Worldviews, Their Development, And How Essay

It outlines those programs and benefits to be offered on campuses to help service international students more effectively. Japanese students are here identified. Since they speak English as second language, they have more stress, requiring more time to read their textbooks, receiving the abuse from students that are enrolled with them in classes or who are being taught by them when they serve as graduate assistants. This causes miscommunication and a loss of learning comprehension. The fact is that the native born student may feel resentment about being passed over for assignment to the teaching assistantship when it is given to the foreign born student. A series of programs is suggested to provide cultural sensitivity for the foreign student and then a staged program series to help the foreign student adapt (Lin, & Yi, 1997, 473-80). Finally, the needs of students with special needs can not be ignored. Unfortunately, many times these students' needs are studiously ignored and the last to be fulfilled. Due to the stereotypes of Asian students as universally brilliant, little work has been done on Asian and in this case, Korean children with special needs. For the authors, assessment and evaluation provides a neutral yardstick that levels the playing field and allows scholars to study all of the groups equally and with precision. Referral and assessment ability is critical. Without proper assessment, the student with special needs will always be handicapped in his learning, whatever his ethnic or nationalistic derivation. The culturally sensitive institution will be knowledge of this and help bridge the gap via targeted assessment and testing (Park, & Turnbull, 2001, 133-34).

To review, language barriers, in English when spoken as a foreign language or dialect and the speaking of other languages, degrades the learning experience and fosters distrust amongst participants in the educational process. The successful crossing of the boundaries is key in the fulfillment of the mission of educating everyone equally and to the best of their abilities. A comprehensive world view is fundamental to the...


This concept is fundamental and refers to a very wide world perception. An individual interprets the world and interacts with it using their personal world view. World views are particularly related to speech and linguistics. In the past there has been a controversy over whether or not world view is predetermined by language and education. Whichever is the case, the process of our learning and socialization predetermines the way we perceive the world and reality. This predetermination affects the way we behave, experience our world, the way we educate ourselves and how we interact with our social networks and helps us to interact and engage with other ethnic, cultural and demographic groups, respecting in full the full rainbow spectrum of diversity.

Sources Used in Documents:


Asherman, Ira, Bing, John W., & Laroche, Lionel. 2000. Building trust across cultural boundaries . [Obtained from]

Culture communication and language. [Obtained from] 11 August 2010 from

Edmundson, Andrea. 2007. Globalized e-learning cultural challenges. Hershey:

Informaiton Science Publishing.

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