of these social issues have moral characteristics, and the majority has intricate origins, and an increasing drift is being witnessed correlating the answers to these and associated social issues to the imparting of moral and social values in our public schools. ut, deliberations of the part that schools are capable of playing and ought to play in the moral development of youth are now embroiled in a debate. (erkowitz;…...



Smetana, J.G. Morality in context: Abstractions, Applications, and Ambiguities. In R. Vasta

Ed.) Annals of Child Development, Volume. 10 (pp. 83 -- 130) London, England: Jessica

Kingsley Publishers.1995

Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books, 1995

Teaching Reading in the Content Areas
Pages: 8 Words: 3035

Teaching eading in the Content Areas
eading of content area is observed to provide some gratifying instances and also capable of creating critical circumstances. Due emphasis is being laid on reading in the sphere of evaluation of the developed contents at state and federal levels. The teachers seem to come across varied theories and instructional approaches while attempting to include the content area matters in their teachings. All the numerous approaches that the teachers come across on their path of through reading and writing are not found to be consistent to be adopted for content teaching. Out of them only the approaches constructed on the strength of strong foundations of researches and capable of catering to the high standards demanded by the classroom instruction need to be followed.

Simply assisting the children for recognition and grouping of letters forming words is not enough in the teachings of reading. Simply assisting them comprehend…...



McKenna, Michael C; Robinson, Richard D. (November, 2001) "Teaching through Text; Reading and Writing in the Content Areas" Pearson Education

Moore, David; et. al. (1998) "Developing Readers and Writers in the Content Areas K-12"Longman

Roe, B.D; Stoodt, B.B; Burns, P.C. (1987) "Secondary School Reading Instruction: The Content Areas" Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Ryder, Randall J; Graves, Michael F (November, 2002) "Reading and Learning in Content Areas" Allyn & Bacon

Teaching Besides Nursing Teaching Is Perhaps One
Pages: 2 Words: 686

Besides nursing, teaching is perhaps one of the most noble and worthy professions a person might choose. Indeed, those who have a particular love for people and children tend to choose this profession. For this reason, a particular kind of love for a very specific demographic of children is necessary to be attracted to the special education classroom. Those who choose to enter this field of teaching will not only need to be aware of the specific reasons why they chose this profession, but also the challenges involved and the skills needed to handle these challenges.

My main reason for choosing to work in a special education classroom, for example, is that I care deeply not only about education today, but specifically about providing an effective education for those with special needs. The reason for this is that, by providing such an education, we open up the lives of such children…...

The Significance of Teaching in Colleges
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

ImportanceThe higher education topic that I will use as the main focus for my course project happens to be teaching in Colleges. I chose this topic owing to the fact that teaching happens to be a crucial undertaking as it is on this front that students develop in terms of how they approach their practice and study as well as how they develop their way of thinking. According to DallAlba (1994), the deployment of superior teaching practices promotes the quality of education. Colleges can serve as bridges in the pursuit of further education as well as grounds for the formulation of skills for other available opportunities. One component that interested me in as far as this topic is concerned is the need to highlight the relevance of enhanced teacher-student interaction throughout the learning process. It also restates the need for teachers to be ideal role models. Both teachers and students…...



Bowers, J. (n. d). How the Bible Directs my View of Christian Higher Education.  https://bcsmn.edu/how-the-bible-directs-my-view-of-christian-higher-education/ 

Dall’Alba, G. (1994). The Role of Teaching in Higher Education: Enabling Students to Enter a Field of Study. Learning and Instruction, 3(4), 299-313.

Labov, J. B. (2012). Changing and Evolving Relationships between Two- and Four-Year Colleges and Universities: They\\\\\\'re Not Your Parents\\\\\\' Community Colleges Anymore. CBE Life Sci Educ, 11(2), 121-128.

The Challenges of Teaching in College
Pages: 4 Words: 1247

Teaching in College: An Overview of Different SourcesTeaching in college, even before the pandemic, was posing unprecedented challenges for professors. The changes in the curriculum, the increasingly diverse student body, the financial struggles of both educational institutions and students alike, and the need to prepare students for a tough job market are all examples of the issues educators were facing at the institutional level. However, as can be seen in multiple sources, the challenges have only grown during the pandemic.For the online publication Inside Higher Ed, Greene (2022) describes how college professors like herself were under increased pressure to teach hybrid online and brick-and-mortar classes in college. Students and parents felt that student should get their moneys worth, if they were living on campus, once the risks of the pandemic had subsided. But for students at higher risk, or who could not attend classes, instructors had to do double duty,…...



Greene, S.M. (2022, March 30). Hybrid challenges in the post-COVID classroom. Inside Higher Ed.  https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2022/03/30/challenges-large-hybrid-lecture-courses-opinion 

On the verge of burnout: COVID-19’s impact on faculty wellbeing and career plans. (2020, October). The Chronicle of Higher Education  https://connect.chronicle.com/rs/931-EKA-218/images/Covid%26FacultyCareerPaths_Fidelity_ResearchBrief_v3%20%281%29.pdf 

Onderdonk, S. (2022, April, 4). Adjunct faculty reflect on challenges of roles. The Brown Daily Herald.  https://www.browndailyherald.com/article/2022/04/adjunct-faculty-reflect-on-challenges-of-roles

Global Competence Teaching in College
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

Teaching in CollegeIt would be prudent to note that the relevance of developing global competence cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that we live in what has variously been described as a global village. As a consequence, we ought to ensure that college students have the skills they need to be effective global citizens. Indeed, according to Majewska (2022), global competence remains one of the most crucial 21st century competency based skills. From the onset, there would be need to first develop a concise definition of global competence. In basic terms, global competence could be perceived as the set of skills and competencies that further enhance a persons ability to succeed or thrive on the global stage. It relates to the development of awareness about diverse cultures of the world, concerns of global significance, etc. Majewska (2022) has also defined global competence as a set of…...



Haughton M.A. & Schodl, M.M. (2020). Preparing Students for Globalization Without Traveling: A Multi-Layered Intercultural Technology-Mediated American and Israeli Collaboration. Frontiers in Education, 5(24), 1-11. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2020.00024

Leung, F.Y., Lau, M., Wan, K., Law, L., Kwong, T. & Wong, E.Y. (2021). Promoting Students’ Global Perspectives Through Gamified e-Learning Platform. Frontiers in Education, 6(61), 1-13. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.617680.

Majewska, I.A. (2022). Teaching Global Competence: Challenges and Opportunities. College Teaching, 12(2), 75-82. doi: 10.1080/87567555.2022.2027858

What are the differences between the French Revolution and American Revolution?
Words: 417

While it is impossible to escape the similarities between the French Revolution and American Revolution and there is no question that the American Revolution helped inspire the French Revolution, there are a number of important differences between the French and American revolution.

Location was an important difference.  America was a colony that was revolting against a ruling government that was separated from it by a large distance, while the French Revolution occurred in France and was aimed at the monarchy in that country.

Social class played a much more important role in the French Revolution than the American Revolution. ....

How a slave narrative has helped as a tool for the ongoing movement of equality for the people of colour?
Words: 382

There are a number of fantastic slave narratives that really describe the experiences of people in slavery.  However, there is a problem with most of these narratives.  Written by former slaves, these narratives are going to represent a rarity among slaves because their authors could read and write, while teaching a slave to read or write was punishable under many slave codes.  Therefore, we strongly suggest looking at a more comprehensive collection of slave narratives.  Fortunately, the Works Progress Administration compiled slave narratives under a few different programs, most notably the Federal Writer’s Project. ....

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