Analyzing Proposition 8 Passing Essay


¶ … Efficacy for Proposition 8 There are numerous points of efficacy in the article for this assignment about how the passage of Proposition 8 in California negatively impacted the lives of those who were not in favor of its passage -- and of those who are a part of, or sympathetic towards, the LGBTI community. The author incorporated a copious amount of quotations and differing points-of-view for what appeared like a painful experience for many of those in the aforementioned community. Additionally, the author was able to transcend the mere passing of this piece of legislation to emphasize the human repercussions that it produced. Ultimately, this article was effective because it personalized the experiences of many in this community, and emphasized the human consequences of Proposition 8's passage.

Nonetheless, one of the most cogent points of this article was its explanation of Proposition 8 and the various issues it encompassed. Explaining legislation in its proper context is never easy; in this article, any sort of sympathy or empathy produced by it was pendent on a succinct explanation of Proposition 8. The author was able to accomplish this task effectively by utilizing formatting that made it easy to codify the different elements of this legal mandate. This explanation increased the article's efficacy because it illustrated the fact that initially, Californians voted to allow gay marriages. Proposition 8 was only passed to usurp this precedent. Therefore, simply by disseminating this background information, the author of the article is able to convey to the reader that this is a tenuous issue which has produced considerable emotional involvement on behalf of both partisans. Additionally, this explanation helps the reader to understand just what exactly is at stake with the passage of this proposition, and how it could create an enormous impact on those who had believed that they had already gained unalienable rights to marry in this state.

Another particularly effective aspect of this article is that it underscores the fact that the psychological trauma and abuse that Proposition 8 exacerbated was not limited to only members of the LGBTI community. In fact, the article notes in multiple places that this sort of negative treatment was even extended to those of traditionally heterosexual people, who merely emphasized...


This facet of the article is effective because it helps to underpin the sort of negative treatment that this proposition worsened to an audience of straight people. Therefore, those people who are heterosexual but who do not take issue with same sex marriages can truly underscore the pervasiveness of the negativity that was partially inspired by this piece of legislation. The author denotes that "Straight allies experience the impact of homophobia firsthand." This statement, and the overarching point that the sort of bigotry that the gay community is exposed to is not just limited to that community but actually transcends to members of the general public as well, helps to denote the seriousness of the issue discussed in this document. It also suggests that there is a mob-like mentality of those who antagonize dissidents of Proposition 8, which could have dangerous repercussions for anyone -- regardless of sexual orientation.
Perhaps one of the most cogent points of this article revolves around the impact of Proposition 8 on children. Traditionally, children are regarded as innocent. This sentiment certainly applies to any sort of political situation in which children are usually viewed as victims of political circumstances, and rarely as the causes of them. The author successfully exploits this perception and utilizes it for the purpose this article in two ways. Firstly, that article illustrates how some innocent children are negatively affected by this piece of legislature. These children are innocent in the sense that not only are they too young to have developed a sexual proclivity of their own, but the majority of them may likely turn out to be heterosexual. Thus, there are elements of the preceding point in which Proposition 8 has created hardships for those who are not even part of the LGBTI community that found in this point about the negativity this proposition has fostered for innocent children. Additionally, these children are prone to witness negative behavior on the part of heterosexuals regarding this proposition simply because they are children being raised in same-sex households. Again, these children did nothing to create this situation, they are innocent of whatever tendencies their 'parents' may have that is deemed socially and politically deviant by those that embrace Proposition 8. Nonetheless, they…

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