Artifact For The Future I Essay


I would say that while the world seems like a smaller place, there are still problems and people still act the way they always have. There are still diseases we cannot cure and people still die. I would say that the one disease that began some 30 years ago in the 1980s has finally taken hold of the majority of the population. I would talk about how AIDS was once GRID and how heterosexuals thought they were safe but now everyone is a carrier. It is like the plague was back in its day, I would say. I would include pictures of empty neighborhoods, of houses falling apart because money for the medical bills does not allow for upkeep of any kind. I would show empty offices and buildings. There would be pictures of huge offices with no one at the desks. I would...


In fact, I would include a shot of my own doctor's office where, on a sunny Monday morning, there is standing room only. People are sick and there is nothing they can do because many simply cannot afford medication. They are too sick to work and there is no money for treatment, so it is like we are all waiting to die. I would make sure and show pictures of sick people trying to walk and I would include warnings that somehow, the future cannot allow itself to become like this. Somehow, there must be a way that mankind, medicine, and money can co-exist. AIDS might not kill your world just like the plaque killed ours but, if you are not careful, something will get you. I would try to save them from themselves.

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